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Locality: Essex, Ontario

Phone: +1 519-776-5215

Address: 113 Talbot St. South N8M1B3 Essex, ON, Canada

Website: www.pohlmandental.ca

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Pohlman Dental Centre 04.07.2021

We’re proud to provide dental implant care, including repairs and restorations. Dental implants are titanium screws that are placed in the jawbone to secure custom crowns that replace missing teeth leaving our patients with a smile that looks, feels, and performs just like natural teeth. Watch this video to find out more about dental implants.

Pohlman Dental Centre 24.06.2021

Dental restorations come in many shapes and sizes to repair decayed or fractured teeth. Fillings are used to repair smaller areas of decay while larger areas may be addressed with an inlay or an onlay. Crowns are used when there is a large amount of decay or fractures. If the tooth cannot be saved then an implant-retained crown may be used.

Pohlman Dental Centre 17.06.2021

Sending warm wishes to all of the mothers, stepmothers, mothers-in-law, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, expecting mothers, and those who hope to become mothers this year. You are loved and appreciated!

Pohlman Dental Centre 28.05.2021

Children’s permanent teeth grow in with three little bumps on the tooth called mamelons. These are normal and wear down over time, which is why most adults don’t have these bumps. Feel free to ask us questions about mamelons or tooth development at your next appointment.

Pohlman Dental Centre 21.05.2021

Happy Star Wars Day! May the floss be with you!

Pohlman Dental Centre 06.02.2021

Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar that’s often found in chewing gum and mints. But unlike regular sugar (sucrose, glucose, and fructose), Xylitol actually has the power to reduce tooth decay, dry mouth, and gum disease. It’s also been proven to increase bone density and improve a person’s overall oral health. While Xylitol is toxic to dogs, it’s perfectly safe for humans and has been recognized by Health Canada for its oral care benefits. So feel free to pop a Xylitol mint or stick of Xylitol chewing gum, knowing it’s helping to reduce oral bacteria and protect your tooth enamel.

Pohlman Dental Centre 21.01.2021

When a tooth is missing, the bone surrounding the tooth can be lost. Bone loss can change the appearance of the face to give the mouth a sunken look. Dental implants are a popular replacement for missing teeth, but they also have another benefit: they can prevent bone loss. The implant stimulates the surrounding bone, keeping it strong and healthy. For best results, the implant should be placed as soon as possible after losing a tooth. Call us to learn more.

Pohlman Dental Centre 08.01.2021

Dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking replacement for missing teeth. Whether it’s for a single missing tooth, multiple missing teeth, or securing a denture, we have the solution. Call us today to learn more!

Pohlman Dental Centre 04.01.2021

Here's a fun groundhog's day fact! A groundhog's teeth never stop growing. They grow about 1/16 of an inch per week. Groundhogs wear down their teeth through constant usage. This helps to prevent any issues from arising.

Pohlman Dental Centre 02.01.2021

Dental implants allow you to eat comfortably, just like you had a full set of natural teeth. No more worrying about a slipping denture when you bite, or only being able to chew foods if they’re cut into tiny bites. Enjoy meals with your loved ones again. Learn more about dental implants on our website.

Pohlman Dental Centre 17.12.2020

Dry mouth (or xerostomia) is a common side effect of 15 of the top 20 prescribed medications. Dry mouth can lead to bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease. Depending on the medication, there are a few strategies that can help. Reach out to us or your doctor to develop a plan.

Pohlman Dental Centre 06.12.2020

As an Invisalign provider, Pohlman Dental Centre helps patients achieve straighter teeth and healthy smiles. During the initial consultation, we’ll take 3D scans and develop a personalized treatment plan. When treatment begins, patients will receive a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks to gently shift the teeth into place. Find out more about Invisalign today. (519) 776-5215

Pohlman Dental Centre 28.11.2020

Knowing the cause of bad breath (or halitosis) is half the battle. We can often help patients find relief with treatment and advice. Causes of bad breath include poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, infections in the mouth, plaque buildup, diet, and some health conditions. Practicing good oral hygiene can often end bad breath. Brush twice a day and floss to remove food particles from between the teeth. Brushing the tongue can also help. For patients who suffer from a dry mouth, c...hewing sugar-free gum may help stimulate saliva production. Over-the-counter dry mouth treatments can also help. Ask us for help with chronic bad breath. We can help determine the cause of the bad breath and recommend solutions to minimize odour.

Pohlman Dental Centre 21.11.2020

New patients are welcome at our Essex, ON office! We offer a friendly and welcoming environment to help patients feel at ease. Early morning and after-work appointments are available. Book an appointment with Dr. Pohlman or Dr. Pricop today! (519) 776-5215

Pohlman Dental Centre 10.11.2020

Today we honour all the brave men and women who fought for our freedom and reflect on the sacrifices made by veterans and those who currently serve on this remembrance day. We give thanks to all the heros past, present and future... lest we forget.

Pohlman Dental Centre 10.11.2020

Dental sealants offer a thin barrier of protection against cavities. Sealants can be applied to the chewing surface of molars and premolars as soon as the adult teeth come in, and can last for several years.

Pohlman Dental Centre 01.11.2020

It’s tricky to brush and floss properly if you have crooked or overlapping teeth. Straight teeth make it easier to keep your teeth and gums healthy at home.

Pohlman Dental Centre 26.10.2020

Whoever made these products must have a sweet tooth!

Pohlman Dental Centre 13.10.2020

A glass of orange juice tastes pretty terrible if you’ve just brushed your teeth, but it has nothing to do with the minty flavour of your toothpaste. Orange juice is sweet, but it’s also a little sour. The foaming agent in your toothpaste temporarily blocks the taste receptors on your tongue that register whether something is sweet which means you can only taste the sour part of the juice.

Pohlman Dental Centre 09.10.2020

Happy Halloween from your Dental Team! Candy vs. Cavities! Ensure your child eat sweets for only a short period of time (to reduce the exposure to their teeth) Encourage them to rinse their mouths with water immediately after they consume any sugary or starchy treats... Limit sticky and hard candies, especially for those with braces Ensure they brush and floss at least twice daily Make sure they drink water throughout the day See more

Pohlman Dental Centre 01.10.2020

With implant-supported dentures, you can eat the foods you have been missing. We are happy to walk patients through every step of the implant process from the initial evaluation to caring for the final denture, including payment and scheduling options. Ask us about implant-supported dentures today! (519) 776-5215

Pohlman Dental Centre 16.09.2020

Is your child about to lose their first tooth? Check out this fun no-sew tooth fairy pouch you can make together.

Pohlman Dental Centre 14.09.2020

Flossing isn't so much about removing bits of food stuck between your teeth although it's great for that! Flossing's main function is to get rid of the plaque that forms between teeth and along the gum line. That keeps teeth and gums happy and healthy, and prevents cavities between your teeth. So be sure to floss every day!

Pohlman Dental Centre 10.09.2020

We’re often asked about the difference between clear aligners and metal braces for straightening teeth. Clear aligners are worn over the teeth to gently adjust the teeth. Patients switch to a new set of aligners every week or two. Clear aligners are invisible, so most people won’t ever notice them. Because they are removable, you can take clear aligners out to eat and brush, and then pop the aligners back in. They do need to be worn about 23 hours a day, so make sure to put ...them back in when you’re done eating. Traditional braces are placed directly onto the teeth using metal or ceramic brackets. Wires and tiny rubber bands are used to move the teeth gently into place. There are lots of options with traditional braces as they can be placed in different ways either behind or in front of the teeth. There is even a wide array of rubber band colours to choose from. Book a consultation with us and we’ll help you make the decision that’s best for you or your teen.

Pohlman Dental Centre 04.09.2020

Wine and cheese pairings are the subject of many a food blog, but did you know eating them together can help protect your teeth? Wine is acidic which can lower the pH level of your mouth, creating the perfect conditions for tooth decay. However, cheese is proven to increase the pH level in your mouth even in small amounts. So feel free to indulge in the cheese tray at your next party!

Pohlman Dental Centre 27.08.2020

At Pohlman Dental Centre, we can replace missing teeth with a dental implant, abutment, and custom crown or bridge. Call today to find out more. (519) 776-5215

Pohlman Dental Centre 25.08.2020

What’s the difference between metal and white fillings? Metal fillings or amalgam fillings have been used to fill cavities for more than 150 years. They are strong, safe, and last a long time. Some patients are concerned about the mercury content of metal fillings, but scientific studies show they are not harmful to your health. White fillings are made from a composite material that matches the natural shade of the tooth being repaired. They are a popular choice for patients because they are almost unnoticeable once they are in place. Many patients have questions about the different types of fillings, so please ask to learn more.

Pohlman Dental Centre 19.08.2020

People with diabetes have a greater risk of developing oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Dry mouth and higher blood sugar levels can contribute to these issues. The good news is that by keeping a close eye on blood sugar levels, brushing and flossing twice a day, and scheduling regular hygiene appointments, people with diabetes can significantly reduce the risks and improve their overall health.

Pohlman Dental Centre 09.08.2020

Dental checkups are an essential part of maintaining good oral health. First, we remove stains and build-up on teeth above and below the gumline. Then we look for signs of tooth decay and gum disease, check the bite and jaw for problems, evaluate any new risk factors such as a change in medication, conduct an oral cancer screening, assess problem areas, and make recommendations for further treatment. Sometimes this involves taking a closer look with a dental X-ray. We also demonstrate proper cleaning techniques or provide tips to help patients reach any problem areas when brushing and flossing at home. Call us today to book a dental checkup (519) 776-5215!

Pohlman Dental Centre 20.07.2020

Thanks for trusting us with your dental care. The team at Pohlman Dental Centre has worked hard to establish and exceed recommended protocols to keep patients safe. We are grateful to welcome patients back and to greet new patients, every day. Book an appointment today.

Pohlman Dental Centre 13.07.2020

We offer implant-supported dentures that keep dentures firmly in place. Laugh, eat, and speak with confidence. Ask us about implant-supported dentures. (519) 776-5215

Pohlman Dental Centre 26.06.2020

Researchers have found that people wearing traditional dentures or have not replaced missing teeth have a higher risk for malnutrition because it’s more difficult to chew fruits, vegetables, nuts, and meat. This means they sometimes avoid these nutritious foods. If you suspect this is a problem, please talk to us about dental implants. They’re a strong, long-term solution that lets you eat anything you’d like even steak, apples, and corn on the cob!

Pohlman Dental Centre 12.06.2020

What are shark teeth? Shark teeth refer to a child having two rows of teeth in their mouth: the original primary teeth (baby teeth) and the incoming permanent teeth. If your child is experiencing this, give us a call, and we’ll take a look to make sure your child’s teeth are growing in properly.

Pohlman Dental Centre 30.05.2020

The second molars are usually the last of the baby teeth to grow in - and the last to fall out! Kids often don’t lose their second molars until they’re 11 to 13 years old.