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Locality: Wainfleet, Ontario

Phone: +1 905-386-1111

Address: 84008 Wellandport Road L0R 2J0 Wainfleet, ON, Canada

Website: gethsemaneministries.com

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Gethsemane Ministries 01.12.2020

*Readied for the Battle: Today’s Scripture: Exodus 13:17* God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, "If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt." *Today’s Word*... Today's Scripture says that God didn't lead the Israelites on the easiest route to the Promised Land because they were not ready for war. He had to toughen them up so they would be prepared for what He had in store. Don't get discouraged by troubles. Trouble is not going to defeat you; it's going to prepare and promote you for the battles ahead. You trust God when everything is good, so trust Him in the times of trouble. Believe that even though you don't understand the bad break or disappointment, He's still directing your steps. That trouble means you're on the way to your destiny. If you'll stay in faith, you'll see there was a reason that door closed and a reason you didn't get that promotion. God had something better in store. He's already lined up the breaks you need, the vindication, the funds, and the healing. He was using that trouble to move you into your destiny. *Prayer for Today* "Father, thank You for loving me so much that You take troubles that were meant for my harm and use them for my good. I trust You in trouble. I trust You when it's not happening my way. I trust You even though I feel as though I'm going backward. In Jesus' Name, Amen." #bibleversechallenge #Bible #catholic #peace #Jesus #biblejournaling #bibleverse #biblestudy #faith #biblequotes #prayer

Gethsemane Ministries 21.11.2020

*Prequalified for Double: Hebrews 10:30* For we know him who said, "Justice belongs to me; I will repay them." *Today’s Word* God has seen every unfair thing you've gone through, every person who did you wrong, every tear, every lonely night. He's your heavenly Father, and He knows how to pay you back for what's unfair. You don't have to live worried because God is going to make up for the wrongs that were done. ... The prophet Isaiah says that when God pays you back, "He will give you a twofold recompense." That means God will pay you back double. In the Scripture, it wasn't a coincidence that after all the heartache and pain that Job went through, he came out with double what he had before the testing of his faith. When you're in an unfair situation, instead of getting sour, have a new perspective--that just qualified you for double. They meant it to harm you, but God is going to use it to promote you. When He pays you back, you're going to come out loaded down with blessings. *Prayer for Today* "Father, thank You that You are still on the throne, and You are my vindicator. Thank You that You can bring me out of difficulties better off that I was before they showed up. I believe that You are going to exceed my expectations and amaze me. In Jesus' Name, Amen." #Bible #BibleStudy #prayer #bibliophile #bibleverse #catholic #bibleverseoftheday #biblejournaling #biblequotes

Gethsemane Ministries 14.11.2020

*Yes is Coming* Today’s Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:20 Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God's Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. *Today’s Word*... When the loan didn't go through or you didn't get the promotion you worked so hard for, it's easy to get discouraged by so many no's and give up on your dreams. But I believe God is saying, "This is going to be a time of yes for you--yes to the healing, to the promotion, to the breakthrough. What hasn't worked out in the past is suddenly going to fall into place. Closed doors are suddenly going to open. The favor of God is going to reverse the no's and bring you into your yes. *Today's Scripture* means the dreams God's placed in your heart, the promises He's spoken over you have already been stamped with yes. God has already set the date to bring it to pass. But it says God needs your yes to make it happen: "God's Yes with our Yes together makes it a sure thing." Put your yes with God's yes and watch what happens. *Prayer for Today* "Father, thank You that one touch of Your favor can turn a no into a yes. Thank You that I can put my yes with Your yes and see the no's turn around. I believe and declare that I'm getting ready for Your hand to bring me all that You have for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen." #bible #bibleverse #biblestudy #catholic #BibleVerseChallenge #biblejournaling

Gethsemane Ministries 09.11.2020

Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Today, December 12, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin first time on December 9, in 1531. Juan a native Mexican lived a simple life as a weaver, farmer, and laborer. That morning would change his life, as Our Blessed MotherOur Lady of Guadalupe-- would appear to him, bringing a maternal message of hope, love, compassion and grace. As Juan was climbing Tepeyac Hill On December 9...Continue reading

Gethsemane Ministries 27.10.2020

Saint Gertrude, please intercede for all our needs. Amen #saint #catholic #saints #saintgertrude

Gethsemane Ministries 25.10.2020

GOOD MORNING.Mark 14:36 Abba, Father,all things are possible for You. He our Lord and Maker deserves our homage and praise, yet He says to call Him by a deeply personal phrase! Call Him Abba father, for intimate He wants to be, a relationship like no other, for He loves eternally. Speak to God as Father, as a small child speaks to his dad, the most rewarding experience, the best rapport we’ll ever have had.

Gethsemane Ministries 24.10.2020

Join us for a live streaming for Friday Prayer Service at the Gethsemane Center. #fridayprayers #livestreaming #prayermeetingonline #prayerworks #prayerservice #prayermeet

Gethsemane Ministries 20.10.2020

Through the Storm Today’s Scripture: Mark 4:40 Then he asked them, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?" *Today’s Word*... In Mark 4, Jesus said to His disciples, "Let's go to the other side of the lake," but along the way they were caught in a furious night storm. The winds were so strong that the disciples thought the boat was going to capsize, so they woke Jesus up. He rebuked the storm, and everything calmed down. When we're in a storm, we often get upset and panic as the disciples did. "God, You have to help! This medical report is bad. My finances aren't making it. My relationship is falling apart." Quit being upset and losing sleep over your troubles. God knew there would be a storm before He told the disciples to go over the lake. When He puts a promise in your heart, all the forces of darkness cannot stop Him from getting you there. God is not ignoring your prayers. You don't have to wake Him up. He's teaching you to have faith in the middle of the storm. *Prayer for Today* "Father, thank You that You are not just the God of the start of my storm, not just the God of my finish, but You're also the God of the middle. Thank You that You are here to protect me and provide for me. I believe You will still my storms. In Jesus' Name, Amen." #blessed #bibleverse #Bible #Jesus #prayer #biblejournaling #biblejournaling #bibleverseoftheday

Gethsemane Ministries 19.10.2020

*Your Destiny is Calling* Today’s Scripture: Luke 1:5960 On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, but his mother spoke up and said, "No! He is to be called John." *Today’s Word*... It's interesting that when John the Baptist was born, the neighbors and relatives decided his name should be Zechariah, after the father. But even before John was conceived, the angel Gabriel had told Zechariah that his name was John, and he would walk in the spirit and power of Elijah and prepare the people for the Lord. We all have "theys" in our life. We should take counsel and listen to advice, but you cannot let other people name your future. Sometimes people will try to name you something you're not. They'll name you addicted, or average, or not that talented. Don't let them put limitations on you and convince you that you can't accomplish your dreams. The principle is: let your heavenly Father name your future. You are who God says you are--blessed, strong, talented, prosperous, forgiven, and healthy. God is telling you what you can become. Your destiny is calling. You have to believe it, then you'll see it. *Prayer for Today* "Father, thank You that You put a promise and dream in my heart. Thank You for calling me to my destiny. I'm not going to be moved by who's not cheering me on. I know You being for me is more than enough to get me to where I'm supposed to be. In Jesus' Name, Amen." #Bible #peace #bibleverse #BibleVerseChallenge #bibleverseoftheday #catholic #Jesus #JesusSaves #bibleverseoftheday #Jesuslovesyou

Gethsemane Ministries 14.10.2020

Prayer for Anxiety About Your Future. A prayer for strength in difficult times to help you trust God and his plan when you are faced with worry or anxiety about the future. #prayer #Jesus #prayerchangesthings #prayerworks #pray #blessed

Gethsemane Ministries 29.09.2020

*Peace Stealers* Today’s Scripture: Hebrews 4:11 Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest [of God, to know and experience it for ourselves]. *Today’s Word*... "The rest of God" in today's Scripture is a place where we know God is in control. But here's the key: once you enter that rest, you're not automatically going to stay there. Life is full of peace stealers. If you watch the news twenty-four hours a day, you will live worried, fearful, and on edge. If you get on social media and constantly compare yourself to others, you'll never feel good about who you are because someone else will be more beautiful, more talented, more successful. If you let people dump all their problems on you, they will steal your peace and exhaust you. There will always be people and circumstances trying to pull you out of God's rest. If you're going to live in peace, you have to put some boundaries up and be careful about what you feed your inner person--encouraging things that build you up and cause you to be positive, hopeful, inspired. *Prayer for Today* "Father, thank You that I can make it my top priority to feed on Your Word and be built up with Your truth. Show me where I need to put up boundaries from anyone or anything that steals my peace. Keep me free from comparing myself to others. In Jesus' Name, Amen." #bibleverseoftheday #peace #bible #catholic #BibleVerseChallenge #Bibleverse #hope #peace #biblestudy

Gethsemane Ministries 23.09.2020

Hi Everyone, Please join us for Friday Prayer Service at 7:30 pm today. Our Guest Speaker will be Domenic Inneo, a dynamic Catholic speaker, and a member of the Board of Directors of Renewal Ministries Canada. #prayer #prayermeetingonline #prayerchangesthings #prayerservice #FridayPrayer