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Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 23.11.2020

"You don't close off your humanity by any means, but you balance your humanity & if you don't balance your humanity, you burn out. And if you don't balance your humanity, you armor your heart, & if you armor your heart, you starve to death & that's why you burn out - because you are not getting fed.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 10.11.2020

"All the things that man has put together have to be totally abandoned. That's what it means to die. So can you do it? Will you try it? Will you experiment with it? Not for just a day: every day. No, sir, you can't do it: your brains are not trained for this. Your brains have been conditioned so heavily, by your education, by your tradition, by your books, by your professors. It requires finding out what love is. Love and death go together. Death says be free, nonattached, yo...u can carry nothing with you. And love says, love says - there is no word for it. Love can exist only when there is freedom, not from your wife, from a new girl, or a new husband, but the feeling, the enormous strength, the vitality, the energy of complete freedom. So living is dying. You understand? Living means that every day you are abandoning everything that you are attached to. Can you do this? A very simple fact, but it has tremendous implications. So each day is a new day. Each day you are dying and incarnating. There is tremendous vitality, energy there because there is nothing to be afraid of. There is nothing that can hurt. Being hurt doesn't exist." Jiddu Krishnamurti

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 01.09.2020

"You dont close off your humanity by any means, but you balance your humanity & if you dont balance your humanity, you burn out. And if you dont balance your humanity, you armor your heart, & if you armor your heart, you starve to death & thats why you burn out - because you are not getting fed.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 23.08.2020

Oh, this has me feeling nostalgic for my old home, Bali! A wonderful look into Balinese Hinduism; blending aspects of Buddhism, Tantra & shamanism together into such a lively spiritual life!

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 09.08.2020

"All the things that man has put together have to be totally abandoned. Thats what it means to die. So can you do it? Will you try it? Will you experiment with it? Not for just a day: every day. No, sir, you cant do it: your brains are not trained for this. Your brains have been conditioned so heavily, by your education, by your tradition, by your books, by your professors. It requires finding out what love is. Love and death go together. Death says be free, nonattached, yo...u can carry nothing with you. And love says, love says - there is no word for it. Love can exist only when there is freedom, not from your wife, from a new girl, or a new husband, but the feeling, the enormous strength, the vitality, the energy of complete freedom. So living is dying. You understand? Living means that every day you are abandoning everything that you are attached to. Can you do this? A very simple fact, but it has tremendous implications. So each day is a new day. Each day you are dying and incarnating. There is tremendous vitality, energy there because there is nothing to be afraid of. There is nothing that can hurt. Being hurt doesnt exist." Jiddu Krishnamurti

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 28.07.2020

"Localization and delocalization are the key concepts underlying the creation of this world, its growth and decay; nay, of time itself and the space in which it moves. "Life as we ordinarily understand it is localization, limitation of your infinite being. Life is created by localized awareness, and when this awareness passes into delocalized,universal awarenessunlimited awarenessit becomes the other limit of pure existence. "When you experience anything, if you are aware t...hat you are that experience, then you are a master who knows. For example, if you look at another person and realize that this person is yourself, you are a master. If you think that person is another being, then you are deluded. "How many masters are there? Since we understand the word master (or guru) to mean anyone who has realized the oneness of all, who has seen through this confusion and variety, there is only one master. And that is God." ~ Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati, "Gifts from the Goddess" (45th Parallel Press, forthcoming 2019), Selected Works, edited by Michael Bowden. Find it at igg.me/at/GoddessGifts. And pick up the companion volume, "The Goddess & The Guru" (45th Parallel Press, 2017), today, wherever books are sold! (https://tinyurl.com/y4se85hd) [Photo: The Sagara Giri Durga Teppotsavam (a procession predating Devipuram, and featuring a preliminary model of the Sri Meru temple based on a design gleaned from Gurujis meditative discussions with Bala Tripurasundari). Visakhapatnam, India; Sunday, October 17, 1982. The full story appears in The Goddess & The Guru, Ch. 12. Photo courtesy of Sri Vidya Trust.]

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 19.07.2020

Offering up this beautiful gathering together on Gabriola Island for one more time this summer! BECOMING LIGHT RETREAT: TANTRA YOGA ON GABRIOLA ISLAND || AUG 25-30TH, 2019 || || An intimate week of grounding into being; into what you are at the essence. Develop greater energetic sensitivity, strength, and protection. Build the body of Light --- this intensive week together with its diverse selection of traditional tantric practices from Sri Vidya Tantra is ultimately about ...creating a body that is prepared to hold more consciousness-energy during times that are calling for our full presence here. Email [email protected] to register or learn more ~ or slide over to >> https://amandaings.com/tantra-yoga-retreat-on-gabriola-2019/ to check out the more intimate deets. *** Please do note that the dates havent been updated on my site yet to Aug 25-30th! <3 xo

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 11.07.2020

"Shaktis function is to create individuality from the state of cosmic being by providing a space-time interval. Shivas function is to dissolve individuality back into cosmic being by the removal of that interval. At the bindu, the creator and the creation are in a combined state. Shiva gives birth to cosmic consciousness, while Shakti gives birth to individual consciousness. Hence what we generally interpret as birth is the generation of individual awareness, while what w...e call death is the generation of cosmic awareness. (Conversely, birth can be interpreted as the dissolution of cosmic awareness, while death is the dissolution of individual awareness.) So at the bindu, Shiva and Shakti are co-creators, having equal potency and equal powers. This is Shiva-Shakti identity." ~ Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati, "Gifts from the Goddess" (45th Parallel Press, forthcoming 2019). Find it at igg.me/at/GoddessGifts (Artwork: "A Short Tour & Farewell," by Raymond Douillet. 47.24" x 47.24", Oil.)

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 24.06.2020

LAST MINUTE RETREAT CALLING TO YOU? Registration closes this weekend. This is last call for a very deep and intimate tantric retreat experience with me in 2 weeks, with a very small student-teacher ratio, secluded in nature on the west coast of B.C. If I were to summarize, gosh I dont know where to start. Intense, deeply moving, highly educational, and hands-on experiential. Great location. Fabulous mix of active participation, relaxation, and outdoor activities. Awesome f...ood. Great hospitality. Highly respectful. It was unlike anything else Ive ever done. Youd better be serious or committed to your spiritual growth to attend this retreat! - G.S., Becoming Light 2018 Retreat participant Uncover a degree of spiritual-wisdom & embodiment you may have never have experienced before. Touch the luminosity that permeates through all; The luminosity that always was, always has, and always will be. Ground yourself in it. Grow yourself in it. And take home all the practices that instantly bring you back to this place so you can continue your inner work -- this deep embodiment of your luminous, empty-yet-vast nature. Come practice with me on Gabriola Island May 24-31st! 7 days of yoga, mantra, chanting, worship of Devi-Goddess, tandava: dance of shiva, shri vidya tantra study, power (Shakti) & stillness (Shiva) practices, energetic boundary-ing work, deep subtle body cleansing and empowering -- and an overarching intent to feel the pulse of divinity in each and every single moment. Long term payment plans are available. Email [email protected] ASAP to register or click below to learn more. xo <3 in light, Amanda Lynne Ings https://amandaings.com/tantra-yoga-retreat-on-gabriola-2019/

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 06.06.2020

"Mati is the thinking mind; mt is thought. The unmanifest word perceives itself for manifestation and then reaches the thinking mind for expression (mtag).... When the wordfashioned by the heart and formulated by the mindis expressed, it is Mtag. As the unmanifest word of pristine purity descends from the Supreme Source, its purity is sullied; its gross expression (varaa) preserves only part of its original gloryhence the name Ucchia Cl. But by catching the tail end of the word (the articulated speech), one can still get to the source. The worship of Mtag leads one to the realization of the residual above; that is, Lalit herself." ~ Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati, "Gifts from the Goddess" (45th Parallel Press, forthcoming 2019). Find it at igg.me/at/GoddessGifts

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 31.05.2020

Honoured and delighted to be invited to present again this year at the Heart of Tantra Festival! This is such a joyous gathering of like-minded souls, celebrating living divinity on earth in many varying forms, practices and approaches. Ill be leading the morning movement/meditation practices & hosting a workshop on Tandava: The Dance of Shiva ... Join the FB event below for updates, and the festival site for full details on 2019 workshops & presenters.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 24.05.2020

Even just eight weeks of meditation changed peoples brains for the better. There was thickening in several regions of the brain, including the left hippocampus (involved in learning, memory, and emotional regulation); the TPJ (involved in empathy and the ability to take multiple perspectives); and a part of the brainstem called the pons (where regulatory neurotransmitters are generated). Plus, the brains of the new meditators saw shrinkage of the amygdala, a region of the brain associated with fear, anxiety, and aggression. This reduction in size of the amygdala correlated to reduced stress levels in those participants.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 13.05.2020

Fantastic article on the simple truth of being an alive and feeling human. Also, this is what being in Yoga truly means. There is something so deeply capitalist, so intensely supremacist, about turning the normalcy of life connecting with life into something special, something unique, that gets traded as a kind of elitism. There is something so dangerous about turning this experience of connection into something fragile, something that has to be protected, the overwhelmed d...eeply spiritual empath in our midst. There is nothing unusual about feeling the suffering (or glory) of another life. This is how we are designed, to live in intimate relationship with all life around us. This doesnt mean we are naturally kind or caring or attentive to that life. It only means that we are designed to be intimate with other life forms. To be attuned to them. To feel them, their joy and suffering, their presence and absence. We are all empaths, as are the oaks and willow, the bees and salamanders, the air we breathe and the water that breathes us. We all need learning to be in right relationship to this mix of life. And oh, how badly we need to end or resolve or integrate everything that is getting in the way of this, from domination culture to the targeted acts of individual violence from family and kin. As long as we can not feel/sense/be these things, assume that this connected sensing is our normal and teach each other the protocols and processes for being in respectful relationship with it, then we will continue to destroy the earth that is here, even as the earth is, without confusion, feeling us, responding to us, sensing us, even when we cant do the same in return.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 26.04.2020

LAST DAY TO SAVE $200 on your BECOMING LIGHT: Spring Tantra Retreat on Gabriola Island registration! May 24 - 31st, 2019 Experience Tantra in its truest form, and reap the vast benefits of a focussed daily sadhana (spiritual practice). Nestle yourself into the hands of Mother Nature and be nurtured by sincere sangha (spiritual community). Come out entirely renewed, fortified and more spacious inside. Email [email protected] to register, or follow this link to learn more... + save your spot: http://amandaings.com/tantra-yoga-retreat-on-gabriola-2019/ Payment plans available as well as several karmi yogi spots (work exchange). This is a very rare intensive retreat opportunity. If you are interested in studying real Tantra, and deepening your spiritual practice - you should join us. xo* Amanda Lynne Ings

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 22.04.2020

If youre on Vancouver island and looking to be with sisters in circle, check out @She Collective s upcoming offerings this weekend and next!

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 04.04.2020

Emotion-phobia dissociates us from the energies of these emotions and tells us they are untrustworthy, dangerous and destructive. Like other traits our culture distrusts and devaluesvulnerability, for instance, and dependenceemotionality is associated with weakness, women and children. We tend to regard these painful emotions as signs of psychological fragility, mental disorder or spiritual defect. We suppress, intellectualize, judge or deny them. We may use our spiritual ...beliefs or practices to bypass their reality. Few of us learn how to experience the dark emotions fullyin the body, with awarenessso we end up experiencing their energies in displaced, neurotic or dangerous forms. We act out impulsively. We become addicted to a variety of substances and/or activities. We become depressed, anxious or emotionally numb, and aborted dark emotions are at the root of these characteristic psychological disorders of our time. But its not the emotions themselves that are the problem; its our inability to bear them mindfully. See more

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 15.03.2020

Very important real talk post from my sangha sister, Nita Rubio. In our intense focus on (un)qualified Tantra teachers, mainstreaming spirituality, and dismantling patriarchal hierarchy, are we throwing the baby out with the bath water? Have we lost the art of understanding what it actually means to be a qualified student? Nita points out some very crucial aspects here on the responsibility of the student, and on being prepared to enter into a student-teacher relationship. ... Indeed, I agree. Like every and any relationship, it is an exchange, and it requires two.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 11.03.2020

What our world needs more of. The degree that we are willing and able to hold and confront the depth of our human experience is directly proportional to our abi...lity to hold space authentically for others. Do your inner work. Holding space requires us to step fully into Being when everything inside of us tells us we should be Doing. Space holding doesnt mean taking responsibility for the internal world of another. Its never our job to fix another persons feelings, or to expect someone to fix ours. Holding space isnt saying all the right things...it isnt doing much of anything really. Holding space is the art of being with someones pain and allowing them to have their experience without making it about ourselves. Holding space is the quiet, powerful force of present loving connection. Holding space is an I love you and Im not going anywhere while you process this emotion. Holding space is patience and eye-contact when someone is scared or overwhelmed by their own feelings. Presence without judgement, a hug, non-reactivity, learning not to take things personally or trying to save someone from their feelings are all profound acts of space holding. Our pain and our grief deserve equal seats at the table as our sparkle and our joy. Blocks can only occur when we try turning off the tap. And as we learn to let our feelings in, we learn to let them go just as freely. Living by a good vibes or goodbye philosophy is dangerously shallow. In a culture where we shame negative feelings and pedestal the light, we risk isolating ourselves from others when we really need love and support. Relationships are deepened through vulnerability and the courage to let another in when youre hurting. Closeness comes from seeing someone in their darkest moments and reminding them theyre loved exactly as they are. Written by @sheleanaaiyana

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 01.03.2020

And always remember to do your OMs.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 13.02.2020

THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IN MODERN YOGA? My student Ben nailed it: "Essentially that anything that builds up the persons personal power, while not working toward...s dissolution of their ego identification, can actually be quite harmful and [even] make people worse than they started out. For example, many modern yoga practices that have no real element of dissolving self-images, but are strengthening peoples physical and energetic bodies, are just creating egos with strong bodies attached to them. And I think one could even argue that not only is modern Yoga failing to direct people towards dissolution, but is perhaps even further reinforcing identification, with all this talk of self improvement that youve got to heal YOUR wounds, and youve got to strengthen YOUR body, and youve got to bring out YOUR gifts, and find YOUR magic." of course, this is actually quite a subtle teaching -- its not to say that one shouldnt seek to heal wounds, strengthen the body and energy body, and bring out ones unique gifts -- its just that if this is done in service of ones self-image or limited egoic identity instead of in service to waking up out of limited identity for the benefit of all beings, then its not actually yoga.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 18.01.2020

One must be willing to stand alone. So let us understand that reality transcends all of our notions about reality. Reality is neither Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Advaita Vedanta, nor Buddhist. It is neither dualistic nor nondualistic, neither spiritual nor nonspiritual. We should come to know that there is more reality and sacredness in a blade of grass than in all of our thoughts and ideas about reality. When we perceive from an undivided consciousness, we will find the sacr...ed in every expression of life. We will find it in our teacup, in the fall breeze, in the brushing of our teeth, in each and every moment of living and dying. Therefore we must leave the entire collection of conditioned thought behind and let ourselves be led by the inner thread of silence into the unknown, beyond where all paths end, to that place where we go innocently or not at allnot once but continually. One must be willing to stand alonein the unknown, with no reference to the known or the past or any of ones conditioning. One must stand where no one has stood before in complete nakedness, innocence, and humility. One must stand in that dark light, in that groundless embrace, unwavering and true to the reality beyond all selfnot just for a moment, but forever without end. For then that which is sacred, undivided, and whole is born within consciousness and begins to express itself. - Adyashanti

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 11.01.2020

My beloved Maa... I am so excited to get my hands on this second book of such an exquisite human being who is such an inspiration. Om Shree Gurubhyo Namaha!

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 24.12.2019

Together we can make change happen! 5 million women, 620 KMs long, across 14 districts in India make a wall for equality! https://www.upworthy.com/5-million-indian-women-just-made-a

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 22.12.2019

You have to become more interested in the silent background than in the foreground, the phenomena: thoughts, emotions, sounds, smells, etc. Most people are focused on the foreground and what their five senses bring them, but the Self is discovered in the background. The Self is the source from which the phenomena spring and the ground in which this display of phenomena is happening, from the subtlest feeling and experiences to the grossest matter. When you rest as this background, you can taste your Self. You just give yourself to it. Actually, youre giving your idea of yourself to your true Self. The idea comes out of the silence, so you give the idea of who you are back to silence. ~ Adyashanti

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 07.12.2019

So happy to share this announcement - Spring 2019 brings the 2nd offering of my Becoming Light Retreat: Tantra Yoga on Gabriola Island! May 24-31st, 2019 This retreat is for those serious about their spiritual practice, deepening in Yoga, or learning about traditional (NOT neo) tantra - teachers and students alike. It is a steady, concentrated week of very deep energetic work, multi-layered by intensive daily practice sessions and daily workshop sessions that expand upon all ...you are practicing in its theory, philosophy, embodiment and application. Small group keeps it intimate and attentive. You come out as a new human - the whole retreat is geared to be a complete re-wiring of how you identify with and to the self. (I get to say this because I watched it happen to the first group who went through this retreat!) Read about the full retreat, our amazing hosts at the Hummingbird Lodge, and how to save your spot below. https://events.amandaings.com/retreat

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 02.12.2019

O Kulabhairava, every woman should be worshipped and seen [with bhakti]. They all are Highest Goddesses, who deserve reverence! (Kulachudamani-tantra 3.53)

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 21.11.2019

My beloved teacher is endorsing late Gurujis (Sri Amritananda Nath) latest publishing: Gifts of the Goddess. Still time to jump in on the indie gogo campaign to be one of the first to receive this amazing book on authentic classical Tantra in the Shri Vidya tradition.

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 17.11.2019

Thank you to all who joined me for a day of classical tantric practices this weekend! It was so sweet to get to be with you all. If you would like to continue exploring classical Tantra, feel free to pm me to be added to my email list to be informed of future offerings, receive free meditations (forthcoming) & other tantric sharings. Upcoming Offerings:... Jan - July 2019 // THE YOGA OF MIND: 5 Elements Mandala & Tantric Psychology - a 7 Month Online Tantric Sadhana Mentorship Program May 3-10th, 2019 // BECOMING LIGHT: A Tantra Yoga Intensive Retreat on Gabriola Island, BC Late June/Early July 2019 // DESIRE: Awakening Shakti Retreat in Umbria+Tuscany, Italy Get in touch if interested in any of the above events! Or watch this space to learn more :: www.amandaings.com :: Feel free to "follow" me on FB to stay in touch, or on my biz page Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra Much love and in the Light of the Mother always~ Amanda Lynne Ings

Amanda Ings: Yoga, Meditation, Tantra 07.11.2019

The Divine gives itself to those who give themselves without reserve and in all their parts to the Divine. For them the calm, the light, the power, the bliss, t...he freedom, the wideness, the heights of knowledge, the seas of Ananda. ~ aurobindo Like in anything we do, if we want to be ~transformed~ by our actions, endeavours, relationships, practices.... we must surrender all & leave no more parts hidden in armor. Seemed an appropriate reminder for the day. Love* a