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Alexander Cameron 18.10.2021

I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand. . And I stand with you all. . #blackouttuesday

Alexander Cameron 09.10.2021

Recently, I was contacted by a writer named Maija Kappler from @huffpostcanada , to discuss male friendships. We had a great chat and her piece was released two days ago. I encourage you to go and read it and see how much of her piece resonates with you. Or leave a comment below with your own thoughts on the importance of friendship and social connection for men and people of any gender. I want to thank Maija for the opportunity and for sharing a piece on something that I fee...l strongly about and is an important conversation for us to be having when it comes to men and their emotional and mental health. Below is a snippet from the article and there is a link to the full article through the blog post on my website www.alexandercameron.ca Alexander Cameron, a Toronto-area psychotherapist who’s worked with men’s groups and says his clients are mostly men, told HuffPost Canada that strict gender stereotypes are a big part of the problem. It takes vulnerability to find and make friends, and vulnerability is something that as men, we’re taught isn’t a safe space to be in, he said. When we get into that sort of mindset ‘I just gotta white-knuckle through this’ asking for help is weakness. It’s showing that I don’t know what I’m doing, or I don’t have control.

Alexander Cameron 06.10.2021

Recently I was able to meet with one of the creators of @superheroesofthe6ix and we had a great chat that seemed to fly by! It was a really rich conversation and the result is this posting and portrait. . I shared some of my own journey and insights with them and this is the result. Please go check them out. . Check them@out and give them a follow to learn more about some of the #superheroesofthe6ix in your city! Thank you again and looking forward to learning more about ot...her #citizenoftoronto people around me. . Posted @withrepost @superheroesofthe6ix ...I feel a responsibility to use my privilege to promote equity for all. My ‘voice’ may carry significant weight within certain groups where people may hear the message differently. When I recognize my own privilege and practice empathy and awareness for those that do not share the same, I am able to experience a humility that is fulfilling and creates gratitude for the opportunities that I have been afforded. . It is important for us to acknowledge privilege in order to challenge social inequities that keep many from finding success in their lives. Gender equity is something I feel very passionate about creating and is why I work with @nextgenmen to facilitate monthly meetings to hold space for conversations that may not be happening around masculinity and gender and how it impacts us all. These are open to all regardless of how they identify and are such rich conversations for all who attend, including myself. The social inequity that currently exists can keep people stuck stifle us to live our best lives. This may be through social norms, gender norms, or even expectations transferred to us from family and friends. I am now lucky enough to have people seek me out to be a part of their journey toward becoming mentally healthy and enjoying mental wellness. ‘A rising tide lifts all boats.’ By raising opportunity and striving for gender equity for all around us, we are creating a stronger, healthier, and more equitable society to learn from each other and experience the best life possible

Alexander Cameron 17.09.2021

Welcome to #tattootuesday and please meet @relentless_principal Hamish Brewer. Hamish is a tattooed and skateboarding principal that transformed a school in Virginia through Radical Love. Hamish is a very caring individual that describes himself as an educational disrupter.... Hamish has a very inspiring @ted talk that conveys his passion and desire to help all of his students succeed. Here is an excerpt, ‘We went away from textbooks and hundreds of worksheets. We said let’s be authentic rather than unreal. We talked about inspiring our kids, not requiring. We talked about motivating and not alienating our students.’ This really touched me from his ted talk and how Hamish put his office at the middle of the school and became visible and accessible by graffitiing his office door with the phrases #relentless and #allin for everyone to see. He also speaks about #love and how he starts each school day on the PA saying that if nobody told you today that they love you, Mr. Brewer is telling you today that he loves you. He asked his students, what’s your legacy? What do you want to be remembered for? And so I ask you this same question. What is your #legacy? What is it that you wish to be remembered for? Please leave a comment of what this means to you. Let’s all reflect on what we want to be and how we want others to think of us. What will people say about you? How can you start to create that legacy now, today. #relentless #onemoreround #allin #radicallove

Alexander Cameron 11.09.2021

Bringing a #family connection to this week’s #tattootuesday posting. This recently finished #tattoo belongs to my nephew, Ethan. This young man recently graduated from high school and is one of the kindest, strongest, and bravest young men I know.... When Ethan was quite young, he fell into a pond at his daycare and was submerged for several minutes before being found by an attendant and was airlifted to #bcchildrenshospital immediately and was in care for a significant amount of time. Since then, I have seen that boy grow into an amazingly confident and loving young man. I admire his willingness to always help when asked and his commitment to family. Ethan is the lone boy in a family with six sisters and continues to show traits that all men should aspire to convey. Not one to be saddled by #gendernorms when his sisters received plastic pumps to wear from #gramma he demanded his own pair be purchased as well. Ethan rocked those fluorescent pumps like a boss at the age of 5 or 6. He shows complete #dedication to his #fitness and his exterior belies his huge heart until he smiles. I am #proud to be Ethan’s #uncle or #funcle and I hope that his story brings you some #inspiration today. Please comment or tag someone that inspires you to #staystrong and never back down.

Alexander Cameron 06.09.2021

Take that first step no matter how small it is and you are still moving forward. #progress can be a tricky thing to measure at times and we can also take steps backward that can feel defeating or demoralizing. One of the things I speak to my clients about is that progress can ebb and flow or have peaks and valleys. However, that is part of life and change.... Progress does not always occur in a straight line; life does not work that way. I heard someone once say that life is like your heartbeat on a heart rate monitor. It contains ups and downs and as long as you are experiencing this, then you are truly alive. When the heart rate monitor shows a #flatline then...are you truly living? The #stagesofchange model (one component of the transtheoretical model of behaviour change) indicates that relapse is a part of recovery as well as maintenance. The stages include precontemplation (nothing is wrong) contemplation (maybe there is something I’d like to change), preparation (taking small steps toward change) action (putting change into practice) and maintenance (maintaining the changes made) However, #relapse can still be part of overall #change and one that can be planned for by reflecting on successful action stage skills learned. This is for any behaviour change and not limited to #addiction. #nobodyisperfect in creating change in their lives and we should strive to be kind to ourselves as we grow into our best selves along the way. Identifying what that first step can be challenging, and others may have insight into what may be helpful to reflect on for what that step could be. Speaking with a trained professional may help you identify that step as well as work collaboratively with you to decide on future steps as well. You do not need to go through it alone! What step do you want to take? Leave a comment if you agree or have any questions about anything above!

Alexander Cameron 24.08.2021

A #reminder to be #intentional with your #time and #energy in all that you do. If what you are spending your time on today isn’t moving you toward your #goals then is it worth it? It can be #challenging to keep #ontrack and #focus at times and we can often benefit from taking time to #prioritize those things which are important to us. Our #mentalhealth can present difficulty in achieving this when we experience #symptoms like #lowmood #lackofmotivation or #lowenergy. These sy...mptoms can make it even harder to move us in the direction we wish. Take time today to reflect on what you want for yourself and if the steps and choices you are making today will result in the goal you desire. If they are not, then ask yourself, what can I do differently? What can I control? What can I change? If you are finding yourself #lost or spinning your wheels, then working with a professional can help get you back on track! Experiencing the symptoms above does not mean you have a #mentalillness at all. But it could mean that speaking with someone could really be a benefit. Check out my website at www.alexandercameron.ca for more blog postings and information on how I work and make today the first step toward the life you want!

Alexander Cameron 14.08.2021

How do you create #balance in your life? . Our world has shifted tremendously in the name of #technology and #progress to a place where we are inundated with information each and every day. . It is increasingly challenging and important to find ways to interrupt those patterns and introduce #selfcare into your routine.... . Recently, I have taken on #yoga in the mornings before breakfast and work and the #results do not lie. . When I am able to start my day with #mindfulness and #centre myself, the struggles and invitations to #react #emotionally to life’s stressors are easier to decline. . I also have added in a short mindfulness exercise that assists me during #savasana that is #grounding and allows me to have a clearer mind. . While I do not always notice how beneficial this #practice is in the moment, I certainly notice when it is absent. I am posting this as a reminder to myself of the importance of taking time to #lovemyself through making myself a priority. . How do you ground yourself and be mindful when #stress is present? Do you have a #proactive approach to managing your stress or #reactive? Comment below on what you have learned works for you. See more

Alexander Cameron 01.08.2021

#mentalhealth is something that we all have and it can shift from healthier to less healthy throughout our lifetime. When we are struggling with our mental health, it does not mean that we have a #mentalillness per se, but it does mean that we can take steps to become mentally healthier. Many of us will have a loved one or someone close to us that will struggle with their mental health at some point in their lives. While we can not ‘fix’ what is going on for them, we can prov...ide support to help them cope and manage with the challenges that they are experiencing. 1. Listen without judgement Nobody has chosen to struggle with their mental health. It is an often invisible struggle that can leave people feeling isolated and scared to open up due to the stigma. Do not offer advice, but rather hold space for someone to share what they are going through. 2. Validate When you are holding space for someone to feel heard, it is equally as important that they feel understood and validated. You can validate someone that is sharing through active listening techniques such as giving undivided attention (no phones or distractions), giving verbal responses that show you are listening, asking clarifying questions that are curious and not directive or judgmental like: how can I support you? What would be helpful from me? As opposed to: What do you want me to do about it? Have you tried? 3. Educate yourself Find reputable and professional resources for information on mental health in general or the mental illness that your loved one is managing. #camh, #cmha, or a #mentalhealthfirstaid course can all provide good insight. Or consider seeing a #therapist for your own emotional health. 4. Be patient Mental illness does not come on overnight, so it is unrealistic for it to be worked through quickly. Find ways to provide #patience and #support throughout the process. 5. Take care of yourself - #selfcare is imperative and on my website, you will find more information by following the link in my bio. Taking care of your needs and ensuring that you remain as mentally healthy as possible is equally important as supporting your loved one. Think of it as the oxygen mask on the airplane; you can take a deep breath and help everyone else with their mask and suffocate, or you can ensure that you are fitting your own mask first so that you can be as fulsome a support as possible. You are no good to anyone else if you are not stable yourself. What does it look like to take care of yourself when a loved one is dealing with their #mentalwellness? Go to my blog for the full story and 7 tips to take care of yourself from #cmha that I have added my own insight to from working in this field for several years. Please share this within your networks as well if you believe it is helpful!

Alexander Cameron 21.07.2021

Sharing a post from @honorboundtattoos Kyle Staub. I was moved by his words as well as his artwork and what he had to say on his original post (below). I've been nervous to post this ,but it's not about the art it's about the therapy it provides. I've been looking for a better way to process stress and aggression in my life instead of dumping it back into my community. So this is my first oil painting and I have to say there is a very simple connection that happens when you ...don't have a machine or a airbrush between you and the canvas . This has been a very calming experience and it is by no way finished or perfect but I think flaws are beautiful nothing is perfect. This work is still in progress and will need a good home soon hopefully somewhere where it can bring peace and serenity amongst the noise of life . Like it has for me . Enjoy your sat people life is what u put out. I have spoken or written about #selfcare many times and Kyle captures this sentiment very well and his thoughts on #process are spot on! One of my happy places is #cooking and creating in the kitchen. It is a place where I’m able to immerse myself in the task and be present when I’m making something new. What is your #selfcareroutine and how do you ensure you make time for it? Thank you @honorboundtattoos for your original post and the #honest sharing of your thoughts. #inspiring

Alexander Cameron 15.07.2021

As we move deeper into #spring and closer to #summer we have an opportunity to come out of our shell and really experience life. Spring is a time of rebirth and new beginnings and often #anxiety or #depression can tell us that we need to hold back or that we don’t deserve what we desire. I know that I am guilty of holding myself back in the past because of what my thoughts were telling me. My thoughts convinced me that I was an impostor, or that I wasn’t qualified, or that I ...would #fail if I tried. However, my thoughts consistently lied to me! And that is what living with anxiety is for so many people. It is that niggling voice in our heads that says #whatif and stops us from taking a chance. What would it be like to push back at that voice in your head and ask yourself, but what if it works out?! What if the exact opposite outcome of your #anxious thoughts was the outcome. What if you are #successful and accomplish exactly what you set out to do. What holds us back is #fear so often and realistically, that fear can be #healthy in reasonable amounts if it keeps us #curious and aware of what pitfalls we need to avoid. I #challenge readers to take a moment and think about something they wish to try and push back against the fear and do it anyways. If you need to hear #ibelieveinyou then take this as that statement #hereandnow and try. Believe in who you are and not who you think you are not. Comment, tag, or share this with someone that you believe in! It will make their day.

Alexander Cameron 06.07.2021

Today we look at former @raptors player @demar_derozan and his words on #depression while still in #toronto with the team. Here is his #quote It’s one of them things that no matter how indestructible we look like we are, we’re all human at the end of the day. We all got feelings . . . all of that. Sometimes . . . it gets the best of you, where times everything in the whole world’s on top of you. It’s not nothing I’m against or ashamed of. Now, at my age, I understand how man...y people go through it. Even if it’s just somebody can look at it like, ‘He goes through it and he’s still out there being successful and doing this,’ I’m OK with that. Thank you for being open. This is from the @headsupguys page highlighting 20 #celebrities speaking about their #mentalhealth and what that means to them. As #mentalhealthweek draws to a close, I will continue to share these postings to help raise #mentalhealthawareness moving forward. If you or a loved one is experiencing #anxiety or #depression or any #mentalillness for that matter, there are many trained professionals out there wanting to assist you. Let’s continue to #getloud and #endthestigma and promote #mentalwellness in every way. Please like this or share it within your own networks to spread the message that opening up about mental health is strength and not weakness!

Alexander Cameron 22.12.2020

Recently, I was contacted by a writer named Maija Kappler from @huffpostcanada , to discuss male friendships. We had a great chat and her piece was released two days ago. I encourage you to go and read it and see how much of her piece resonates with you. Or leave a comment below with your own thoughts on the importance of friendship and social connection for men and people of any gender. I want to thank Maija for the opportunity and for sharing a piece on something that I fee...l strongly about and is an important conversation for us to be having when it comes to men and their emotional and mental health. Below is a snippet from the article and there is a link to the full article through the blog post on my website www.alexandercameron.ca Alexander Cameron, a Toronto-area psychotherapist who’s worked with men’s groups and says his clients are mostly men, told HuffPost Canada that strict gender stereotypes are a big part of the problem. It takes vulnerability to find and make friends, and vulnerability is something that as men, we’re taught isn’t a safe space to be in, he said. When we get into that sort of mindset ‘I just gotta white-knuckle through this’ asking for help is weakness. It’s showing that I don’t know what I’m doing, or I don’t have control.

Alexander Cameron 02.12.2020

Recently I was able to meet with one of the creators of @superheroesofthe6ix and we had a great chat that seemed to fly by! It was a really rich conversation and the result is this posting and portrait. . I shared some of my own journey and insights with them and this is the result. Please go check them out. . Check them@out and give them a follow to learn more about some of the #superheroesofthe6ix in your city! Thank you again and looking forward to learning more about ot...her #citizenoftoronto people around me. . Posted @withrepost @superheroesofthe6ix ...I feel a responsibility to use my privilege to promote equity for all. My ‘voice’ may carry significant weight within certain groups where people may hear the message differently. When I recognize my own privilege and practice empathy and awareness for those that do not share the same, I am able to experience a humility that is fulfilling and creates gratitude for the opportunities that I have been afforded. . It is important for us to acknowledge privilege in order to challenge social inequities that keep many from finding success in their lives. Gender equity is something I feel very passionate about creating and is why I work with @nextgenmen to facilitate monthly meetings to hold space for conversations that may not be happening around masculinity and gender and how it impacts us all. These are open to all regardless of how they identify and are such rich conversations for all who attend, including myself. The social inequity that currently exists can keep people stuck stifle us to live our best lives. This may be through social norms, gender norms, or even expectations transferred to us from family and friends. I am now lucky enough to have people seek me out to be a part of their journey toward becoming mentally healthy and enjoying mental wellness. ‘A rising tide lifts all boats.’ By raising opportunity and striving for gender equity for all around us, we are creating a stronger, healthier, and more equitable society to learn from each other and experience the best life possible