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Locality: Claresholm, Alberta

Phone: +1 403-485-8575

Website: www.activebalanceyoga.ca/

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Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 23.10.2021

Claresholm classes coming soon

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 17.10.2021

As many of you will already be aware, yesterday the government of Alberta announced yet again, it will be imposing harsher restrictions for many businesses. With that being said yoga classes are included in those restrictions. At this time I will be suspending all April classes indefinitely. This includes all classes at both locations.(Arena Mezzanine & Home Studio) I am hopeful that we will be back on our mats sooner than later however I do want to continue to do my part to ...keep everyone healthy, happy & safe. For those that have prepaid for April classes, I will be contacting you later this week to arrange for reimbursement. Thank you all for your continued support and understanding during times. My heart goes out to all our local Claresholm and Alberta businesses that are dealing with these restrictions once again. Sending love, light & peace, always and in all ways to each and every one of you. Starla

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 12.10.2021

Just a quick reminder in case you missed the link in one of my earlier posts. All classes will be following the restrictions and guidlines as set out by AHS. Below is a copy of Active Balance Yoga’s guidelines and safety precautions for all classes at all locations. I will keep everyone updated should these change in the future. Thank you so much for your support and understanding.

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 25.09.2021

***UPDATE!!!! **** AS PER AHS & GOVERNMENT RESTRICITONS ALL CLASSES ARE SUSPENDED INDEFINTELY. April schedules are here! Group classes at the hockey arena... Mini group & Private classes at my Home studio Please let me know if you have any questions! Happy Easter!!! ***Look for kids classes coming in May & June!***

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 08.01.2021

ONLINE YOGA CLASSES - UPDATE!!!! Hope everyone is staying healthy & happy and was able to enjoy their Easter weekend, although I’m sure seemed very different from what we might usually be used to. Just a quick update for my online yoga classes. ... As the spring season is upon us and with our new normal of physical distancing, my schedule begins to take on a new look with extra time and responsibilities spent with family and our business. (The new addition of online learning has been an interesting challenge in our home as I’m sure it is with many other families.) Wayne and I are truly grateful for all our many blessings from family to work and we do look forward to a busy spring season even though it means less time with dad at home. With that said, I will be taking a break from posting any new online classes but my current classes will remain online to view on Facebook or YouTube. FACEBOOK - Active Balance Yoga & Wellness https://www.facebook.com/Active-Balance-Yoga-Wellness-106111424070306/ YOUTUBE - Yoga with Starla https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdFT-k83JzvmfRfcXCx4l5Q In addition, I would like to share a few other local Claresholm talents that offer a variety of yoga and fitness classes with live online classes and/or pre recorded classes on Facebook. Be sure to check out these awesome ladies! THE PLEASURED LIFE with Allison McKee Allison shares her amazing talents with online yoga, functional fitness, nutrition and lifestyle classes https://www.facebook.com/pg/kenallisonmckee/about/ NIA & CHAIR YOGA with the Lise Schulze Lise offers daily inspirations with live chair yoga and Nia classes at 9:30am https://www.facebook.com/lise.schulze.7 STUDIO RESOLUTION with Jodi Bishop Be sure to check out Jodi’s awesome, energizing online fitness classes including strength, cardio, barre and kickboxing, both live and recorded. https://www.facebook.com/studioguest/ Not on facebook? No worries! You can checkout my classes on YouTube at: Yoga with Starla In addition there are a variety of free online yoga and fitness classes on YouTube as well. If you are interested in an online yoga subscription be sure to check out www.yogatoday.com (prices are in USD) NOTE - They are currently offering a free 10 day Stay At Home Spring Yoga Challenge. Thank you all for your continued support. Although I love the practice of yoga and enjoy sharing with everyone, the online recordings have been challenging with technology, children at home and lets not forget, cats! ;) I feel most connected and very much look forward to being able to host classes in person this fall should the current bans and restrictions be lifted. Please know I am thinking of each and everyone of you and wish you all the very best during these challenging times. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime should you have any questions at all! With love, light & peace, Starla

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 31.12.2020

Yoga for all levels - Class #4 This weeks class will focus on a variety of heart openers to help release tightness across the chest and help strengthen mid and upper back muscles. Spending long hours sitting at desks and bent over keyboards for extended periods can lead to poor posture over time. These gentle heart opening poses are designed to expand the chest while releasing tension in the neck and shoulders as well.... As we flow through this series, it is believed that these heart opening poses may also help cleanse and release old emotions that have built up within over time. As our minds connect with the emotional thoughts that surface, our deep exhale releases these emotions away. Please have the following props nearby for todays class - 1 or 2 blankets as well as a yoga strap(scarf, towel, necktie will do) As always, be sure to only do what is comfortable for you. If you are dealing with any health issues or injuries, please check with your doctor first before getting started. Relax, release and enjoy! With love, light & peace, Starla Savasana music credit to www.bensound.com

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 17.12.2020

Yoga for all levels - Class#3 Hope you can join me for this weeks yoga class. Many of us spend hours sitting at a desk, driving, or maybe simply just sitting on the couch more than usual these days. These types of patterns and repetitive behaviour and movement or lack thereof can create tight hips with limited mobility and may possibly contribute to low back discomfort over time. This class includes some extra hip openers, from our warrior series to balancing to seated postur...es. This class is designed to lengthen, strengthen and increase mobility through your hips and your entire body. So let’s roll out our mats for this fun and enjoyable class. As always, be sure to honour your body and where it’s at. Miss you all! With love, light and peace, Starla Savasana music credit to: www.bensound.com

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 28.11.2020

Hope you can join me for this weeks yoga class. Many of us spend hours sitting at a desk, driving, or maybe simply just sitting on the couch more than usual these days. These types of patterns and repetitive behaviour and movement or lack thereof can create tight hips with limited mobility and may possibly contribute to low back discomfort over time. This class includes some extra hip openers, from our warrior series to balancing to seated postures. This class is designed to ...lengthen, strengthen and increase mobility through your hips and your entire body. So let’s roll out our mats for this fun and enjoyable class. As always, be sure to honour your body and where it’s at. Miss you all! With love, light and peace, Starla Savasana music credit to www.bensound.com

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 20.11.2020

Yoga for all levels - Class #2 Namaste Everyone! Hope you can join me...and Lizzie(you’ll see what I’m talking about) for this week’s yoga flow. As with each weekly class this class is designed for all levels of ability.... Keep a lookout for the occasional extra video post for a specialty class. Check back soon! Enjoy! With, love, light, and peace, Starla Savasana music credit to www.bensound.com

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 09.11.2020

Yoga for all levels Join me for this gentle yoga flow class designed for all levels of ability. A gentle flow class that includes optional sun salutations along with various standing, balancing and seated poses as well as a relaxing savasana to finish the practice with. The intention of this class encompasses moving our bodies, slowing down our breathing, calming the mind and connecting to the stillness and peacefulness within. Yes, trust me, there is peacefulness within, ev...en during these times. We just need to take the time to reconnect to our heart center! Variations and modifications are given for most poses so whether you are new to yoga or have a dedicated practice you can follow along easily. As with all classes at Active Balance Yoga & Wellness, be sure to listen to your body. If it feels good, perfect! If you experience pain or discomfort, please stop! Always honour your body and where it’s at in the moment. Also, for those that are new, I always recommend checking with your doctor or healthcare professional before starting yoga or any new fitness activity. Savasana music credit to : www.bensound.com Please note this is a completely unedited original video. My apologies for low picture or sound quality. I will work towards a more professional quality version of videos in the months to come. Thank you all for your continued interest and support. With love, light & peace to all!

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 28.10.2020

One of my most favourite quotes from Max Ehrmann... Desiderata GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.... Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. By Max Ehrmann 1927 Original text

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 15.10.2020

Namaste Everyone, As most of you will already know, due to recent events, the government has issued strong recommendations and bans on most non essential services. Therefore, all yoga and strength classes will be cancelled indefinitely. As this period of self isolation will pass in time, it is unclear as to when. At this point I am not planning any studio classes or workshops until September 2020. For all those who prepaid for the March/April session I will be issuing refund...s and hope to e transfer you this week. On a lighter note, I have taken the time to pre record a few yoga classes which I am currently working on uploading online however, due to slow internet connections and the length of a 50 minute video it seems to be taking a VERY long time and of course my technological skills are somewhat limited which isn’t helping either, I’m sure ; ) I will be sure to keep everyone posted with a link as soon as I can get a video uploaded. These classes will be complementary however will require an internet connection. My hope would be to post one class each week to help keep us all connected and bring some sense peacefulness during this time. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you all and I look forward to teaching classes "in person again at some point in the future : ) In the meantime, check out you tube for free online yoga videos. There are several options and video lengths to choose from. If you are interested in a subscription, www.yogatoday.com is another option and has a great selection of yoga videos for everyone. Be sure to check out a class with Adi Amar or Sarah Kline! Should you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am truly honoured & blessed that each of you have chosen to share your practice of yoga with me. My sincerest heartfelt gratitude to you all for your continued interest and support. With love, light & peace, Starla 403-485-8575(text/phone) Email: [email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK PAGE - ACTIVE BALANCE YOGA & WELLNESS Website: www.activebalance.squarespace.com

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 04.10.2020

Happy March Everyone! Please check out the CLARESHOLM March/April Schedule below. Don't hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 30.09.2020

Namaste Everyone! In February and March I'll be offering a specialty class that highlights heart and hip openers. This is the first class in my new series "Renew & Restore". It is just a one time only class(mini workshop). $15/person Check out dates and times below. Designed for all levels of ability. ... I'll be hosting 2 classes in Claresholm and 1 class in Nanton. Please note there is limited space for these classes. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions or would like to register. 403-485-8575 Preregistration and pre payment is requested. Watch for this class coming to VULCAN at the end of March at Vulcan Yoga & Wellness. Stay tuned for more specialty classes in this series...

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 18.09.2020

Happy New Year!!! Be sure to checkout my upcoming schedule for the January/ February session. Classes start Jan 14

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 06.09.2020

Namaste Everyone! With the holiday season fast approaching, I will be offering a few seasonal Candlelight Yoga classes in December. This class is designed for everyone and all levels of ability. If you have any questions or would like to register, please let me know. Please Note- Pre registration and payment is requested as space is limited. Hope you can join me! In Health & Happiness, Starla : )

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 16.08.2020

Be sure to check this out!!! https://www.facebook.com/events/527680721329481/?ti=icl

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 27.07.2020

Grand opening at Woodshed Martial Arts this Friday!!! Come and check out their awesome new space and all the classes they have to offer. They offer a variety of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Boxing classes for all ages. In addition I’ll be offering yoga classes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Be sure to stop by and say hi to Matt and Layne!

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 25.07.2020

Class Descriptions All classes are guided in a safe & enjoyable setting. The intention of each class is to bring awareness and balance to both body & mind and to utilize these principles in everyday living. YOGA CLASSES...Continue reading

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 17.07.2020

CLARESHOLM Fall Schedule is now available!!! I’m so excited to be teaching a variety of yoga classes as well as small group strength classes with the BOSU Ball and Balance Trainer. Please check out the schedule below. If you have any questions or would like to register for a session or two just send me a private message or email. In Health & Happiness, Starla Please Note... All classes listed below are located in Claresholm. See more

Active Balance Yoga & Wellness 04.07.2020

September 2019-Stay tune for upcoming schedule. Offering Yoga as well as Bosu strength & core classes in Claresholm, Vulcan & Nanton...