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Locality: Red Deer, Alberta

Address: Linda Marie Clinton Red Deer, AB, Canada

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HERE IS MY NEW PAINTING & POEM CALLED { APPLES & CHICKADEES } Apples and chickadees, in our yard, ... Painting a picture to make as a card. Thay are tiny, but their vocal as can be, They are cute to see. Thay stick around for winter and eat the berries off the trees, Their alarm calls make a distinctive, free -bee - eee. They are curious and friendly wild birds, They're amazing, and a how they can live through winter, as we observed. They come to visit in our backyards or eat our hands, They look at I as they understand. Chickadees high up in the apple tree, singing their songs, All-day long. (C) OCTOBER 11, 2021 COPYRIGHT POEM & PAINTING BY INDA MARIE CLINTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


{ BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, IS TRUE FREEDOM } The road to self-worth is in our soul, In our hearts from young until we get old.... Freedom is not to listen to others who judge, It's our heart and soul, that give us a nudge. When we decide who we want to be, Our soul has the answers for us to succeed. Not what others think or say, We are responsible for what comes our way. To live our dreams in this day and age. Take one day at a time, and explorer, don't get stuck in a cage. (C) SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 POEM BY INDA MARIE CLINTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


HERE IS MY NEW PAINTING & POEM CALL HARVESTING TIME ( HARVESTING TIME ) ... Fall is here and the leave are falling, Before the reward we must labor, it's the Farmers calling. Sharing with family and friends. Making a living, hoping it never ends. Giving thanks with a grateful heart, The Harvest of Love is where it all starts. (C) SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 COPYRIGHT POEM & PAINTING BY INDA MARIE CLINTON ALL RIGHT RESERVED


Victoria Grant 1 hr Blenheim, New Zealand As we grow older, and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $1,000 or a $10 watch - - they both tell the same time. Whether we carry a $500 or a $50 wallet/handbag - - the amount of money inside is the same. Whether we drink a bottle of $100 or $10 wine - - the hangover is the same. Whether the house we live in is 100 or 1,000 sq. ft. - - loneliness is the same. You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come fr...om the material things of this world. Therefore, I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sung songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven and earth - - That is true happiness!! SIX UNDENIABLE FACTS OF LIFE: 1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price. 2: Best awarded words: "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food." 3: The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on. 4: There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it. 5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, You have to manage! 6: If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together! SIX BEST DOCTORS IN THE WORLD: 1. Sunlight 2. Rest 3. Exercise 4. Diet 5. Self Confidence and 6. Friends Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy a healthy life. The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for. Please copy and paste instead of sharing!


{ MAGIC OF OUR HEARTS & SOULS } Magic of the heart in us all, When are heartbeats, are mind recalls.... Our soul is magic giving wings to the spiritual realm, A mystical dimension of good and evil is all around. Magic is the art of creativity, The power of thought is in our possibilities. When we see darkness through our weary eyes, Look for the magic in disguise. We are extraordinary human beings, The magic of our hearts and souls is the key. Sharing knowledge wherever we go, Sharing our magic is our gold. (C) JANUARY 17, 2021 COPYRIGHT POEM BY INDA MARIE CLINTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


1. Onions have anti-biotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, and carminative properties to help you stay away from infections. 2. Onions are rich in sulphur, fibers, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C and they are low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. 3. It is an immediate cure for fever, common cold, cough, sore throat, allergies, etc. A mixture of onion juice and honey can cure these problems easily. 4. A small piece of onion can work against side effects of fever if it’s kept on the... forehead. 5. A small piece of onion when inhaled can stop or slow down the bleeding through the nose. 6. An onion a day can cure insomnia or sleeping disorders. This will surely give you a good night's sleep. 7. Onions can improve the digestive system. If you have a digestion problem, then onions can cure it by increasing the release of digestion juices. 8. Onion juice can cure burnt skin or an insect bite or a bee bite. It may burn more but it can heal it very effectively. 9. Onions can be used to prevent cancers. It works against head, neck, and colon cancers. 10. You can protect yourself from Osteoporosis and Atherosclerosis by consuming onions daily. 11. Onions increase insulin in the body and also treats diabetes by controlling the sugar levels in the blood. 12. The bad cholesterol that causes heart problems can be burnt or removed if onions are consumed daily. It keeps you stay safe from coronary diseases and also protects good cholesterol. 13. Inflammation from Arthritis in the joints which can be healed with onions. 14. There is a small trick with onions to get some relief from body pains. Onions should be fried in sesame or castor oil and can be used to heal any aches. 15. One of the well-known tricks to remove dark patches or pigments on your face is to apply onion and turmeric juice on that area. 16. Onion juice is also used to cure ear and eye problems. This juice is used for infants as eye drops for clear vision. 17. This is also used for toothaches and tooth decaying. 18. Onions have rejuvenation properties on the body tissues. 19. For a few types of moles, onion juice works efficiently by removing them. 20. For good memory and a strong nervous system, consuming onions is your best bet. 21. Onions cure menstrual disorders. Raw onions should be consumed before a few days at the beginning of your cycle. 22. Use onion juice on the hair or the scalp to get rid of lice and hair fall. This is one of the most prominent onion benefits for hair. 23. Onions contain water, protein, fats, starch, fibers, minerals, calcium, vitamin C, iron, and B complex. See more


Here is my new picture I painted tonight. { Paris In The Rain }


This is written by Debi Lynn. The respect is gone. The appreciation is gone. The understanding and patience is gone. The thank you so much for working through this has been replaced by this is ridiculous.... Understandably the frustration felt by patients and their relatives is at an all time high. The annoyed eye rolls and huffy sighs when you tell them it shouldn’t be much longer, we are doing the best that we can are really starting to chip away at our morale. The free coffee and meals are a thing of the past. Not sure when I last heard a Thank You. The hotel lights in the shape of hearts aren’t on anymore. The neighbors that waved us off to work and told us to stay safe have gone back inside. And the local news is back to pointing out our short comings even though the number of patients that we care for has doubled. We are still here. We are still fighting. We are working harder than we ever have. We are exhausted. We are frustrated. We cannot sleep because we cannot forget all that we’ve seen. We are frightened because we may take this home to our Minions and our family. We are so emotionally and physically drained. We are skipping breaks and eating whatever is handy just to keep us going. We are a service that keeps on serving.....compassion, care and sometimes a simple hand to hold on to. We are going in early and coming home late. We are working too many double shifts. We are missing time with our families. We will never be the same. We are doing THE. BEST. THAT. WE. CAN. We aren’t healthcare heroes anymore. We have become slaves to this pandemic, and it is really exhausting.


Here my winter Cardinals I painted tonight


Here is another picture I have painted tonight, called ( PERIWINKLE FROST )


{ THANK YOU ANGELS } Thank you, Angels, for being here for me after my surgery, It was a hard few days, I will admit.... Asking for more healing prayers, because I was weak I could not stand up on my own feet. Thank you Namaste for your beautiful page, Helping me to reach out to more Angels throughout the day as I pray. All your names I will never forget Including the friends on my page. Sending me healing prayers with love, light, and Angel hugs, For all prayer warriors, praying behind the scenes, thank you very much. Getting better every day, love and light God bless you all, I will never forget any of you. Thank you, Angeles (C) NOVEMBER 20, 2016 COPYRIGHT POEM & PICTURE BY INDA MARIE CLINTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


My Island Home" as written by PEI soldier Daniel W. McInnis., who sadly did not make it back home. R.I.P.


Good morning my dear family and friends, here is another I have done tonight called the { CHILLY OWL }


Another picture I just got done painting, call { SUNSET SAILING }


Just finished another painting, call { Pearl Of The Sea }


{ THE CHILD WITHIN } The child within me is ageless, I am adventurous, and my love is contagious.... My soul is free to roam, I look and see all the beautiful rainbows. I have magic in my souls, My love is unconditional where ever we go. My child within, nothing is impossible, My soul is unstoppable. I never stop question what life is about, My mind is innocent without a doubt. I will never let my inner child die, My soul is ageless, as time goes by. I let my inner child grow. I let your creativity flow. (C) NOVEMBER 8, 2020 COPYRIGHT POEM BY INDA MARIE CLINTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED