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Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 30.09.2020

If you have an #autoimmune condition (whether your thyroid is affected, joints, intestine or even fibromyalgia /chronic fatigue), gluten may be adding fuel to the fire . I don't support dietary trends that people pick up for no good reason, but in autoimmunity there may be a strong genetic component to #gluten sensitivity... . Keep in mind that modern-day grains are not what they used to be in your grandparents' time. Modern wheat is very different from ancient wheat, it's a processed hybrid that has many time more gluten than it used to have for thousands of years . "#Genes load the gun but the #environment pulls the trigger". You can't change your genes but you can certainly avoid the trigger! . #NaturopathicDoctor #NaturopathicMedicine #TorontoNaturopath #Celiac #Autoimmunity

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 25.09.2020

Did you know that your menu is likely affecting your mental health? Most people with anxiety disorders take medications or try meditation and breathing techniques, which may or may not be helping. But almost nobody knows that some of the foods they eat have the potential to overstimulate the nervous system in the same way as a very stressful event would! Most patients with anxiety who followed my diet recommendations felt significantly less anxious after just a few weeks.

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 09.09.2020

Immune reactions create a lot of toxicity - when your body fights infection it's like a war zone ;). . Inevitably the immune cells become damaged and unable to fulfill their function... Unless there's an adequate supply of antioxidants to prevent this damage This is especially relevant for "cytokine storm" - which may cause severe tissue damage. Antioxidants may counteract some of this damage. ... . . The elderly, smokers and people with chronic health issues are the ones whose innate antioxidant reserve is usually depleted. Think about it. See more

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 01.09.2020

"Pick up some free dozens on the way to work for you and your colleagues, or maybe a free dozen on your way home to family after a long shift," the company said. . What more do frontline healthcare workers need these days, than a few dozen toxic, sugary, inflammatory snacks?? ... . Who cares that they cause insulin spikes and activate inflammation pathways which leads to depressed immunity... Please make your choices wisely! "Foods" like this should be banned from public schools and hospitals, not offered for free

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 28.08.2020

"Obese hosts exhibit delayed and blunted antiviral responses to influenza virus infection, and they experience poor recovery from the disease." . This is a wake up call for the 26% of Ontarians who are obese. ... . There are thousands of lovely home workouts on Youtube, you can start moving today. You can buy a big bag of vegetables and throw out the junk today. You can drop the cigarette today. Little steps matter. They will ensure that you are alive and healthy tomorrow.

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 17.08.2020

Thanks to this pandemic we all became experts in social distancing and hand-washing But there is one essential topic that is surprisingly unpopular in the media. It's YOUR STATE OF HEALTH vs risk of COVID-19 complications. . Everyone is on board with avoiding crowds and locking yourself at home (which are indeed your top safety strategies during a pandemic), yet there are surprisingly few discussions of the preventable risk factors behind many deaths. *Preventable* i...Continue reading

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 07.08.2020

FAVOURITE IMMUNE BOOSTERS? Your immune system uses nutrients to fight infections, it’s a well researched fact. A typical Western diet is very nutrient depleted, that’s another fact. Can we do anything to actually support our immune response in a measurable way? The answer is YES....Continue reading

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 26.07.2020

Just one week ago the web was full of ridiculous articles that "debunked" benefits of vitamin C for respiratory infections and immune support and told people to watch out for "false claims" . . And now it seems that US hospitals are doing IV infusions of vitamin C and noticing significant benefits (obviously). It's all based on Wuhan protocols - in China they started a trial of high dose IV vitamin C back in February 2020.... . Vit C for the win! :) . #COVID19 #URTI #flu #naturopathicdoctor #immunesupport

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 23.07.2020

#NSAIDS FOR #COVID19: should you suppress your fever? . There is much confusion in the media regarding the use of NSAIDs (Advil, Aspirin, Naproxen) in COVID-19 patients. Some sources report that NSAIDs (and even cortisone ) significantly worsen disease severity, others refute these claims. We clearly lack reliable information on the topic, but I gotta say, I would not use NSAIDs for a viral fever anyway.... . So, do we suppress the #fever or let it ride? . Fever is estimated to be at least 4 million years old. It is present in a wide range of animal species, not just birds and mammals but also reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects. Yep, I said INSECTS! . Even cold-blooded animals that can’t regulate their own body temperature usually seek a warm spot when sick so they can mount a fever. Considering how metabolically costly fever is (imagine - fast heartbeat, increased oxygen demand, high energy consumption) it seems unlikely to have ever evolved in such a wide range of species, unless there was a SIGNIFICANT BENEFIT to the host. . In the 1980-s there was a brilliant yet simple experiment on cold blooded iguanas. The animals were infected with pathogenic bacteria and allowed to seek heat lamps to warm up. All iguanas except one sought the heat to raise their temperatures, and the one iguana that couldn’t was the only one that died. Next, animals were injected with #antipyretics (#Advil, #Tylenol, #Aspirin are antipyretic / anti-fever meds). Only those survived who were able to get a fever despite the antipyretic treatment. The study demonstrated that mounting a fever is vital for survival during infections.[ PMID: 26793378] . There was a similar experiment that involved lizards and heat lamps of different temperatures (from neutral to very hot). Higher temperatures allowed for significantly better survival [PMID: 1114347] . Now back to humans: Children with chicken pox treated with acetaminophen (Tylenol) took longer to heal their lesions than placebo-treated kids [PMID:2656959]. Adults with rhinovirus had more nasal viral shedding when given aspirin than when given placebo [PMID:163931] Etc etc etc, plenty of research. . So why is fever so vital? . 1. It has an overall adverse effect on the growth of bacteria and on replication of viruses 2. certain types of immune responses such as leucocyte migration are enhanced at higher temperatures. 3. Certain antiviral agents (such as interferon, INF) have enhanced antiviral activity above 40 C . The only clinical condition with abundant evidence to support aggressive anti-fever treatment is in acute brain injury (heat stroke and certain neurological conditions included) basically it’s not a fever at this point but uncontrolled hyperthermia. . Many people believe that high fever could damage some organs and tissues well, normal fever response of up to 41C has never been shown to be harmful. . The table below is a great guideline for managing a fever. [PMID: 31218430]

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 04.07.2020

To ensure the safety of my community, all appointments will now be offered online. Any recommended products can be shipped to your home. If you are an existing patient at one of the clinics, please shoot me or the clinic an email and we will contact you to set up an appointment. ... For new patients, please use this Virtual Consultation link to book: https://albawellness.janeapp.com/#staff_member/1 I am happy to continue to provide support for you during this difficult time. Stay healthy, everyone! See more

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 17.06.2020

SO WHAT DO YOU DO EXACTLY?? The question that I still get a lot A very simple breakdown for those who have never seen an ND!... I have 4 years of science university education under my belt and four years of naturopathic medical school on top Yep, some serious training, do not underestimate the knowledge and professionalism of your ND I am trained in pathology and conventional diagnostics so you can come in with a bunch of blood test results or medical reports, or just describe your symptoms, and I would be able to diagnose you and make appropriate recommendations (or refer, if specialist help is needed) I don’t prescribe pharmaceuticals for that see your GP! But I can put together a #nutrition protocol, prescribe specific supplements or herbs indicated in your case and give your very specific lifestyle recommendations I use functional tests quite often hormones, #foodsensitivities, #neurotransmitters, stool cultures and other cool tests that provide more detailed info about the specifics of your #metabolism and state of health I use #acupuncture in many cases mainly in musculo-skeletal issues and chronic pain, in #fertility and for cosmetic #facelift but the potential of acupuncture is limitless (headaches, anxiety, hormonal issues, cystitis) Most importantly, I take a very extensive case history (which is 1.5 hours! If you think you can’t talk about yourself this long, you’d be surprised) and try to make connections and explain why you are experiencing issues. This is my favourite part of the appointment and the most shocking part for most of my clients.So many people suffer from pain and discomfort for years/decades and have absolutely no clue as to why. ND services are not covered by OHIP but are covered by most company benefits I’ve seen INCREDIBLE results from my work + my patient’s work (It’s teamwork! Yes, you have to actually do things to make a shift in your health) so if you struggle with health issues and have never seen an ND, now is the time #functionalmedicine #health #naturopath #torontonaturopath #naturopathicdoctor #healthyliving See more

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 06.06.2020

Hi friends, . A couple of months ago I joined a great team in Woodbridge that focuses on Fertility and Women's health. If you are trying to get pregnant or have any cycle-, hormone- or weight- related questions, do not hesitate to visit us at Mai Health Centre and learn how Acupuncture and Naturopathic Medicine can help :)

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 30.05.2020

Today I had the pleasure to meet one of my favourite medical authors - Dr Gabor Mate. His book "In the realm of hungry ghosts" is one of my favourites! It tells real life stories of east Vancouver drug addicts (Dr Mate's patients) and connects the dots between #addiction and childhood trauma. I recommend it to anyone struggling with any type of addiction . . Gabor is an expert in the field of #PTSD and addiction, and unlike many mainstream specialists he doesn't believe t...hat these conditions result from some chemical imbalance in the brain. He believes that childhood trauma is the wound from which all addictions grow (including addiction to food, social media, overachievement, etc) . . Today he spoke about #psychedelic therapy as an emerging treatment for trauma. He spoke about his client's experiences over the past decade as well as his own involvement in #ayahuasca therapy, as a way of "reconnecting with one’s self and becoming whole again." . . Some really incredible stories, it still gives me goosebumps when I think of it! It will be interesting to see more research in this field in the coming years (since MDMA for PTSD is likely getting approved by 2022 in Canada!)

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 26.05.2020

Are you enjoying this sunny #Thanksgiving weekend? I am thankful for the wonderful patients that I had the pleasure to work with this year. I am proud of your determination and progress, every day!

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 29.04.2020

Join us tomorrow at the Markham Public Library :)

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 24.04.2020

Tomorrow! Markham Wellness Circle event at the Aaniin library. Door prizes, gift bags and some great speakers who will teach you how to look and feel your best at any age :) Don't miss out!

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 16.04.2020

The time when #juice was considered a healthy drink is long gone.. CONSUMER REPORTS organization recommends giving LESS packaged juice to your kids . Every single product they tested (45 brands!) contained a measurable amount of at least one of : arsenic, lead, cadmium (some had mercury as well!).... . The heavy metals in 7 out of 45 juices had the potential to harm children who drink only a HALF CUP per day!!! How much juice does your kid drink?? . A quote by the director of Environmental Pediatrics: "The science is telling us increasingly that there are particular time points in life when even a small amount of exposure can disrupt hormones and thereby contribute to disease." . Just give your kid an apple.. . #Detox #Toronto #Canada #Healthy

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 10.04.2020

Markham Music Festival was live! (and windy) ;) Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth for a chat!

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 27.03.2020

Love this message! It's all about priorities. . Lack of time or lack of funds is an illusion - almost everyone can afford a 10th pair of shoes, a daily Starbucks latte or eating out several times a week. .... Yet going organic or getting a quality water filter is "expensive". Your life, your choices. . Do you choose to invest in health or momentary satisfaction? Photo by @holisticchart

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 08.03.2020

THE MAIN ADVANTAGE of #NaturopathicDoctors that people don't know about. . Naturopaths often talk about a natural approach to health and stimulating the body's innate healing mechanisms. It's a beautiful (and true) message and it's the ultimate goal of any art of healing. .... However, it doesn't reach many souls . Modern (Canadian) lifestyle, upbringing, and life philosophy often don't have room for a spiritual approach to health. . We are busy. We are stressed. All we want is to feel better and just get health out of the way like an annoying obstacle, so we can go on with our lives. If that means taking 9 meds each day for the rest of my life .. sure . Who cares. Just get me out of the misery. . This is where naturopathic healing narrative misses half of its audience - many couldn't care less about true healing!! But that's OK. Natural approach is not the only tool that we can offer. The most important tool is... TIME. . I spend 1-1.5 hours with my patient in the initial appointment . And let me tell you, it is impossible to get the full picture of your case within a 10 min frame. Impossible. . Much of the time the person in front of me has not a clue of what is going on. They often come because of one superficial complaint like acne or bloating - simply because it is visible and affects their self-esteem . But the underlying major issue (the true cause of acne or bloating) remains untouched. . A common scenario: she comes in to deal with stubborn weight, after 1 hour of intake turns out she is the textbook example of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) with insulin resistance and infertility and a total hormonal chaos. Instead of just giving her a diet I would work with hormones and insulin metabolism. It would have much better and longer lasting results than dieting even for weight loss, never mind other aspects of her health. . Or this: He comes in for severe eczema, after a work up turns out he has really bad digestive issues, and a few tests later he is diagnosed with Celiac disease. Which is a very serious condition, if not treated. And yes, it causes eczema . . There are SO many examples of obvious things that are missed in the 15 min trip to a family doctor. Because your health has a timeline and a story, it's like a mystery book and it's rare for it to fully unfold in a span of a 10 minute conversation. We need time. We need the full picture. Then we can solve this. If you have stubborn health issues I urge you to find a good Naturopathic Doctor. Someone who will listen to your case and make the connections that you weren't able to make. #NaturopathicDoctor #Toronto #Ontario #HealthCare #Medicine #Inspiration

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 29.02.2020

Last weekend event in Markham

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 17.02.2020

Mercury is toxic to the human body, but especially to the developing fetus. It can cause brain damage and neurological abnormalities . Biggest source these days? The ocean! Big fish at the top of the food chain accumulate A LOT of mercury by living a longer life and eating other fish that have accumulated toxins as well.... . If you are pregnant or planning for a baby, AVOID all swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tuna .. This Environmental Working Group chart is a great reference point. . My favourite source of healthy fats is Wild Pacific salmon . Quality Fish oils, like NutraSea - NutraVege => get 3-d party testing for heavy metals. Each bottle has a reference number that you can look up and see exactly what is in your bottle. . Hair Mineral Analysis is quite accurate for testing MethylMercury, if you find that your levels are high you may want to pay closer attention to clean diet and lifestyle, and try a detox protocol with your doctor (at least 3-6 months before pregnancy, NEVER during the pregnancy!) . #Toronto #Seafood #EnvironmentalMedicine #Naturopath #HealthyLiving

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 15.02.2020

LifeHack! An alternative to coffee + milk: Four Sigmatic Mushroom drink + Oat milk -> the taste and the texture of this combo are amazinggg! . Medicinal mushrooms are rockstars of immune support! These mushroom drinks don't have any dosage info, so I wouldn't assume there is the same therapeutic effect as with a supplement. But still, cool idea and I hope we see more medicinal mushrooms on the market

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 05.02.2020

Did you know that your health LONG before pregnancy may affect your future baby? . Eggs and sperm both take about 120 days to develop into mature cells. Current state of your eggs or sperm is a reflection of the health of your body from more than 4 months ago! . These little cells BECOME YOUR BABY and determine his/her genetic make up! And this is just one example..... . Your future kid’s susceptibility to allergies, asthma, and behavioral conditions are often affected by parents' lifestyle choices PRIOR to #pregnancy. . #Preconception care basically improves #nutrition status, balances #hormones and works with health conditions which, if not dealt with, may turn your pregnancy into a roller coaster . What should you do, when should you do it and why check out my article for more answers . #NaturopathicDoctor #Fertility #Pregnancy #Toronto #NaturopathicMedicine #HealthyBaby

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 27.01.2020

OVERPRESCRIBED . I run into this all the time. ... . #Antibiotics (and Oral contraceptives) are being dispensed right and left like they are tea biscuits.. Like they don't do any harm to the patient's body and cost nothing to the #healthcare system.. . Obviously, antibiotics can be life-saving, but I mostly see people taking them for colds and flu (virus) and chronic sinusitis (mostly fungal) . Antibiotics kill #bacteria They are 100% USELESS against a #virus or a #fungus. They are NOT harmless. They will destroy your intestinal flora causing inflammation and high rates of allergies (food and seasonal), microbial overgrowth, UTIs, etc etc. . Don't doctors know this?? Of course they do. This article makes a few good points. The one that makes most sense to me - PATIENT SATISFACTION. . " Patients who believe they have an illness go to the doctor expecting a fix. They imagine that fix will be an antibiotic. When an antibiotic isn’t forthcoming, they feel the visit didn’t go as planned." Patients are dissatisfied. They go to a clinic next door that WILL provide what they are looking for, and the doctor loses the client. . Remember this when you ask your doctor for a prescription. Unnecessary antibiotics can do a lot of damage.

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 20.01.2020

Food industry spends millions on smart #marketing and knows how to make a product seem irresistible! Keep that in mind and expect #FoodLabels to lie! . Most patients I see either don't examine what they eat at all, or look at the front package claims, or (the most advanced truth seekers) look at #nutrition labels. They are always surprised to hear that the #FDA DOES NOT monitor truthfulness of nutrition facts! ... . On laboratory examination calories per serving, amount of trans fats and healthy minerals most often differ from the package claims by a whole lot. Like by 50%-200% whole lot (reports on Doritos, common breakfast cereals etc) . Some major food label deceptions that I learned over the years: . "Organic" doesn't mean anything unless it's USDA certified. USDA watches over the quality of the products and their #organic label means that #farming practices are appropriate, livestock is not treated with antibiotics and growth hormones, and that the produce is not GMO (although some loopholes exist unfortunately) . "Made with real fruit" doesn't mean anything . Gluten-free: yes it is free of gluten, yet gluten is a great binding agent and generally makes food taste better. Gluten can't just be taken out.. It needs to be replaced with something else. Most often it means there is more flavours, chemicals, thickeners and preservatives in gluten-free foods. Should you go gluten free? Only if you suspect a gluten issue and only by replacing it with whole foods. . Artificial food colouring: Has been linked to ADD and ADHD in children. Some APPROVED food dyes (namely, Red #40) contain known carcinogens and are banned in Europe yet are widely used here in Canada and the US. . I actually found a carcinogenic dye in my FeraMax Iron supplement and in a popular chewing gum!! . Most Florida ORANGES are DYED orange unless they are organic. Think twice before throwing orange zest into your drink - you may be drinking toxic food colourings. Cheddar cheese, farmed salmon and tuna are commonly coloured too . Why are so many children suffering from learning disabilities, hyperactivity and metabolism issues these days? There is a strong link between artificial colouring and other additives and ADHD and other common kids conditions. . Special K and Quaker cereals have 20-25 additives each.. So, what do YOUR kids eat for breakfast? Perhaps, it's something to think about? . The only way to resist food industry deceptions is to eat fresh, local, organic WHOLE FOODS as often as possible. Avoid stuff in a package. Avoid ingredients if you don't know what they look like or can't pronounce their names. Things you put in your body affect your hormones, immunity and liver detox! Things you put in your kids' bodies have even more pronounced effects. . #NaturopathicMedicine #Healthy #HealthyLiving #Toronto #Ontario #wellness

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 05.01.2020

Are you taking BIRTH CONTROL pills? Are you planning to quit in the future? . Post Birth Control Syndrome is a collection of symptoms that may come up 2-6 months after quitting the pill . PBCS is real.... . It doesn't affect everyone on the pill, but when it does -> it's a never ending frustration.. . Breakouts, hair loss, irregular or absent periods - what could be worse? Some of my patients struggled with these for YEARS! . WHY does this happen? What is there to do? My plan is: . Identifying the underlying issue Correcting nutrient deficiencies Proper testing Hormonal re-balancing (if needed) . What was your story quitting birth control? Do share! . Read my article if you are looking for more answers . #BirthControl #NaturopathicMedicine #Hormones #Period #LiveNaturopathically #HealthyLifestyle

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 19.12.2019

North Toronto friends! . I am excited to share that I joined a fantastic healthcare team in Markham! .... Come by DC Chiropractic (Markham road / Highway 7) to see our beautiful clinic and say hi! . If you are wondering how #NaturopathicMedicine can help you meet your goals, shoot me a message or book a free 15 min consult . https://www.albawellness.ca/

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 02.12.2019

#SocialMedia is a great platform for sharing ideas, but always check the background and intentions of your resource . Does the #wellness "guru" you trust have proper training and credentials, or are they presenting personal opinions as facts? Do they have any financial interest in promoting certain products or programs? .... #Instagram and #twitter stars are fun to follow, but be careful to take advice from amateurs! (not to say that they all lack skills and knowledge, but many do ) . I recently saw a "revelation video" by a #youtube celebrity, she is a lovely hippie girl and a #vegan authority with a huge following . She was promoting vegan lifestyle for years while secretly battling severe health issues (skin, digestion, severe SIBO) and seeing a handful of doctors :( . She ultimately had to resort to eating animal products in order to "not die", but she hesitated to share with her followers for a while, afraid of their reactions. . I don't mean to discredit veganism, it has its own merits. I just want to point out that wellness bloggers often post things to maintain their image, rather than to share what's really going on . . If you are interested in the real deal, or need help -> choose professionals! <3

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 23.11.2019

Part 2 blog about #SIBO is up! . . SIBO research is still in its infancy, that's why this condition is hugely under-diagnosed and overlooked .... . So many people suffer from #bloating, #gas, chronic #constipation and #IBS-like symptoms and yet they are told there is nothing identifiably wrong with them . . If you suspect that you might have SIBO - get tested, don't guess. It's one of the trickiest conditions to treat and it may require several rounds of antimicrobials and strict (although temporary) adherence to a diet, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! . . Read the blog and message me if you have any questions about testing and treatment. #ND #NaturopathicMedicine #NaturopathicDoctor #GutHealth #Microbiome

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 03.11.2019

While bacteria are an essential part of your gut, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (#SIBO) can cause A LOT of issues. . It causes a huge amount of #bloating and gas, may lead to #fatigue and nutritional deficiencies, and even cause severe skin issues . .... Everyone knows that pathogenic bacteria can cause diarrhea.. Turns out Methane type SIBO can cause persistent chronic #constipation as well . . Some studies found that SIBO could be behind 70% of #IBS cases! . IBS is a common "blanket" diagnosis, a condition without a known cause or good treatment . Identifying whether SIBO is the trigger for your IBS can shine some light at the end of the tunnel. . Check out my first article on SIBO, second blog coming tomorrow! #GutHealth #Digestion #NaturopathicMedicine #Dysbiosis

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 21.10.2019

The only Zen you can find on top of a mountain is the Zen you brought with you.

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 18.10.2019

Great post by Dr Lynch! . We see more and more environmental medicine "syndromes" each year - conditions which don't have established knowledge of cause, mechanism or treatment. .... Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic infections - most of these are triggered by toxic exposures :( . The best way to protect our health is to avoid exposing ourselves to environmental contaminants. . Buy organic! Use water filters. Use natural make up, creams and detergents. Eat fresh, whole foods rich with antioxidants. . Buy local - all pesticides in the country are regulated by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency. However Health Canada does not have the same control over imported foods. How many of the fruit and vegetables you buy are from the US and Mexico and non-organic?

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 16.10.2019

Fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, irregular periods, dry skin and thin hair are all symptoms of #HYPOTHYROIDISM. Hypothyroidism is not a sentence, with proper treatment patients get life changing results! . Unfortunately, diagnosis can be trickier than the treatment in some cases :( . Conventionally TSH is used as a marker of thyroid function. Guess what, TSH is not very reliable in ruling out #THYROID issues. . There are other things to test for and consider, check out my article for more information :)

Alexandra Baeva, Naturopathic Doctor 03.10.2019

Join me on May 3 in Mississauga/Port Credit for naturopathic information night! I will be discussing skin health from hormonal and nutritional perspective, as well as ways to minimize the effects of ageing on the skin. Other topics such as ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting will be presented by other healthcare professionals.... Mind & Body Solution