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Locality: Calgary, Alberta

Phone: +1 403-230-7013

Address: 704 6th Street NE T2E 6X2 Calgary, AB, Canada

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Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary AB 21.11.2020

Введення у храм Пресвято Владичиц нашо Богородиц Приснодви Мар - Entrance of the Mother of God Into the Temple Стихири на Лит (г. 4): Нин боговмстима святиня Богородиця, приводиться до храму Господнього, Захаря прийма; нин Святе святих радуться, ангельський хор танственно лику. З ними ми святково з Гаврилом заспваймо: Радуйся, Благодатна! З тобою Господь, що ма велику милсть. Litiya Tone 4: Today the Theotokos, the Temple that is to contain God, is being escorted into the temple of the Lord, and Zechariah receives her. Today the Holy of Holies greatly rejoices, and the choir of angels mystically celebrates this feast. Let us also celebrate with them today and cry out with Gabriel: Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with you, and He grants us great mercy.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary AB 18.11.2020

13 листопада молитву на вервиц в рамках нцативи Вервиця дна буде провадити о. Марко Семеген з Рима. Початок молитви о 20:00 за кивським часом. Молитву ...на вервиц Живе телебачення в прямому ефр транслю щоденно, починаючи вд свята Покрову Пресвято Богородиц. Вервиця дна така назва не випадкова, адже в цьому задум одразу деклька лнй дност. Передусм, наша молитва днатиме укранцв з усього свту. Наша молитва днатиме священнослужителя, який в ефр провадитиме , з усм загалом врних. Наша молитва днатиме пископв, священникв з рзних материкв кран, адже щодня провадитиме молитву нший душпастир. Наша молитва днатиме всх нас у молитв на укранськй земл, адже цими днями сестри вдразу деклькох згромаджень виготовляють вервиц з бурштину, як можна буде придбати (детальнше тут: https://shop-ugcc.com.ua/vervytsya-yednosti-z-burshtynu).

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary AB 04.11.2020

Пилипвка (перед-Рздвяний пст)починаться сьогодн кнчаться 24 грудня. Вн святий час для всх християн освяченням останньо частини року, тамничим оновленням духовного днання з Богом час каяття, приготуванням прийняти Христа до Вифлема наших сердець. Philip’s Fast (Advent) begins today and ends December 24th. This is traditionally a time for repentance and spiritual self-reflection; a holy season when we take the time to look at our lives and prepare our hearts to receive the newborn Christ-child.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary AB 03.11.2020

Today the Church celebrates the memorial of St. Josaphat. Josaphat Kuncewitcz was born about the year 1580 at Volodymyr, Volyn. While being instructed as a chil...d on the sufferings of our Savior, his heart is said to have been wounded by an arrow from the sacred side of the Crucifix. In 1604 he joined the Ukrainian Order of Saint Basil (Basilians), lived as a monk in a very spiritual life, went barefoot even in winter, refrained from the use of wine and flesh-meat, and always wore a penitential garb. In 1614 he was appointed archimandrite of Vilna and four years later archbishop of Polotzk; in this position he worked untiringly for Church reunion. He was a great friend of the poor, once even pledged his archepiscopal omophorion (pallium) to support a poor widow. The foes of union decided to assassinate him. In a sermon, he himself spoke of his death as imminent. When he visited Vitebsk, his enemies attacked his lodging and murdered a number of his companions. Meekly the man of God hastened toward the mob and, full of love, cried, "My children, what are you doing? If you have something against me, see, here I am." But they rushed upon him with a gun and sword. Josaphat's body was thrown into the river but emerged, surrounded by rays of light, and was recovered. His murderers, when sentenced to death, repented their crime and became Catholics. About five years after Saint Josaphat’s martyrdom his body was found intact, though the clothing had rotted away. Again in 1637 it was still white and supple. A beautiful silver reliquary was made for it, with a life-size image of the reclining Saint surmounting it. The body was again exposed intact in 1767. It was eventually taken to the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome. Pope Leo XIII canonized Saint Josaphat in 1867. Today St. Josaphat calls us to follow Jesus Christ. How can we follow Jesus? Follow Jesus means to love Him and keep His commandments and do all possible to be like Him. When we do our homework, when we do all that our parents and teachers ask us. When we give our hand to our neighbor, when we go to the Church to visit Jesus, when we pray and when we do all our tasks and works with love in our hearts. Then our life fills God’s love and peace and we become the saints. So, through the prayers of St. Josaphat let us be truly children of God. Amen.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary AB 25.10.2020

Втаю всх з Днем Архангела Михайла! Образ святого Михайла уособлю перемогу добра над темними силами. Всх Михайлв та Михайликв з Днем Янгола! Бажаю всм здоров'я, щастя Божого Благословення! Божественний архангеле Михале! Збергай нас, що з врою прибгамо пд твою охорону, покривай упродовж цлого нашого життя. У страшну годину смерти будь для нас усх, Архангеле, найбльш надйним помчником.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary AB 12.10.2020

Проповдь Владики Степана Суса час Божественно Лтург у Патраршому собор Воскресння Христового у 21-ту Недлю по Зсланн Святого Духа.