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21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 13.10.2021

Day 19 DAY 19 I believe in you Abundance Tribe. We’re nearing the end of this program, and I hope that you will continue to utilize these exercises in each new day moving forward. You have my full support!...Continue reading

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 24.09.2021

DAY 18 I am profoundly grateful for you all! You are all progressing, even through the flu, travel around the world, kids, school, work, family, you are finding that precious, expansive space of abundance. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this journey with you, as I share what has been shared with me. - DAY 18 DUE Tuesday, March 10th by midnight EST... TASK Write a letter to your country of origin, expressing all your feelings about it. Remember that all of your feelings are valid and appropriate. Write everything that arises. I remind you, to write down the meditation phrase in your notebook and keep your attention on it throughout the day. MEDITATION * I celebrate my unity with all life, knowing we are all one * MANTRA Tat Tham Aci Tat Tuam Asi MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iow880vw62sqd1h/DAY%2018.mp3?dl=0 REFLECTION Live in unity In today's meditation, we will talk about unity, as the basic truth of all that exists. As individuals, we are not alike. We have different lifestyles, beliefs and perceptions. However, these differences exist only in the physical plane. At the molecular and spiritual level, we are actually all one and are connected with the universal primary source. When we begin to fully understand this concept of life in unity, the idea of a personal I gives way to the image of a universal I. The concept of rivalry and competition disappears. This relationship contributes to deep love and empathy for everyone who surrounds us. QUESTION N 1: How would you define unity? QUESTION N 2: What do you think of diversity? QUESTION N 3: How did meditation help you realize the idea of living in unity? ....... Leading with Love Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 07.09.2021

Day 17 I am grateful we are on this journey together! If you end up with extra time and feel motivated, review your previous days and listen again to your favorite meditations, or supplement the journal where you feel you need it. Sending you all love Robert -... Welcome to DAY 17 DUE Monday, March 9th by midnight EST PHRASE * I move through my days lighthearted and care-free knowing all is well * MANTRA *Sat Chit Ananda Sat Chit Ananda* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vvmwpro4s71qtt6/DAY%2017.mp3?dl=0 TASK Create a list of all the important things you have. Material, spiritual, emotional, etc. For example: -I have a smartphone to be in touch with the world -I have a credit card to pay bills -I have a real, loving friendship -I have use of the internet -I have an affection for my husband, wife or partner -I have memories -I have an education -I have a favorite city ... There are no high or low limits in the things you can write down. Recognize everything you have that matters to you. SUMMARY I lead my feelings and choose to feel whole, healthy, abundant and blessed. JOURNAL Today we look at how we can live carefree - free from judgment and anxiety, focusing on the joy and perfection of what is right now. By meditating, and plunging into the awareness of the present moment, you understand at this moment, that everything is perfect and is as it should be. That any problems you have, are transient and temporary. You reconnect with your True Self, feeling lighter and free. Throughout life, you will begin to look at everyday circumstances easily and meet surprises calmly and with grace. Record reflections in your journal: Question N 1: How do you feel when you wake up every morning? Question N 2: How much would your life improve if you lived with a light and carefree heart? Question N 3: How can you switch your mind to spread the love and joy that you feel in your heart? - Leading with Love Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 20.08.2021

DAY 16 The last few days of the challenge gives more space for personal reflection and continues the practice of self inquiry. What a beautiful glorious journey we have all been on together. We will want to reach the end of the challenge together so I ask you to catch up and be at ‘Day 17 Done’ by Monday. Please let me know if I can be of support to in any way. Sending love - Robert... DAY 16 DUE Sunday, March 8th by midnight EST PHRASE * "Today I remember to be grateful" * MANTRA Om Vardhanam Nama Om Vardhanam Nama MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rknr69v2jcyjnho/DAY%2016.mp3?dl=0 TASK Make a list of things that you have always wanted to do, but have postponed them. This could be because of other priorities, or because you feared hurting someone, or the fear of failing. Regardless of the reason, these are things that you still plan on doing. The idea of writing this list is to forgive yourself for everything that you have not done in your life. For each line on your list, write a text of forgiveness based on examples below: * I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly for not graduating from university * I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly that I did not show my vulnerability Write down everything you want to, without limitation. May you create space for what is in your heart. Have a wonderful and prosperous day Abundance abounds Robert

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 11.08.2021

DAY 15 *_Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that._* -Martin Luther King Junior I’m so proud of our group. I have been so moved by all the stories shared and the impact this practice has been having. DAY 15 ... *DUE Saturday, March 7th midnight EST TASK Write a letter of gratitude and recognition to a person who you think *hurt* you, at some point in life. Begin by meditating, so that an image of this person comes to you. More than one person may appear, yet for today, you are only writing one letter. It is important not to feel any hostility towards this person, so be sure to cleanse yourself of any negative emotions. If you find that you are still angry or resentful, write down all of these feelings on a separate piece of paper and then tear the sheet into shreds and/or burn them. Finally, write this letter by hand, on a separate piece of paper; this is very important for this exercise! PHRASE * As I live in present moment awareness, I live the magic of synchrodestiny * MANTRA *Aham Bramasmi Aham Bramasmi* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oczphom3fkcbsol/DAY%2015.mp3?dl=0 - I love this untitled poem from a connection Junie, who asks us to take a deep look at ourselves, before pointing a finger at others. I immediately thought of it after doing today’s exercise.May miracles appear more often in your life. Love -Robert A Poem of Inquiry by Junie George Varghese We may call others our enemies. We may dislike them. We may retaliate against them. We may avoid them. We may have our reasons- They hurt us, They mock us, They don't support us, They don't believe in us. They are not the only ones. Our unkind words that humiliate others, Our promptness to seek out flaws in others, Our unwillingness to appreciate others, Makes us their enemy too. Who then is the enemy? No one yet everyone. We all are victims and villains. We are not meant to be either. We are meant to be partners. To support and be supported. Do we recognise the enemy we become? Do we recognise the enemy within? An abundance of healing Robert

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 09.08.2021

Day 14 Congratulations Week 2 Done. Our last week together ------- Day 14 MEDITATION... * "There is a way I can fulfill my true purpose in life" * MANTRA *Om Varunam Nama* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j6bt87jj3hofdyo/DAY%2014.mp3?dl=0 DUE by Friday march 6th by midnight EST MESSAGE Abundance and the Law of Dharma Today we are completing the second week of the 21 day meditation program of the Chopra Center - KEY TO ABUNDANCE. Over the past week, we have examined abundance in terms of the principles described in my book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, from the Law of Pure Potentiality to the Dharma Law today. When your life is full of true purpose, your dharma, or abundance, rushes toward you easily and effortlessly. As the saying goes: Do what you love, the money will be. It is not only about material wealth, but also about satisfaction, confidence, optimism, joy and abundance! And all of its manifestations that will come to you if you live your true purpose in life. JOURNAL Record your thoughts in your journal: QUESTION N 1: What brings you the most joy? QUESTION N 2: How do you feel this joy in your everyday life and in your current work? QUESTION N 3: How can you approach a life full of joy, by living your Dharma or life's dream? TASK Enjoy this day, noticing the generous gifts of the world that surround us, seek us, and ask us to notice and accept them. Seek, find, accept and give thanks for each of them. At the end of the day, write down at least three paths / sources through which abundance has come to you today. Even if it was something very small. Watch this short video: https://youtu.be/VVckUjjFYlM Write down 3 cases when you deprived someone of the opportunity to learn, to grow. Think of examples such as helping a family member/co-worker, showing your power over children, etc. --------------- Marching into abundance - Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 21.07.2021

DAY 13 Happy Leap Year! What if it is as simple as this... _Life is a duality, step into the flow. Trust the process and go, Go, *GO.* ~Tiffany Norwood Abundance and the Law of Detachment. Today, we will learn how to abandon a desire to get a certain result....Continue reading

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 09.07.2021

DAY 12 It always seems impossible until it’s done -Nelson Mandela The word is not impossible; it’s lmPossible -Audrey Hepburn Apologies for delay.... Congratulations, you are more than half way through tour challenge! Even if you’re behind, don’t give upthere is an opportunity to catch up down the road. Do what you can and keep pushing forward. Surrounded by love Robert - DUE Wednesday, March 4th by midnight EST PHRASE * I place my intention into the vast ocean of all possibilities and allow the universe to work through me * MANTRA *Om Mritham Nama Om Mritham Nama* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/52xtfprknsvkuwj/DAY%2012.mp3?dl=0 MEDITATION Attention energizes; Intention transforms. In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Intent and Desire. Reflect on the following questions and record impressions in your journal QUESTION N 1: What is your highest intention in life? QUESTION N 2: What can you do to make this happen? QUESTION N 3: How will this intention best serve you and others? TASK Ask your mother what in her life, has been her biggest pain / her greatest disappointment? And, then ask her what is her dream, and/or her greatest desire that remains unfulfilled? Write the answer in your notebook. If your mother is no longer with you or you are unable to ask her personally, go into a state of meditation, ask and listen to the answer. Write it down. (You may be surprised by your mother’s answers. Regardless, remain open and present. It can be a beautiful bonding exercise, and she might feel honored by your inquiry.) May you be inspired today in all that you do. Leading with Love Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 28.06.2021

DAY 11 Our own life has to be our message. Thich Nhat Hanh Dear Tribe, You are so incredible! I am astounded and full of joy seeing you walk this path. I remain available for any support that you may need. Especially today and with today’s exercises. Deep self reflection can stir up so much inside of us. If you need me, please reach out, we are all in this together.... Sending love, Robert - Day 11 DUE Tuesday March 3rd, at midnight EST PHRASE -Write this in your journal *I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me"* MANTRA *Om Daksham Nama* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8c7hanl4b53unz6/DAY%2011.mp3?dl=0 MEDITATION In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Least Effort and how it can support you in being unattached to the outcome of your deepest desires and intentions. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy is multiplied and accumulated. The release of this energy allows you to redirect it and use it to create everything that you want to create. When your spirit is your inner point of reference, all the power of love is at your disposal. And you can use this energy creatively, moving toward abundance and evolution. REFLECTION Record your responses in your journal: Question 01 -According to your conviction, how hard should you work to enjoy true abundance? Question 02 -In what areas of your life would you like to get more abundance? Question 03 -What changes should you make to release your desires into the space of universal consciousness - the source of all abundance? TASK Please describe your mom in the notebook. * positive aspects * how she inspires * limitations * what did you learn from her? * What brought you together? * What separated / distanced you? If your mother is no longer in this world, focus on her image, join her and write what rises in your memory and feelings. For some, this will not be an easy task. If this is the case - while doing it, try to distance yourself from the personal experiences you've had with your mom. See her as just a human, a woman living her own life. - This exercise may be difficult for some of us. As you go through the day please keep in mind the quote I shared above from Thich Nhat Hahn. Forever and always, remember that *You* are the message. Surrounded by love Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 15.06.2021

DAY 10 Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Rumi We are playing in that field of glorious possibilities my dear sweet tribe, and we are playing in it with full consciousness. Imagine making it to such a field, lying down and not recognizing the beauty and splendor that surrounds us. That will never be us, we promise ourselves to move through spaces ...with full awareness and gratitude. Love Robert ------------ Day 10 DUE Monday, March 2nd by midnight EST PHRASE *Today I make great choices because they are made with full awareness* Write this in your journal. Keep this in mind today, remembering and saying it often during the day. Start as early as possible so that there is more opportunity to repeat this phrase throughout the day. MANTRA: *Om Kriam Nama* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dscm4862hb59wt5/DAY%2010.mp3?dl=0 MEDITATION Listen to today's meditation at least 3 times, for it discusses the Law of Karma, or conscious decision-making. In this we see how, by making the right choices, we can bring much more good into our lives. When you make any choice, you may ask yourself: how will this choice bring more happiness and more abundance to my life and those around me? Having asked this question, shift your attention to the heart, and the answer will immediately become clear. By practicing conscious decision-making in this way, you will learn to observe your thoughts and make decisions that are more favorable to you. JOURNAL Record your answers to the following questions in your journal Question 01: How do you make decisions? Question 02: How have your decisions affected your life? Question 03: How can you make a more conscious choice? I suggest sitting with them a few minutes in meditation, deeply listening to your inner response before writing down your answers. TASK From yesterday’s list of shortcomings, choose 2 things that limit you. Establish a program for yourself by writing down at least 2 specific daily actions that remedy" the shortcoming, reduce its deficiency, or realize that there is a plus side to this trait and start using it in to your advantage. Afterwards, immediately begin to act on your program. For example: If one of your flaws is being "ungrateful or complaining," you can establish a daily journaling habit of writing down all of what you're grateful for. And immediately start by listing what you are grateful for right now! -------- Sending love and support, to you, and through you, to your groups, as each member of our expanding tribe, then begins to create their abundance groups. I am truly inspired, feel a deep and unexpected connection to the world around you. The early bird catches the worm but the early worm is the one caught by the bird. Choose to be a bird today. Robert

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 01.06.2021

DAY 9 We are all deep into our journey of abundance, and appreciate more than ever the possibility and wealth of the We!! Look at what We have done todather The energy that is activated with accountability, collaboration and faith in action makes you wealthy. My invitation for the 21-Days of Abundance came from a dear friend named Ryan Enright. If you know him please thank him for having an abundant heart and making this opportunity available to you. Enjoy this light day ...of heavy self reflection, and know you never need to do it alone. We got this Love Robert DAY 9 DUE Sunday, March 1st by midnight eastern time PHRASE * "Today and every day, I give that which I want to receive" * MANTRA Om Vardanam Nama Om Vardanam Nama MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lefgz8m3xs0hi7s/DAY%209.mp3?dl=0 TASK Write 5 of your shortcomings / flaws that limit you, in your notebook. The traits that do not allow you to receive what you want materially or in any areas of abundance. Do not write only from the mind but rather from the heart. Feel into what these flaws are. As always I am here for you. We are on this journey together. Congratulations on completing Day 9!! An abundant mind is a healthy mind- Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 27.05.2021

DAY 8 If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. ~Thomas Edison We’ve completed one week together! Appreciating all of you and this practice as we move forward. I’m feeling the intensity of our collective energy. Congratulations on astonishing yourselves! Scott... - DAY 8 Due by Saturday, February 29th, midnight EST PHRASE * Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything anytime anywhere * MANTRA Om Bhavan Nama Om Bhavan Nama MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/obhgcww1eie67ma/DAY%208.mp3?dl=0 EXERCISE Find at least 5 receipts of recent purchases. Write on each of them: * "All that is invested is good and will return to itself seven times" * Receipts can be of any type: supermarket, restaurant, personal items, car, health, hairdresser, entertainment, etc. If your purchase receipts are electronic, you may create a paper receipt by writing the amount, date and to whom you paid on a piece of paper. And from now on, on each receipt that you receive, write this statement. Remember, it’s important not only what you write, but also the energy you are transmitting when you write it. Words have power. They help our mind build new programming and therefore create a new reality. - Feel free to PM me with any testimonials, questions, comments or feedback. Enjoy your practice and be of an abundance mindset today! Celebrate Abundance Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 07.05.2021

DAY 7 CONGRATULATIONS to those who took the challenge to create their own group and manifest an abundance of time! And thank you to those inviting me to your Group! It is my pleasure to support you! And CHEERS to everyone who is still here! Your commitment to cultivating Abundance will surely deliver a bumper crop! The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. ~ Anna Quindlen... The more we become our unique and beautiful selves, the more often we experience serendipity! People are often surprised about the role of serendipity and how it shows up in our connections, sharing and daily routine, and as tools for success as an entrepreneur. I have realized that there are many universal tools that empower us to manifest... ANYTHING, as you will too!! It has been inspiring to see how aligned it is with Deepak Chopra’s Abundance Meditations. Reminder ‘Group Created’ and ‘Day 7 Done’ are due by midnight Friday February 28th EST. Please make sure to post Group Created’ specifically to confirm you have taken this action. If you have posted anything else please update. Our tribe continues to thrive on the intensifying and compounding energy of abundance. I am grateful for your capacity to take risks, your commitment to break through barriers, and dedication to this program. It’s truly an honor to share this experience with each and every one of you, and am excited for what’s to come. Some members may depart the group at this point, lets send them all blessings for joining our journey this far! Congratulations to everyone for making it to this milestone Leading with Love Robert And now, I present to you..... DAY 7 DUE Friday, February 28th, midnight eastern standard time. TASK Create a list of people that make you feel uncomfortable. This might include people from the list of the first day, i.e. those who have pushed you to grow and have brought something meaningful to your life. Here we are talking about the energy of discomfort. It can be your relatives or people who are now far from you. Your litmus test here is a feeling of discomfort, "I feel uncomfortable" Include the person even if you only feel, occasionally, uncomfortable with communicating with this person. For example, it can be neighbors, employees, bosses, family members, members of the government. Remember that these people may trigger you, and at the same time, may also be your teachers or mentors. PHRASE * "I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams" * MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vp8x3mtu076ija1/DAY%207.mp3?dl=0 MANTRA Sat Chit Ananda ...... When complete with Day 7, please write Day 7 Done in the Comments below. If you have any comments, questions, testimonials or feedback, please send to me in a private message. And, guess what?! This marks one week together! So inspired by your commitment and thankful for your active participation. To infinity and beyond Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 19.11.2020

Day 19 DAY 19 I believe in you Abundance Tribe. We’re nearing the end of this program, and I hope that you will continue to utilize these exercises in each new day moving forward. You have my full support!...Continue reading

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 02.11.2020

DAY 18 I am profoundly grateful for you all! You are all progressing, even through the flu, travel around the world, kids, school, work, family, you are finding that precious, expansive space of abundance. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this journey with you, as I share what has been shared with me. - DAY 18 DUE Tuesday, March 10th by midnight EST... TASK Write a letter to your country of origin, expressing all your feelings about it. Remember that all of your feelings are valid and appropriate. Write everything that arises. I remind you, to write down the meditation phrase in your notebook and keep your attention on it throughout the day. MEDITATION * I celebrate my unity with all life, knowing we are all one * MANTRA Tat Tham Aci Tat Tuam Asi MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iow880vw62sqd1h/DAY%2018.mp3?dl=0 REFLECTION Live in unity In today's meditation, we will talk about unity, as the basic truth of all that exists. As individuals, we are not alike. We have different lifestyles, beliefs and perceptions. However, these differences exist only in the physical plane. At the molecular and spiritual level, we are actually all one and are connected with the universal primary source. When we begin to fully understand this concept of life in unity, the idea of a personal I gives way to the image of a universal I. The concept of rivalry and competition disappears. This relationship contributes to deep love and empathy for everyone who surrounds us. QUESTION N 1: How would you define unity? QUESTION N 2: What do you think of diversity? QUESTION N 3: How did meditation help you realize the idea of living in unity? ....... Leading with Love Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 15.10.2020

Day 17 I am grateful we are on this journey together! If you end up with extra time and feel motivated, review your previous days and listen again to your favorite meditations, or supplement the journal where you feel you need it. Sending you all love Robert -... Welcome to DAY 17 DUE Monday, March 9th by midnight EST PHRASE * I move through my days lighthearted and care-free knowing all is well * MANTRA *Sat Chit Ananda Sat Chit Ananda* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vvmwpro4s71qtt6/DAY%2017.mp3?dl=0 TASK Create a list of all the important things you have. Material, spiritual, emotional, etc. For example: -I have a smartphone to be in touch with the world -I have a credit card to pay bills -I have a real, loving friendship -I have use of the internet -I have an affection for my husband, wife or partner -I have memories -I have an education -I have a favorite city ... There are no high or low limits in the things you can write down. Recognize everything you have that matters to you. SUMMARY I lead my feelings and choose to feel whole, healthy, abundant and blessed. JOURNAL Today we look at how we can live carefree - free from judgment and anxiety, focusing on the joy and perfection of what is right now. By meditating, and plunging into the awareness of the present moment, you understand at this moment, that everything is perfect and is as it should be. That any problems you have, are transient and temporary. You reconnect with your True Self, feeling lighter and free. Throughout life, you will begin to look at everyday circumstances easily and meet surprises calmly and with grace. Record reflections in your journal: Question N 1: How do you feel when you wake up every morning? Question N 2: How much would your life improve if you lived with a light and carefree heart? Question N 3: How can you switch your mind to spread the love and joy that you feel in your heart? - Leading with Love Robert See more

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 26.09.2020

DAY 16 The last few days of the challenge gives more space for personal reflection and continues the practice of self inquiry. What a beautiful glorious journey we have all been on together. We will want to reach the end of the challenge together so I ask you to catch up and be at ‘Day 17 Done’ by Monday. Please let me know if I can be of support to in any way. Sending love - Robert... DAY 16 DUE Sunday, March 8th by midnight EST PHRASE * "Today I remember to be grateful" * MANTRA Om Vardhanam Nama Om Vardhanam Nama MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rknr69v2jcyjnho/DAY%2016.mp3?dl=0 TASK Make a list of things that you have always wanted to do, but have postponed them. This could be because of other priorities, or because you feared hurting someone, or the fear of failing. Regardless of the reason, these are things that you still plan on doing. The idea of writing this list is to forgive yourself for everything that you have not done in your life. For each line on your list, write a text of forgiveness based on examples below: * I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly for not graduating from university * I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly that I did not show my vulnerability Write down everything you want to, without limitation. May you create space for what is in your heart. Have a wonderful and prosperous day Abundance abounds Robert

21 days of Abundance with Robert Daigneault 15.09.2020

DAY 15 *_Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that._* -Martin Luther King Junior I’m so proud of our group. I have been so moved by all the stories shared and the impact this practice has been having. DAY 15 ... *DUE Saturday, March 7th midnight EST TASK Write a letter of gratitude and recognition to a person who you think *hurt* you, at some point in life. Begin by meditating, so that an image of this person comes to you. More than one person may appear, yet for today, you are only writing one letter. It is important not to feel any hostility towards this person, so be sure to cleanse yourself of any negative emotions. If you find that you are still angry or resentful, write down all of these feelings on a separate piece of paper and then tear the sheet into shreds and/or burn them. Finally, write this letter by hand, on a separate piece of paper; this is very important for this exercise! PHRASE * As I live in present moment awareness, I live the magic of synchrodestiny * MANTRA *Aham Bramasmi Aham Bramasmi* MEDITATION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oczphom3fkcbsol/DAY%2015.mp3?dl=0 - I love this untitled poem from a connection Junie, who asks us to take a deep look at ourselves, before pointing a finger at others. I immediately thought of it after doing today’s exercise.May miracles appear more often in your life. Love -Robert A Poem of Inquiry by Junie George Varghese We may call others our enemies. We may dislike them. We may retaliate against them. We may avoid them. We may have our reasons- They hurt us, They mock us, They don't support us, They don't believe in us. They are not the only ones. Our unkind words that humiliate others, Our promptness to seek out flaws in others, Our unwillingness to appreciate others, Makes us their enemy too. Who then is the enemy? No one yet everyone. We all are victims and villains. We are not meant to be either. We are meant to be partners. To support and be supported. Do we recognise the enemy we become? Do we recognise the enemy within? An abundance of healing Robert