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AKASHA Arabians & Photography 01.01.2021

With an extremely heavy heart I just did see the information that my Shahab's half brother passed away today with 26. He had spend his last years in the high North of Norway and I had plans to visit him there. But faith wanted it differently.... Their mother was my heart horse, my soul mate with 4 hoofs and Shater was born shortly after I had bought her...he was not part of the purchase, but I was there 20 minutes after his birth, helped raise him until weaning, did see him g...row up and played with him as a foal. I'm so sad....now Shahab is the only living foal from my girl....he was 21 this May and I hope he will still be with me for a long time.... Fly high Shater and greet your Mom from me! We miss you guys down here.... See more

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 20.12.2020

Happy 28th Birthday to our Tango!! She is the oldest of our clan and even she is slowing down, she's still the boss of the herd and has enough spunk left that I was not able to even clean the hay out of her mane. So here she is, the birthday girl, fuzzy and dirty from the rest of the winter fur and the rain last night, but to stubborn to let me clean her for her birthday portrait... Just as we know her since the last 8 years ;) Happy Birthday Girlie and many more years!!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 19.11.2020

The Birthplace of our Arabs ancestors - El Zahraa, Cairo, Egypt

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 03.11.2020

Standardbred Gelding, DOB 17.05.1999 Friends joined our Family as companion for our Arabian Stallion Al Shahab in December 2018. They are a great team and were born only 3 days apart from each other! I could have not found a closer age match and they got along fantastic from day one!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 18.10.2020

Straight Egyptian Stallion, DOB 14.05.1999, 14.3hh, Asil Club & Pyramid Society eligible, SCID - clear, CA - n/n, LFS - NN - clear of LFS mutation,... Live Cover. Frozen Semen also available. LFG. Strain: Abeyan, Tail female: El Obeya Om Grees, See Pedigree at: www.allbreedpedigree.com/al+shahab Classic and masculine stallion with substance, great temperament and character. Photo's taken by myself, Heidi Gardner Photography or as otherwise stated, therefore all Photo's AKASHA Photography or Heidi Gardner Photography. ARLENE MAGID PEDIGREE RESEARCH: AL SHAHAB is a straight Egyptian stallion with a pedigree not commonly found in North America. His ancestry features strong connections to horses who have competed successfully in the show ring and on the endurance trail. His sire is linebred to World Champion sire TUHOTMOS, who is a sire and grandsire of National Champions in performance. He is also linebred to the NAZEER son KAISOON, also a sire and grandsire of National Champions in halter and performance.AL SHAHAB is out of SHER’RUSSIA. She is a rare daughter of ABDALLAH, one of the most successfully endurance horses at the time he competed in Europe. He won the 100 miles Schnabelsberg Cup, one of Europe’s most challenging rides due to its hills. Because of his endurance career, ABDALLAH sired relatively few get. Please also see the complete Pedigree Write up by Arlene Magid under the Notes tab.

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 28.09.2020

Arabian mare, DOB 28.04.1992, 15.3hh Strain: Hadban Enzahi Tail female: Hadba See Pedigree at: www.allbreedpedigree.com/isle+tango... Tango is not part of our breeding, she is strictly my riding partner =) All Photo's AKASHA Photography Link to Album from her previous Owner:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 21.09.2020

What a absolutely lovely idea for a wedding photo <3

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 12.09.2020

After 2 years we all did meet again for some more Photos =) Lots of laughs and a great day! Here you go guys, hope you like them!!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 02.09.2020

Hello everyone.... It has been a bit quiet here lately because I'm busy with a different project ;) As some of you who follow my page might already know, I'm working on it to get a permit for my own Wildlife Rehab. To find out more, you can go to:... https://www.facebook.com/CryoftheWildRehab/ If you have pets and would like to support me, my friend and neighbor Teri sells Tiber River products and is having a draw for a Pet product set, Vanity Fur Shampoo + Fur Your Eyes Only eye wash. All proceeds given to Cry of the Wild will be used to build outdoor pens. Additional until the end of June, 20% of all sales in the pet line will be donated to Cry of the Wild as well. Please check out her group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/535590926936723/ as well as the Website: http://www.tiberriver.ca/Teriballard A BIG Thank you so much to you, Teri Ballard <3

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 15.08.2020

Anglo-Arabian Aiglonne won Olympic Gold in three day eventing in 1948 Anglo-Arabian, or Anglo-Arab, horses are a crossbred between Thoroughbred (thus, the prefi...x "Anglo") and Arabian horses. The cross can be made between a Thoroughbred stallion and an Arabian mare, or vice versa. It can also be a cross between either an Anglo-Arabian and a Thoroughbred or, alternatively, an Anglo-Arabian and an Arabian. Another permitted cross is between two Anglo-Arabians. No matter the cross, a horse must have a minimum 12.5% of Arabian blood to be considered an Anglo-Arabian. France is one of the largest producers of Anglo-Arabian horses. French Anglo-Arabian horses can trace their liniage back to two stallions: the Arabian stud Massoud and Aslam, a Turkish horse, probably of the now-extinct Turkoman breed. These Syrian imports were then crossed with a trio of Thoroughbreds, specifically, the Comus Mare, the Selim Mare, and Daer. Some years later, three of their daughters Clovis, Danae, and Delphine formed the foundation of the French Anglo-Arabian breeding program. Anglo-Arabian horses have used for military purposes. But these days they are mainly used as a general riding or sport horse. They doe well in eventing, due to its stamina, speed, and jumping ability. In the United States, the Anglo-Arabian is considered a "part-bred" Arabian and, consequently, is registered within a separate section of the Arabian Horse Association. As a result of different crosses that can produce an Anglo-Arabian horse, their size and appearance can vary a lot. However, on average, an Anglo-Arabian is a bit taller than the average Arabian horse (Anglo-Arabians average 15.216.3hands). The largest horses are usually produced by breeding a Thoroughbred mare to an Arabian stallion. The best examples of this breed inherit the refinement, good bone, and endurance of Arabian horses, as well as the speed and scope of a Thoroughbred.

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 18.07.2020

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and all the Best for 2019

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 11.07.2020


AKASHA Arabians & Photography 09.07.2020

Horses are Healers!!! And so are many other animals as well...we just have to sit back and let them do their job...open your heart and soul and just feel...

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 24.06.2020

Please welcome Friends =) After Shahab's pasture companion Budweiser had to be send over the rainbow bridge due to cancer, we were debating back and forth if we should castrate him and let him run with his girls. Due to him being 19, our equine clinic of choice advised strongly against it and I started looking for a new companion. Things fell in place and Shahab has his new shadow Friends =) Friends is a STB I adopted out of a placement program.... I let them out in Shahab's huge pasture together, they cantered to the end of it and started eating grass. That was the whole introduction and if I wouldn't know better (Shahab is with me since birth), I would have said they know each other from somewhere ;) So happy for both of them =) Friends was broke to drive and we will see what he remembers and if he will enjoy to do it again. It's been a long time for me since I drove as well and hopefully together we will find new joy in it. See more

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 13.06.2020

So very true <3

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 11.06.2020

Happy Halloween

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 23.05.2020

A lot is happening in our lives and our place so there is not much time for the camera at the moment, but I'm always happy to see our resident snowshoe hares drop by. This little one is in great shape and I couldn't see ticks for a change!!! Yay!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 08.05.2020

An older shot of a long eared owl. http://www.burrowingowl.com/images/profiles/leow.gif

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 04.04.2020

Had a great and funny shoot today with Lisa and her super handsome stallion Zeve. Always loved Frisians and I'm so happy that one of my friends has one now...more photo's to come for sure =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 16.03.2020

Thank you to all my friends and followers who hang in there even my page was so very quiet lately. Today I went to the LICA Nature Photography Workshop with Mason Unrau. We braved the cold and went out to the Provincial Park, trying to find some things to photograph. It was snowing and windy, we froze our butts off but had fun doing so

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 09.03.2020

Happy New Year to all my family, friends and followers!!!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 27.02.2020

Soooo cold in Northern Alberta that even the squirrels are blown up fuzz balls... we had -35 this morning =(

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 11.02.2020

Happy Halloween everyone

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 04.02.2020

Our little bird feed raider =) He digs through the seeds to find the peanuts ;)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 22.01.2020

The view over our "boys pasture" and the hay field.

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 10.01.2020

Happy 150. Birthday Canada!!! Wishing all a happy Canada Day

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 26.12.2019

Today I volunteered to take our local Light Horse 4-H Club's photos. A great group of Kids and adults and it was nice to see the relationships the all have with their horses! Some kids had already their poses in mind and I hope everyone enjoyed the process of creating these photo's as much as I did! It was long time since I had my camera in my hand. High time to get at it again and it couldn't have been a better day for it!... Thank you everyone =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 08.12.2019

Happy Easter to all of you who follow my page!! Frohe Ostern an alle die meiner Seite folgen!!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 30.11.2019

The snow was thawing and we had a glimpse of spring, but then mother nature reminded us that in Northern Alberta it's not Spring just because the Calendar says so ;) In one dump we got 30cm, more then the whole winter combined...and so we still wait for Spring to come in our neck of the woods =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 18.11.2019

Last year we had a Whiskey Jack show up only once and I'm really happy that this one seems to stick around! Finally a new face on the farm ;) Sorry, photo was taken through our old window, so not as sharp as I would wish it to be...

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 15.11.2019

Haha....we would need quite a big barn to let our 6 "regulars" go for an indoor run like this =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 08.11.2019

Happy Valentines Day <3

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 23.10.2019

Brrrr...Weather Network says it's -30 C outside right now...the Birds at the feeder are all puffed up and the Prairie Chicken picking the buds in the tree also looks twice it's size...but at least it's a nice sunny day after the crazy blowing snow we had yesterday! Stay warm everyone =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 11.10.2019

Found on this page: http://besthappynewyeargreetings.com/collected-famous-happ/

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 01.10.2019

Happy New Year everyone =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 18.09.2019

Merry Christmas =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 03.09.2019

Wishing everyone all over the World a very Merry Christmas!!! Hope you will have peaceful holidays! Wuensche jedem in der Welt Frohe Weihnachten!!! Hoffe ihr habt friedvolle Feiertage!... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfz1pyq3EhE

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 23.08.2019

Dieses Bild kann ersteigert werden u. der Erloess, nach Versandkosten, geht and die Wildpferde von Alberta Society: https://www.facebook.com/Wild-Horses-of-Alberta-Society-187294581294353/ Das Pferd auf diesem Bild ist ein Wildpferde Hengst am Fusse der Alberta Rocky Mountains. Wir haben ca. 800 Wildpferde in unserer Provinz.Vor einigen Jahren wurde mir die Gegend von einem Mann gezeigt der fuer das Ueberleben unserer Wildpferde u. gegen das Einfangen kaempft. Dieser Hengst w...ar der auffallendste mit seinem perfekten Punkt auf der Lippe =) Wer mehr von uneren Wildies sehen moechte u. einige Fakten lernen will (leider nur in Englisch) kann sich mein Wildie Album anschauen: https://www.facebook.com/AKASHAArabians/photos/ Das Bild ist 45.5x61 cm and hat einen $200 CAD Wert. Es gibt kein Minimum Gebot um die Auction zu starten. Versand weltweit. Bitte schreibt Euer Gebot in den Kommentar unter dem Bild. Die Auction ended am 10. Dezember. Lasst uns den Wildies ein schoenes Weihnachtsgeschenkt geben!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 19.08.2019

It seems there was bit of confusion and the post for the Canvas auction did share to the old and expired auction. So let's start over!! The Canvas is still up for grabs and the proceeds after shipping will go to the Wild Horses of Alberta Society! Please check out their work: https://www.facebook.com/Wild-Horses-of-Alberta-Society-1/... The horse in the photo is a wild stallion in the foothills of Alberta, Canada. We have about 800 Wildies in our Province. A few years ago I was shown around the area by a strong advocate, who fights to save our Wild Horses from being decimated by culls. This stallion was the most distinct with the perfect little dot on his lip =) If you would like to see more of our Wildies and learn some facts about them, then please go to my album: https://www.facebook.com/AKASHAArabians/photos/ This canvas is 18x24 inches or 45.5x61 cm and has a $200 CAD value. There is no minimum bid to start this auction. Shipping to anywhere in the world. Please place your bid in the comments. Bidding will be open until noon of December 10th Let's give the Wildies a nice Christmas Present!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 03.08.2019

We have an amazing act of generosity happening =) Rachel, the winning bidder, will give the amount she did bit to PFK, but also asked me to auction of the canvas again to help our Alberta Wildies! Thank you so much Rachel, this greatly appreciated!!! So once again the Canvas is up for grabs and the proceeds after shipping will go to the Wild Horses of Alberta Society! Please check out their work on their Page:... https://www.facebook.com/Wild-Horses-of-Alberta-Society-187294581294353/?fref=ts The horse in the photo is a wild stallion in the foothills of Alberta, Canada. We have about 800 Wildies in our Province. A few years ago I was shown around the area by a strong advocate, who fights to save our Wild Horses from being decimated by culls. This stallion was the most distinct with the perfect little dot on his lip =) If you would like to see more of our Wildies and learn some facts about them, then please go to my album: https://www.facebook.com/AKASHAArabians/photos/ This canvas is 18x24 inches or 45.5x61 cm and has a $200 CAD value. There is no minimum bid to start this auction. Please place your bid in the comments. Bidding will be open until noon of November 30th! Let's go everyone =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 22.07.2019

Hello to all my followers =) A couple of "firsts" are happening here now! I ordered my first canvas and we will have the first Auction! Sorry for the bad selfie...lol...I'm only in there to show the size of the canvas better and I tried to make sure the canvas was completely in the photo and was concentrating hard because my smartphone produces very quickly totally blurry photo's ;)... So here it goes: The canvas in the photo will be auctioned off to raise Funds for one of my favorite Horse Charities! Prince Fluffy Kareem helps the working horses in the Pyramid area of Cairo, Egypt! As a owner of Arabian horses the work they are doing is near and dear to my heart! All proceeds, after shipping the canvas to the winning bidder, will be send to PFK to purchase medication or hay for the up to 100 horses they take care off every day! If you are not already a Fluffiteer, please go to their page and check them out: https://www.facebook.com/princefluffykareem/ The horse in the photo is a Wild stallion in the foothills of Alberta, Canada. We have about 800 Wildies in our Province. A few years ago I was shown around the area by a strong advocate, who fights to save our Wild Horses from being decimated by culls. This stallion was the most distinct with the perfect little dot on his lip =) If you would like to see more of our Wildies and learn some facts about them, then please go to my album: https://www.facebook.com/AKASHAArabians/photos/ This canvas is 18x24 inches or 45.5x61 cm and has a $200 CAD value. Please place your bid in the comments. Bidding will be open until noon of November 20th! Ready....set....go...lets help out the Fluffy's!!!! <3

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 18.07.2019

We have some Round Bales for Sale again. Alfalfa/Grass mix, baled end of July without Rain. $70/bale. Can load, but not deliver. Feel free to drop by and have a look at it first. It's horse approved by our own horses ;)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 08.07.2019

In August we were invited to the beautiful Country wedding of Kim & John. Who knows me, knows that my camera always goes with me, especially when invited to a wedding =) So I'd like to share with you the candid shots I took this day, thank the ladies who done the great decorations for this wedding and of course thank Kim & John for including us in the celebration of their happiest day together!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 24.06.2019

As much as we don't want to....Autumn came, as usually here, before the calendar says so....

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 04.06.2019

Nothing better then a Volkswagen =) Nix besser wie ein VW =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 16.05.2019

Wow...what a great idea!! Not only for a wedding! I can see a cowboy theme for this set up ;) Would love to do a shoot like this and might have to give it a try one day =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 19.04.2019


AKASHA Arabians & Photography 20.03.2019

Rain finally stopped and I went to see Shahab's little filly today =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 11.03.2019

Exciting news this morning!! The mare Shahab bred last year had a filly! Going over tonight to take photo's! So looking forward to follow her development and to see what my boy can do with a purebred mare.

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 15.02.2019

#YMMFIRE #prayforfortmac #albertastrong Room for horses and RV's Ardmore (between Bonnyville and Cold Lake) Hay and water on site.

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 13.02.2019

Mmmm that fresh green grass looks so good that one doesn't need to be a horse to get the feeling to go bite into it...lol... =)

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 23.01.2019

Awe...now isn't that a sweetheart or what???

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 20.01.2019

We braved the chilly temps and had fun at the Ashmont Rally today. Ofcourse, the camera has to come with me =) AKASHA Photography

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 01.01.2019

For all Arab owners on my page =) Here is your chance to win a authentic Egyptian halter or bridle set and make a donation to Prince Fluffy Kareem. A rescue that is near and dear to my heart!! I support them and hope you will too! Check out their page and the amazing work this small team is doing every day!!!

AKASHA Arabians & Photography 30.12.2018

<3 Happy Valentine's Day <3