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Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 29.04.2021

WELCOME TO MY PAGE... I write and edit spiritually focused recovery meditations and life experiences, past and present. I also occasionally offer Addiction & Mental Health Recovery Support on-line specializing in aftercare. This service is free of charge but I do gratefully accept donations for my work. I'm fifty-five years of age and twenty-seven years continuously clean and sober, which is the best thing that ever happened to me. My loving wife, of sixteen plus years, and I... reside here in beautiful Salmon Arm, B.C., Canada. We're so blessed... I've gotten a lot of help to achieve the inner peace and sobriety I have today. I give all the credit to my Higher Power and people like you. My success is mostly God's (my own understanding), not mine. I support whatever works well for each and every one of you. I'm definitely not here to judge or convert. Functional Higher Power's like elders and mentors have helped me out tremendously as well. My writing style is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand. I write for my own spiritual growth; if it helps you that's a big-time bonus. I rely heavily on spell-check, Grammarly, and my Thesaurus. If it wasn't for these three things, I'd have to go back to college. Lol... #bekindtoyourmind #addiction #mentalhealth #recoveryisworthit #endthestigma Respectfully Yours in Love and Service, - G - P.S. I unconditionally love you all, and there's nothing you can do about that. P.S.S. You can also follow me on these other social media platforms as well... www.facebook.com/groups/lumslovinmusic linkedin.com/in/gordylum twitter.com/GordyLum

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 10.04.2021

A SENSE OF BELONGING... Prior to recovery, I felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. I wasn't raised poorly, without love or a set of good morals and values either. I just felt fearful, uncomfortable, and different everywhere I went. My story is about a long-drawn-out trip to skid row between my ears. At the age of twenty-seven I was introduced, or perhaps led and shown the Red Road Way. It was here that I finally felt like I belonged and ultimately found my s...piritual home. As time goes on, the good path I'm walking becomes narrower and narrower which means I'm learning more truths about myself and the world around me. I sobered up in the winter of 94', and the obsession and desire to drink and use were magically lifted from me after attending my first sweat just outside of Davis Bay, B.C. Since then, I can count on one hand the times I've really felt like imbibing. Today, I have a belief and a trust in a Higher Power of my own understanding who loves me unconditionally, warts and all. I've been gifted this relationship that grows ever more beautifully each day through conscious contact, prayer, and meditation. It's the most important relationship I have in my life for I'd have nothing without it. Following closely behind is the one I have with my beautiful, loving, darling, and devoted wife, Mila. There are so many people, places, and things that I'm grateful for today, most of all healthy two-way relationships. I can't think of one that's still dysfunctional now and they used to all be! Prior to finding a place I belonged, I was irritable, restless, and discontented. I can't even remember the last time I felt that football-sized hole in my gut or the non-physical induced sweats. For twenty-seven years life was a constant struggle as were some of those early days in recovery. I feel I've paid my dues and then some. I haven't had a bad day since January 20, 1994. Lots of sad and challenging ones but if I want a really bad day I'll pick up a drink or a drug. I don't know about you but the first one always began the crazy races for me and where it ended was anyone's guess. As far as I'm concerned my dancing days with the evil gorilla are a distant memory. #bekindtoyourmind Respectfully Yours in Love and Service, - G -

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 23.03.2021

THE POWER OF "WE"... Where do most people get their direction?... Many people who've overcome some very serious issues practice a simple reliance on a Power greater than themselves. These are especially found in groups of like-minded individuals that have embraced a "we" concept. They often learn that the sole authority of a group or organization. is a loving God as He may express Him or Herself in the group conscience. The elder statesman, or woman, is the one who sees the ...wisdom of the group's decisions, who holds no resentment over his or her's reduced status, whose judgment, fortified by considerable experience, is sound, and who is willing to sit quietly on the sidelines patiently awaiting developments. The opposite is the bleeding deacon who surmises that the group can't get along without them and finds fault with just about everyone and everything. Into the fabric of recovery from the above-stated issues are woven a long list of spiritual principles. We don't have to be religious to embrace them. As my 'second life' life took shape, I realized that this new spiritual, not religious, approach of adopting a much-needed new personality was tailor-made for me. The elders of the groups that I found myself involved in gently offered suggestions when changing at the time seemed impossible. My peers shared experiences became the substance for treasured friendships. I now know that fellowshipping is key and I became ready and equipped over time to aid the struggling and suffering at all crossroads in my life. Trying to help another moves me away from myself and seemingly daily challenges. It has worked numerous times when other activities have failed. In a world beset by many problems, I find the assurance of trying to help another brings a unique type of emotional stability. I cherish the gift of recovery and healthy relationships that have come about because of it. Today I offer to My Maker an outpouring of gratitude for the strength I receive in the fellowships that I'm a part of which truly exist for the good of all. * From the book Daily Reflections (edited) 02/27/21 Respectfully Yours in Love and Service, - G -

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 14.03.2021

WALKING IN TWO WORLDS... I must honestly admit that most days I'm a little out of balance in this regard. Spiritually, I've worked on being fairly adept but when it comes to being up on modern-day current affairs and the news I fall behind most. I certainly haven't mastered living in two worlds yet but it's something I'm working on. With that being said, my wife and I have enough to eat, solid shelter, and a little bit leftover if something goes terribly wrong. Education-wise..., I'm college educated and forever reading articles to gain more knowledge. I'm actually somewhat addicted to learning these days. The old Gordy was very arrogant and ignorant. I had an opinion on everyone and everything without doing much investigating or research. The reality was that I knew basically nothing before I sobered up. I've no plans to change my daily routine too much because it is working very well for me and the people around me that I care about most. When I'm not doing The Creator's will for me (not to drink, do right not wrong, and if I'm doing wrong to quit it) I can feel it physically in my gut and there's a heaviness in my shoulders. That's a good gauge for me when I'm off-kilter. I focus on what the Creator has gifted me; all His life-giving forces and especially my sobriety. My relationship with Him is by far the most important one I have in my life followed closely behind by the one I have with my beautiful, darling, loving, and devoted wife Mila. Next comes my family, followed by my friends, and lastly acquaintances. I tend to value relationships over anything material now. To the young, I say get educated however you do that. If you're planning on having a family you will need a substantial amount of money. In these times getting a formal education is a very wise thing to do. Without it, employers will often not give you a second look or thought even though you may be very gifted and highly intelligent. As is widely known, the Native American race was just about wiped out by the white man at one time. I feel, like many, that the Aboriginal community getting a formal education will guarantee that this will never happen again. Things are already looking up! Let's keep the ball rolling, brothers and sisters. Remember though, the spiritual world and its teachings. Don't be too greedy or miserly on your journey. Respectfully Yours in Love and Service, - G -

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 11.03.2021

WHAT SOME SORT OF BELIEF AND TRUST CAN DO... I spent the first twenty-seven-plus years of my life primarily living in fear. I was pretty much afraid of everything and everyone, including my own shadow. Spiritually bankrupt, mentally exhausted, emotionally drained, and physically sick it is amazing to me that I survived. I mostly attribute this to having no belief or faith in a power greater than myself. Looking back, I believe I was led to recovery rooms. I wasn't smart enoug...h to see the light myself. No doubt there was always something or someone looking out for me even back when I was a non-believer. I believe there is a certain advantage in being agnostic when one first starts out. In my case, I got to start from scratch in regards to accepting an all-powerful force. I had no preconceived ideas about religion for example. All I was told that I needed was truly an open mind so I worked hard on that. Desperation is what forced me to change my thinking and behaviour. I'm a veteran of thirteen psychiatric wards and two suicide attempts so I had limited reservations about what my recovery mentors and peers were trying to teach me. A cat is said to have nine lives. I've definitely used up all of mine and then some. Still to this day, I'm pretty set in my ways regarding some recovery tenets. Not all of them do I agree with even though I just about died trying to live life my way for half my life. I still have fears today for I'm human and accept my humanness wholeheartedly but they do not control every aspect of my life as they once did. I'm no longer afraid to speak my truth and engage in practices that interest me. I enjoy simple ordinary recovery which is certainly not boring, to me anyway. Being mindful has been gifted to me as well. No longer is my mind out to get me and I'm so grateful to my Higher Power and all you two-legged teachers for that. I look at things from a circular standpoint one day at a time. Each day I try and do something spiritually (connect and "try" to help out some form of humanity), mentally (read and learn something new), and physically (do two pieces of exercise daily). When I balance these things out in the course of a day I stay emotionally stable. That's basically my program and it works for me. It may not work for you and that's more than okay. There are many paths up to the top of the mountain, the only wrong one is to judge another's. In closing, I can honestly say that I've stepped off the hundred-foot pole and basically recovered from some very serious life-threatening issues which have very little to do with my intelligence or anything else that I bring to the table. I give all the credit to my Higher Power, which I still don't fully understand, and awesome people like yourselves. Have a terrific day ahead! Respectfully Yours in Love and Service, - G -

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 07.03.2021

NATIVE AMERICAN BUTTERFLY MYTHOLOGY... "Butterflies play a variety of roles in Native American folktales from different tribes. In the folklore of some tribes, ...butterflies represent change and balance; in others, ephemeral beauty; and in some, vanity and frivolous behavior. Many tribes consider butterflies to be symbols of good luck, and some have taboos against killing them. Blackfoot people associate butterflies with sleep and dreaming, and butterfly designs were used to decorate cradleboards and other children's items to help them sleep and bring them good dreams. Butterflies are also used as clan animals in some Native American cultures. Tribes with Butterfly Clans include the Hopi tribe (whose Butterfly Clan is called Poovolngyam or Poval-wungwa). The Cherokee also has a Butterfly Dance among their tribal dance traditions." A PAPAGO BUTTERFLY LEGEND... "One day the Creator was resting, sitting, watching some children at play in a village. The children laughed and sang, yet as he watched them, the Creator's heart was sad. He was thinking: "These children will grow old. Their skin will become wrinkled. Their hair will turn gray. Their teeth will fall out. The young hunter's arm will fail. These lovely young girls will grow ugly and fat. The playful puppies will become blind, mangy dogs. And those wonderful flowers - yellow and blue, red and purple - will fade. The leaves from the trees will fall and dry up. Already they are turning yellow." Thus the Creator grew sadder and sadder. It was in the fall, and the thought of the coming winter, with its cold and lack of game and green things, made his heart heavy. Yet it was still warm, and the sun was shining. The Creator watched the play of sunlight and shadow on the ground, the yellow leaves being carried here and there by the wind. He saw the blueness of the sky, the whiteness of some cornmeal ground by the women. Suddenly he smiled. "All those colors, they ought to be preserved. I'll make something to gladden my heart, something for these children to look at and enjoy." The Creator took out his bag and started gathering things: a spot of sunlight, a handful of blue from the sky, the whiteness of the cornmeal, the shadow of playing children, the blackness of a beautiful girl's hair, the yellow of the falling leaves, the green of the pine needles, the red, purple, and orange of the flowers around him. All these he put into his bag. As an afterthought, he put the songs of the birds in, too. Then he walked over to the grassy spot where the children were playing. "Children, little children, this is for you," and he gave them his bag. "Open it; there's something nice inside," he told them. The children opened the bag, and at once hundreds and hundreds of colored butterflies flew out, dancing around the children's heads, settling on their hair, fluttering up again to sip from this or that flower. And the children, enchanted, said that they had never seen anything so beautiful. "The butterflies began to sing, and the children listened smiling. But then a songbird came flying, settling on the Creator's shoulder, scolding him, saying: "It's not right to give our songs to these new, pretty things. You told us when you made us that every bird would have his own song. And now you've passed them all around. Isn't it enough that you gave your new playthings the colors of the rainbow?" "You're right," said the Creator. "I made one song for each bird, and I shouldn't have taken what belongs to you." So the Creator took the songs away from the butterflies, and that's why they are silent. "They're beautiful even so!" he said."

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 05.03.2021

NO NEED FOR CONDEMNATION... Every so often I find myself being critical of those who are still judging in recovery. There's a reason for this, as I used to be very judgemental and critical myself. When a person upsets me now it's a direct reflection of how I still am today or how I behaved in the past. Sometimes I judge others for judging. Now isn't that calling the kettle black? Lol... I feel that life's much too short to spend a considerable amount of time criticizing and j...udging. This is what works for me... I choose to control what I put into my internal environment--mind, heart, body, and soul. I'm not a news or T.V. watcher as it's mostly catering to the material. 'I'm good enough if I get this,' garbage. It can also activate differing degrees of fear and anxiety (depending on the individual). This is part of our collective humanness. There are probably some pretty good shows out there but the commercials make me ill to the core now. The external environment is what I can't control, nor do I wish to anymore. Creation is absolutely beautiful just how it is. If I was running the show I'd make a real mess of it; that's a given. I often tried when I was still in my cups and I don't have to tell you how that worked out. For those with no drinking, drug, gambling, mental health issues, etc., try to understand this... Never once as a kid did I ever want to grow up and become an alcoholic/addict in recovery but it's sure a lot better than I imagined. Anything's better than being a falling-down drunk. I'm relatively sane, stone-cold sober, and content today. No longer do I see ugliness when I look in the mirror. Sure, I'd like to lose twenty-five pounds but I like food too much. Lol... The Creator accepts me warts and all so why shouldn't I? After all I'm trying to grow in His unconditional accepting image. In closing, I've been gifted a second life that I love and certainly don't take for granted. I've been given another day today and I'm making the most of it, doing what I love. That's all that counts. (S.D. 01/19/94) Respectfully Yours in Love and Service, - G - 02/19/21

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 09.11.2020

"Forgiveness is often hard; but without it, we shall never know peace, harmony, and reconciliation. Revenge is poison, hatred, and useless. Love is all." #forgiveness

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 23.10.2020

AN ELDER MEDITATION... "Money cannot buy affection." ~ Mangas Coloradas, APACHE... In these modern times, we put too much emphasis on material gain and money. We seem to believe that money is power. If we have money, people will respect us. If we have money, people will admire us. If we have money, we can have anything we want. Maybe some of us can purchase almost anything in the material world, but we cannot purchase anything in the Unseen World. The Unseen World is not for sale. It can only be given away. I like to say, "GO FIRST CLASS." However, this has nothing to do with the material. In my twenties, I owned a large house and many toys. I was miserable and stressed out trying to stay ahead of the game. Today, I live in a humble one-bedroom apartment with my darling wife and couldn't be happier. Love, affection, admiration, trust, respect, commitment - these must be earned or given away. If we use these things from the Unseen World, we are using real power. My Maker, let me demonstrate Your power today. Let me be loving and respectful to all I meet. #bekindtoyourmind #theunseenworld #walkingtheredroad Warm Regards, - G - 11/20/20 P.S. "I love you all and there's nothing you can do about that." * From the book Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons ~ Don L. Coyhis *

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 18.10.2020

WELCOME TO MY BY DONATION SERVICE AND FUNDRAISER... I write and edit spiritually focused recovery meditations and life experiences, past and present. I also occasionally offer Addiction & Mental Health Recovery Support on-line specializing in aftercare. This service is free of charge but I do take donations in hopes of becoming fully self-supporting one day.... I'm fifty-five years of age and twenty-six plus years continuously clean and sober, which is the best thing that ever happened to me. My loving wife, of sixteen plus years, and I reside here in beautiful Salmon Arm, B.C., Canada. We're so blessed... I've gotten a lot of help to achieve the inner peace and sobriety that I have today. I give all the credit to my Higher Power and people like yourselves. My success is mostly God's (my own understanding), not mine. I support whatever works well for each and every one of you. I'm definitely not here to judge or convert. Functional Higher Powers like Elders and Mentors have helped me out tremendously as well. My writing style is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand. I write for my own spiritual growth; if it helps you that's a big-time bonus. I rely heavily on Spell-check, Grammarly, and my Thesaurus. If it wasn't for these three things, I'd have to go back to college. Lol... Enjoy! Thanks for the support so far and for considering donating either by credit card or e-transferring me funds to... [email protected] I'm trying to raise $425 CDN monthly as I can make up to $5,000 a year above my pension without getting penalized. A'ho Mitakuye Oyasin (thank you - we are all related), - G - P.S. Every so often I repost and solicit for funds so I'm not as much of a financial strain on my lovely wife, Mila. Anything would be greatly appreciated. "I love you all and there's nothing you can do about that." #bekindtoyourmind #mentalhealthawareness #endthestigma https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 14.10.2020

THE LANGUAGE OF EMPATHY... "...the addict and/or alcoholic would find from the start as much identification as each needed to convince himself that he could stay clean, by the example of others who had recovered for many years. " ~ Unknown... Many of us come into recovery and, not being entirely sure that recovery was for us, found much to criticize. Either we felt as though no one had suffered like we had or that we hadn't suffered enough. But as we listened we started to hear something new, a wordless language with its roots in recognition, belief, and faith: the language of empathy. Desiring to belong, we kept listening. We find all the identification we need as we learn to understand and speak the language of empathy. To understand this special language, we listen to our hearts. The language of empathy uses few words; it feels more than it speaks. It doesn't preach or lecture-it listens. It can reach out and touch the spirit of another addict, and/or alcoholic, without a single spoken word. Fluency in the language of empathy comes to us through practice. The more we use it with other people in recovery and our Higher Power, the more we understand this language. It keeps us coming back. Just for Today: I will listen with my heart. With each passing day, I will become more fluent in the language of empathy. * From The Book, "JUST FOR TODAY" (edited) Have a great day, - G -

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 30.09.2020

PRACTICING FORGIVENESS... Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. Forgiveness helps us to let go of hurt and anger -- it may or may not help others. It is a process that frees us up to live life more fully. Forgiving is not forgetting, excusing, reconciling, or being weak. As one person put it... Forgiveness was one of the hardest things in recovery for me, but now it means to let go and not to let the people who hurt me keep me locked to them with anger.... Action for the Day... I suggest practicing forgiveness by writing a few practice letters that you "will not" send. Write the response you’d like to hear from the other person. Then write a letter of forgiveness to that person, accepting the apology and letting the issue go. Remember, "don’t send these forgiveness letters." They are meant to help us let go and be free from hurt. We don’t necessarily need anyone else in order to achieve this freedom. Thought for the Day... When we forgive, we in no way change the past -- but we sure do change the future. ~ Bernard Meltzer (edited) Warm Regards, - G - 11/18/20 P.S. I love you all and there's nothing you can do about that." * This inspiration is from the book, "Field Guide to Life" *

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 28.09.2020

I'm going on a holiday to visit some family in Alberta tomorrow. Talk with you again this coming weekend. Take care and #staysafe

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 20.09.2020

NEGATIVE THINKING TO POSITIVE THINKING... When outward and inward negative experiences are a part of our realities there are great things forthcoming in the near future if we can just tolerate them for a time. We learn great things from feelings. This is not something we learn from books. It's usually been our reality several times. It's like our inner child is saying, "slow down, I'm getting overwhelmed. We just need to unconditionally accept this."... "I love you all, and there's nothing you can do about that." Respectfully, - G - #bekindtoyourmind

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 16.09.2020

AN ELDER MEDITATION... "Humbleness means peace and honesty - both mean Hopi. True, honest, perfect words - that's what we call Hopi words. In all languages, not just in Hopi. We strive to be Hopi. We call ourselves Hopi because maybe one or two of us will become Hopi. Each person must look into their heart and make changes so that you may become Hopi when you reach your destination." ~ Percy Lomaquahu, HOPI... Our Maker has made available to us all the laws, principles, morals, and values which we need to know to live in harmony with everyone and everything. The Higher Power also designed each human being to learn and grow by trial and error. We now have tools to help us live the right way. We have prayers, visions, nature, teachers, and Elders to help us along, and we have the Great Spirit to talk to and ask for help when we have problems. We also have a choice. To walk the Red Road takes courage and a lot of prayers. We can walk a broad or narrow road. The choice is ours. O' Great Mystery, give me the courage to walk the Red Road intuitively as it's been passed down. #meditationtime #walkingtheredroad #naturallaw Warm Regards, - G - 11/17/20 P.S. "I love you all and there's nothing you can do about that." * From the book Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons, Don L. Coyhis *

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 12.09.2020

No truer words.

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 05.09.2020

MOVING FORWARD... Monday, October 12 Time past is gone forever, and we can never go back to it except to bring it forward into today as a lesson. Even our disease progresses forward. We cannot expect to control it by a return to measures, which may have worked for a time in the past. If we're still trying to control someone or something we probably have a problem. Remember, these controlling methods eventually failed us, and trying them again will only bring us to the same po...int of failure. The only way to avoid repetitious failure is to move forward creatively as our Higher Power leads us into today. Each day is a new creation, and the day ahead brings new lessons and opportunities. We build on what is past, but we do not need to repeat it. Complete reliance upon our Higher Power is the ultimate goal. Moving forward involves risking what is unknown. The old, familiar rut, depressing as it is, is a known quantity. Moving out of it requires that we have great courage and that we trust in the God of our understanding who knows and cares. To move on, we must act. Insights do not produce growth until they are accompanied by the specific actions we need to take. Just For Today: May I risk new actions as You lead me forward. *From the book, Food for Thought ~ by Elisabeth L. (edited)* Much Love & Respect, - G - https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 05.09.2020

THE BENEFITS OF RECOVERING FROM ANY SERIOUS ISSUE... There are two benefits from recovery: we have short-term gains and long-term gains. The short-term gains are the things we can do today that help us feel better immediately. We can wake up in the morning, read for a few minutes in our meditation book, and feel enlightened. We can journal and write a gratitude list, often noticing an immediate difference in the way we feel and function. ... We then feel refreshed and are ready to tackle the day. We can talk to a friend and feel comforted, or practice new or old recovery behaviors that work, such as dealing with our feelings or doing something good for ourselves and others. There are other benefits from recovery that we don't see immediately on a daily or even a monthly basis. These are the long-term gains, the ongoing progress we make in our life. Over the years, we can see tremendous rewards. We can watch ourselves and others grow strong in faith until we have a consistent daily personal relationship with a Higher Power that is as real to us. Our Higher Power inevitably becomes our best friend over time. We can watch ourselves grow beautiful as we shed shame, guilt, resentments, self-hatred, and other negative buildups from our past. To watch others around us growing the same way is a gift like no other. We can watch the quality of our relationships improve with family, friends, and spouses. We find ourselves growing steadily and gradually in our capacity to be intimate and close, to give and receive. We can watch ourselves grow in our careers, in our ability to be creative, powerful, productive people, using our gifts and talents in a way that feels good and benefits others. We discover the joy and beauty in ourselves, others, and life. The long-term progress is steady, but sometimes slow, happening in increments and often with much forward and backward movement; kind of like how the stock market fluctuates, but grows steadily. Enough days at a time of practicing our recovery routine and piling up short term gains leads to long-term rewards. Today, I will be grateful for the immediate and long-term rewards of recovery. If I am new to recovery, I will have faith that I can achieve long-term benefits as well. If I've been recovering for a while, I will pause to reflect and be grateful for my overall progress. #MeditationTime #ServiceAboveSelf #ProgressNotPerfection #Good #Life #God #BeKindToYourMind * I love you all and there's nothing you can do about that * Warm Regards, - G - 11/16/20

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 26.08.2020

SHUFFLING INTO A BRAND NEW WEEK... Have a great one, everyone!

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 24.08.2020

GOOD MORNING, FAMILY, FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND ACQUAINTANCES... Elder's Meditation of the Day October 12 "The greatest obstacle to internal nature is the mind. If it relies on logic, the domain of the inner nature is inaccessible. The simple fact is a man does not challenge the wisdom of the Holy Mystery."... ~ Turtleheart, TETON SIOUX "Why is it we need to analyze and understand everything? The Great Mystery has designed certain areas of creation to be a mystery because humans usually misuse it. We use the Great Mystery and see it unfold only under the direction of the Great Spirit. The Creator is in charge." "Great Spirit, let me realize You are in charge. I'm to do what You want." *From the book Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons ~ Don L. Coyhis* From the desk of, "GDL 10/12/20" Thank God we don't have to re-write recovery or lay down the right way to live today. Personally, I know that I'd make a mess out of it for some. We're wise just to just follow natural law and what's been passed down from previous generations. Our voices are important but our ears are that and so much more. It's been said that "we have two ears and one mouth for a reason." I totally get that... Just For Today: I don't need to understand everything about recovery. Help me Creator to put action before understanding. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin (I agree; we are all related), - G - #onelove #attitudeofgratitude #simplicity #onedayatatime https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 21.08.2020

OUR GREATEST ENEMY IS OURSELVES... Make peace with yourself and you'll live in a peaceful world. What happens externally will then have very little effect on your insides. Remember angry people are fighting themselves 99% of the time, not you. We need to keep that in mind when they take out their frustrations on us and/or others.... Thanks for following my Page, - G -

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 15.08.2020

THE SUBTLE COLOURS OF OUR MANY PERSONALITIES... Sunday, October 11 "What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine."... ~ Susan Sontag In recovery, we grow in many ways and become more comfortable with the many subtle colours in our personalities. We have a greater range of all human qualities available to us now. We are more light and playful at times and more serious at others, not unlike the changing seasons. We can cuddle up like a dependent child, or we can be the one who is responsible under pressure. We can be both tough and virile or soft and gentle. If we're fortunate enough to have a life partner they will appreciate that we are no longer so one-dimensional. One musical tone playing in harmony with another makes a beautiful symphony. Because we have made peace within ourselves, our masculinity is no longer threatened and our song and walk are just about always in tune with the Creator of All. We may discover many new feelings and reactions and it is natural to wonder if they are normal when we're first discovering both sides of our personalities. When we talk with others about the ways we have changed, we learn they too have similar feelings. As a result of opening up, we become more at peace with ourselves. The masculine and feminine sides of our personalities complement each other. We come to appreciate the harmony within us and in our friends. Just For Today, I am grateful for the richness and variety within myself and others. *From the book, Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men (edited)* Much Love & Respect, - G - https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 09.08.2020

THE HEARTBEAT OF ANY STRONG CULTURE... Elder's Meditation of the Day October 11 "Men and women have an equal responsibility to restore the strength of the family, which is the foundation of all cultures."... ~ Haida Gwaii Traditional Circle of Elders The family is the heartbeat of any strong culture. The grandfathers and grandmothers taught their children; they in turn had children who taught their children. If the family unit isn't taught traditional morals and values, then the children become adults, and the adults become the grandfathers and grandmothers with no solid foundation or wisdom. The result is the culture becomes lost and we fail to pass down nature's laws. This is how language is lost; this is how dances are lost; this is how knowledge is lost. We need to listen to our Elders today before it's too late. Any spiritual practice that does not include the passing down of culture to the next generation is not spiritual at all. Wisdom comes from those who've gone before us, not something we conjure up ourselves. Great Spirit, teach me nature's laws and the culture of my ancestors so I can teach the children of the next generation. *From the book Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons ~ Don L. Coyhis (edited)* Aho Mitakuye Oyasin (All my relations. I honour you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge you in prayer)., - G - https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 04.08.2020


Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 23.07.2020

THIS MOMENT - A BRAND NEW EXPERIENCE... Saturday, October 10 "Sometimes it's worse to win a fight than to lose."... ~ Billie Holiday When we struggle with our will and those of others, it always takes their toll on us. They often push us to behaviour and actions we're not proud of. This may result in seemingly irreparable rifts. However, these don't have to be permanent conditions but they frequently trigger emotional relapses. No battle of self-will is worth the damage to our psyche that quickly entails. Nonresistance is a much safer way to chart our daily course. Bowing with the wind, flowing with the tide, eases the steps we need to take; the steps that will carry us to our personal fulfillment. Part of the process of our growth is learning to slide past the negative situations that confront us. We can all eventually come to an understanding that we are in this life to fulfill a unique purpose - to do our Higher Power's will (to love and serve without conditions). The many barriers that get in our way can strengthen our reliance on the God of our understanding if we let go of control and rely upon Him. People or situations need never thwart us. We will profit from taking all experiences in stride. Remember, the course we travel is the one we chart. Man/woman plans, God decides. The progress we make toward our life goals is proportionate to the smoothness of our steps. Just For Today, I will flow with the tide. It will assuredly keep me on my path and move me closer to my destination. From the book, "Each Day a New Beginning" ~ Karen Casey (edited) Much Love & Respect, - G - https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 05.07.2020

KNUCWETWE'CW ~ Interior Salish (Helping One Another) Elder's Meditation of the Day October 10 "I think that's what unity is - knowing one another, coming together, and working with no conflict."... ~ Chief Alan Wilson, HAIDA When we are aligned and practicing spiritual values, we cannot be in fear or conflict with others. Unified, we have the Creator constantly whispering solutions in our ears. Unity is extremely important and one of life's spiritual values. When we value unity we also value solutions. If we think this way, then we have no conflict within ourselves and the outer world. Conflict used to be my old way. When looking back at my past, it was more important to be right than spiritual. I don't feel that way any more thanks to the Higher Power of my own understanding and people like yourselves. I believe what I believe today and that and does change from day to day, and sometimes even moment to moment. A different perspective from, my spouse, a family member, or a friend can give me a new understanding and a new pair of glasses on an issue. I've dropped most of the rigidity and close-minded ways of the past thanks to recovery. Great Spirit, let me see through Your open-minded eyes. *From the book Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons ~ Don L. Coyhis (edited) "Aho Mitakuye Oyasin" (LAKOTA - I agree, we're all related), - G - https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 30.06.2020

GOOD MORNING, FRIENDS, LUM'S LOVIN' FOLLOWERS, AND ACQUAINTANCES... This #WorldMentalHealthDay, I want to encourage you to check in with your friends, family & the people around you, to remind them that they are not alone. Life can be tough, particularly in the world we are living in today. Let’s spread positivity and be kinder to one another. ... #mentalhealth #sicknotweak #itsokaynottobeokay Mental Illness issues are a part of an alcoholic's and an addict's story but to differing degrees. I'm certainly no exception. I've survived two suicide attempts, many severe depressions, and multiple psychotic episodes. My skid-row definitely used to be my mind. Walking the Red Road with people like you all, for well over a quarter-century now, has taught me that my mind is not my enemy anymore and I need not fear it. It's actually a beautiful thing. My days are simple and balanced now. I'm grateful the Creator has performed a miracle in many of your lives and mine as well. NOTE: There's no shame in having a mental illness. Don't be afraid to #reachout and #askforhelp. #sufferingisoptional #addiction #endthestigma Connected in body, mind, spirit, and soul, - G - 01/19/94... https://www.facebook.com/donate/787764258465330/

Lum's Lovin' Recovery Meditations & Writings 19.06.2020