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Emanate Fitness 11.05.2021

Hey guys please share ! Training is 60% off until the END OF FEBRUARY. During these tough times I want @akperformanceclub to succeed. The owners have been working their butts off to renovate so you guys can have the best working environment and focus on your HEALTH! ... I want to share this gym with as many people as I can so I am doing what I can to help YOU. DM me and I will get you booked ASAP Put your money where your mouth is if you really want to #supportlocal

Emanate Fitness 04.05.2021

3 Tips to Clean Up Your Squat. Tip ONE: Tripod Foot - (0:00) - You want to practice standing and exercising with three points of contact: Your first metatarsal, fifth metatarsal, and your heel. ... - Think about those three points crunching towards each other, this will lift your arch and activate the muscles in your feet. Tip TWO: Find Torso Position & Brace - (1:18) - Start with standing, put two fingers into the sides of your torso and take a big inhale. With your inhale think about taking a big sniff of air through your nose. This shoulder cause the deep muscles in your torso to push your fingers out from your sides. This teaches us to breath laterally which will help with our bracing. - To find the torso position we want to stack our ribs and hips in line with each other. To do this first take a big breath in and exhale until you feel your muscles contract in your abs (try to exhale until you can’t anymore its like your soul has left your body). Once you have found this stacked position try to breath normally while keeping the ribs and hips stacked, the goal is to work on bracing by breathing in all directions of our torso. Tip THREE: Foot Position - (2:45) - First start by placing your feet where you naturally want to stand for your squat, try this and use it as a baseline to compare other stances. Try widening the stance, narrowing the stance, pointing feet froward, pointing the feet slightly out. Everyone has different hip joints/ anatomy so every squat stance will be slightly different. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER - (3:42) If you need more help with this feel free to DM me for a free consultation, Much Love.

Emanate Fitness 16.09.2020

NEW TRAINING FACILITY I am now taking on new clients @akperformanceclub, it is constantly expanding and getting better. Very excited to get people in the gym at a time where building a healthy immune system is so important. DM me for a free consultation and movement assessment!

Emanate Fitness 02.09.2020

I’ve been self isolating by choice (and because I do not have a place to work obviously) for roughly 3 weeks now. Saying that it’s only been 3 weeks is crazy as it feels WAY longer. But the days themselves have gone by quick. I am grateful to be in a lovely apartment with two of my favourite souls. Without them this would be a different experience entirely. It’s a crazy time to be in and I know things could be a lot worse. But if you’re feeling emotional or not yourself that’...s definitely normal in my opinion. I think this is a major reality check for how much I (and most likely all of us) take normal life for granted. . That’s all for my little talk, if you read it that’s awesome . If you want to share what you’re experiencing during this time I would love to listen or share below and maybe we can all discover something about one another. This is only temporary. See more

Emanate Fitness 28.08.2020

Hey guys , I don’t have much to say. I’ve got a lot on my mind lately as I’m sure everyone does. Just hoping everyone is staying safe during this time. Stay grateful , do what you need for yourself right now, and enjoy time with those you love.

Emanate Fitness 29.07.2020

Until Tomorrow.

Emanate Fitness 19.06.2020

Messed up on my math today by a lot so I hit an accidental PR today - two sets of 295lbs x 1 . Over joyed and unexpected. . . . .... . . . Squad: @bigcat.10 @a_zander13 @h.brewster @typenner.32 See more

Emanate Fitness 06.06.2020

SAFETY BAR VERSUS BARBELL. . Why use the safety bar? . Requires less upper body mobility:... . It will be a lot easier on your shoulders, neck, elbows, and wrists. It promotes proper lower body mechanics because the t-spine and shoulders will not be an issue. On a normal barbell you need mobility in these areas if you want to be able to drive the barbell into your back and maintain an optimally stacked position. Many people will elevate and protract the shoulder/ scaps impacting the t-spine and causing compensation elsewhere. If you have shoulder issues I would recommend safety bar. . More upright torso: . Why is that important ? Well it encourages a more canister like position (ribs stacked over hips). Which means your core will be doing the work it was made to do. . Learn the concept of pulling the bar into your back: . If you want to barbell squat you need to squeeze that bar into your back, you want there to be late activation to keep the bar in a stable position (it’s not just resting there). The safety bar can feel awkward at first as if it’s going to fall off your back , and being that it puts your hands in a neutral position it makes it easier for the lifter to get accustomed to pulling the bar into the back (think reach armpits forward with hands following to create tension). . . . There’s a lot more to talk about the safety bar and the barbell but here’s just a bit to consider. If you want some help or have questions please send a DM or email me at [email protected] See more

Emanate Fitness 01.06.2020

WEIGHT a min. . Had a conversation with a client recently. Talked about how people so easily identify you with your size ... this topic could go down the rabbit hole but bear with me . Things like you look good did you lose weight? Is basically a normal greeting these days. Your day might even be considered bad cause you’re feeling more chubbs then usual. . Just writing this post today to provide a different perspective - trying to change the habit of commenting on other... people’s weight in everyday conversation. But why ? Here’s why: . You cannot tell much about a persons quality of life by looking at their weight : . That person walking down the street who is 200+ pounds who you might be calling huge may have already lost 100lbs and is feeling the best they have. That girl who you called tiny may be working hard to gain weight and has started working out too. Looking at someone’s size objectively won’t tell you much about that person. That person on Instagram with the chiseled abs may have a poor quality of life due to the amount of restriction it takes to keep that year round (I am not saying it’s like this for everyone). Point is weight loss/gain could be due to stress, disorders , genetics , disease, grief, depression etc. So starting a conversation with wow you look great, have you lost weight? May not be the best move after all. . Weight related comments could really trigger some people without you knowing: . Again , thinking of people with eating disorders for example - odds are you won’t be able to tell by looking at them. . It takes away from the meaningful things that actually matter, your size doesn’t have to be your identity: . Many people will comment on your size if they haven’t seen you in awhile .. you might not even notice how often cause it’s become such a normality. Instead ask them how they are feeling , ask them about their passions, how’re the kids etc . Surprisingly so you might have an amazing career, be an incredible parent or partner, have some hobbies that make you yourself (you know , the real important stuff). . There I go rambling again, hopefully that gave you a different look on things. I know it did for me . See more

Emanate Fitness 16.05.2020

Haven’t posted since May - Have had this topic come up quite a lot with clients lately and wanted to talk about the weight scale for a quick min. . WEIGHT GAIN - taking a look at the scale . The scale can be an extremely useful tool in a weight loss or weight gain journey. By taking a daily weigh ins to create a weekly average weight we can compare it to a week by week basis. This can help us be aware to weather or not our current nutrient intake and physical activity level...s are bringing us closer to our goals, or if modification is necessary (both are equally great outcomes!). The number on the scale can provide information to HELP with our goals. It does not DEFINE whether or not we are making progress. Gaining weight in one day is super normal and does not mean you automatically gained body fat . And vice versa, losing weight in a day does not automatically mean you have leaned out. It’s better to get a weekly average to be more accurate. _ THE SCALE: can help identify body fat / lean muscle mass in a long term scenario (day to day won't cut it honey!!). - can help us understand our digestion. Did you eat more carbohydrates than usual the previous day? Was your sodium intake higher than usual? There variables will impact the number on the scale the next day. - can relate to hydration! Water weight will go up and down - -> drink more water than usual and BAM. Weight goes up. Dehydrated ? Then it goes down. _ Other factors that can effect the scale include: fibre intake, bowel movements, sleep, stress, menstrual cycles , hormones, meal size &a timing. This will all play a role in your daily weigh ins. _ Therefore the scale is not for DAY to DAY progress, it should not DEFINE whether you are going to celebrate or beat yourself up. It can be a great tool to look at long term changes, to provide INFORMATION & FEEDBACK. . . . . Currently looking to fill up 5 more hours a week , message me if you’re interested in a personal trainer for a free consultation and movement assessment

Emanate Fitness 08.05.2020

SELF ESTEEM VS SELF COMPASSION . There was a time when I use to look in the mirror and look at everything that wasn’t good enough , I’d tell myself oh shit , I guess I just have a really low self esteem. But once I get my body like ___ (insert Instagram girl here) THEN I will finally love my life and be happy.... . AAAH there’s so much going on with that statement, I want to say so much - this honestly gets my gears going ! But I also can’t make this a novel so bear with m...e ... Statements like this are SO NORMAL. . My biggest problem with it is that I’m giving myself critical messages , I’m comparing myself to others and putting all my happiness into one basket. One thing that has helped me change my perspective entirely is this quote which I am about to share with you to hopefully change your perspective on the word self esteem that I hear so many people using, try replacing it with self compassion and here’s why: . Self-compassion is emphatically not self-esteem. Self-esteem is about self-evaluation, your perceived value as a human being, which is often contingent upon your sense of personal success in comparison with others. Self-compassion, by contrast, is unconditional and nonevaluative. We can have self-compassion when we’re doing well and when we’re strugglingbecause life has treated us harshly or because we made a mistake. - Emily Nagoski . Everyone is going through their own challenges and meaningful life experiences. When it comes to fitness especially , try to treat yourself with some self-compassion. This is YOUR journey and it will evolve how ever it is best for YOU. Changing your mindset this way can be helpful. . That’s my rant for the day, much love See more

Emanate Fitness 03.05.2020

BENT OVER BARBELL ROW WITH BAND ATTACHMENT. . This has been my recent favorite rowing variation ! . THE BENEFITS:... . Crushes the upper back - resisting the band forces you to fully retract and depress your shoulder blades in order to keep the position. Having the shoulders depressed properly will light up the lats more! - You’re using two resistances (the band and barbell), giving a different stimulus for the back. . Cleans up your form/ makes it hard to cheat - the scapular depression I mentioned earlier will help to prevent your elbows from flaring out too much. I also find that it prevents your elbows from flying past your torso unnecessarily. Lastly if you flex your spine at all (bend in the back) this probably means you’re moving forward too much and you will lose balance letting you know you’re in the wrong position . . . . . If you have more questions or are interested in a free consultation. Message me at [email protected] or send me a DM. See more

Emanate Fitness 17.04.2020

MAKING A HABIT. . I read that habits can make up to about 40% of our daily behaviors. There are a lot of suggestions on the best ways to make new habits. Like do it for 21 days and you’ll have a new habit type of deal. For some people this may work. But I think it puts too much expectation on being perfect for 21 days that it can encourage that all or nothing mentality. As I personally want to make a few changes I thought I’d share some tips I’m going to be trying myself th...is month. . START SMALL - I mean like super tiny... the new habit you choose should require very little effort. When this happens it’s not something you can say no to. For example , let’s say you want to meditate 20 min in the morning and 20 min at night , well that’s 40 min of new commitment per day you didn’t use to do. Instead make it small start with 1 min only in the morning - I know this seems silly but it’s just 1 min so how can you say no to that ? You can get this done without relying on motivation on days you don’t feel like it: . BUILD UP SMALL AND BREAK INTO SMALL CHUNKS - Let’s say you’ve been successful with 1 min meditation in the morning, start to build small by adding 1 min to your morning meditation every couple days or week (the biggest thing is consistency). Now you’ve built up to let’s say your 20 min in the morning . Now split it up !! Do 10 min in the morning and 10min before bed , or 15min in the morning and 5 min , you do what you can - just make it feel easy ! . BE PATIENT - yes you will fail from time to time , the biggest thing is to learn how to prepare for when that happens and get back on track ASAP. Go slow with what you want to start because in the beginning you want it to feel EASY. . . . . Hope this helps , much love See more

Emanate Fitness 28.03.2020

SQUAT VS HIP THRUST. . You’ll often find some people preaching that you should only do hip thrusts to build a booty meanwhile others say all you need is heavy compound lifts like a squat and deadlift (which if you see any power lifter they definitely got it goin on). . What you’ll find though is that both are right. For hip thrusts you have to be in full hip extension which means the glutes are shortened the most and therefore maximally contracting - this means a shit ton o...f glute recruitment. Squats on the other hand will provide more of a stretch and will have more eccentric stress on the glutes. . Point is : both exercises provide different ranges of motion which means your muscles are working at different muscle lengths this will lead to differences in how your glutes will adapt to the stimulus of the exercise. To get the most benefit and hit both the top and lower glute muscle fibers you’ll want do BOTH squats and hip thrusts .... . . . . If you have more questions or are interested in a free consultation. Message me at [email protected] or send me a DM See more

Emanate Fitness 26.03.2020

Insert inspirational quote here please... or a deadly pun. #tbt

Emanate Fitness 10.03.2020

This picture has a lot of green.... Happy St.Patties day .

Emanate Fitness 19.02.2020

Always smirking about something ..

Emanate Fitness 03.02.2020

Charlie and I wish you an amazing week... I read the following from my tea this afternoon, we all have to start somewhere, please enjoy . . . From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. - Aeschylus