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CERBA 04.03.2021

CANADA EURASIA AI MATCHMAKING CAMPAIGN The artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning revolution are well underway, and Canada is at its forefront. Canada was the first country in the world to announce a national strategy for AI back in March 2017. From top-ranked educational institutions and market-leading tech companies to world-renowned researchers, Canada’s AI ecosystems are leading global AI developments. Canadian AI ecosystem is currently composed of more than 8...50 start-up companies, 20 public research labs, 75 incubators and accelerators, and 60 groups of investors from across the country, grouped in major hubs such as Montreal, Toronto, Waterloo, Edmonton, and Vancouver. As international and multi-stakeholder collaborations are critical to the responsible use and development of AI based on shared values (human rights, diversity, inclusion, innovation, and economic growth), CERBA is proud to make its input to nourish shared values between Canada and Eurasian countries and foster their collaboration in the field of AI. What’s in it for you? Establish contacts with Canadian entities that prioritize and lead AI research and development Tap into a growing AI talent pool Advance and leverage national AI research capabilities in various industries (drug discovery, machine learning for health, autonomous vehicles, material discovery, human AI interaction, etc) Partner with leading Canadian AI research institutes on new technology developments Get trained in AI Invest in Canada Get a job in the field of AI The CANADA EURASIA AI MATCHMAKING CAMPAIGN is scheduled in two sessions. For more info and registration, please click the link https://www.cerbanet.org/event-4115206

CERBA 13.02.2021

TOMORROW November 10 at 9 am EST CERBA is hosting a Virtual roundtable with Alexey Gruzdev, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation With this venue, we aim to support Canadian companies and review the current collaboration opportunities between Russia and Canada. Among the key participants of the round table are ... - Alison LeClaire, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to the Russian Federation, - Gilles Breton, CERBA National Chairman, - Nathan Hunt, Founder and Moscow Chair of CERBA, - representatives of the key Canadian players on the Russian market Kinross Gold, Bombardier, BRP, Buhler, Viking Air, Hatch, Geometrik Manufacturing Inc., McCain Foods, Champion Petfoods. To submit your questions to the Deputy Minister, please send your request to [email protected] For more info, registration, and collaboration opportunities, please follow this link https://cerbanet.org/event-4039534

CERBA 28.12.2020

It is a pleasure for CERBA to invite you to participate in the upcoming KCBC Transportation & Aerospace working group that will be held virtually on the 12th of November at 9 am Ottawa / 8 pm Nur-Sultan. We will be exploring collaboration between Canada and Kazakhstan in the following segments: - Governmental development programs and strategies in the sectors of transportation, aviation, and space. - Operation and maintenance of aircraft: technologies reducing the cost, digit...alization, data analytics, and software development. - Human resources development programs in the aerospace. - Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and cyber resilience in the space industry. - Unmanned and drone-based logistics systems. Remote (virtual) management and safety considerations. - Action on climate change: damaged infrastructure and environmental considerations. Please click this link to see the agenda and proceed with the registration https://www.cerbanet.org/event-3987439

CERBA 18.12.2020

Нейтан Хант - основатель Канадской Деловой Ассоциации в России и Евразии (CERBA) на Радио МедиаМетрикс. Поговорим о том, как любовь к русскому языку, литературе и культуре привела американца в Россию больше 20 лет назад, как иностранцу создать бизнес в Рссии, как основать деловую ассоциацию, помогающую налаживать российско-канадские связи. https://youtu.be/CE_9MMSTp_s

CERBA 12.12.2020

Kazakhstan makes a breakthrough in cargo transportation by water The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan informs that the agreement on shipping, signed between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community, will significantly increase the transit potential of Kazakhstan in cargo transportation by water transport. https://forbes.kz//v_kazahstane_rasschityivayut_na_proryiv... Are you involved in the transportation industry? On behalf of the organizing committee of the Fourth Session of the Kazakhstan-Canada Business Council (KCBC) and Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA), we would like to invite you to take part in the IV KCBC Transportation and Aerospace Working Group Meeting that will be held virtually on November 12, 2020, at 9 am EST. More information is here https://cerbanet.org/event-3987439

CERBA 22.11.2020

Are you based in Canada or Kazakhstan and involved in the transportation industry? Do you plan to grow your business in Canada or Kazakhstan? The KCBC Transportation & Aerospace Group is a means for you to jump-start the process or make it smooth. Here are the preliminary topics for discussions and further development: Governmental development programs and strategies in the sectors. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and cyber resilience in the aerospac...e industry. Operation and maintenance of aircraft: technologies reducing the cost, digitalization, data analytics, and software development. Unmanned and drone-based logistics systems. Remote (virtual) management and safety considerations. Human resources development programs. Action on climate change: damaged infrastructure and environmental considerations. Looking forward to your participation. For more info, please, click this link https://www.cerbanet.org/event-3987439

CERBA 17.11.2020

As the telecom sector has become the epicenter for growth, innovation, and disruption for virtually any industry in any country, CERBA invites you to explore how the industry is growing in Canada as well as in Eurasian countries. As such, we will be looking into the competitive dynamics and evolution of demand by service type and technology/platform across the fixed telephony, broadband, mobile, and pay-TV segments, and provide a review of key regulatory trends and the near-t...erm opportunities. Click this link for more info and registration https://cerbanet.org/event-3956418

CERBA 30.09.2020

The Canadian toy market is estimated at between $1.6bn-$2.5bn USD at retail value. Besides its deep integration into the global economy and impressive import volumes, Canada posses a pool of talented professionals such as toy designers, video game designers, product researchers, engineers, artists, model makers, toy and game observers, testers, market researchers, and safety experts. Russia on the other hand is also a significant toy market that has reinvented itself and is n...ow offering numerous incremental opportunities to toy manufacturers and to industry professionals as well. As the shift from the physical to the digital world along with localized and environmentally friendly production technologies are influencing consumer behavior across multiple industries, join us at the upcoming virtual round table entitled How the toy industry is fuelling the global economy and tap into the Canadian and Russian toy industry opportunities. For more details, program, and registration please click this link https://cerbanet.org/event-3873507 The event is sponsored by a Russian factory of wooden toys "Timber Group" looking for partners in Canada. More info about the company is on the corporate website timbergroup.ru.

CERBA 16.09.2020

А что если - существует способ наслаждаться материнством и отцовством? - возможно научиться родительству без гнева и тревоги? - конфликт отцов и детей - лишь чья-то неудачная практика и может быть разрешим и даже предотвращен? - строить и поддерживать близкие отношения в семье не составляет труда и доставляет удовольствие?... Почему же хотя сердце любого родителя и исполнено желанием воспитывать детей правильно, родители неминуемо сталкиваются с трудностями и проблемами воспитания детей? Кто прав, а кто виноват? В каждом из нас имеется потенциал воспитания эмоционально устойчивых и здоровых детей. Однако, большинство родителей неспособны растить счастливых детей по причинам собственного стиля жизни, собственного несчастия, собственного низкого уровня сознательности и собственного фиксированного мировоззрения. Не реализовывая себя на том или ином поприще и не достигая поставленных целей, родители принимаются с лихвой реализовать в ребенке то, что когда-то не получилось достичь им самим. Несбывшиеся планы выводят надежды на детей в разряд неумолимой ставки на них и превращают родительство в гонку воспитания вундеркиндов, вместо раскрытия талантов детей, познания родителями самих себя и наслаждения отношениями. Каким образом ребенок будет эмоционально и физически здоров, если родители сами таковыми не являются!? Отношения с детьми культивируется соответственно темпу прогресса сознания родителей. Сознательное родительство включает в себя переключение центра внимания с ребенка на самого себя и свой внутренний мир. Только тогда, когда родитель работает над собой, он способен создавать гармонию в отношениях с ребенком и условия для развития высокой самооценки в ребенке. О том, как работать над собой, растить детей играя и о будущем индустрии игрушек вы узнаете на круглом столе How the toy and game industry is fuelling the global economy. Бесплатная регистрация на мероприятие по ссылке https://cerbanet.org/event-3873507. Спонсором инициативы выступает российская фабрика деревянных игрушек Тимбергрупп http://timbergroup.ru/

CERBA 04.09.2020

Here' s the secret of the company's growth. At the core of Crafers' mission is a unique business model, which supports K-12 education and strengthens inter-generational family development. https://fluentinforeign-wordpress-com.cdn.ampproject.org//

CERBA 17.08.2020

ВРЕМЯ ОТКРЫВАТЬ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО И ФИЛИАЛЫ В КВЕБЕКЕ Канадская провинция Квебек давно взяла курс на снижение доли импорта и кооперативную экономику (инициативы Le Panier Bleu и "покупаем местное"). Дополнительно Пандемия и ослабление экономик стран-торговых партнеров спровоцировали введение администрацией провинции стратегии экономического национализма. Так, вводятся государственные интервенции (поддержка) замены базовой промышленности со "Сделано в Китае" на "Сделано в Квебеке".... А что касается научно-технологического сектора, то будут предприняты меры по интенсификации стимулирования внедрения зарубежных технологий и инвестиций в сферах - изыскательские работы, аэрокосмическая индустрия, жизненные науки, телекоммуникации, и зеленое производство. Как это отразится на экспорте провинции? Провинция продолжит экспортировать услуги, в основном таких индустрий как горная промышленность, биотехнологии, информационные технологии, программные обеспечения, искусственный интеллект, видео игры и визуальные эффекты. А лишь те компании, у кого накоплены свободные материальные активы будут экспортировать капитал, т.е инвестировать и локализовать производство. https://plus.lapresse.ca//5062d8cf-75a6-48cc-a23b-21195be1

CERBA 06.08.2020

SIAL Canada is launching its very first virtual trade show from September 28 to October 02, 2020! Did you know that cheese is the number 1 product most sought after by SIAL Canada visitors? With the ever-increasing demand for cheese products, SIAL estimates that the North American market will reach a value of $3.7 billion by 2021. Registration is open. More info is here https://sialcanada.com/

CERBA 21.07.2020

Top opportunities for Canadian businesses in Ukraine A recent study of CanadaUkraine trade patterns and tendencies found strong potential in Ukraine for Canadian businesses that produce vehicles, engines, turbines, airplanes and turbojets, petroleum gases, ethylene polymers, rubber, wood pulp, and meat. Canada offers more competitive prices for specific commodity groups that Ukraine currently imports from other countries. These products include air conditioners, unwrought s...ilver, cobalt, uncoated paper and paperboard, narrow woven fabrics, machinery and parts, forklifts, and other work trucks. https://www.tradecommissioner.gc.ca/canadexpo/0004892.aspx See more

CERBA 11.07.2020

Que faut-il pour gagner? Il y a beaucoup de sagesse à louer et à admirer vos propres forces et talents. Cela est crucial car comment bénéficier de vos capacités exceptionnelles sans les connaître intimement? Et les Québécois l'ont toujours fait d'une manière très délicate. ... Jamais ils ne se vantent ni ne dominent. Leurs capacités constituent une constante leur permettant de se réinventer et de grandir régulièrement avec leurs partenaires. Les Québécois démontrent que vous n'avez pas vraiment besoin d'être le plus gros pour gagner ni d’ être majoritaire. Ce qu'il faut pour gagner, ce sont de bonnes idées, de la diligence et du travail d'équipe. Gagner pour les Québécois signifie à chaque fois avoir un impact, et pas seulement courir après l'argent. Les Québécois et les entreprises qu'ils gèrent sont par définition autosuffisants. Ils sont riches de possibilités, de créativité, de grandes attitudes les uns envers les autres. Pendant que d’autres se cherchent encore, le Québec s'est trouvé et sait ce qu'il veut. Des informations supplémentaires sur les relations de partenariat de la province de Québec avec les pays d'Eurasie sont disponibles en anglais dans l'enregistrement vidéo de l'événement "The Quebec virtual networking launch" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wofUR_cA7Ag&t=1619s

CERBA 30.06.2020

Are you a seasoned entrepreneur seeking out business development opportunities abroad? If yes, explore the advantages of doing business in Canada. Extensive information about this matter as well as about mobility planning for entrepreneurs in Canada is accessible in the video recording of our recent virtual event "Doing business in Canada". Click this link to watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aXEsjlmg3c&t=389s

CERBA 14.06.2020

Компании принимают решение юридически оформить свое присутствие на зарубежных рынках по ряду причин: 1. расширение рынка сбыта, 2. снижение производственных затрат, 3. доступ к стратегическим активам (новые технологии, дистрибуционные каналы, стратегическая информация, талантливые сотрудники) 4. повышение эффективности. ... Какую бы из этих целей не преследовала ваша компания, рассмотрите перспективы ведения бизнеса в канадской провинции Квебек и г. Монреале. Регион Большой Монреаль является центром притока иностранных инвестиций по всем указанным выше причинам уже более 25 лет. Подробнее на нашем канале YouTube в записи мероприятия "The Quebec virtual networking launch" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wofUR_cA7Ag&t=1s

CERBA 17.05.2020

Today, there are 684 resident companies in Belarus Hi-Tech Park which are engaged in high-end software development, customization, and IT services delivery for clients in more than 67 countries of the world. 82 companies have joined the Hi-Tech Park just this year. The new residents specialize in healthcare, consulting, gaming, financial technologies, and online trade. In total, 26 residents have offices, branches, or clients in Canada. ... Source: http://www.park.by/it/enterprises/?query=canada&staff= https://eng.belta.by//belarus-hi-tech-park-welcomes-over-/

CERBA 29.04.2020

Upcoming project: Cooperation of Belarusian food manufacturers with Canadian distributors from ethnic stores to large retail chains Fostering cooperation of food manufacturers and food distributors for faster market penetration and an increase in sales is not an easy venue, as this involves establishing coordination and collaboration between competitors. The project's aims are to bring together Eurasian food producers and Canadian food distributors, stores, and restaura...nts to further understand the market and to facilitate long-term cooperation. The virtual event is focused on: - strategic collaboration between Canadian food distributors and food producers (this time from Belarus); - tips and hints on how to facilitate country-wide sales and provide a multitude of strategic opportunities for marketing and sales collaboration. For more details and registration, please click this link https://cerbanet.org/event-3888004

CERBA 19.04.2020

With EEU implementing industrial cooperation of the member states in the field of production of machinery, equipment for agriculture, and their components, Canadian regional managers began facing difficulties with certification processes. At the CERBA online meeting "New certification rules and import customs procedures applicable to agricultural equipment in Eurasia" held on the 16th of June, participants: - got updates on the recent legislative changes implemented by the ...Eurasian Economic Union in the certification processes of imported agricultural machinery and equipment. - discussed cooperation strategies in the Eurasian Economic Union, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. A recording of the e-meeting and handouts are accessible on our website for your further considerations https://www.cerbanet.org/event-3856367

CERBA 11.04.2020

The CERBA team congratulates its longstanding sustainable member Bombardier for another incredible breakthrough. We are proud of the company's success with business jets. The company is a perfect example of how transparency and care catalyze mutual growth. Bombardier has been exceptionally contributing for years to the development of economic relations between Canada and Eurasia. ... With Bombardier' s contribution of this year, the CERBA Chapter in Montreal and Ottawa has already held 10 events/projects for Canadian and Eurasian companies aside of all sizes and industries. More info here: https://www.fliegerfaust.com/bombardier-celebrates-entry-in https://robbreport.com//new-business-jet-into-servic/amp/

CERBA 02.04.2020

We invite you to catch momentum and explore the future of the aircraft industry together with Canadian and Russian manufactures and technological companies. AGENDA Session 1: The influence of the pandemic on the industry Session 2: The future of the Canadian and Russian aviation industries... Session 3: Virtual round tables and networking sessions in small groups with Canadian and Russian winners from the slowdown in the aviation industry New technologies to be introduced: - technologies to increase hygiene. - touchless seats that connect to Bluetooth on the phone to lower a seat back or foldout a tray. - more regimented boarding procedures so people aren’t falling over each other in the aisles. - facial recognition technology and tracking through customs and boarding at airports, so customers and staff aren’t touching the same boarding pass. - innovation to ensure peace of mind. - reduction of the amount of interaction with the flight crew. rapid testing for COVID-19. More details and registration is accessible on our website https://cerbanet.org/event-3855078

CERBA 14.03.2020

We are delighted to welcome you to the Quebec virtual networking launch! Here is what you are about to tap into. You will: - get updates regarding joint Quebec and Eurasia business development initiatives. - participate in random virtual networking sessions in small groups with Quebec and Eurasian leaders.... - renew business connections and establish new ones. - meet with the CERBA team. - sharpen your soft skills. - be a part of the Canada Eurasia business community. For program and registration, please click this link https://cerbanet.org/event-3860676

CERBA 28.02.2020

We are delighted to present to you one of our speakers at the upcoming Quebec virtual networking launch. Ruth Vachon, the president and CEO of the Quebec Businesswomen Network (RFAQ.ca) will make the presentation on gender equality and best practices in Canada and the province of Quebec based on the supplier diversity program. RFAQ is highly involved to help businesswomen to be able to become suppliers in large corporations. This is how they help businesswomen to create wealthiness in their companies and at the same time create awareness of the current situation with large corporations. For registration please click this link https://cerbanet.org/event-3860676

CERBA 23.02.2020

It was a great pleasure for us to see Eurasian companies and Eurasian diaspora sharing their experience and learning from each other at the Virtual consultation round of Eurasian SMEs. As both parties benefit from such a collaboration, we are determined to continue the diaspora initiative both for Eurasian and Canadian SMEs. We will be following up with each Eurasian SME separately and discussing the best ways for us to join forces and pursue development and collaboration. The video replay of the consultation round is available for your review at any time on the CERBA official YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2asrbt-EbBE&t=6179s

CERBA 19.02.2020

Посольством Республики Узбекистан в Канаде (с резиденцией в городе Вашингтоне) совместно с Канадской деловой ассоциацией в России и Евразии (CERBA) в рамках проекта Виртуальный консультационный тур по евразийским малым и средним предприятиям организована видео-выставка продукции народно-художественных промыслов и сухофруктов Узбекистана для канадских компаний-ритейлеров и индивидуальных предпринимателей. В мероприятии приняли участие представители более 30 канадских компаний и предпринимателей, а также 18 предприятий и фабрик в сферах продовольствия, косметики и детских игрушек Беларуси, Казахстана и России. Подробнее по ссылке на сайте UzDaily.uz https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/51576

CERBA 17.02.2020

Парадокс но новоявленный вирус подстегнул развитие всех тех процессов, которые мы наблюдали в последние годы, которых ждали, но результатами которых многие не решались воспользоваться. Традиционные консервативные бизнесы начинают осознавать необходимость перемен, к которым, как показала пандемия, они оказались не готовы. Во многих из них пострадали рабочие процессы: вместо того, чтобы просто начать работать с учетом новых реалий, руководители закрывали офисы или переводили... сотрудников на сокращенную рабочую неделю с обязательными присутственными днями. Они просто не понимали, что нужно делать. И теряли и сотрудников, которые поняли, что их в любой момент в этой компании могут оставить без зарплаты, и деньги, потому что останавливались рабочие процессы. А между тем алгоритмы перевода людей на дистанционный график уже прописаны, те, кто это практикует, с удовольствием готовы делиться опытом. Но ирония ситуации в том, что этот массовый исход из офисов показал начальникам преимущества новых трудовых реалий. Они поняли, что нужно меняться и создавать компании будущего. То будущее, о котором давно говорили, теперь настало и не только для малого бизнеса, который и так весьма адаптивен и способен работать из любой точки земного шара. За алгоритмами перевода сотрудников на дистанционный режим работы обращайтесь в компанию Герань и Партнеры www.geranandpartner.com. See more

CERBA 30.01.2020

It is an honour for CERBA to constitute collaboration between Canadian and Belarusian businesses in the forest industry. CERBA extends its gratitude to the Embassy of Belarus in Canada and to the Trade Commissioner Service of Canada in Belarus for their support and participation. Taking into account the wood cluster development approach and based on the feedback of participants, we revealed some opportunities within the industry and foresee specific developments. A panoply of... events that we project to run this year is announced on the CERBA website https://cerbanet.org/event-3816524 We invite you to directly communicate with us and discuss your growth strategies, sales, purchasing or technological needs, and specific interests. For your review, we have published a recording of the virtual discussion Exploring opportunities in the timber industry supply chain of Belarus and presentations of the speakers. To see the recording of the discussion, please, click this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6u18FhEs5g To download presentations, please, use this link https://cerbanet.org/event-3816524 We are looking forward to assisting you further.