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Locality: St. Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador

Phone: +1 709-325-2686

Website: www.abovocounselling.com

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ABOVO Counselling 09.01.2021

Your future is not defined by your past.....you control what you pick up and what you let go along the way.

ABOVO Counselling 08.01.2021

Take a deep breath and relax - use the weekend to rejuvenate and refresh your mind, body and soul.

ABOVO Counselling 03.01.2021

Instead of focusing on your limitations, focus on your potential. Just because it’s taking you longer than others to get where you want doesn’t mean you’ve failed or your not moving in the right direction.

ABOVO Counselling 30.12.2020

Every day brings a choice - to practice stress or to practice peace.

ABOVO Counselling 24.12.2020

Don’t be dismayed if your are struggling to find your way. Whether you realize it or not, your strength, courage and tenacity is lighting the way for others.

ABOVO Counselling 18.12.2020

When you find yourself doubting who you are and you feel like giving up, remember...... you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

ABOVO Counselling 14.12.2020

When you live in the present, you are living where life is happening. Change your life by living in the now and leave the past where it belongs.

ABOVO Counselling 11.12.2020

A random act of kindness is a nonpremeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the outside world. There is no better time than now to show a little love.

ABOVO Counselling 10.12.2020

Let 2021 be the year that you are happy & thankful for what you have while diligently working towards the things you want.

ABOVO Counselling 09.12.2020

Experience is not defined by what happens to you, but rather, it’s what you do with what happens to you.

ABOVO Counselling 08.12.2020

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.

ABOVO Counselling 07.12.2020

Throughout time, people have experienced the same trials and tribulations that we find ourselves in today. People from all walks of life have been cheated on by their spouses, had money problems, wanted to ascend in life, and felt stuck, lost or frustrated. The awfulness of life is an inescapable truth that ties people together from all walks of life. The remedy for what ails us all is the same, too. As best you can learn to find the gems of wisdom buried beneath the trials of life.

ABOVO Counselling 02.12.2020

The biggest strength of mankind lies in unwavering unity. Sometimes unity means taking one for the team, sometimes it is a slow, patient move towards familial bonds, and sometimes it just means sticking it out through the thick and thin. Whatever you are facing - stay united.

ABOVO Counselling 01.12.2020

I hope your upcoming week is filled with an abundance of magnificent miracles, blissful blessings & splendid surprises.

ABOVO Counselling 29.11.2020

Our families play a major role in our identities, so celebrate the ones who made you the person you are today.

ABOVO Counselling 29.11.2020

An active mind gets tired just like an active body, so it’s important to take time to rest your mind ~ doing so will improve your focus.

ABOVO Counselling 28.11.2020

With a New Year upon us, it’s time to let go of the past, realize you have a choice and focus on the present.

ABOVO Counselling 18.11.2020

When fatigue sets in, you feel it all over ~ mentally, emotionally, and physically. Exhaustion doesn’t just go away, you need to step back, reevaluate your surroundings and learn to let go of what you cannot control.

ABOVO Counselling 10.11.2020

Learn to appreciate what you have before it’s gone. We often take things for granted, with the assumption that whenever we need something, it will be there. It is only when it’s gone do we realize the value of what we had.

ABOVO Counselling 07.11.2020

To experience a miracle, you must first encounter a problem. The bigger your problem, the greater your potential is for a huge miracle. Remember, miracles come in many forms, they are never insignificant and they will always get you through what you think you can’t get over.

ABOVO Counselling 28.10.2020

To find peace within oneself, you must first have self compassion. If you can learn to be at peace with who you are, then you can be the kind of person who can live at peace with others.

ABOVO Counselling 27.10.2020

Making a big change in your life can be difficult. To be successful, take the necessary time to prepare yourself for the journey ahead. Develop a mindset that will help keep you focused in the face of small failures and setbacks. Be willing to recommit to your decision to change along the way and persist in the face of uncertainty.

ABOVO Counselling 19.10.2020

Instead of worrying about things you have no control over, focus on the things that you do. Learn to identify your fears, manage your stress and develop healthy affirmations to help.

ABOVO Counselling 10.10.2020

Owning your story and loving yourself is the bravest thing that you can do. Be proud of who you are and don’t let the opinions of others weigh you down. Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you learn how to love yourself first.

ABOVO Counselling 30.09.2020

When you start taking care of yourself, you not only start to look better, you start feeling better, and you start to attract better. Remember, it all starts with you!

ABOVO Counselling 23.09.2020

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. So start planning now, bring the future into the present, that way, you can do something about it today. By failing to prepare, we are preparing ourselves to fail.

ABOVO Counselling 06.09.2020

Embracing life means diving into a world that acquires meaning only through active, conscious awareness and participation. Try to not always dwell in the past, and don’t continually daydream about the future. Instead, learn to be mindful and concentrate on the present moment, otherwise the right opportunity could pass you by.

ABOVO Counselling 30.08.2020

Sometimes, whats right for you is wrong for someone else - you do you. Perception can be skewed, depending on how youre looking at the problem.

ABOVO Counselling 28.08.2020

Life is short, so dont waste your time on someone for fear of being alone. It is far better to be happy and alone, then unhappy and in a relationship.

ABOVO Counselling 17.08.2020

If youre looking for something or someone to change - let it start with you. Be the change that you wish to see in the world and others.

ABOVO Counselling 10.08.2020

Character is built on what you do on the third & fourth try. Everything seems impossible until its done - Never give up!

ABOVO Counselling 30.07.2020

The best gift you can ever give someone is your time - something that cannot be replaced once its gone - So spend meaningful time with those you love.

ABOVO Counselling 25.07.2020

You dont have to have a large platform or be a famous person to inspire others. In fact, we are often influenced by those we encounter every day. Without even knowing it, based on the life you lead, you may be a role model without even knowing it - you matter!

ABOVO Counselling 18.07.2020

When given the chance between being right or being kind, always choose to be kind - Not because of who they are or because of what they have done for you, but because of who you are as a person. You will never regret being kind!

ABOVO Counselling 09.07.2020

Making someone smile can change the world - maybe not the whole world, but their world. You never know how much of a difference you could be making in their life at that moment.

ABOVO Counselling 24.06.2020

A single moment of misunderstanding can be so poisonous, that it can make someone forget the hundred loveable moments spent together in a minute. What someone says can be often misinterpret, so dont let a situation mean more than the relationship.

ABOVO Counselling 17.06.2020

If youre willing to put in the work - you have the power to change the world. Have a great long weekend everyone.

ABOVO Counselling 05.06.2020

Never let the things you want overshadow the things you have - you never know what tomorrow will bring. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

ABOVO Counselling 03.06.2020

Wind direction can change often and abruptly, which often means theres a thunderstorm following - much like life! Sometimes, like the wind, life can take unexpected turns and it dont always go as planned. Remember, the Pessimist will complain about the wind, and the Optimist will expect it to change, however, the Realest will adjust the sails. Sometimes in life, we need to adjust our thinking of what we thought should happen versus where we are.

ABOVO Counselling 01.06.2020

How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. Be proud of who you are and not be ashamed of how someone else sees you.

ABOVO Counselling 28.05.2020

Make September a month to remember. Dont waste another moment not being happy - If one door closes, move on to the next one, even if it means breaking it down. Remind yourself that you are a true Masterpiece, created in Gods image, and He makes no mistakes - you are a person of extreme value and significance.

ABOVO Counselling 12.05.2020

The best decisions arent made with your mind, but with your instincts. Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust yourself to do what your heart is guiding you to do.

ABOVO Counselling 05.05.2020

Learn to embrace the storms in your life - without rain, nothing grows. After the rain, the sun will shine again, the wet ground will dry up, new growth will start to spring forth, and somewhere, theres always a rainbow; a reminder of the beauty left behind from the storm. There is life after pain and the joy will still be there. Your rainbow is out there - its just waiting for the storm to settle.

ABOVO Counselling 15.04.2020

Have a safe weekend and take some time for yourself.

ABOVO Counselling 30.03.2020

The most important thing in the world is family and love - its the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for you - no strings attached.

ABOVO Counselling 26.03.2020

Health does not always come from medicine. A good laugh can be just what the Doctor ordered. Humour is contagious and laughter is infectious - both are really good for your health!

ABOVO Counselling 16.03.2020

Everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives - when someone decides to forgive you and gives you another chance, you should grab it with both hands because you might not get a third one.

ABOVO Counselling 27.02.2020

The smallest step in the right direction can turn out to be the biggest step of your life.

ABOVO Counselling 07.02.2020

Live each day to its fullest and dont take life for granted - those who died yesterday had plans for today. Those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Everything can change in the blink of an eye - so love with all your heart and forgive often. You may never have another chance.

ABOVO Counselling 19.01.2020

Remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think!

ABOVO Counselling 17.01.2020

Time is precious, so waste it wisely! Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.

ABOVO Counselling 10.01.2020

The difference between something good and something great, is in the details. Pay attention to the little things in life; your work, your relationships, and especially your mistakes. Paying attention and learning from your mistakes will help you improve, be a better person and will guide you back on the path of modesty.

ABOVO Counselling 29.12.2019

If you are feeling exhausted, burnt out and struggling to find meaning with your life, you need to take a break. Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes - even you! Take some time for yourself and relax, rejuvenate and restore your soul.

ABOVO Counselling 15.12.2019

If you want to be successful in life, it means dedication, hard work and learning from disappointments. Focus on your goal and dont let anyone tell you that you cant achieve it!

ABOVO Counselling 06.12.2019

At the end of the day, what really matters is that youve done your best, your loved ones are doing well and that you give thanks for all you have. Tomorrow is another opportunity to try again.

ABOVO Counselling 28.11.2019

Dont confuse your path with your destination. Last weekend I embarked on a beautiful hike of the La Manche Trail (my very first hike). I had to navigate through some rough terrain and treacherous slopes, and at times, I felt like giving up - was it worth it, short answer Yes. As I sat on the edge of the cliff and took in all the natural beauty around me, I realized life is a lot like taking a hike. The path can be rough, sometimes scary, especially when youre unsure what...s around the corner, but the journey to get to your final destination will be worth it all! For me, the hike proved I can do it, I felt exhilarated afterwards and it inspired me to want to do it again. Your path is your journey, and the lessons you learn along the way will prepare you for the detours ahead. The journey will inspire you to be better, want better and do better, one step at a time. See more

ABOVO Counselling 13.11.2019

Sometimes were tested, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths. The pain you feel today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Remember, you never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.

ABOVO Counselling 08.11.2019

They say the best preparation you can do for tomorrow, is to be your best today. You will always experience pressure, but learn to channel that pressure into motivation.

ABOVO Counselling 06.11.2019

When your world seems to be moving faster than you can keep up with and you lose yourself in the chaos, introduce yourself to the colours of the sunset. Reacquaint yourself with the earth beneath your feet and fill your lungs with the air that surrounds you. With each breath you take, whisper a thank you for all that you have and for where you are in your journey right now. Learn to be quiet, patient, and appreciative, the chaos will subside.

ABOVO Counselling 21.10.2019

The strongest factor for success is self esteem - Believe you can do it. Believe you deserve it. Believe you will get it. A belief is not just an idea that the mind possesses, rather, its an idea that possesses the mind.

ABOVO Counselling 11.10.2019

When everything appears to be falling apart, remain steadfast in your faith and believe that God is using this time to prepare you for something far better than you could have ever imagined.

ABOVO Counselling 04.10.2019

Remember, every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, embrace it, be mindful of the joy you are receiving. When life is not so good, remember that its only temporary. Whatever you are going through wont last forever and have faith that this too shall pass.

ABOVO Counselling 16.09.2019

Stress, Anxiety & Depression can weigh you down like a rock in a rapid river - unlike that rock, you can learn to swim against the current and in time, those currents will get a little less rapid and eventually, you will reach your destination.

ABOVO Counselling 07.09.2019

Good morning Sunday - let todays beautiful sunny skies be a reminder that just as todays sun rose after last nights dark skies, you too can rise above the darkness that looms over you. If you spend your time waiting for the storm, you will never enjoy the sunshine. So step out in faith and start enjoying life.

ABOVO Counselling 19.08.2019

Nature has a way of calming your physical body, bring peace to your inner mind and fill your soul with essence. Let nature be your sanctuary on this beautiful day! Let go of yesterdays mishaps and let today be the start of something new.