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Locality: London, Ontario

Phone: +1 519-476-2434

Address: 860 commissioners road east London, ON, Canada

Website: www.organizinglondon.com/

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A+ Organizing 18.10.2021

Everyday should be earth day because we only have one to live our lives on. We can show our appreciation by creating the smallest carbon foot print possible. We can choose to be conscious of our food prep to lessen waste, only take reusable bags when shopping, buy non-synthetic fabrics when possible, buy compostable pet waste bags, create a compost, etc. This and many more can contribute to the betterment of our planet. #planet #earthday #carbonfootprint

A+ Organizing 14.10.2021

Peace of mind comes from knowing that in an emergency you and your loved ones are safe and protected. Always have an up to date First Aid kit at home and in your vehicle and at least one member of the family should have a First Aid certificate. Be sure to keep all important documents such as; passports in a fire resistant safe. Not least of all let’s have a pet carrier on hand for our furry friends. #peace of mind #emergencyplan #firstaidkit

A+ Organizing 10.10.2021

After watching the below on one of my favourite Youtube channels I was inspired to create this post. We do not have control of challenging circumstances, but we do have control of how we react to them. Let’s empower ourselves and those we love by making decisions everyday that will keep us happy, healthy and strong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQyK9fIeX6c

A+ Organizing 01.10.2021

Life in the morning is so much easier when you have already selected your outfit (or outfits if you're feeling extra motivated) the evening before. Decisions such as choosing accessories can become time consuming and use up precious minutes. For inspiration when staring blankly at that tempting favourite sweater try using a necklace, scarf or fun jewelry to inspire a new outfit. On a more practical note checking the weather forecast the evening before can also help determine clothing selections. #weather #clothing #morningmotivation

A+ Organizing 20.09.2021

There are two sides to every coin and of course there are also disadvantages to working at home as well such as; distractions from children and pets, learning new technology for meetings that were once easily done in person and sometimes you just miss that morning chat at the water cooler. Looking at the big picture however makes it easier when we focus on the positive aspects and forget about being lonely because before you know you’ll be a Zoom expert! #positive #technology #workingfromhome

A+ Organizing 02.09.2021

There are so many ways we can show our love and appreciation for one another rather than material items we purchase. Talking on the phone, sending an E-card, helping with chores, and not least of all letting go of the things we no longer use or need and that others less fortunate will be grateful and appreciative of. #grateful #lettinggo #appreciation #helpingothers

A+ Organizing 15.08.2021

So often we are tempted to purchase clothing based on the cost and not the carbon footprint it will leave once we discard it. We are fortunate to live in country where water shortage and pollution is not a concern for most of us, but for some countries this is a constant issue. Polluted water from the textiles industry can contain chemicals such as formaldehyde, chlorine and heavy metals, and this contaminated water is then used for drinking and other activities. Let’s make wise decisions with what we already own such as; re-purposing, repairing, and donating no longer needed clothing. #clothing #repurposed #donate #fortunate #watershortage #textileindustry

A+ Organizing 27.07.2021

We usually consider the amount of energy we spend towards planning, goal setting and tasking when deciding what to prioritize in our lives, but not how much more energy it takes when we procrastinate, and make spontaneous decisions based on fear, anger and stress. Not all plans come to fruition the way we want or need them too, but at least it is easier to re-work a plan than start from scratch when challenges come along. #planning #goals #priorities

A+ Organizing 21.07.2021

We often dread the thought of beginning a project and through frustration procrastinate. Change your perspective by envisioning how much more efficient and productive your day will become when you complete an organizing project. Take this feeling of relief and freedom and apply it to a reverse engineer goal plan. Write down your desired completion date with an estimation of how many hours it will take. Divide your hours into your days and this number will determine your hours each day required to complete your project. Bonus points if you involve friends and family in helping and are able to cut your time in half or less! #organizinghacks #project #perspective #goals #productivity