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Rachel Notley 09.12.2020

Let’s be clear we will get through this. But we need a new strategy for the future. We are inviting you to 2 initial consultations on Calgary’s Future with me and various members of my Caucus. #abfuture https://www.albertasfuture.ca/a-discussion-on-calgary-s-fut

Rachel Notley 23.11.2020

Q: Will the UCP commit to wearing masks in public spaces? A: B.C. doesn't have a mask mandate. Meanwhile, in B.C. ... https://www.cbc.ca//b-c-brings-in-sweeping-new-measures-to

Rachel Notley 19.11.2020

Because of the Premier's inaction, small businesses are going to face more stringent public health restrictions for a longer period than was necessary. We need ACTUAL supports so they can keep operating and bounce back stronger than ever when the public health emergency is over. Read our plan: https://www.albertasfuture.ca/covid-19-response

Rachel Notley 15.11.2020

A touching tribute from a husband to his wife who was killed in the Iran plane tragedy earlier this year. https://globalnews.ca//dear-elnaz-documentary-flight-ps752/

Rachel Notley 09.11.2020

Most years, this is a season to visit family and friends. But this time, many of us won’t be taking any trains, planes, or automobiles as we do our part to slow the pandemic. Even if we can’t be together with all our loved ones, we’re still going to make the most of the traditions we love our favourite holiday foods, way too many movies, and of course, embarrassing games. Can you guess your NDP MLAs’ favourite holiday movies? Take the quiz to find out.... We bet you can guess Jason Kenney’s favourites already. And to be fair, ‘A Nightmare Before Christmas’ and ‘Scrooged’ are classics when they're playing on our TV screens, not when they’re playing out in our Legislature. Next time we beat Kenney at the polls, we’ll make sure it’s a wonderful life for Albertans. Until then, take a break from binge-watching and try to guess your MLAs’ favourite festive films. (It took some prying for our team to reveal these guilty pleasures, so you just might be surprised!) http://secure.albertandp.ca/holiday-quiz Have a happy holiday and thanks for your support.

Rachel Notley 08.11.2020

Small businesses are struggling under COVID-19. They have asked they UCP for support grants, increased lines of credit, as well as reinstating the bans on commercial evictions and utility shutoffs. They asked for a COVID risk index. What do they hear? Crickets.

Rachel Notley 04.11.2020

Calgary, I want to talk to you about how best to build a bright future. https://www.albertasfuture.ca/a-discussion-on-calgary-s-fut

Rachel Notley 01.11.2020

Alberta has reported 1,105 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. There are now 61 Albertans in the ICU, very close to our 70-bed capacity. Sadly, we have lost eight more Albertans. My heart goes out to their families and all 10,000 Albertans battling this awful virus.

Rachel Notley 30.10.2020

The Premier was dead wrong when he said COVID-19 was largely an issue in major cities. Here are some figures for the COVID-19 cases per capita (100K). Jasper: 1,104 ... Edmonton: 764 Beaumont: 527.3 Banff: 483.8 Calgary: 462.1 Red Deer: 385.1 Lethbridge: 234.4 Canmore: 159.8 Grande Prairie: 150.6 Medicine Hat: 139.6 I share these figures so that all of you will take the threat of this virus seriously, no matter where you live.

Rachel Notley 28.10.2020

QUOTE Our current situation is grim. That’s the CMO telling Albertans that our health care system simply cannot handle the rate of increase we’re seeing in new cases. While EVERY OTHER jurisdiction in Canada brought in new measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 this Premier waited and watched.... Alberta is now the only province in the country without mandatory masks in public places and business.

Rachel Notley 28.10.2020

I received this emotional message from a frontline healthcare hero late last week: "I have been an RN working at the Grey Nuns emergency department. I have been there 13 years. I have seen highs and lows during that time. We have, bar none, the most incredible team. We are a team of nurses, doctors, porters, lab techs, unit clerks, RTs, health care attendants the list goes on. We are frontline. We, with the help of Albertans, beat the first wave of COVID-19. Unfortunatel...y, I'm feeling we're losing the battle now. Not only are we working hard still, but have COVID-19 returning with vengeance. All this and an ignorant, self-serving government hell bent on destroying us. Looking at my incredible team becoming deflated is heartbreaking. We are all at a breaking point, the system is failing, and we have a health minister picking fights with just about everyone. Who does this? Who? Your support means the world. Thank you." Thank you for this note. I want you to know there are hundreds of thousands of Albertans who support the work you and your colleagues are doing. We stand with you and we will keep pressuring this Government to support you during the greatest public health threat we've faced in a lifetime.

Rachel Notley 25.10.2020

"Government cuts are contributing to a system that is overwhelmed and at a boiling point. We need to be working together to ensure Albertans have timely access to healthcare." https://www.cbc.ca//edmonton-health-care-system-at-tipping

Rachel Notley 24.10.2020

Why is the Premier hiding COVID-19 modelling from Albertans? Is he in denial? We should not have to rely on leaked emails to understand the terrible strain on our hospitals during the second wave of COVID-19.... https://www.cbc.ca//edmonton/icu-admissions-alberta-email-

Rachel Notley 21.10.2020

Criticism of the UCP's failed approach is NOT "Alberta bashing." Three quarters of Albertans don't support the terrible job Jason Kenney has done managing the COVID-19 pandemic. https://calgaryherald.com//kenney-rejects-criticism-he-wai

Rachel Notley 16.10.2020

Awesome story to get your Monday started off on a good note. Comic book artist Kyle Charles, who grew up on Whitefish Lake First Nation northeast of Edmonton, is going to be featured in a special Indigenous comic book issue from Marvel. What an accomplishment Kyle!... https://www.cbc.ca//marvel-picks-edmonton-comic-book-illus

Rachel Notley 12.10.2020

The UCP are using the cover the a pandemic to harm public healthcare.

Rachel Notley 07.10.2020

Our hospitals are at the breaking point. It is disturbing that we have to learn what's really going on from leaked emails and not the Premier, who refuses to take real leadership during this global pandemic. https://www.cbc.ca//icu-admissions-alberta-email-1.5803005

Rachel Notley 06.10.2020

The number one way we can protect the most vulnerable is to control community spread. Masks reduce community spread and don’t hurt the economy. At the end of the day, it’s a fairly simple thing we all can do. https://morinvillenews.com//ndp-leader-calls-for-mandator/

Rachel Notley 06.10.2020

12,000 lawn signs ordered! https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/albertans-continue-to-stand-up-f

Rachel Notley 04.10.2020

The Green Line is the biggest transit project in Calgary’s history. It will transform the way Calgarians move around the city. It will generate enormous social and economic benefits for generations to come.... For the neighbourhoods it will connect. From 16th Avenue in the north to Shepard in the southeast. For the 60,000 Calgarians who will use the new line. For the 30,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions it will eliminate every year. For the 20,000 jobs it will create and support. And for the future development it will encourage all along this corridor. It’s good for the economy. Good for the community. Good for the environment. And good for everyone in Calgary. Because great cities have great transit systems and the foresight to build them. https://www.cbc.ca//nenshi-green-line-red-tape-cuts-budget

Rachel Notley 01.10.2020

Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley will address the Legislature on the failure of Jason Kenney and the UCP to address the COVID-19 second wave.

Rachel Notley 01.10.2020

On Friday, the Chief Medical Officer of Health reported another 18 Albertans died as a result of COVID-19. To date, 684 Albertans have died. My condolences go out to every one of you who have lost someone. This weekend, follow public health orders it's the only way to prevent many more deaths.

Rachel Notley 26.09.2020

UCP MUST ACCOUNT FOR TESTING RATE FAILURE IN MIDST OF PANDEMIC’S SECOND WAVE New data shows testing rates declined below 10,000 this week, dramatically below the 20,000 tests per day Jason Kenney promised to achieve by mid-May. Earlier this year, the UCP government unveiled a strategy to manage the deadly COVID-19 pandemic based on widespread testing, enhanced contact tracing, and Albertans taking personal responsibility for their actions. ... Just as we are entering the second wave of this pandemic, and with new case counts nearly double the levels seen during the first wave, Jason Kenney is failing to execute on this strategy to keep Albertans safe. Yesterday, Alberta formally declared 410 new cases. However, adjusting for testing rates and assuming the same positive case rate, the new count would have been 739, more than double the all time high in cases seen on April 23, during the first wave of the pandemic. The NDP Official Opposition has called on the UCP government to increase testing rates, hire an additional 500 contract tracers to reach benchmark levels, and get the federal COVID19 app deployed immediately to help manage the viral spread and prevent further lockdowns. Jason Kenney has called on Albertans to demonstrate personal responsibility to manage this pandemic, but he is not taking any personal responsibility for failing to deliver on the government’s strategy to manage the pandemic. Albertans deserve answers on why this government is five months behind schedule on hitting its testing targets as we enter the second wave of this pandemic.

Rachel Notley 25.09.2020

My deepest condolences to the families of 6 Albertans who have died in the last 24 hours as a result of #covid19. There have now been 407 deaths since the pandemic began. Today, we saw 991 new cases. We must do more to slow the spread and save lives.

Rachel Notley 20.09.2020

QUALIFIED TEACHERS CAN’T FIND WORK WHILE UNDERFUNDED SCHOOLS STRUGGLE WITH SHORT-STAFFING UCP Education Minister Adriana LaGrange’s cuts to per-pupil funding and failure to plan for COVID-19 has left schools unable to hire newly trained Alberta teachers, even though the pandemic has left schools struggling to keep teachers in front of students. I called on LaGrange to cap classes at 15 to reduce spread and reduce the number of close contacts who would need to go int...o isolation for each case, said Sarah Hoffman, NDP Official Opposition Critic for Education. She claimed there weren’t enough teachers in Alberta. That was a lie in July, and it’s clearly a lie today as newly trained Alberta teachers can’t find work. Simon Krupa and Nadine Rank are both recent graduates of the University of Alberta, both have certificates to teach and want to work. But after applying at numerous school districts in the Edmonton area, surrounding communities, and central Alberta, neither could find work. It doesn’t make any sense to me that there are no jobs when every day I read about the strain and the short-staffing in our schools, said Krupa, an elementary school teacher with training in special education. The only reason I can think of is the school districts just don’t have the money. There are teachers out there like me who are ready to work. How can the UCP continue to fund a $30-million per year war room and give $4.7-billion to companies like Encana who left Alberta for America? To add insult to injury, Adriana LaGrange had the audacity to tell the news that no school boards have asked for additional funding, Krupa said. Even during my practicum placement, it was pretty clear that the school’s budget was cut and they had planned to hire more teachers at that school but couldn’t, said Rank, a junior high English and Social Studies teacher. Last semester when the provincial budget was released, my mentor teacher warned me about what this would mean, and there was a big awkward staff meeting. It was tough news for the whole school. I want to start my teaching career, Rank said. I would be willing to cover off a teacher in isolation. Obviously there’s some hesitation but someone has to do it. Every day I hear from students, staff and families about just how short-staffed and overstretched our schools are, Hoffman said. They’ve heard nothing but excuses from LaGrange. The bottom line is Jason Kenney chose to spend Albertans’ money on a $4.7 billion handout to profitable corporations instead of keeping Alberta students, staff and families safe.

Rachel Notley 19.09.2020

This Banff-Kananaskis UCP MLA mailed every single constituent she represents to tell them the worst of the pandemic was over, just as COVID-19 cases reach record levels. That's irresponsible. That's dangerous. https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/video

Rachel Notley 17.09.2020

This week, before the job loss new broke, I asked the UCP to advise Albertans on how many workers were expected to be fired after Cenovus’ deal with Husky. They dodged the question, and lectured us on the merits of mergers and acquisitions. But what I CARE ABOUT, is jobs and paycheques for Alberta workers.... We now know it will mean more than two thousand jobs lost in Calgary. Are the UCP seriously going to tell these two thousand Calgarians this is a success?

Rachel Notley 14.09.2020

We can't let down our guard. But we can always let in more hope. http://ow.ly/VArz50Ckjo6