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Kundalini Dance Temple 12.01.2022

JANUARY PROMO Book 1:1 Breathwork Ceremony. $125 What you receive:... -Guided Breathwork -Quantum Energy Healing -Intuitive Guidance -Sound Bath -Drum Medicine -Light Language Send message for more info and to book. Love, Tameeza Gaia Rose

Kundalini Dance Temple 01.01.2022

Join us tonight at 6:30! Registration closes at 5:30pm. https://www.luminousheart.ca/about-5

Kundalini Dance Temple 29.11.2021

Woot Woot! Start 2022 with a bang ! I am offering this limited time offer! Receive 4 customized breathwork sessions Sound Healing Quantum Energy Healing... Learn about your body armouring and energetics Clear old imprints and karma Activate your own Light Language And so much more ! Click link to schedule a clarity call ! https://shoutout.wix.com/so/2cNp2_Ji9

Kundalini Dance Temple 27.11.2021

The more they lock down The more my heart opens The more they say You cannot The more I say I Am and I will The more fear they bring... The more I will trust The more they say trust us The more I will trust on my intuition and the divine The darker they try to make it The brighter my light shines The more they try to divide The more I will stay connected The more rules they impose The more sovereign I will be The more they try to tame me The wilder I get The more they threaten The fiercer my roar The more they say bow to me The stronger I stand. I bow *only* to love. I am a free bird~ ~Dankjewel Rosanna Devi art: Benedigital

Kundalini Dance Temple 19.11.2021

Join us for this important conversation and meditation! Register at the link. https://www.luminousheart.ca/about-5

Kundalini Dance Temple 13.11.2021

FREE ONLINE MEDITATION DEC 29 6:30PM We all have been kicked in the gut since the recent announcements. Now is the time to gather in community so we can keep spirits high ands stay grounded. This will be a space for sharing, gaining support, being heard and learning how to cultivate peace through difficult times.... I will lead a meditation to support peace and grounding along with some gentle movement. Upon registration, a zoom link will be sent out. Please register at the link below. https://www.luminousheart.ca/about-5

Kundalini Dance Temple 25.10.2021

FREE COMMUNITY MEDITATION NEXT WEEK We must allow our feelings to arise and then flow through us. Do not hold them in an attempt to achieve false control. What is happening has been designed to destroy us. Once you can wrap your head around this, you can learn to take your power back. But before we can step into our power WE MUST face the emotional factor. We MUST own our own state of mind and state of emotions. We can be triggered, but we can also transmute our triggers. The... more we direct this fire outwards, the more it takes our power. It is a process. But we can learn. So as the feelings around this season and the new regulations surface within you, allow it. The ask yourself, "How can I redirect my mind and my energy so that I can be of service during this time?" No idea is wrong. Practise more presence, joy and peace. What they want is to keep us in low frequnecy, stressed, worried, angry, disconnected, numb.... But YOU are a powerful being. FAR MORE POWERFUL then them. And YOU can shift to any state you wish to be in. So feel angry, sad, numb etc... But dont stay there. Choose to move out of it and channel this expereince into one that will inspire others to also rise. We will not benefit from looping and blaming. And that is something I am choosing for myself as well as of right NOW. THEY CANNOT HOLD US DOWN. They're surely watching us and how we react to it all. The best thing we could do is show them we are still happy and thriving. These people in control are not out for your well being. They are here to destroy you/us. And by design, we get to choose if we will rise and grow into our power or If we will sit around acting like we are helpless. YOU arent helpless! RISE UP BEAUTIFUL BEING! We have been given a wonderful opportunity to come together and grow beyond this. I will be doing a free community meditation next week. This will open a space to talk about how we are feeling as well as remind us all that we are sovereign beings with great power to create change. If you're interested, please comment below or follow my page for more info. https://www.facebook.com/Luminous-Heart-445943122813098 Sending you all waves of love

Kundalini Dance Temple 06.10.2021

Random cuteness. You're welcome ! Hehehehe!!

Kundalini Dance Temple 30.09.2021

How's everyone doing today?! I am feeling so grounded, grateful and loving the glorious light of the sun today! Weeee heeee !! This picture describes me today... Open, receiving and delighted to be ME ! What are you greatful for today? Lets spread some joy!

Kundalini Dance Temple 22.09.2021

Who's ready to shimmy and shake into the new year ?! New events coming soooon! Stay connected beauties ! Cant wait to see all of uWho's ready to shimmy and shake into the new year ?! New events coming soooon! Stay connected beauties ! Cant wait to see all of u

Kundalini Dance Temple 12.05.2021

Are you aware that in between your thighs you hold a magical portal to cosmic yoniversal wisdom?! For a millennia we have been governed by the patriarchy. We have been robbed of our magic, our gifts and wisdom within. In these current times it is clear that wombyn are rising and the time for the feminine to take charge has arrived! How do you feel when you think about your womb/Yoni? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Or are you aware that you hold great power and wisdom?... Are you consciously connected to your womb/Yoni? Or do you feel disconnected and don't pay her to much attention unless its your menstrual time? It's common for women to feel annoyed, irritated and overwhelmed by the monthly cycle but are you aware that with womb work and intentionally creating sacred space for your womb, she speaks to you? I use to suffer from cramps, major fatigue, aggressive irritability and crave mounds of sugar. What if I told you that you can transform all of this and that being on your cycle can be a beautiful and sacred time to rest and feel things like peace, pleasure and connection! She will guide you through what you need to heal. My journey with womb work has become my passion, I have witnessed my shifts and the shifts of other women. I feel so alive when I speak of all the possibilities! I use to be a women who thought womb work was silly and it didn't really make sense until I received potent activations and deep remembrance of who I really am. Now I check in with my womb/yoni regularly. She communicates to me and navigates the way. It is the original way of being for those of us with a womb. The energetics of the womb is that of the cosmos! The Yoniverse is within us! Clear old trauma and imprints. Honour your sacred womb. I am so overjoyed to share Womb Healing Ceremonies with those who are ready to dive deep. I feel you, I'll see you soon. Email me if this calls to your womb [email protected] www.luminousheart.ca Love Tameeza Gaia Rose

Kundalini Dance Temple 04.05.2021

I have recently been anchoring in some potent codes for womb healing. I recently had a deep mystical remembrance of being a Womb Priestess. OOOOO WEEEE How juicy. I have been supporting women to connect with their womb and heal on a cellular level for several lifetimes. I feel a somatic call to rise into this role. It is definitely much needed. Our wombs are murky and need to be restored so we may step into our full power. Working with the womb is not only about menstration, ...creating life and birthing into the 3D world. It is a force, it is our power centre as the feminine. The space we call our womb is a direct gateway to the spirit realm and a multi dimensional experience! YES ! All this power right there and we have been so disconnected and pulled astray from the magic of being the divine mother. From this portal we can learn to embody our full spectrum of truth and step into our light body. We can use the womb portal to create worlds within and without! In the fall of 2019 I went on a sacred journey through a potent breathwork journey. I was sent into ancient Egyptian times and I was shown how I was a Priestess. I had a coven underground where we practised magic and tantra. We bathed in pleasure and bliss and our whole purpose of being a part of the coven was to elevate our human experience through activating our body and our wombs! Wowza! I had a full body orgasm as I journeyed and came back to current life with a gift of womb activation to share with my sisters. Since then I have deepened even more and now I am being shown that I must support to clear, heal and activate others through healing ceremony which includes honouring the womb in all its glory. How magnificent is this !? If this sounds like something that is aligned for you, reach out and let's start making waves in the cosmos! I am currently taking booking for womb ceremonies starting April 20th! www.luminousheart.ca

Kundalini Dance Temple 27.04.2021

Who's ready to take a deep dive this May? We will be working with 3 Goddess'. Isis Sekhmet Hathor Allowing them to work through us to release, upgrade and receive our next level light codes! See you there sweet warrior of light ... https://www.facebook.com/events/495580105180931/?event_time_id=495580105180931 See more

Kundalini Dance Temple 12.04.2021


Kundalini Dance Temple 11.01.2021

I know you’re used to being the shining knight who rescues the damsel in distress, But I’m not a gal who needs to be found, saved or fixed. I’ll always speak my... mind and stand in my own light, because that’s just how I’m wired. You’ll always know where you stand with me, because I don’t mince words and I’ll always make good on my promises. There’s days when I sparkle and shine, but there’s even more times when I rise and grind. I’m not always put together or have things under control- In fact, most of the time, you can count on me to be a beautiful mess and not even know what day it is. I don’t seek approval nor do I want permission. I am who I am, unapologetically and without expectation. Yes, I’m strong willed, brave when I have to be and fiercely independent.. But I’m also compassionately kind and lovingly loyal. I don’t turn my back on my people and I love very deeply. If you want to be part of my life, step to my standards, don’t expect me to lower my expectations. I’m worth every bit of what I want, and anyone that can’t handle that can see themselves out. Just because I’m smiling doesn’t mean I’m not crying inside- I have days just like everyone else.. I’ve just learned how to put on a happy face. I know what I want and where I’m going, so if you can walk beside me and give me your best every day, Then let’s go find some love, passion and adventure. Every day may not be a victory, but I’ll handle it all with grace and charm. After all, even Cinderella didn’t ask for a prince- She just wanted a night off and some killer shoes... the rest just fell in place. So, no, I don’t have a plan and I don’t have a clue what tomorrow will bring, But if you can bring your A game, respect and love me like I deserve, Then take my hand in yours and let’s go chase some dreams together. After all, happiness is better when shared with the ones you love. Can you handle my truth? |ravenwolf See more

Kundalini Dance Temple 16.12.2020

Happy Holidays beautiful tribe! From December 20th till Jan 15th, I am offering Quantum Healing sessions. $65 for 90 minutes. You will receive a reading/clearing, reiki and counselling tools to process and integrate. Sessions are in South Burnaby location only. Email @ [email protected]

Kundalini Dance Temple 27.11.2020

Your magnificent body. This is where we are born again... (-an excerpt from my new book, ‘Hearticulations’)

Kundalini Dance Temple 25.11.2020

As a therapist and spiritual guide having a intense human experience , I have made a big decision. I will not support toxic positivity. I am here to hold your hand and rub your back as you cry your stomach out. I am here to listen to the stories you tell yourself that keep you stuck. I am here to hold the raging storms within you and reflect back the calm as you roar through it! I am here If you want to face your shadows and and allow me to witness you. I will not fill you wi...th love and light until you have met your shadows and find your own authentic love and light. I will witness you with non judgment. I will witness you with unconditional love of a mother. I will be soft and gentle with your delicate emotions and I will also give you the stern push of a fathers love. This world is in chaos and I can continue to share my light filled reflections with you or I can start to share how I got to the light by facing my darkness. How I laid on the floor crying multiple nights, crying myself to sleep and holding on to the floor like I was gripping on to the edge of the world. My light has guided me and it has supported many beautiful people. I am blessed and grateful for these experiences. But in this timeline I feel My shadow reflections are going to be of much more value and service to support people. Firstly to recognize that your absolutely normal and whole regardless of what you feel or think. Secondly, I accept all your shadows if you choose to share them with me. We are so afraid in this culture to appear weak. But what causes weakness is carrying burdens alone. We all have shit. And it's ok. We just need to shift how we relate to that shit pile and shift how we relate to one another. Lastly, I wanna say that I have been on a life long journey of battling depression. I have achieved some wonderful things in my life that I feel are so surreal at times. I couldn't have done it if it weren't for the love and support I received through divine guidance, even if it was a quick chat with a stranger at a gas station. Choose support and guidance from others. Do not hold it all. Drop your arms, Surrender, rest...Breathe, trust...allow yourself to relax and meet your emotions. Everything must keep moving and flowing. Holding on creates the toxic ailments and baggage that create havoc within our bodies! If you have read this and you are ready to take a deep dive into your shadows, contact me, Let's do this together. Take a deep breath and open to what life is offering. Surrender into it. Receive what is your birthright! Big transformations happen when you courageously allow a trusted person to witness you. May you have the type of day that supports your growth.

Kundalini Dance Temple 13.11.2020

When you reach a stage.... (~an excerpt from my new book, 'Hearticulations')

Kundalini Dance Temple 09.11.2020

Beautiful beings! I am am offering free long distance Reiki till the end of the year. If you are interested send me a messageBeautiful beings! I am am offering free long distance Reiki till the end of the year. If you are interested send me a message

Kundalini Dance Temple 24.10.2020

Hello sisters! Just checking in.. Longing for our deep connection and ecstatic sessions. Reach out! lets chat !Hello sisters! Just checking in.. Longing for our deep connection and ecstatic sessions. Reach out! lets chat !

Kundalini Dance Temple 21.10.2020

I am offering Reiki by donations until the end of the year! Message me to book!I am offering Reiki by donations until the end of the year! Message me to book!

Kundalini Dance Temple 18.10.2020

Today I asked my body what she needed, Which is a big deal Considering my journey of Not Really Asking That Much.... I thought she might need more water. Or protein. Or greens. Or yoga. Or supplements. Or movement. But as I stood in the shower Reflecting on her stretch marks, Her roundness where I would like flatness, Her softness where I would like firmness, All those conditioned wishes That form a bundle of Never-Quite-Right-Ness, She whispered very gently: Could you just love me like this? ~Hollie Holden art: Slava Korolenkov

Kundalini Dance Temple 30.09.2020

Be aware off how your ego keeps you locked into identifying with your old traits. Perhaps you have already become a new version of yourself but still feel stuck because of the deep conditioning and your identity is tied to your wounds so you keep causing cognitive dissonance within. A lot of the time we want to change and shift but we fear the new identity. Who I am without the wound? Who am I if I'm not depressed or being a victim?? The idea of change feels exciting but we m...ust look at how we are keeping ourselves locked into old imprints and hindering ourselves from fully stepping into who we are beyond the wounds and old constructs. Next time you feel a jolt of joy or excitement, observe if you are allowing the full expression or if you are contracting to continue identifying with the old running programs and playing small. If you are contracting, you are in fact still feeding the old imprints. The quote that comes to mind for this is Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?" Quote by Marianne Williamson

Kundalini Dance Temple 20.09.2020

Ladies ! Who interested in sacred rage Kundalini Dance November 11??!! If you are ready to commit NOW, send me a PM to claim your space. Only 8 spaces available. Class will only commence if enough people commit. Hearts investment $30 North Burnaby 7-930pm

Kundalini Dance Temple 10.09.2020

From now until December 15th I am offering 1 on 1 breathwork ceremonies on a sliding scale of $130-$175 2.5 hour breathwork ceremony Quantum reading/clearing Intuitive/psychic guidance... Spaces will be limited Many people enjoy this deep personalized experience and hands on support. Reach out via email [email protected] and for more info visit www.luminousheart.ca Can be covered under extended benefits as well #breathwork

Kundalini Dance Temple 30.08.2020

Things are percolating about a Kundalini Dance Sacred Rage session. I am feeling my own rage paired with a collective bubbling! I think its almost time to gather and alchemize ladies! It is highly important to honour our rage and stand or ground. We are living in a chaotic time where boundaries are being crossed, confusion is at an all time high and our mental and emotional health is dwindling. I look forward to hosting this next event and feeling wildly connected to Goddess... Sekhmet guiding us. She is calling me to bring forth her medicine again. If you are ready to feel her within you and to unleash your wrath within a sacred space, she will guide you home. Lion headed Sekhmet is a fierce warrior yet also full of compassion and If you call upon her she will rise up to support your transformation. Shes also silly and comical. She is playful like any cat would be. She can play tricks on you but all in the name of leading you towards a great lesson. Feeling sooo ecstatic as it all comes together. See you soon my beloved sisters! Date and time coming soon!

Kundalini Dance Temple 23.07.2020

Feeling this today!

Kundalini Dance Temple 08.07.2020

In a time where the whole planet has been flipped upside down, It is important to make a regular practise to connect to your breath. The breath is the carrier of life. The breath, If done consciously can and will transform your life. It has the ability to expand your awareness and guide you to see, feel and hear how you are holding yourself from living a full life. Breath is Life. An ancient technology in which all the answers and magic come from within. Are you ready to disc...over who you are? Check out https://www.luminousheart.ca/sacred-breathwork-method Next Breathwork is Sunday Oct 25th! See you there beloved!

Kundalini Dance Temple 06.07.2020


Kundalini Dance Temple 02.07.2020

Beautiful people ! It has been so exciting and magical to support your 1 on 1 breathwork journeys! Whenever we come into sacred ceremony I am learning too. I am not healing you, I am holding a high vibrational space as a healer so you may awaken and remember that you are a healer as well. As I hold a unconditional loving container for you and witness you in your fullness, you begin to unwind and unravel and lean into your embodied truth! I'm feeling so grateful to have had t...he opportunity to come together and create healing portals. You are also a mirror for me. When I hear, see and feel you, I also hear, see and feel myself too. So if you have worked with me, group or 1 on 1, thank you magnificent soul ! When you show up to face shadows and your limiting beliefs, I also learn and grow with you! This is the power of conscious relationships ! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And for those you asking, I have 1 spot left for the 1 on 1 breathwork promo @$125 On Oct 1. Valued at $175 2 hour ceremony Breathwork Quantum Energy Clearing Psychic Guidance Counselling Breath is life Breath is love Breath is bliss Wishing you all a serenity Sunday ! #breathwork #vancouverbreathwork #breathworkvancouver

Kundalini Dance Temple 30.06.2020

Take a multi dimensional healing journey with us! https://fb.me/e/32Dwk2O0n

Kundalini Dance Temple 18.06.2020

This 1 on 1 is valued at $175 See you there !

Kundalini Dance Temple 06.06.2020

Vancouver Tribe! I am excited to announce my first breathwork in Vancity area! Looking forward to connecting with all of you! https://www.facebook.com/events/3522864357795129?acontext=%7B%22source%22%3A5%2C%22action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22main_list%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%5C%22[]%5C%22%22%7D]%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D

Kundalini Dance Temple 21.05.2020

How many of you would be interested in a Halloween Kundalini Dance?! Mystic masquerade! Oct 31 ! Message below if you're interested !

Kundalini Dance Temple 17.05.2020

I have 1 spot that opened for tonight's breathwork at 7pm. If you're interested send me a PM.I have 1 spot that opened for tonight's breathwork at 7pm. If you're interested send me a PM.

Kundalini Dance Temple 02.05.2020

OCT 1 KUNDALINI DANCE. A sacred space for womxn to dive into deep body wisdom. Are you ready to connect with your heart and all that she is whispering to you ? Do you feel a calling to be held in a loving embrace?... Do you long for sisterhood ? As womxn we have a unique opportunity to ignite our own inner healer. When we join in sacred circle, we support one another to flourish. OCT 1 we will intentionally sip on cacao and step into a heart expansion! Cacao is known to support our heart and body to open to love. We will explore the shadows of the heart. Holding each aspect with deep reverence. Purifying our heart with breath, sound and movement and dancing ourselves into Bliss Are you feeling the call sister ? See you on the cosmic dance floor! LINK 8N BIO LIMITED SPACE #kundalinidance #kundalini #dance #sisterhood #goddess #priestess #heartchakra #anahata #tantra #shamanic #healing #temple #sacred #love

Kundalini Dance Temple 29.04.2020

Beloved sisters, Are you ready to go deep into your heart? To Breathe deep into your souls wisdom and witness who you are beyond the constricts of this 3D world? We will take a journey together. Courageously igniting the pathways of the inner healer. Spaces are limited. The event is a powerful intimate gathering for womxn to connect back to "Who am I?" presence". I am https://www.facebook.com/events/1021238271623139?acontext=%7B%22source%22%3A5%2C%22action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22main_list%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%5C%22[]%5C%22%22%7D]%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D

Kundalini Dance Temple 20.04.2020

Are you pro vaccine? If so watch this! It can save your life! Wake up !!! Just type "Human 2.0? A Wake-Up Call To The World, Dr. Carrie Madej (mirror)" . Dr. Carrie Madej's courageous efforts to inform us about the dangers of the upcoming SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The facebook doesn't allow to post the link! You can watch on the YouTube this 20 minutes documentary. The concept of introducing in our bodies A.I. implants, moving humanity towards transhumanism ( half human + half robots). How nano technology and Luciferase are playing an important role on this vaccine formula. Very enlightening information. Knowledge is Power!

Kundalini Dance Temple 07.04.2020

YES!! so excited to be dancing with my sisters tonight! Tapping back into the bodies wisdom and hearing all that wants to be expressed! It's gonna be a wild one. Aaaaawwoooo!!!

Kundalini Dance Temple 02.04.2020

The divide and concur plan is working. We need to unite more than ever! Start opening up to new knowledge and information. Mass media is fake. The news is fake. The people in power are evil. Start learning, start seeing how compliance is slowly taking us closer to a prison planet! Shits real yo! This is NOT a conspiracy theory anymore! There are several videos and documentaries speaking truth. Please look deeper my friends. Dont trust mainstream anything! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF7HtXn0xrU

Kundalini Dance Temple 17.03.2020

1 spot has just opened up for Tuesday's Kundalini dance ! Either message me for payment or follow Eventbrite link to purchase! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kundalini-dance-reclaiming-the

Kundalini Dance Temple 15.03.2020

As I sit here eating my lunch, I'm staring at my precious dog. Thinking what an adorable guy. Look how he scratches his face....Awwww look how he curls into a ball and sleeps awww...listen how he let's out a long relaxing sigh..Awwww...well imagine a world where we could teach ourselves to see and experience other humans this way...you may say, its different with animals...well..the only difference is that we don't see them as a threat. We open up fully and unconditionally to... them...which is clear indication that we can in fact love unconditionally! So much between humans is meant to mirror, trigger and teach us valuable lessons. In that process we forget that we are all beings. Just in different forms...but still a living, breathing magnificent being that's worth being awe struck over! Now I'm not perfect. I hardly practise this daily. But what we can all do is sit and have a ponder. What if?..... The world would change immensely. We are all one, we can tap into a space so we can be in awww of how strong our fathers are, how caring our mothers are, we can begin to feel the warmth of flowers brought home. Or the fact that a sad person chose to smile, how we have this brain that allows us to think infinite ways ...the list goes on...there is always opportunity to be uncondionallly loving everywhere..we just need to tune in! Tameeza

Kundalini Dance Temple 06.03.2020

The glorification of busy is destroying many of us... (-an excerpt from ‘Hearticulations’)

Kundalini Dance Temple 01.03.2020

Now you can book your online counselling sessions through the online booking system! Use Calendy to book a counselling session from Aug 21- Sept 21 and receive $15 off your first session. https://www.luminousheart.ca/services-fees

Kundalini Dance Temple 16.02.2020

COUPLES BREATHWORK With so many partners struggling to stay connected and grounded these days, I created a unique ceremony for couples breathwork! This 3 hour ceremony is all about you and your beloved. Drawing on the akasha to learn about your soul contracts and joining together for a somatic release and powerful co-recalibration and co-expansion! ... Check out the link for more details! https://www.luminousheart.ca/services-fees

Kundalini Dance Temple 14.02.2020

Breathwork can be a mystical journey into oneself. If you trust the breath it will show you where to turn your attention so you may increase awareness towards the parts that call to be witnessed and held up to the light. We breathe to expand our consciousness through the body. We breathe to meet ourselves it our fullest totality. Each journey is unique. You are the the teacher and the student. You are your own ultimate healer. https://www.facebook.com/events/1299728277025981/

Kundalini Dance Temple 18.01.2020

Dear sisters, we have spent lifetimes disconnected from our womb and from our pure ecstatic essence! Let's join together to remember who we are! From patriarchal BS and religious conditioning the feminine collective has lost touch with what being a wombyn encompasses. Our power and magic reside within our womb. The very fabric of menstrual blood is in fact medicinal to all and imprinted with potent codes of creation! The journey into your womb and your feminity may feel dar...k and uncomfortable. So many of us have been betrayed by this masculine dominant world. Come as you are. Wither you feel empowered already and are ready to be a wayshower or if you step quietly and softly because you are afraid. Choosing sisterhood means also choosing your own womynhood. We are here to guide each other back home.... To the greatest wisdom keeper and teacher. The Womb Join us sister. And begin to step into your power. Learn what and who you really are. Kundalini Dance Sept 1 @7pm. Check out events page!

Kundalini Dance Temple 07.01.2020

Breath is a doorway to infinite possibilities and connects you back to your truth. 1 session of breathwork can be equivalent to years of talk therapy. By having a somatic release we work through the intelligence of the body. The body is where we store emotions and past experiences. profound shifts can occur and set you towards a path to more love and devotion to self! Join us. Limited spaces open. https://www.facebook.com/events/1299728277025981/

Kundalini Dance Temple 21.12.2019

The 8-8-2020 Lions Gate Activation~~ Been feeling a big surge of energy the last few days?? Hold on for the ride - it's a good'un! Lions Gate Activation~... Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called the Lions Gateway. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. The Lions Gate energy this year opens up July 26th- August 12th, with the peak of energy on August 8th! The Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation! This gateway is marked by an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth. It's called the Lions Gate, or Lions Gateway because it occurs in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun. When this alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening. Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius pour towards Earth, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun as well, aligning yet another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path. The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form. Leo energy that we're all experiencing at this time (regardless of your personal zodiac sign) is also associated with royalty, and so this alignment can be seen as awakening the royal codes of higher living which are available for all. This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated ascension This year, it's supercharged

Kundalini Dance Temple 02.12.2019

My beautiful SiStars. How are you feeling in your bodies? Take a moment and breathe, tune in. Are you embodying your truth? Or are you feeling contracted ? Check in with your womb. Place a hand upon her and breathe. She is the carrier of feminine wisdom and your guide to awakening your power and your life !... Everyday she is communicating to you. Asking you to listen and deepen into your truth. Are you ready ? Or are you fearful ? Observe.... I really cannot wait to weave magic with all of you who are coming to this session. Stepping into the feminine flow and giving ourselves permission to be in full expression! Through all our channels! I can feel the potency already ! Your body is calling! We are bliss, pleasure and joy. Let's remember together Goddess! If you want to join us in this journey please follow the link to Eventbrite my loves. Looking forward to holding this space for you ! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kundalini-dance-reclaiming-the

Kundalini Dance Temple 26.11.2019

I am sooo ready to gather with my ladies for Kundalini Dance! Talk to me sisters. How do you feel about this group event. Small group of 10 womxn! Any fears? Worries?

Kundalini Dance Temple 18.11.2019

Many of you have not been comfortable in a group setting when doing breathwork. I offer 1 on 1 ceremonies as well. Check out the testimonies on my page and get a feel for how you can benefit https://www.luminousheart.ca/sacred-breathwork-method

Kundalini Dance Temple 30.10.2019

If you've been struggling to stay high vibes. Check out these quick tips! We all struggle. It can be harder on some days to feel motivated to do "the work". This list is is a personal favourite of mine and rehires minimal effort for days you just can't seem to get movin! Let me know if you use any of these methods or please do share some of your own! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH0I8hfhY8o

Kundalini Dance Temple 16.10.2019

Take a listen to this beautiful testimony from Puneet! She did a 1 on 1 Breathwork ceremony with me and it was powerful! #breathwork

Kundalini Dance Temple 05.10.2019

Breathe to birth. It is an epic time to gather for this planetary shift! See you in the cosmos my friends! https://www.facebook.com/events/324502445618434/

Kundalini Dance Temple 26.09.2019

6 Spaces are available for this event! See you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/251748202917014/

Kundalini Dance Temple 09.09.2019

1 on 1 Breathwork Ceremony promo for new clients! 2 hour ceremony for $127 till July 10th! Actual price is $177 Booking spaces are limited. If you haven't experienced a personalized breathwork ceremony, this is you time to heal and indulge at the same time! As your guide I will hold you in the highest vibration and support you through a journey to meet your higher self. You may travel through different timelines and dimensions and have a deep remembrance of who you are! I wil...l be by your side assisting you in the shedding process and walking with you as you move towards and unfolding of your inner light. Book before July 10th! See you on the cosmic healing plane! https://www.luminousheart.ca/sacred-breathwork-method

Kundalini Dance Temple 12.08.2019

BREATHWORK PROMO FOR NEW CLIENTS! Hello My loves! I am currently offering a promo for 1 on 1 Breathwork! This session is a 2+ Hours of pure healing and magic! You will receive a breathwork ceremony, intuitive guided messages and energy healing. All catered to your needs and made to pamper you on all your energetic levels! Originally priced $177... Promo price is $127 Saving you $50! You can book as many as you like at this price till July 10th! See more

Kundalini Dance Temple 31.07.2019

Who's ready for Kundalini Dance?? How does July sound for the kick off this summer!?

Kundalini Dance Temple 24.07.2019

BREATHWORK IS BACK! Limited to 6 participants only. Please contact me directly for payment and detailed information.

Kundalini Dance Temple 06.07.2019

I have been guided to offer low cost Counselling for new clients. We are in times where seeking support should not be a huge barrier. I understand on a personal level as well how challenging it can be to seek for help just to feel disappointed because you can't financially afford it. June 1st-30th - 60 minute counselling sessions will be $60. Please don't suffer in silence. Its ok to not be ok right now and reach for support. Share If you know someone who is in need. Times ar...e chaotic and tough. We don't have to pretend that we are ok anymore. www.luminousheart.ca

Kundalini Dance Temple 04.07.2019

From now until September 1st, I am offering $25 off any ceremony. Looking forward to being your guide! https://www.luminousheart.ca/services-fees

Kundalini Dance Temple 15.06.2019

Hello Hello ! I am still offering free 30 minute readings! So if you or someone you know is interested, Send me a PM !Hello Hello ! I am still offering free 30 minute readings! So if you or someone you know is interested, Send me a PM !

Kundalini Dance Temple 28.05.2019

Beloved divine sisters! I CANNOT wait to dance in our sacred circle again! See you soon on the cosmic dance floor!

Kundalini Dance Temple 21.05.2019


Kundalini Dance Temple 07.05.2019

Free 30 minute reading/healings! PM For details Please share with people who may be interested! Thank you!Free 30 minute reading/healings! PM For details Please share with people who may be interested! Thank you!

Kundalini Dance Temple 18.04.2019

All the emotions on the spectrum are being triggered for people during this period. It's important to understand that the way one behaves during this time is directly connected to how they show up in life in general. If people are angry, rude and selfish, they have always been this way because of either trauma, suffering or of ignorance that already was present. These behaviors and emotions are real and need to be held in compassion. Sending hate on hate into the field is n...ot doing any good for humanity. We have enough hate and blame. Shift your mind and heart to be rooted in understanding, compassion and self responsibility. Blame only causes more pain and toxic leakage into our collective field. If people are ranting about individuals not practising social distancing, hoarding house hold items, conspiracy theories, vaccines ect.. it is a time to stand in your truth and allow others to stand in theirs. Even if this means that it is completely different from your perspective. Calling names, ridiculing, controlling, fear, policing and the list goes on....This is not your job. NO MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. Everyone has a right to say and do what is in alignment for them. If actions of others trigger fear in you, then face your fears head on..don't blame the messenger. Every thing you feel is already pumping and flowing inside your body. All others can do is push your buttons. How you choose to respond is up to you. React with grand emotions of blame and anger? Guess what? You've just given your power away. Respond with self responsibility and self inquiry, you will then move into a space of reflections and an opportunity to witness how you may be controlled by your sub conscious thoughts and past traumas and experiences. With the state of this world, we truly are being given a pause to go within and resolve aspects of ourselves that have been creating such disharmony and dis-ease for years, or decades. I invite you to choose conscious responses and lead with love. I invite you to take responsibility for your triggers and choose to transmute them versus staying a prisoner to them. I am Always here to support you. Reach out if you resonate with my post and would like some support or guidance. Blessings to all. Thank you for witnessing my truth.