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Rapid Therapy Results 07.07.2021

Hi loves, I wanted to send you this message of hope. I know you need love, support and breakthroughs right now. Firstly if you’re on my page and reading my posts, you’re looking for ways to heal and the courage and support to get there. I want to applaud you for taking this first important step to healing and breaking your pattern of abusive and toxic relationships in your life.... I want you to know that no matter how much you have lost, how broken you feel, how much you’re hurting, how stuck you think you are, how worried you might be for your children, that there is incredible hope for you. The old belief that you have to accept living with permanent adverse mental, emotional, physical or financial effects for years or decades after a toxic relationship is not something I believe. What I know to be true, from my experience and helping other women to break free from abuse and go on to live happily and live their best lives, is that this does NOT have to be your fate either. I know you may have a deep fear for your children, and I want to tell you that healing yourself and learning to be your best self, present in the moments with them, letting them see you healthy, whole, safe and secure, will help them feel the same. And if you have any fear for them and their emotional well-being and future relationships, please remember... Where you go, your children will follow. Be that one stabilizing, grounded, supportive pillar in their lives that they know is always there for them, without a doubt, and without conditions. #lovewithoutconditions I have a program that I’ve put together to help you heal the past trauma and create a wonderful future life. If you need more information on how you can create a brighter future for you and your family, click the BOOK NOW button to connect to my scheduling page for a 15 min call or Zoom, or you can check out my website at rapidtherapyresults.com With love and support, Melissa

Rapid Therapy Results 03.07.2021

Why is it that other people’s opinions seem to influence us so much? It starts around age two, believe it or not! Below I am sharing some information that likely won’t surprise you, but it will get you thinking about how our lives have been heavily influenced since we were toddlers. If it took years to train your brain to seek approval, it can take a hot minute to retrain yourself to look within BEFORE YOU MAKE A DECISION. Get started right away by booking a call to chat an...d find out how a session with me can get you there! ******************************************************************** Up until age two, the world really does revolve around you. So much so, that your parents set their schedule by your habits and adjusted their lives to meet your needs and match your moods, your health, and your personality. Around age two, social norms began to influence how your parents reacted to you in nearly every situation. Depending on their parenting style, you likely developed a sense of right and wrong and what behaviors and actions brought punishment or reward. At about age five, you began kindergarten and a whole new set of influencers began to shape your behaviors. Again, depending on the style of the teachers, you began to form ideas of what helped you fit in, get ahead, and overall get along. What the adults didn’t influence, the other kids did. Depending on the dynamics of your playground and classroom, you learned what made friends and what didn’t. Along the way, what other people thought of you - what you wore, how you acted, and much more - began to make an impact. Their opinions influenced how you developed. You adjusted your sails to fit the wind that was blowing - whether you felt like sailing in that direction or not. Now as an adult, you have years of conditioning to act in certain ways or to use certain currencies to get the results you want. Currencies like: Being a helper Giving gifts Being accommodating And more Other people’s opinions matter to us because they have become a barometer or measurement of where we stand. Either inside or outside the fray. Most people want desperately to be inside. Even the ones who seem to care the least about being accepted, tend to be hiding behind a massive wall protecting their fears of being rejected. Opinions influence us because: We aren’t confident in who we are We don’t have a personal identity We gave up on ourselves We have been humiliated or bullied We live with cultural boundaries It is important to consider what other people think about our choices because we live in community and many of our choices have an impact on others. After that consideration, our choices shouldn’t be influenced based solely on what others think. What we like, how we express ourselves, and how we show up in the world should be based on what makes the most sense for us as individuals - not what others might think of us.

Rapid Therapy Results 19.06.2021

Shout out here to all the busy mommas, women business owners, professionals, and all-around super badass female leaders...we MUST prioritize our mental health! We need to be healthy so we can show up and step up in our communities, with our clients, with our families, and unapologetically within OURSELVES. Today, October 10 is World Mental Health Day. I love that there's a day to promote and raise awareness for the importance of our mental health! The more we talk about it,...Continue reading

Rapid Therapy Results 14.06.2021

"I just feel stuck".......It is THE MOST common phrase I am hearing from soooooo many of the women I speak with right now. What I do, is help women get out of their own damn way so they can excel in every area of their life. My clients have literally obliterated the overwhelm in their lives. ...Continue reading

Rapid Therapy Results 07.01.2021

Shout out here to all the busy mommas, women business owners, professionals, and all-around super badass female leaders...we MUST prioritize our mental health! We need to be healthy so we can show up and step up in our communities, with our clients, with our families, and unapologetically within OURSELVES. Today, October 10 is World Mental Health Day. I love that there's a day to promote and raise awareness for the importance of our mental health! The more we talk about it,...Continue reading

Rapid Therapy Results 26.12.2020

"I just feel stuck".......It is THE MOST common phrase I am hearing from soooooo many of the women I speak with right now. What I do, is help women get out of their own damn way so they can excel in every area of their life. My clients have literally obliterated the overwhelm in their lives. ...Continue reading

Rapid Therapy Results 21.12.2020

Hello to my community of friends and followers, The recent events in the world have certainly changed the face of many businesses and how we serve the needs of our customers and clients. Over the past few months who I serve and assist has dramatically shifted.... Along with lockdowns, quarantine, and shelter in place orders, come serious mental health issues. Not only have cases increased exponentially in domestic abuse and violence, but more relationships have been questioned and changed dramatically in a short time. In this light, I've shifted my focus to the clients that need this support, to overcome the stress and anxiety, fear and terror they're experiencing when dealing with abuse and severely toxic intimate relationships with an abuser. Working on trauma recovery, my clients have been able to release the pain and overwhelm connected with the breakup from the abuse and the horrific situations they were in. Healing and getting back to THEMSELVES, and calming their racing thoughts surrounding the fear and worry gripping their lives. Whether their abuse and crisis were financial, emotional, physical, or mental.... they are now able to LET GO of their old story and create something new. They can now heal from the trauma, the abuse, the shame, the rejection, the self-doubt, the Complex PTSD, and the FEAR and worthlessness they once felt. Their old beliefs are rebuilt; negative thoughts and beliefs replaced with positive core beliefs. They feel valued again, worthy, loveable. They no longer feel stuck and numb to emotions. They feel their creativity and joy for life come back again. Free to move forward, make better decisions, and continue on their healing journey and step into their new life, feeling truly powerful and positive and knowing that they are not a victim. Knowing that they are unstoppable and free. YOU darling, precious, beautiful human, may have never asked for this person or abuse to come into your life, BUT you're the only one who can do the work to heal from what you've experienced. I want you to know that you can break free from abuse and feel love once more for yourself. Feeling the love inside your own being is the only way to start seeing love outside of you. If you're curious and want to find out how I can support you to shift out of fear, pain, and anxiety of any situations you're experiencing right now, dm me and we can chat about how I can support you to feel more anchored in your power and more in control of your situation. Lots of love, Melissa xx

Rapid Therapy Results 05.12.2020

This week, after hearing the devastatingly sad news about Kobe Bryant and his daughter, my littles and I held each other a little bit closer. We curled up on the couch, read books, and talked about what love feels like. What we can do when things seem tough or are not what we want to happen. How do we manage it? What do we do with our sad feelings? How, when, and what is okay to express. There is a brilliant film I watched the other day, called JoJo Rabbit, and the last sce...ne mentions this line from Rainer Maria Rilkes's poem, "Go to the Limits of Your Longing." He says, Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. Repeating these lines helps me when I have moments, and we all do, of being washed over with waves of sadness, heartbreak or fear. I remind my littles, and myself, to feel everything. Be there for the fullness of our lives, while we are still here. Enjoy EVERY moment. The hard times will pass, and joy will be ours again. Don't wash away in sadness. Our lives, every moment, good or bad, easy or stressful, is precious. May you just keep going. With lots of love and gratefulness for every day, Melissa x #bestuncleever

Rapid Therapy Results 15.11.2020

It's so important to talk and to share. Are you suffering through this? Please reach out so you don't go through this alone.

Rapid Therapy Results 02.11.2020

We have been taught some lies. As women, lies that hold us back. Things like, your power comes from someone else. That it's given to you. That feeling unworthy, and playing small all your life is normal.... That when you do finally have the man, the clothes, the big house, the career, that THEN you are worthy and alive. All of that is BS! Why? Well, because your aliveness, power, radiance and grace come from YOU! When you are love When you are open When you are energized When you are empowered All the other stuff...fancy cars, house, relationships, career...are NOT your primary source of joy, and if they are, it will be fleeting. Do not let anyone shut down: -your brilliance -your energy -your body or sexuality -your creativity Period. NO one has the right or the power to keep you in a state of "partially functioning", feeling unworthy and lacking energy. This is NOT normal. It's not what YOU deserve, and it's NOT how YOU are supposed to live. YOU are worthy and deserve to be safe in this world. Because you don't deserve to believe there is something wrong with you. That you only deserve love and safety if you are perfect, sexy, and good enough. Or that if we aren't these things or don't stay sexy, or perfect enough, that somehow we are flawed. Nope. I am throwing the middle finger up to this one. Be unapologetically sexually expressed. Be fully alive as a woman. Own your worthiness and desires. Release the layers upon layers of mom guilt or shame for being "too much" or "not enough". No more suppressing of your emotions because it might "bother" someone. Refuse to tippy-toe for anyone. Message me anytime to get help on how you can claim your worthiness and true safety as a woman. Live your life for YOU. You deserve safety and freedom. All my love and hardcore support, Melissa xo