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Soul Tonic 12.01.2021

YOU HAVE TO MAKE CHANGES TO SEE CHANGES. Over the last three or four years I’ve become super excited about motivating people to be motivated and driven to take care of themselves. While I have the skills and the knowledge to tell people to eat 2 cups of greens three times per day (yep! that much), what I’ve discovered is a bottle neck in the system....Continue reading

Soul Tonic 27.12.2020

Positive affirmations won't give us the long-lasting joy that we’re all looking for. I’m completely in tune with the pull and desire to really want affirmations to be the magical gateway to the delightful land of unequivocal joyful unicorns and rainbows, but the problem is, saying things like, I’m joyful, or I experience joy in everything I do, isn’t going to put us in a constantly happy mood. It makes a lot of sense why we think this could work. Just put your happy face... on, think good thoughts and talk positively to yourself, right? But that’s like moving the rug or furniture to cover up the stain on the floor. Tada! Problem solved! Out of sight, out of mind and all that jazz. But we know it’s still there. We know that we’re just covering up the problem and not actually solving it. This is no different than pasting happy thoughts over irritability, frustration, dissatisfaction and even anxiety. Check out this video to learn how we can actually create a long lasting lift in joy, and be sure to click the link below in the comments to get your Path to Peace.

Soul Tonic 21.12.2020

Sharing our gifts is healing to ourselves and the world. Our divine gifts are the unique set of gifts, talents and characteristics that we have been blessed with by the universe. They are meant to be shared with our fellow humans. We are best able to serve and make a difference in the world when we are living our gifts and sharing them with the people around us. ... And guess what? Something amazing happens when we share them. Check out the video to see exactly what I mean and be sure to click the link in the comments below to get access to the Path to Peace.

Soul Tonic 10.12.2020

Lin-Manual Miranda is a client of mine. Don't worry - I'm not breaking confidentiality. It was just a dream.... In it, he's lying on the treatment table, relaxing and waiting while II'm preparing to do his mind-body-energy healing session. The room is full of interested parties. His family of all races and ethnicities are there with us. They want to witness what's about to happen first hand. But they also have their own agenda. Every. Single. One. The chatter is cacophonous. The ideas are ear-splitting. The beliefs are blaring. I can't work like this. I walk to the front of the room. Some eyes follow me, but mostly everyone is still nattering away to their neighbour about what they think is best. I CAN'T WORK LIKE THIS. Calling upon a technique from my days as a children's camp director, I move my arms out as if I'm an umpire saying, "SAFE!" and I say, "A HUSH falls over the crowd," to which everyone in the room responds, "Husssssssssssshhhhh." A beautiful silence follows. Pausing to catch eye contact with each and everyone I begin, "Here's how this is going to go." #linmanuelmiranda #authenticity

Soul Tonic 06.12.2020

Thinking anxiety is all in the head is preventing women from healing it. I get it - I mean we hear that all the time. We hear it from doctors and frankly even our friends and families are quick to draw that conclusion and make that claim. It’s all in our head. We’re making it up. We’re imagining it. I shake my head because when people say these things it really discredits and invalidates those who are dealing with anxiety. ... But here’s the thing. It’s not all in the head. It’s real AF. It’s not just something that we’ve created out of nowhere with no cause. We dig into what’s really going on in this video. Be sure to click the link in the comments to access your free Path to Peace training.

Soul Tonic 25.11.2020

Origin story. How did I get into this line of work? That’s a common question I hear. Well, this story begins waaaaaaaaaaay back.

Soul Tonic 18.11.2020

Vibrant Energineers make the world a better place without stress, anxiety or fatigue. What the heck is a Vibrant Energineer? They have learned the secret to engineering their own energy at will. They are calm, happy, and energized. ... They are in the perfect place to improve not only their own health but that of their families, communities and the world at large. And they do this all without stress, anxiety or fatigue. Watch this video to find out exactly what I mean. Be sure to click the link in the comments to get access to the Path to Peace training.

Soul Tonic 06.11.2020

What is the secret to boundless energy? Is it coffee? Is it adrenal supplements? It’s easy to believe both of those things because we hear soooo much about supporting the adrenals in alternative medicine, and coffee well everybody knows about drinking coffee to beat the tireds. But are these things really getting to the root cause and providing sustainable energy? No. Of course not. If that were so then we wouldn’t need to take them on a regular basis. So, back to my initi...al question. What is the secret to boundless energy? Well it has to do with our friend Karma. That’s right, I called Karma a friend. It’s not out to get us. This video shares how to use the universal law of Karma to calm the mind, sleep deeply and find infinite joy and boundless energy. The law of Karma is actually the third pillar in the Divine Energy Advantage - the coaching program that helps my clients go from anxious insomniac to vibrant energineer literally engineering their own energy. Be sure to watch this video and click the link in the comments below to get access to the FREE training called The Path to Peace.

Soul Tonic 25.10.2020

These are my top 4 values and use them as my guiding compass for every choice I make in all areas of my life.

Soul Tonic 15.10.2020

The three most common root causes of illness are stress Toxicity Nutrient deficiency... And these root causes (or obstacles to cure) act on three levels Spirit Mind Body When we put those all together we get nine squares we can fill in. You can do that on your own but it’s much easier to ask for help. I’ve been helping patients with removing obstacles to cure for almost 15 years. And now I work with clients as an intuitive coach and spiritual guide with women who are anxious insomniacs. I take them through the Divine Energy Advantage so that they become VIBRANT ENERGINEERS literary engineering their own energy and joy. Ultimately its all about helping you to cam your mind, sleep deeply, and find your JOY and ENERGY again. #treatthewholeperson #treattherootcause #spiritmindbodywellness #spiritmindbodymedicine #naturopathicmedicine #stress #soultonicreadings #divineenergyadvantage #divineenergy #energymedicine #toxicity #nutrientdeficiency

Soul Tonic 03.10.2020

It’s easy to think that stress and anxiety are bad things. But thinking that might be blocking people from getting to the root cause of their anxiety. I completely get it. It's not comfortable to feel anxious, that doesn’t feel good in the body. But thinking that anxiety is a bad thing is like thinking the smoke detector in your home is a bad thing. Just like anxiety, it’s uncomfortable when that alarm goes off but it’s going off for a reason. Actually, both are telling us ...that there is danger close by. What if instead of thinking anxiety as this an annoying, awkward thing to deal with, we considered it to be an important signal that something around us is blocking us from feeling safe? That’s exactly what we cover in this video. Be sure to click the link in the comments to access your free Path to Peace workbook.

Soul Tonic 24.09.2020

Karma is the perfect example of a profitable relationship, although it's not always easy to see it that way because sometimes it legitamately feels like it's really not on our side. Can you remember an instance where Karma really showed up for you in an awesome way? See? She's not cranky all the time. The trick is to work with the Law of Karma and that is totally possible to do.

Soul Tonic 04.09.2020

This is an edited version of a live video where the audio was quiet. It's all about my 4 interpretations of the term profitable relationship and how we can choose these (on purpose) in our daily life.

Soul Tonic 27.08.2020

Better audio version here: https://business.facebook.com/soultonicreadings/videos/372009374241267/ I heard this term in an audio I was listening too recently, "Profitable relationships." I immediately connected 4 possible interpretations of what this could mean and how we, as powerful spiritual beings creating our reality, could apply this to our lives. Click here to get access to the Path to Peace training to learn more about how choices can create profitable or unprofitable relationships https://soultonic.ca/peace/

Soul Tonic 10.08.2020

We all have access to our own spiritual power which has the potential to both heal anxiety and change the world. When we step into who we are as spiritual beings, the power we access turns on our body’s self healing ability and has this beautiful ripple effect of changing the world for the better, bringing more peace, joy, health and love to the planet. Think of spiritual power like one’s divine purpose - the unique set of gifts and talents that we were created to embody in... our human experience. We all have divine gifts to offer the world. Something magical happens when we know what those gifts are, live them and offer them to the world. Watch this video to learn just what I mean. To dig deeper be sure to click the link in the comments to get access to the Path to Peace workbook and video.

Soul Tonic 06.08.2020

Most women who don’t want to rely on medications to calm anxiety turn to natural medicine, like herbs and diet. But is this actually getting to the root cause? And that might sound strange coming from a naturopathic doctor. And I totally understand. Natural medicine is a big industry, and celebrity doctors like Dr. Oz share that natural medicine is an option to help, so it’s easy to believe that it's the best alternative to taking western medications. ... But if natural medicine was the best alternative then everyone who saw alternative health practitioners, would no longer have anxiety. And we all know that’s not true 100% of the time. We can all think of people who tried, the natural route only to be worse off than when they started. So how does one actually find peace, sleep soundly and wake up energized and ready to start the day? This video explores just that. Be sure to click the link iin the comments below to get access to the PATH TO PEACE PDF and play along video.

Soul Tonic 22.07.2020

Many people rely on coffee to give them enough energy to get through their day, but that’s the worst thing to do with stress, anxiety or insomnia. I mean it makes sense I understand where it comes from. It’s the most popular and legal mind-altering substance around. It’s hard to avoid because it’s part of just about everyone’s morning routines, so it’s easy to believe that it HAS to be part of one's morning routine. But does it? Is there anyone who doesn’t drink coffee bu...t seems to have more than enough energy to get through the day? I can think of lots, myself included. Consider this... has coffee always been part of the morning routine? Even as children? No, of course not. Kids don't need coffee to get through the day so Clearly coffee is not required for day time energy, if it was, then everyone would HAVE to drink it just to get out of bed in the morning. And that’s simply just not true. So how do we get day time energy with out coffee? This video dives into exactly that.

Soul Tonic 20.07.2020

Sometimes - especially when things aren't going great - it's easy to think that our health and well-being (or illness) is completely random and has nothing to do with our self care routine (or lack of one). But thinking this is only perpetuating the problem. And so I'm wondering what's a more empowered perspective? ... My experience as a spiritual coach has shown me that one's health and well-being is how the universe rewards us for our authenticity. People that are true to themselves, their own needs, and their own desires are some of the most energetic happy people around. In this video we explore the beautiful exchange that happens when we act in alignment to who we are deep down at soul level. It this is resonating then click the link in the comments of this video to get access to your "Path to Peace" workbook.

Soul Tonic 03.07.2020

Many anxious insomniacs think that physicians have long-term answers for insomnia, but that could actually be harmful because it keeps the nervous system addicted to chemicals and not actually getting to the root of one's sleep problems. And I get it. We’re taught to believe that doctors know best so it’s easy to believe. But if docs did have long-term answers for insomnia then everyone with sleep problems who saw their doctor would be cured, and we all know that’s not true... 100% of the time. In fact, if we keep holding on to this belief we could actually create more serious imbalances in our nervous systems like anxiety or panic disorder. So how do we actually sleep through the night without relying on our doctors or medications? This video shares how we can sleep through the night, once and for all. Click the link in the comments below to get access to the Path to Peace workbook mentioned in the video.

Soul Tonic 27.06.2020

Most people live their life according to other people’s expectations. They grow up and do whatever they were taught, even if it doesn’t make them happy. They follow the rules and blend in, even if their heart is calling them in a different direction. The stress of ignoring their true desires is making them anxious, restless, and even sleepless.... But I wonder what it would be like if we ALL followed our own inner guidance. Instead of blending in people took a stand for expressing the deepest part of themselves. This video paints a picture of what that world would look like we if we stand up for our hearts and our souls. Click the link in the comments to get access to the Path to Peace workbook - the exact steps I take my clients through to help them align to their hearts desires, to calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy in their lives again.

Soul Tonic 16.06.2020

Is anxiety just a physical or biochemical problem? I know it can seem that way with a racing heart, pressure on the chest, a gnawing feeling in the stomach, and a mind that just won't quit. But what if it isn't all physical?... What if there is a deeper reason for anxiety and insomnia? In my personal and professional experience there three pillars that are necessary to address in combination to release anxiety for the long term. The three pillars make up the Divine Energy Advantage which is a program helps people to calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find their joy and energy again. This video goes into the third pillar: CHOICES. It's all about how we align our actions to match the deepest part of ourselves - our soul or spirit - or what I like to call our divine design. After watching the video be sure to click the link below in the comments to get immediate access to the Path to Peace PDF workbook. It goes more deeply into this pillar and the other two so to help people calm their minds, sleep through the night, and enjoy happy and energized days.

Soul Tonic 12.06.2020

Life is not happening to us. And in a way this way of thinking makes sense. When bad things happen or we don’t feel good it’s easy to search for the cause outside of ourselves.... But this might be harming us more than we realize. Think about it. The people in your life that are energized, happy and healthy, what do they have in common? They all take responsibility for their own well-being. They go get it instead of waiting for it to come to them. Can you show me one person that is truly living their best life who doesn’t take the actions they need to see results? No of course not. So how do we shift out of thinking that things are happening TO us? This video digs into this important question, so be sure to watch to the end and remember to click the link in the comments below to get immediate access to a PDF workbook called the Path to Peace. These are the exact steps I take my clients through so that they can become the engineers of their own experience so that they can live a vitalized, energized, happy, fulfilling life.

Soul Tonic 10.06.2020

Healing anxiety depends on one's divine authentic self expression. Most anxious people have specific things in their life that trigger their anxiety, although some don't know where their anxiety comes from but they suffer greatly. But when we look under the hood of what’s really going on and look at the root cause of anxiety, there is one thing that is common between all of these people. ... And that’s that they're not being who they truly are, and they're not following their heart’s guidance. They’re doing something they don’t want to do. They’re living a life they don’t want to live almost as if they are living someone else’s life. The stress of ignoring their heart is wreaking havoc on their physiology creating anxiety and also insomnia. What if it didn’t have to be like that? What if expressing yourself authentically was the solution to the racing mind and sleepless nights? Personally I'm dreaming of a world of happy, healthy people, doing what they love, because I belief that happy, healthy people doing what they love contribute to a more peaceful world. With out anxiety and insomnia we would have the energy to do great things, not just for our families, and communities but the world at large. And what if it was a simple as being who you were created to be, according to your soul's design? Imagine what it would be like if we all followed our own inner guidance. I see a community full of calm, happy people - free from anxiety and stress. Picture the ripple effect of what would be possible for the entire world. This is a future that I m so excited for, and one that I'm committed to help create. This video will show you more about how we can create that world. If you're someone who's wanting to step more into your authenticity and power then click in the comments below. You’ll get access to a workbook called the Path to Peace where I share the how to calm your mind, sleep deeply and find the joy and energy you’re seeking.

Soul Tonic 28.05.2020

A lot of people think that karma's out to get them, but that might be the biggest misinterpretation that humans have. And I get it. Everyone jokes and says that karma's a bee, so it's easy to believe. But if that was true, then no one would ever be able to create anything that they wanted in their life. ... And we all know that’s not the case. We all have tons of examples of things going pretty peachy in our lives - where things turned out pretty close to what we desired and expected. I bet that even if no examples are coming to mind, there are examples of others who always seem to have things go their way. In fact, holding on to this belief could actually be keeping things stuck and unfulfilling. So how do we actually get Karma on our side? This video explains just that. Click the link in the comments to get access to the Path to Peace workbook that covers these ideas in even more detail.

Soul Tonic 11.05.2020

Most people think that the only way to heal anxiety is with pharmaceutical prescriptions but that may not be the whole story, and thinking that it is might be delay the long-lasting improvement in anxiety that most people are looking for. And I completely get it. Doctors and drug ads on television say that medication is the way out of anxiety, so it’s easy to believe. But if drugs did work to actually heal anxiety than everyone who had anxiety and took medication would be cu...red. And we all know that’s not the case. We all know people who are taking medications and still looking for answers for their anxiety. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying medication should never be used. They definitely have a time and a place and can make a big difference for some people. But they are not a cure. Let's not kid ourselves. They are at best a bandaid. When I say drugs are not the whole story, I mean drugs aren’t the only part of the anxiety solution. This video offers other safer and more holistic ways to repair the broken biochemistry. Learn more by grabbing your free Path to Peace workbook by clicking the link in the comments below.

Soul Tonic 06.05.2020

What's in your way from moving forward and experiencing the joy and peace you're looking for? You’re about to learn how to clear old habits and beliefs (aka blocks). This is actually the 2nd pillar in the Divine Energy Blueprint, a program designed to calm your mind so you can find your joy and energy again. This is incredibly important because when most women who want to feel calm and sleep well (because they aren't and they don't) try their darndest to create new calming an...d energizing routines but never seem to be able to stick with things long enough to create the change they are wanting to see. What's the deal with that? Well, what they don't realize is that there are blocks in the way that make sure, no matter what that they can't and don't move forward. So they stay stuck in their muck, never fully experiencing the joy and energy they are looking for. And if you're like I was, anxious and not sleeping, that may exactly what you're doing right now. It's not your fault. Most of these blocks are going on under the surface, way below the capacity of your conscious mind. This video will show you how to fix all of that so you can become a vibrant energineer full of energy, joy, and vitality. Get your free Path to Peace workbook in the link in the comments.

Soul Tonic 24.04.2020

Most people think that taking meds and pharmaceuticals is the way out of anxiety but that might actually be dangerous advice because it can actually hurt you. And I understand, your doctor is prescribing medications so it’s easy to think that meds will heal your anxiety. But, if drugs did work to actually heal anxiety than everyone who had anxiety and took medication would be cured. ... And we all know that’s not the case. I'm sure you know people that have been having a really hard time with anxiety despite being on medications or many different ones in some cases. If you keep holding this belief you could actually delay finding the enduring cure you're looking for and slow down from finding the peace you’re looking for. So how can actually calm your mind, release your anxiety, and sleep deeply through the night? That's the question that the anxious insomnia women ask me when we start to work together. And this video talks about the most important thing that I help these women get a handle on so they can become vibrant engineers - literally engineering their own calm, joyful and vibrant energy. Click the link the comments below to get access to your Path to Peace Workobook.

Soul Tonic 05.04.2020

Your divine purpose will save the world. Your divine purpose is the unique set of gifts and talents that you were created to embody in your human experience. We all have divine gifts to offer the world. Something magical happens when we know what those gifts are, live them and offer them to the world. ... Not only are we happier and more energized, but the people around us in our families, communities, and the world at large are happier and more energized too. This is the impact of living our divine purpose - it's good for everyone. Think of the change-makers you know of or even know personally. What's true about all of the people that are really making a difference in the world? They all are standing in their truth and their divine purpose. Sadly society isn't on board with this. We're told and taught from every angle, that we should all fall into the herd, and not stand out. We're programmed to believe that we'll be safe if we are the same as others. Our subconscious minds keep us locked in the habit of blending in and being like everyone else. But how is this actually helpful to society? This video offers a "new normal," for those of us that have it in our hearts to become change makers. And it all starts with your divine purpose. Click the link in the comments below to get access to your Path to Peace

Soul Tonic 22.03.2020

Is Karma out to get me? I used to ask myself that question. There were moments in my life that really made me wonder! But thinking that Karma is working against us might be the biggest misunderstanding that we human beings humans have.... And I get it. Everyone jokes and says that karma's out to get them, so it's easy to believe. But if that was true, then no one would ever be able to create anything that they wanted in their life. And we all know that’s not the case - we all have tons of examples of things going pretty peachy in our lives - where things turned out pretty close to what we desired and expected. Even if you can't think of an example in your own life, you know of people who often seem to have things go their way. If we keep holding on to this belief we could actually be drawing things we don't want towards us without even knowing it. So you know how you can actually get karma to be a powerful, creative manifesting partner? This video explains just that! Be sure to click the link in the comments below to get access to your Path to Peace workbook.

Soul Tonic 20.03.2020

You may think that take care of your self is selfish. But that could be the biggest misunderstanding that women have when it comes to taking care of yourself. How can you expect to sustainably take care of others if you're constantly frustrated, irritable, fatigued, depleted? If you look around at the women who seem to have it all together, can you find me one of them who doesn't practice as a golden rule? It's unlikely. ... If you really want to make a difference in the lives of your family, your community, and even the world at large, you've got to take care of yourself first. When I was dealing with anxiety and insomnia I had to learn the art of self-care and now I coach my clients to do the same. If you're looking to calm your mind, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy again, so you can sustainably take care of others and make a difference in your community then click the link in the comments below. You'll get access to a workbook called the Path to Peace which is the exact steps I take my clients through when they come to me as anxious insomniacs that helps them become Vibrant Energineers, as they learn the art of self-care.

Soul Tonic 14.03.2020

Authenticity has the power to heal your anxiety and as a result, create big changes in your relationships, family, community, and the world at large. If you learn who you are, deep down at soul-level, you step into your authenticity. And your authentic expression is how you - as an individual - can better the world. ... If you're ready to truly step into your divine power, then click the link in the comments below. And you'll be on your Path.

Soul Tonic 08.03.2020

When it comes to healing anxiety there are lots of options. Standard, western, medical ones. Alternative ones. Lots of people start with pharmaceutical options. But let me as you, is that really going to create long-lasting change when it comes anxiety? Look at it this way. If drugs did work for anxiety than everyone who had anxiety and took medication would be cured. ... Why isn't that the case? It's because anxiety is not just a symptom of broken biochemistry, but commonly connected to other factors, such as your spiritual wellbeing. In this video, we're going to break down common factors that contribute to anxiety and stress and show why meds might not be getting to the root of the problem. Natural options to heal anxiety exist. Learn more by grabbing your free Path to Peace workbook by clicking the link in the comments below.

Soul Tonic 01.03.2020

It’s not lack of sleep that is making you tired.

Soul Tonic 07.02.2020

When we look up and out for guidance we might miss the gem inside us. It might have a smaller voice than what’s going on around us but it carries more power. What is your higher self / inner wisdom gently nudging you to do?... How loud does her voice need to be to get your attention? #thisisjoylab #sasksciencecentre See more

Soul Tonic 25.01.2020

I’m a very practical person. I love strategies that work. I’m so curious! What works for you when it comes to shifting your vibration?... For me it’s all about new actions that come from a NEW energy. It’s actions aligned to who you are at soul-level that creates an unbreakable magnetic force that brings what you want towards you. Mainly these days that seems to be sleep. Lots of people I work with are TIRED and not sleeping well. Shifting your vibration to help you sleep involves taking the right actions. If you’re not sure what that is, then I can help. Click the link in the Soul Tonic header for a free video training all about how your insomnia is actually a spiritual problem and what you can do about it. #akashicrecords #sleepsolutions

Soul Tonic 22.01.2020

With no agenda besides spreading the message of LOVE this man, John of Love on Every Billboard has been hiring billboards to share this simple message. Correction. This simple and most important message. And. It starts somewhere very specific.... It starts inside. It starts by connecting to yourself INSIDE and listening to what your soul is saying. Sadly. It’s not that simple because we humans with our silly brain thingies often dig our heels in and resist what our souls are saying OR don’t know what to listen for. And that’s how I can help. I can show you who you’re designed to be. I can share with you your divine blueprint. With this map in your pocket the listening becomes easier and when the listening becomes easier the love comes more easily. But it starts on the inside. #loveoneverybillboard #divinedesign

Soul Tonic 11.01.2020

This little brain and little heart always make me giggle. But laughs aside there is truth to this comic. The brain’s anxiety is blocking sleep, and blocked sleep means less recharging of the batteries on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual! Interestingly when I work with my clients the most long-lasting solution is actually a spiritual one! I talk more about this in a FREE video training that you can get immediate access to by signing up here: https://soultonic.ca/sleepsecret/

Soul Tonic 08.01.2020

3 am. 4 am. 5 am. I spent years waking up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep, and going about my day like a zombie in a fog. I tried everything. Natural remedies, acupuncture, meditations, visualizations.... Nothing worked . You can imagine my surprise when I found out that sleep disturbances can actually be a SPIRITUAL problem. I was shocked, but I was at my wit's end so I decided I would give it a try. And it worked . I now sleep through the night and wake up full of energy and vitality . What's even better than that? I can help you do the same. If you're ready to heal your sleep issues once and for all with out drugs, then check out this free online training: https://soultonic.ca/sleepsecret/ You'll learn: 1The hidden reason behind your low energy, poor sleep and anxiety. 2What human history can tell you about why you're feeling overwhelmed and can't possibly fit one more thing into your busy schedule. 3The secret solution to your restful sleeps, massive vitality, and unequivocal joy - this might surprise you (spoiler: It's not about doing MORE)! See you on the training! #insomniaproblems #spiritualsolutions

Soul Tonic 06.01.2020

Went in the ocean with these two salty dogs today. It was HEAVEN. It was my first time this year. Even though the ocean is my happy place I had a number of excuses about why I haven’t been in yet.... It’s too cold. I haven’t shaved. I don’t have a bathing suit that fits. And here’s the thing. All these objections are bull. The water today was perfect. I’ve surely missed out on other beautiful days that didn’t seem perfect at the time. Not Shaved? Ummm...really? So don’t wear a bathing suit. I’m not saying go naked but put on some shorts and a sports bra and get to it (also solving the visible hair issue). I see this so often in the clients I work with. They delay feeling good because of X,Y,Z reasons. But usually when we break them down, the reasons are ridiculous. Waiting for the green light from somebody else or for the conditions to be perfect is a perfect way to stay stuck. Because... after all... if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. #saltydogs #ocean #nomoreexcuses #congruentchoices #alignedactions #feelgoodnow

Soul Tonic 20.12.2019

You can lead a horse to water... and all that...

Soul Tonic 16.12.2019

She opened up the universe and found her soul staring back at her. Danielle in her magic led me to the making of this mandala through her gentle, thoughtful patience and compassion in movement and creativity. Here represented in TECHNICOLOUR #mandala form is my Soul Profile from my #akashicrecords... She and I are in talks to combine our gifts in retreat from. Learn your soul gifts and turn them in to a beautiful piece of art for meditation or just looking at. Would you be interested? DM me and let me know!

Soul Tonic 03.12.2019

It can take a lot of discipline to stay on track with your: A) values B) integrity C) boundaries D) divine gifts.... You gotta FOCUS FIERCELY sometimes. I’m so curious... how do you stay true to you? #focusfiercely #akashicrecordsreadings See more

Soul Tonic 26.11.2019

I woke up before the alarm today - wide awake, filled with energy. I grabbed the dog and headed for the near by beach to see the sunrise - one of my favourite things (next to sunsets). But with sunrises it’s a totally different feeling - greeting the day with peace, reverence, and positive intentions. #sunrise #energyalldaylong

Soul Tonic 09.11.2019

If you’re exhausted and gumpy I got you! Join me for a FREE webinar. VITALITY: The Spiritual Secret to Boundless Energy goes live this Saturday (JUNE 8) at 10:00 am PST. I would love to have you!! Sign up at soultonic.ca/vitality-webinar

Soul Tonic 31.10.2019

Tired and Cranky! There's help. I got you! Join me for a FREE webinar. VITALITY: The Spiritual Secret to Boundless Energy goes live this Saturday (JUNE 8) at 10:00 am PST. I would love to have you!! Sign up at soultonic.ca/vitality-webinar

Soul Tonic 12.10.2019

Mmmmm.... sleep. Leave a below if you WISH you were a SUPER GOOD sleeper.

Soul Tonic 01.10.2019

I found this interesting infographic on Anxiety on Mind Body Green. In this video I dedided to film a little video where I run you through the symptoms you may experience if you're suffering from anxiety. My question is though... why is your body feeling anxious? What's underlying the stress and tension? ... I've learned over the years working with women to reduce or eliminate their anxiety that very often this is not a physical problem or even an emotional one. It's a spiritual issue and it needs a spiritual solution. If you're shaking your head then good! I'm happy to share more aaaaaaall about this and actually put a free trainging together that goes into way more depth about the Soul Level Solutions for Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia. All you have to do is go here and sign up: https://soultonic.ca/stress/

Soul Tonic 29.09.2019

Sometimes wearing lots of colourful accessories is useful for something. If anything, it’s good for feeling unique. That’s an important thing to remember. Your soul expression is specific and special. Sending today! Especially to my partner in colour @superartgirl (2nd picture of and from her) - I You ! @ Comox, British Columbia

Soul Tonic 09.09.2019

The thing I love about my work is it’s all about DOING. It’s not froo froo la la la hogwash, wishing and hoping. Praying and thinking. It’s about changing what you’re doing, the actions you’re taking, the choices you’re making to change your physical vibration so you match what it is you’re wanting, whether thats: more energy fun, joy, and happiness, or... a calm peaceful mind... ...You gotta DO your divinity. #doyourdivinity #akashicrecords #soultonicreadings #divinedesign #divineenergy #alignedactions #congruentchoices #unicorn #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #saynotofroofroo See more

Soul Tonic 21.08.2019

Every choice you make is an opportunity to stack the deck of karma in your favour. #alignedactions #createconsciously

Soul Tonic 03.08.2019

I love making my way to the water. It’s a way for me to cultivate a feeling of FREEDOM. Knowing the energy behind our actions allows us to understand the things that show up in our lives. #ocean #freedom

Soul Tonic 19.07.2019

I woke up at 5:30 with a massive flood of energy. I put on pants (yay!) and booked it down to a beach to catch the sunrise. I love greeting the day this way! I know why I feel so good today (thankfully it’s not a mystery for me anymore because I know my #divinedesign).... I stopped doing things that weren’t aligned with who I am at soul level and took 2 key actions that were in complete alignment. When we do this it’s like our energy stretches on for miles (like my shadow in the last image). I hope you have a great day today!! #sunrise

Soul Tonic 08.07.2019

Actions speak louder than thoughts or words. #divinedesign #akashicrecords

Soul Tonic 06.07.2019

I see a lot of memes about having patience. Just wait! The results are coming to you.... My coach just whipped my butt about this the other day. She says success and alignment leave clues. When you’re taking aligned actions you will get some sort of interim result or feedback with in 24 hours letting you know that you’re on the right track. No changes what so ever? The energy of the action you took wasn’t aligned to the energy of the result you want. If it was, you’d already have the thing. How do you know you’re on the right track? What interim results have you noticed? #alignmentleavesclues #alignedaction #congruentchoices #soultonicreadings #schoolyou #mindblown #interimresults #universe #divineenergy #manifestation #abundance #rainbowsmakemehappy #cantstopwontstop See more

Soul Tonic 22.06.2019

This happens at the level of ACTION, not the level of mind. Having an AHA is not a shift. It feels good in the moment but it won’t bring you any real new or different results. You must act differently. Behave in a new way. Move your body 3 dimentionally - through time and space! That’s a true shift. #shiftyourvibration #alignedaction #congruentchoices #divineenergy #akashicrecords #manifestion #universallaw #soultonicreadings

Soul Tonic 12.06.2019

These rainbows though! Thanks #dreamcatcher!

Soul Tonic 24.05.2019

Mmm.... backyard office. I love it when things align for me to meet with clients from the comfort of my forest backyard. Where’s your favourite place to serve from? #backyard #soultonicreadings

Soul Tonic 08.05.2019

Live your gifts! Aka your divinity! Aka your raison d’etre! #liveyourgifts #alignedactions

Soul Tonic 18.04.2019

My rainbow maker! Most afternoons when I’m working from home, doing client sessions and readings I get decorated in beautiful, dazzling, full-spectrum sparkles because of this dream catcher. When we first moved into our new house I kept this little lady in a box for several months. ... I forgot how happy I get when I let her do her work. And you now what? For her the work is easy. It’s no effort for her to diffract beams of sunshine. That’s her gift and she’s living it every day - even on the cloudy ones. And yes, she’s an inanimate object. (Cue Ikea commercial voice, It’s a dream catcher, she has no feelings!) Inanimation aside she is still a source of joy and inspiration for me. And you’re probably that for others with out even trying. Often the things that come easily or we find fun are connected to our divine gifts. The answers for sure are in your divine design and I can help you access that sacred information. #divinegifts #dreamcatcher See more

Soul Tonic 04.04.2019

It’s all about taking action aligned with who you are at soul level. When you do this the universe rewards you generously. #alignedactions #congrugentchoices #divineenergy #akashicrecords #soullevelsolutions #liveyourgifts #soultonicreadings

Soul Tonic 21.03.2019

CALM YOUR MIND Hi there! I’m Tonia Winchester and I’m a spiritual coach and guide. ... I help women who suffer from anxiety, stress, and insomnia to calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find their joy again. If you’re struggling with any of those things then I invite you to watch a training video that will show you exactly how Soul Tonic can help. By watching you’ll learn: 1You are going to learn three key things that are keeping you from getting the rest you need so that you can live a happy, energized and stress-free life. 2Why you’re not actually able to change your life in a way that lasts and feels good. 3What is really going on for you; what’s actually behind your stress, anxiety, and sleep issues. 4The real reason why you’re still struggling with these problems and why your life doesn’t look and feel as wonderful as you want it to. Click here to sign up for immediate access to the video training: soultonic.ca/stress #soulrealignment #lawofattraction

Soul Tonic 13.03.2019

Easter is pending, as spring is making it’s way into the northern hemisphere. What new intentions do you want to manifest in the next few months? #manifestblueprint #lawofattraction

Soul Tonic 22.02.2019

2 common questions I’m getting recently: . 1 Have you lost weight? I don’t know. But thank you! 2 (This one they lean in and whipster for): You’re glowing, are you pregnant? ... Nope! But thank you! . Wanna know what I think is happening? . Everyday I’m CONSCIOUSLY taking more and more actions aligned with who I am at soul level. . And this is having an impact on how I look. . Crazy right? . Agreed. . But. That’s the beauty of knowing who you are at Soul-Level. . More vitality. . In this life. . When you actually can use it. . And people can actually see it! . #soulsolutions #divineenergy #vitality #alignedactions #consciouschoices #soultonicreadings #spiritualblueprint #akashicrecords #liveyourgifts #calmyourmind #sleepsoundly #findyourjoy See more

Soul Tonic 12.02.2019

Happy International Women’s Day! #iwd2019 #divinedesign

Soul Tonic 31.01.2019

A busy, anxious, over-thinky mind is one of the most common things I see in my clients. It doesn’t have to be this way. #calmyourmind #soullevelsolutions

Soul Tonic 27.01.2019

Hi! I'm Tonia. I help women with anxiety, stress, and insomnia to calm their minds, sleep soundly, and find their joy again. Click the button below that says "Watch More" to sign up for a free video training where you'll learn the underlying cause of these frustrating symptoms.