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Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts 22.03.2021

Join us this Sunday! Build community through astrology and sound Learn about February’s astrology ... Integrate the highest vibration of planetary energies through sound We’ve started an online monthly meet-up where you can do all those things alongside us! Join us on February 7th at the Cosmic Salon and Sound Lounge! To register, see the link in my bio . . .

Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts 07.03.2021

We welcome the New Moon at 23 degrees of Aquarius tomorrow at 14:05 EST on February 11, 2021. This New Moon is part of the Aquarius Stellium, alongside the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. This number of planetary bodies in Aquarius has not happened since 1962. The emphasis on Aquarius energy couldn’t be stronger in this significant moment. A strong-willed, free-willed Aquarius Moon is asking us to vision something better for ourselves. It is nudging us beyond the co...nfines of tradition and our own self-imposed limitations. It wants us to explore future-forward ideas, be as innovative in our lives as we dare to be, to be authentic always and in all ways. It wants us to maintain strong boundaries while valuing friendship and building community. It wants us to detach from our emotional rabbit holes while honoring truth, knowledge and wisdom. It wants us to be radically independent while being socially conscious and community minded. This New Moon in Aquarius is a moment in setting intentions towards our evolution through revolution of our mind, body, spirit. This entails continual shadow work as we heal and do better, for the greater good of the collective. This New Moon, let’s remember that it is through our emotional freedom that we bring healing and deeper connection to community. Let’s move with conviction towards our liberation in all ways for ALL of us. With love & care. . . .

Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts 20.02.2021

The Sun squares Mars today. Possible flare-ups of all sorts. Irritability, Impatience, Frustration, Impulsivity, Depletion, Physical Inflammation. Venus also conjoins Saturn, & both are in a square to Uranus. And all this in the backdrop of a Mercury Rx. A moment to rest, to chill. A note to say that the major astrological event of this month is not Mercury Rx. It is the Saturn-Uranus square which will be in exact degree on February 17. And we have been held in its culminati...ng tense energy for a few weeks now. To learn more about it, join our Cosmic Salon and Sound Lounge this coming Sunday 7! The Saturn-Uranus square is a recurring theme this year. SO best to know what energies we’ll be engaging with. Click the link in bio to register for Sunday. Or book a transit reading with me to learn about how the current astrology is impacting you specifically. . . .

Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts 11.02.2021

Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus are throwing in some wrenches into Aquarius Season. And it’s all topped off with a Mercury Retrograde to boot. There is an energy of conflict and impulsivity in the air. But what we choose to do with these energies is up to us. We are each impacted and influenced in specific ways by the movement of the celestial bodies above. And having awareness gives us the power to make better choices for ourselves.... Find out how the energy of planetary transits are impacting you specifically by booking a Transit Reading session with me. You will need to know your time of birth (or a close estimate) for this. Also, my Patreon members just received their Aquarius Season horoscopes today, with a more collective insight as to what this season holds for their Sun sign. While Sun sign horoscopes are not as specific as a Transit reading, they will still provide you with some guidance in relation to the energies impacting you. Sending care far and wide. And wishing you ease during these turbulent times. . . .

Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts 02.02.2021

The moment of our birth is immense. It holds the key to unlocking the fullest understanding of who we are. From our very first breath, we begin a lifelong connection to the celestial bodies above. The truth is simple - we are of the cosmos, and their energies exist within us. This is why most of us are drawn to astrology. It is an inherent language we speak.... Astrology gives us cosmic context as to why we are the way we are. And it holds truths about our life’s journey our gifts, our challenges, our motivations and our healing potential. Knowing ourselves in this way is powerful. It offers us deep inner wisdom to make our choices. It helps us realize what it is we need to do. That choice, that hard work, the healing, is up to us. My role as an astrologer is to help you navigate the language of astrology. I interpret the cosmic chart of your birth (Natal Chart) and open the door to a deeper understanding of who you are. Astrology is a comprehensive language that goes beyond the notion of zodiac signs. Our signs are only a small part of it. It is the celestial bodies of our chart, and their angular relationship to one another, that tells us the story of who we are. And once we gain cosmic wisdom about ourselves, through our Natal Chart, we then begin to learn how the current celestial bodies communicate with us in our day-to-day and cyclically (what we call, Transits). While there is a collective energy we are held in, there is an even more unique way we, as individuals are experiencing current planetary movements. And my role as an Astrologer, is also to help you navigate these energy activations and shifts within yourself. If any of this speaks to you, book a Natal Chart session with me, where I provide you with a written report and a virtual session to chat about it. New clients are always amazed by the depths of this experience and the affirmation it brings them. Knowing ourselves cosmically shows us the dynamic nature of our existence. Nothing is written in stone. Astrology gives us insight to make better choices and it offers us healing pathways that can transform our lives. . . .

Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts 20.01.2021

Its finnnnaaalllly here! In exactly one week, @nicolemanessoundtherapy and I launch our monthly Cosmic Salon and Sound Lounge! Nicole, who is is a certified sound therapy practitioner, and I invite you to join us for this zoom monthly meet-up where you will:... Gain an understanding of key astrological events Have the opportunity to integrate these cosmic energies and insights with a live online sound bath January 10th February 7th March 7th From 8-9:30 pm (EST) Let astrology and sound guide and ground you in 2021! Cost: $44 3-session bundle for $106 (Tax included & in Canadian dollars) See the link in bio to register!

Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts 06.01.2021

I am a Cancerian, born on a Full Moon in Capricorn. I live out an everlasting tension of this polarity within me - earthly and emotional intelligence offering endless lessons about my inner and outer foundations. I am forever seeking the balance between my deep emotional waters and my tendency to detach from my emotions. The discomfort of feeling versus doing. A life theme for me. And the very energies we are collectively experiencing this Full Moon in Cancer. I know well whe...re the energies of this lunation are taking us. And I ask you to open to this journey. This is an emotional moon, connecting us with our inner knowing, our ancestral energies and our roots. A healing moon, helping us access those emotions we’ve been holding on to. A releasing moon to help us let go. An ancestral moon, connecting us to the resiliency of our lineages. A shielding moon, offering us the protection of our ancestors. A nurturing moon, to honor our needs. A nourishing moon to bring us ease. May we find the emotional release we need this lunation. May we give ourselves permission to unravel in the healing waters of this Full Moon in Cancer. . . .