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Outbound Yoga 06.01.2021

9 months ago I moved into apartment 6. Before that- I had been living in some basement suite in the far north of the city with Bodhi who was just a puppy, where I slept on a mattress on the floor. I was miserable that summer. I was navigating a breakup, a dissolved business partnership and I was so lonely I thought if I swiped hard and fast enough I’d find someone who would somehow fix it.... Finally I moved. Sometimes when we’re stuck we need to PHYSICALLY change things so we can begin to mentally and emotionally shift as well. So Kelsey and I moved in together. Into apartment 6. Then we met Chantel. She lived upstairs with Shiloh (the white golden retriever who is in all my stories) and then later I met her friend Mckenzie. These were the first people I had met OUTSIDE of work in probably five years. One day we were sitting outside with the dogs and talking about how we really needed a vacation. The next thing I knew we were putting $3000 on Chantel’s credit card and our flight to Bali we’re booked. That trip changed my life. I went to Bali one person and came back another. There’s a lot more to this story, but what’s important is that you remember that life is about change. Things move in cycles and waves. If things are bad today, it doesn’t mean they will be bad forever. Where you put your energy is important. So take an inventory of who and what is around you... if it’s not lifting you up, then it’s bringing you down. Simple. As. That. Edit your life frequently and often and pay attention to what and WHO is in your space. Another person isn’t going to fix everything. But sitting alone on your couch hating the world won’t either. So reach out. Be uncomfortable, and let people love you. Let people see you cry and let them help you (a big lesson for me). We’re all just figuring our shit out anyway, and it’s more fun to figure out your our shit together . Swipe to see more Bali pics! @ Bali

Outbound Yoga 30.12.2020

(Me not knowing how to take a normal photo) In the first yoga teacher training I ever attended they asked us what do you want to teach the answer wasn’t yoga ...it was things like: Self love, strength, connection, Etc.. Now I ask that same question in my own trainings.... Well- ever since that day my mission has been to empower people to get out of their own way. THAT is what I teach in my trainings and that’s what I want to inspire people to do in real life. Being in Bali with space to be and land and process made me realize that the ONE thing I want to teach others to do is the one thing I’ve been struggling to do. So I made a list (I love lists by the way) and I wrote down all the things I wanted to do: Record an album Get Better at Guitar Take a canoe trip (..learn to canoe first) Rent a van and drive up the coast Start rock climbing Write a book about something I love My list is long and it’s awesome, so if you need ideas.. hit me up :) After looking at my list- and IMMEDIATELY signing up for things and putting it into action. I decided I needed to make more space in my life. I realized I am YOUNG, and if I’m lucky I have my entire life to run yoga teacher trainings and do what I love. It’s a big part of who I am but it isn’t WHO I am. So, despite emails and waitlists...I made the choice to take time off from leading teacher trainings, so could go out there and get out of my own way again My August training will be my last one- so it is already very special to me. If you’ve wanted to take a training with me, please reach out. We’ll get you there. Everything is figure-outable. I feel like I’ve rambled a bit... but I hope you remember that your life isn’t going to somehow begin when you do X,Y,Z.... your life is happening RIGHT NOW. So make the damn list and pick one thing. Start there and get excited about your life. Remember that there’s still going to be a balance of good days and hard days... but you don’t have to just watch it happen, you can jump back into the drivers seat and do something with the life that’s unfolding in front of you. Ok? I love you.

Outbound Yoga 28.12.2020

One minute you’re going to have an idea of where your life is going- and then the next, you won’t even recognize where you are or how you got there. Things that you thought would work out, will fall apart in all the right ways. People you thought would fit into your story, won’t stay for the next chapter.... But even when it’s two a.m and your thoughts are all tangled up in your head. Know that it’s working. The more you surrender. The more you’re supported. It won’t make any sense. Until it does. and then you’ll be grateful for the questions that never came with answers and the destinations that turn into detours. As long as you go where the love is- It’s going to be so much better than you imagined

Outbound Yoga 15.12.2020

It’s going to be heavy and complicated and messy. But then one day? One day you’re going to take all that energy and all those f&cks you’ve been giving. and you’re going to... let. that. shit. go. It’ll be a lot like driving away from a storm- with the radio turned all the way up, the sun shining and the windows rolled down. You’ll glance back into the rear view and it won’t hurt. You’ll just see the storm for what it is and think: What. The. Hell. Was. That. Then you’ll drive off into the rest of your life

Outbound Yoga 03.12.2020

At the end of the day, I just hope you choose yourself. I hope you stop dragging around things that are heavy and don’t fit into your life anymore. I hope you never have to look in the mirror and wish for anything other than what’s right in front of you. I hope you care too much, even if you’re the one who cares the most.... I hope you have faith that things will work out (because they will) and when stuff isn’t aligning and people are resistant, I hope you walk away. Because leaving means arriving, and we are always being redirected anyway. I hope your heart ends up in all the right places- and maybe some messy places too. I hope that you find people who make you feel safe and welcome you with all of your pieces. I hope you take risks without knowing if it will be okay. Especially when you’re not sure if it will be okay. Because that’s how you learn to surrender. But most of all... I hope you let people love you, especially yourself, so that when things get foggy and you start to wonder where you are, you’ll stop going in circles... Trying to find yourself And instead, you’ll just let yourself back in.