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Alberta Banner of Peace Association 23.10.2021

Today is the 190th anniversary of H.P. Blavatsky. Do not be afraid of your difficulties.Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity. H.P. Blavatsky

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 19.10.2021

Alicia, Junto a la Bandera de la Paz, que llevo Roerich en su Expedición a Asia

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 03.10.2021

HAPPY UNIVERSAL DAY OF CULTURE! In the White House today the Pact is being signed with the participation of President Roosevelt. Over our baishin [Mongolian dwelling] the Banner has already been hoisted. It will wave in many countries today. In many corners of the world, friends, and co-workers will gather in solemn communion and will determine the next forthcoming means of safeguarding cultural values. We shall not tire of repeating that in addition to recognition by the go...vernment active public participation is needed. Cultural values adorn and elevate all life, from small to great. Therefore an active care about them must be evidenced by all. No matter how many countries signed the Pact today, this day will be preserved in history as one of memorable cultural attainment. The government has lent its powerful hand, and thus many new ways have been opened for all active adherents of culture. Maybe some sinister attempts will also be revealed today. The choice between Light and darkness must arise unavoidably. This is not a division of opinions, but indeed a choice between the constructive and destructive, the positive and negative. The success of the signing of the Pact, and any opposition as well, should equally encourage all co-workers to further achievement. Let us cherish this day in our memory as a sign of an enlightened future, as one more impulse toward useful constructive attainments. I stress that the expression ‘division of opinions’ would be quite unacceptable at present. Light and darkness never unite and therefore cannot become divided. But if darkness senses danger to itself, it roars, it yelps, and fights. It could never have separated itself from Light, as is generally thought, for its essence was always the opposite of Light. Likewise, it will be always a dark background upon which glowing sparks are even more brilliant. Let no one think that precisely today, on this day of achievement and festival, it is, as it were, unfitting to speak about darkness. For if we understand it as the antithesis of Light, as something which is dispersed by Light, then indeed on the day of the Festival of Light it can be remembered that a certain portion of darkness was dispersed today. We have never concealed the fact that darkness in its sinister aspect is strong. We have never concealed the fact that each victory over darkness will be the result of a big and difficult battle. Therefore, great is the victory of Light over darkness. Only in the full realization of the scope of this battle can we truly rejoice at each victory of Light." Nicholas Roerich. "The Banner". April 15th 1935.

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 17.09.2021


Alberta Banner of Peace Association 31.08.2021

День Учителя в имении Рерихов, по традиции, отметили посадкой цветов

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 21.08.2021

5 марта 1966 года, 55 лет назад, умерла Анна Андреевна Ахматова голос вечности позвал ее с неодолимостью нездешней. С ее смертью окончательно ушла целая э...поха, оборвалась последняя нить, связывавшая современность с Серебряным веком. В подвале памяти Ахматовой было много имен ее гениальных современников, с которыми сталкивала ее жизнь: Николай Гумилев, Александр Блок, Осип Мандельштам, Вячеслав Иванов, Владимир Маяковский, Марина Цветаева, Мария Петровых, Арсений Тарковский. Иосиф Бродский, заставший уже позднюю Ахматову, вспоминал о ней как о человеке, который одной интонацией своей тебя преображает. Анна Ахматова великий национальный поэт, в страшные, трудные годы не покинувший Россию. Ахматова не носила, как эмигранты, родную землю в заветной ладанке на груди, но именно родная земля стала ее последним пристанищем: ложимся в нее и становимся ею, / Оттого и зовем так свободно своею. Ахматова отказалась от защиты чуждых крыл и разделила со своим народом суровую эпоху ужасы послереволюционных лет, годы репрессий, тяготы военных будней. В 1942 году, в разгар войны, стихи Ахматовой были в строю: голос поэта призывал соотечественников отстоять, спасти от плена великое русское слово, чтобы свободным и чистым передать его потомкам. Творчество Ахматовой соединяет земной мир и мир горний, вечный в ее стихах соседствуют разные эпохи, память поэта воскрешает умерших и ставит их рядом с живущими: Рядами стройными проходят ленинградцы, / Живые с мертвыми. Для Бога мертвых нет. Поэзия Ахматовой воистину победившее смерть слово: Кого когда-то называли люди Царем в насмешку, Богом в самом деле, Кто был убит и чье орудье пытки Согрето теплотой моей груди... Вкусили смерть Свидетели Христовы, И сплетницы-старухи, и солдаты, И прокуратор Рима все прошли. Там, где когда-то возвышалась арка, Где море билось, где чернел утес, Их выпили в вине, вдохнули с пылью жаркой И с запахом блаженных роз. Ржавеет золото и истлевает сталь, Крошится мрамор к смерти все готово. Всего прочнее на земле печаль И долговечней царственное Слово.

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 15.08.2021

142 Birth Anniversary of Helena Roerich - outstanding thinker, writer, philosopher. Поздравляем всех с Днм рождения Елены Ивановны.

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 23.11.2020

Recordando a Nicholas Roerich, Iniciador de la Bandera de la Paz

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 16.11.2020

9 October, 2020 - 146th Birth Anniversary of Nicholas Roerich in the IRMT

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 08.11.2020

Today is the White Lotus Day, the anniversary of the death of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), founder of the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky died a vict...im to the Asian pandemic, the last pandemic of, the 19th century. The Asian pandemic was a deadly influenza that killed around one million people, from 18891891. In her memory, and as per her wish in her Last Will, I am sharing a quote from the Baghavad Gita: "Discrimination, knowledge, non-delusion, forgiveness, truthfulness, control over the mind and senses, pleasure, pain, birth, death, fear, fearlessness." Bhagavad-Gita ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blavatsky's Last Will "expressed the wish that yearly, on the anniversary of her death, some of her friends "should assemble at the Headquarters of the Theosophical Society and read a chapter of The Light of Asia and (extracts from) Вhagavad-Gt"; and since it is meet that her surviving colleagues should keep green the memory of her services to humanity and her devoted love for our Society, the undersigned suggests that the anniversary be known among us as White Lotus Day, and makes the following official order and recommendation: 1. At noon, on 8th May, 1892, and on the same day in each succeeding year, there will be held a commemorative meeting at the Headquarters, at which extracts from the before-mentioned works will be read and brief addresses made by the Chairman of the meeting and others who may volunteer. 2. A dole of food will be given in her name to the poor fishermen of Adyar and their families. 3. The flag will be half-masted from sunrise until sunset, and the Convention Hall decorated with White Lotus flowers. 4. Members living outside Madras can arrange for their food by applying to the Recording Secretary at least one week in advance. 5. The undersigned recommends to all Sections and Branches throughout the world to meet annually on the anniversary day, and, in some simple, unsectarian, yet dignified way, avoiding all slavish adulation and empty compliments, express the general feeling of loving regard for her who brought us the chart of the climbing Path which leads to the summits of Knowledge." https://theosophy.wiki/en/White_Lotus_Day

Alberta Banner of Peace Association 02.11.2020

Living Ethics Centennial. Edmonton, March 24th 2020.