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SOLARIS 31.01.2021

The trial that comes with the spiritual ideation that says caring about our beauty, outer appearance, and even our physical self is superficial or egoic is that of unfulfillment. When we do not create a physical appearance that feels GOOD, we are left feeling Dissatisfied.... Unexpressed. Inauthentic. And dare I say, when we believe that we should not care of how we look, or wear makeup, or dress in the way that makes us feel attractive, a common feeling can be straight up confusion! Even emptiness, depression and self hate. I can say at least for my soul, it DESIRES to be here. Fully. It DESIRES to be expressed. It DESIRES that I LOVE myself. On all levels. When we feel expressed, the light within us is turned on. When we feel and live from this light, we live and know and breathe our power. We live in direct connection with our soul. When we desire to show up in a higher version or vision of ourselves, but feel confused or ugly or unexpressed in who we are or out of alignment in our physical body- that our soul CHOSE to incarnate in- we are constantly in a battle, wanting to live in our divinity that we know is coded in us, but also suppressing it. I went through this struggle x2 in becoming a mom, in the natural living trend + radical feminism, seeing anything and everything to do with the societal conditioning and products we use as evil. And then in my spiritual awakening journey, I gained 60 lbs in my ignorance of my physical body and desperately filling the void- the unfulfillment- that I felt with food. What I believe now, is that we must find balance. We must allow ourselves to feel pleasure for ourselves, FROM ourselves. The ability to express ourselves through our appearance is a gift. It raises our frequency. It raises our pleasure. It raises our connection. It allows us to live and breathe and CREATE our reality from our divinity. Because we feel it. Because we know it. Because we light the world with it. #intentionalart #customart #healingthroughart #anchoryourstate #emotionalart #createfromthesoul #sacredhealing #goingwithin #soulexpression #danceoflife #childlikeplay #subtlehealing #livingfree #selfexpression #innerjoy #deepconnection #freedom

SOLARIS 24.01.2021

D A M N , I am just gawking at this piece! My favourite, by far! I called this symbol in at the end of 2019, with the intention of it guiding humanity for the highest good of 2020. (I will share the story of why the creation process took until the end of this year in a following post.)... Here is what came through in this symbol, prior to this year: INFINITE ACTIVATE NEW POTENTIAL SHOOTING STARS METEOR SHOWER ILLUMINATION REVELATION EXPANSION CLARITY CREATION RISING MAKING USE OF SHADOWS TURNED TO LIGHT USING SYNCHRONICITIES AND NEW DEPTH OF UNDERSTANDING TO CREATE NEW STEPPING INTO NEW BLESSINGS, GIFTS, ABILITIES AND OPPORTUNITIES LIGHTING THE DARKNESS EASE IN MANIFESTING NEW POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH The incense that I chose in setting the energy in my space and infusing in this piece was GALAXY. I wanted the feeling of the mystery, wonderment and expansion of the cosmos to be evident. The meteor showers + shooting stars in the symbolism itself and the art signifies blessings and higher intention/purpose from the cosmos and in the evolution of our Earth/humanity that is happening at a higher knowing and purpose than we can consciously understand. A sign that all is well, all is intentional, all is divine unfoldment. Trust. The purpose of this piece is to activate and anchor one to the purpose and transformational energy of 2020, not just relevant to this year, but as the BEGINNING of the rising and infinite potential to create the new in this shift on the Earth! For one rising and activating their own purpose, gifts, abilities and the infinite potential of creation available to us to birth an entire new way of being! This activating Intentional Symbol is looking for it's soul owner, although she is setting and waiting to be varnished. $444 CAD Connect to claim her! ~~~~~~~~~~~ "2020, This is the Year Of illumination. Illumination of The shadows, The darkness, The old, And the new. All these years Have led us HERE; 2020. We begin At the threshold. A new potential Activated deep Within the Earth. A light increasingly Expanding within Your core. Do you feel it? This is the Year For you to Step in to the Divine creation Of all that You are. All that you Came to the Earth to be. To see clearly Your deeper purpose, Your gifts, abilities, And allow your Essence to radiate. Glowing. We will all Glow. And together, We will rise. We will turn The darkness To light, And allow Ourselves to be Guided to new Blessings, Synchronicities; Lighting the Opportunities For our expansion. Creating of the New! Follow the light." #intentionalsymbols #intentionalart #customart #healingthroughart #anchoryourstate #emotionalart #createfromthesoul #sacredhealing #goingwithin #soulexpression #danceoflife #childlikeplay #subtlehealing #livingfree #selfexpression #innerjoy #deepconnection #freedom #customsoulsymbols #customsymbols

SOLARIS 12.01.2021

Well, yeah, this intentional symbol has got a story. . . Or three. I brought this symbol down along with it's energy & meaning a whole year ago! That's right, December 2019. A year when life felt simple, or at least straightforward, for most. I asked specifically that a symbol meant to guide humanity for the highest good come down for the year of 2020. ... Many of us intuitives, visionaries, lightworkers, leaders of the new earth, etc. knew that TwentyTwenty was to be a significant year in the evolution and shifting of humanity and the Earth, but I'm not sure a global pandemic (along with everything else that has and is transpiring) was what we envisioned. In any case, this symbol (back in 2019) spoke of Illumination of the shadows, the darkness, the old, and the new. And making use of shadows turned to light in order to use synchronicities and new depth of understanding (hello, 2020!) to create new. I won't say much more about this symbol's energy and meaning in this post or share it's writing (a full one will be posted later today), but what I've realized over the last year is that this symbol wasn't meant to drive the year, but instead, represent the beginning of the shift taking place on our physical Earth, and show us the potential that has now been activated and the light that, at the end of 2020, we are beginning to see ripple out into the world. We are waking from our slumbers, we are feeling our soul's potential and mission, and the shifts and intentional chaos that was needed to uproot old systems have created fertile ground as we move into our next chapter! Here's to rising! ... Lighting the Opportunities For our expansion, Creating of the New. Follow the light. Does this intentional symbol speak to you? It is available! $444 CAD, includes shipping. DM to purchase. #intentionalsymbols #intentionalart #customart #healingthroughart #anchoryourstate #emotionalart #createfromthesoul #sacredhealing #goingwithin #soulexpression #danceoflife #childlikeplay #subtlehealing #livingfree #selfexpression #innerjoy #deepconnection #freedom #customsoulsymbols

SOLARIS 01.01.2021

I shared a video last night of how I was led and initiated into the creation of my Intentional Symbols. However, when I began, I had NO idea what they were "supposed" to be or look like, or really, their purpose. All I knew was that I was being called by my higher guidance to make paintings of individual symbols.... Today I am sharing the unfolding! How they began, how they started speaking through me and everything thing else beyond and in between! P.S. They still continue to evolve and deepen in depth, intention and purpose!

SOLARIS 16.12.2020

The intention of Custom Soul Symbols is to anchor one within to their highest state and guide them through the transformation to their next level(s) of self. Your custom symbol will identify your blocks and guide you through the practical as it clears the way ahead. It holds the energetic frequency within YOU that is necessary to tap into for you to rise and transform in your highest being.... She, Rising CAN YOU FEEL IT? #intentionalsymbols #intentionalart #customart #healingthroughart #anchoryourstate #emotionalart #createfromthesoul #sacredhealing #goingwithin #soulexpression #danceoflife #childlikeplay #subtlehealing #livingfree #selfexpression #innerjoy #deepconnection #freedom #customsoulsymbols

SOLARIS 12.12.2020

If you don't already know what I do- I create and bring to life symbols from one's soul essence as a form of energetic art, intuitive/psychic reading, and an intentional spiritual tool made uniquely for you, FROM you. ... I read the energy of the symbol that comes down (I see your symbol as a story of your own energy, where it shows me blocks and which energy centers are needing you to focus on bringing energy in, as well as the progression of how to move through this), take out it's meanings and symbolism for you, etc. I then open the space and allow messages that desire to come through for your highest good to (if there was specific guidance you were seeking, I could absolutely ask for that in this portion as well). And finally, I allow the symbol to speak a writing to you in the form of a letter that ends up being 1-2 full pages. The physical art piece, messages, and writing are designed to grow with you and act as an anchoring tool for you to remain tapped in to your essence and truth so that you can be guided, transform and move confidently to the next level(s) on your journey. Those who have had a Custom symbol created often describe it as validation, permission and clarity of owning where they are and what they've been feeling (often trying to push away), clearing the way forward, and the power/confidence/clarity to take the next steps! Each symbol's full creation process takes roughly 6 weeks to create and includes a video call for me to show and tell you all about what came through for you while the painting is waiting to be varnished. Also, for you to process anything in the safe space I view this process as sacred and only work from the highest connection, aligned times, and clear of my own energy. The investment from creation to your door is $650 CAD (approx. $510 USD) and the price can be split into multiple payments, as long as the final payment is made before varnishing and shipping. I've raised my prices to honour my own energy and the many MANY hours that go into these, as well as allow me to serve at the highest possible level I currently have an opening for a Custom creation. If this speaks to you, reach out Haley #intentionalsymbols #intentionalart #customart #healingthroughart #anchoryourstate #emotionalart #createfromthesoul #sacredhealing #goingwithin #soulexpression #danceoflife #childlikeplay #subtlehealing #livingfree #selfexpression #innerjoy #deepconnection #freedom