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Locality: Ottawa, Ontario

Phone: +1 613-821-1006

Address: 2217 Stagecoach Road K4P 1N6 Ottawa, ON, Canada

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Christian Tier Alternative Healing 03.11.2020

This past Friday, I had to say good-bye to a friend and colleague that I have worked with for over twenty years. She was a complexed woman who possessed a kind and generous heart to all those she considered her friends. I shall miss the good times we had at her house for there was always good food (she was an excellent cook) and plenty of laughter. Her death was so unnecessary and tragic. I guess that’s why I am having such a hard time dealing with her passing. If the person ...who took her life had taken the time to clean off his car and made sure he could see out of his windshield, she would still be with us today. However, Iknow holding onto these feelings of anger and grief will not serve any purpose and will only hold me and her back from moving forward in our life journeys. So, I am turning to the spiritual side of life for which I believe in with all my heart. For what ever reason, this is how her soul chose to leave this earth plain. It took a lot of work and courage to make sure everything was in place for her to take her journey home. I know she is no longer suffering and she is now with the husband she loved and the father she cherished. So, I will not say good-bye; but I will remember the good times we shared and remember you always. Peace and Love April

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 28.10.2020

Our lives are about to change, with blessings supporting our progress in learning and growing. This card signals that we are reaching a pivotal moment when we will make a life-changing decision. We may also experience an epiphany that seems to turn our lives upside down. We may realize a truth about ourselves, a relationship, our health or our career path. Facing truths may be scary, but they can also set us free. We need to embrace the information we are given and use it to bring our desired life goals to reality. Be fearless knowing that we are not alone on this journey and help is always there.We just need to ask for it.

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 15.10.2020

we all have masculine and feminine energy. Our feminine side receives Divinely inspired ideas and creative insights. Our masculine side does the work of putting these insights and ideas in motion. Both are important as they work as a team. Sometimes if we find our work or our relationships stressful or our lives just seem out of sync, it is an indication that we need to balance our male and female energy. It is time to sit and mediate or do a grounding exercise to get these to energies flowing together once again. Once we do this, we should notice that our thoughts are much clearer, and our motivation is high.

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 09.10.2020

The Chariot is an indication of determination and willpower! We may feel a bit uncertain about the situation we find ourselves in, but we need not fear. When the Chariot is present, it is our confirmation from Archangel Metatron that we have what it takes. We need to step out of our comfort zone and charge bravely ahead with joy and confidence! A great leap forward is heading our way. It will take balance, self-control and hard work, but we are ready for the task at hand. Public recognition for our success is sure to come. We need to feel proud in what we have accomplished!

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 29.09.2020

The Queen of Michael is advising us that if we find ourselves in a situation, we need not worry. Our past experiences have prepared us perfectly on how to handle this situation. Wisdom blended with humour makes the task easy to accomplish. We need to give others credit for good intentions rather than perfect action. This is the time in life when we should be concentrating on advancing our careers and getting things done. However, if we find ourselves needing assistance it is ok to ask for advice from a trusted friend or a mentor.

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 16.09.2020

The Crystal Apophylite is a sign that we are receiving increased support so our needs are being met. God has heard our prayers and he is sending the support we need at this time. We need to look for the signs he sends us. The answer may come in the form of a dream, a street sign, a conversation with a friend or an intuitive message. So be alert, pay attention and be ready.

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 28.08.2020

This card comes to us at this time to remind us that we are God’s precious diamond. Although we may have been through a lot, God’s strength has always been there to support us, and it always will. Now is not the time to let go, but to let God. Now is the time to recognize just how important and valuable we are. Not only for ourselves, but for everyone we know. This week, make it apoint to let someone know just how important they are to you and the rest of the world.

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 16.08.2020

As we say goodbye to 2017, let us focus on our successes and the people who helped us get there. Let us be thankful for friends and family who stood by us every step of the way. They were there in the good times as well as the bad and we should let them know just how much them mean to us. As the new year approaches, it is a time of new beginnings and new adventures. Let us embrace 2018 with open arms and open hearts and cast any fear aside and move forward with confidence and joy knowing that we do not travel this road alone. Remember that our beloved Creator walks with us every step of the way. Happy NewYear!!

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 12.08.2020

During this holiday season let us rejoice in the memories of Christmas’s past. Let us remember the love and joy of those who have past on before us and keep their memoies close to our hearts. Let us be thankful for our friends and family who also bring peace, love and joy into our lives. Let us not forget the homeless or those who are less fortunate then we are. We need to show them that we care and help them in any manner we can. Let us rejoice in our Heavenly Father who m...akes all things possible. Let us honor him by helping those in need and thank him for all the blessing he has bestowed on each and everyone of us through out this past year . I hope that you all enjoy your holidays to the fullest and for those that need to travel, I pray that you reach your destinations safe and sound. Blessings!

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 30.07.2020

When the Diamond Dreamer arrives, he represents the successful manifestation of the unseen into the material. We need to make sure we truly want what we think we desire. For this Ally will commit getting it for us. All manner of conditions will flow around us; messages from spirit will serve to guide us towards achieving our hearts desire. What ever goals we are working towards will be successful. We may also experience material and financial shifts. The Diamond Dreamer also serves to guide us to the appropriate choices so that the unseen is awakened to move mountains on our behalf. This card also represents positive communication in all our relationships.

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 15.07.2020

The Lady of the Gift brings a message of tithing. To be our Ally, she requires us to look at the nature and method of giving to others. The world is our church, and we only need to distribute 10 percent o our wealth to others to ensure that the flow continues. Yet, this does not necessarily mean giving money away, nor does it apply a direct action of charity, even though the tradition of tithing is material. In fact, the kind of tithing the Lady asks of us is not tangible or material at all. She is asking us to look at all human beings as important in the Divine scheme of things and show others that we believe in them. We need to pay attention of how we treat people and be mindful of our perception of them. If we see others as successful and abundant, and believe they have value, blessings all around are assured.

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 27.06.2020

The Cosmos always appears as an ally and never as a challenger. Creativity in all forms is represented by the Cosmos. This is a sign to place our attention on creative projects they will be successful. Remember all of life is creative, and we are always co-creating with the Divine. The Cosmos also represents the principle of infinity and the vastness of the energetic exchange of consciousness influencing all living things. This teaches us that every intention we set, is in f...act, contagious with the power to influence others. We are entangled at our deepest energetic place, so we cannot help but have an effect on others from an individual level to a global one. This is a sign to open the well of creativity deep within in us and be mindful of our thoughts and actions: both are influencing our outer world. Most importantly, kwe need to keep acting towards our goals, as the Cosmos responds perfectly to manifest our highest Destiney. Expect to be inspired and to meaningfully touch others with all that we create!

Christian Tier Alternative Healing 25.06.2020

The Metal King is strong and arrives to lend us his impenetrable shield of protection. No matter who sends us criticism or jealousy, we will not be affected. This ally also prompts us to think about setting healthy boundaries. When we do no matter how uncomfortable that task may be everyone will benefit. He asks us to make sure we know where we end and where another begins. We must remember that others’ emotions are not ours, no matter how empathetic we may be. The Metal King also is here to remind us how important it is to have a healthy sense of self-esteem. This is a good time to shine and be proud of what we have accomplished.