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Ananda Glo Yoga 30.01.2021

The practice of yoga is much more than the physical poses but for many people, the asana is their first introduction. People come to yoga to help open the body and ease stress in the mind. Yes yoga can improve and sustain physical and mental well-being. As we begin to shift our focus from the outer to the inner, we learn to pay attention to even the most subtle sensation. The practice of yoga invites us to recognize the body as a whole as opposed to many separate parts. It teaches us to listen and to meet our bodies where they are at. Yoga asks us to be students of our body. Nothing more. Nothing less. Join us online this week for a practice to help strengthen and stabilize the spine.

Ananda Glo Yoga 22.01.2021

An order will be going in before January 31st for yoga props. What do you need to support your home practice?An order will be going in before January 31st for yoga props. What do you need to support your home practice?

Ananda Glo Yoga 15.01.2021

Join us online for an hour of Yoga Nidra to help reset your nervous system, preparing you for a deep night’s sleep.

Ananda Glo Yoga 12.01.2021

These three years have gone by so quickly. 4 years ago I made a life changing decision to follow my bliss, (as said by Joseph Campbell), I didn’t know where the journey would lead. I listened to my inner voice and decided it was time to deepen my own yoga practice and enrolled into a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. I didn’t really think I would teach yoga. I didn’t think I could do it. I didn’t really believe in myself. I set my fears and insecurities aside and I did do it! On... January 9th, 2018, I taught my first class. I started with 5 students three days a week in the small but sweet space in my basement and I loved it! 5 months in I was gifted the opportunity to expand, to move my practice to a larger space. I was scared, those insecurities arose once again. I chose to ignore them and I said YES. I never would have imagined that I would be where I am today. Yes there have been challenges and this year with the pandemic, like many small businesses, I was forced to change directions and adapt to the province wide lockdowns and restrictions. I am so excited to be where I am and I can’t wait to see where I am going. Thanks for being on this journey with me and for letting me be a part of yours. Online sessions begin again on Monday. See you on the mat! See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 06.12.2020

Even more important than a strong foundation, is a stable core. Our core is more than just abdominal muscles. It connects the whole body. It is the centre of our being. We focus this week on connecting to the deep core muscles, which stabilizes our whole spine. When the body is stable, our body functions the way it is supposed to, which means ultimately means better health. Join us this week as we explore the practice with a beginners mind. Classes are online and in person.

Ananda Glo Yoga 22.11.2020

It is said that all beings are composed of 2 parts, one which is always changing ~ the body and mind, emotions; the other is unchanging ~ the inner light. As we move into the darkest part of the year we tune into the place of peace and light that exists within us. Join us online or in person for a Hatha session to connect to your inner light. Let your radiant light shine from within.

Ananda Glo Yoga 03.11.2020

The stick she wanted v. the stick she got. Seems happy enough!

Ananda Glo Yoga 21.10.2020

Next week we begin our 3rd annual fundraising event for our local Foodbank. This year the need is even greater than ever. Due to the pandemic, cash donations are preferred and they can be sent via etransfer directly to the Goodneighbours Foodbank. As always the donation you give will be in lieu of payment for your yoga class. If you would like to donate please message me for more details. Thank you in advance for your continued support and generosity!

Ananda Glo Yoga 15.09.2020

For many of us, we have been away from practicing yoga in person for 6 months, so as we come together again this week whether in person or online, it feels sort of like a mini-New Years celebration! We are recommitting, (or if youre new to yoga, committing), to our practice. What are your intentions for your practice? Why are you stepping onto your mat? Its time to make a heartfelt resolve for something you wish to cultivate in your life. Peace of mind, presence, strength..., flexibility, forgiveness. What is it that you most desire from your life? Perhaps in January you set your sankalpa and then with these unprecedented times you have forgotten or are in need of something different as your perspective has shifted. Pause take a deep breath and listen to your heart and go with the flow. Plant your seed, and let the magic happen. Practice with us this week online or in person. Please see www.anandagloyoga.ca for full schedule and protocols for practicing in person. See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 21.08.2020

2 full classes and only a few spots left in the other two. My heart is full! So grateful to your continued support these last few crazy months. I am so looking forward to next week. #yogabliss #flexibilityinbodyandmind #adaptabilitybaby

Ananda Glo Yoga 14.08.2020

Weve been living in a time of change, information overload and coming to terms with how little control we have. It has been for many, a time of stress and uncertainty. Now as we get ready to transition into yet another season, and more uncharted waters its so important to make space for ourselves. To allow whatever we are experiencing to just be. Ive heard it said that we are all in the same storm but riding in different boats. We are all riding the waves of COVID highs ...and lows. We have been forced to make changes to our lives, shift our focus, to re-evaluate what is important and meaningful, to adjust and then re-adjust. It has been mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. Know that whatever your experience is, whatever you are feeling is ok. Honour what you are feeling, slow down or move if thats what your body is asking for. Know that you always have the ability to pause, (even for a deep breath or two), to re-center, to come back to you. There is a place deep inside of us where peace exists. It is in fact our true nature. When we pause, we tap into this space. We are gifted with calmness and clarity. We see that we are a part of some so much bigger than ourselves. Online classes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Join us for a calming practice followed by a brief meditation to help create space. See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 30.07.2020

Join us online for this deeply relaxing practice as we journey into the self.

Ananda Glo Yoga 24.07.2020

We are resuming our in person sessions starting on September 15th. The safety of the students and teacher are of the utmost importance to Ananda Gl Yga so there will be many safety protocols in place, including smaller class sizes and shorter sessions to allow for cleaning in between classes. For a more comprehensive list of how we plan to take care of you, please refer to www.anandagloyoga.ca Please message me to reserve your spot as the classes are beginning to fill.

Ananda Glo Yoga 14.07.2020

Nature has a wonderful way of reminding us about change. Im sure that you can feel the change in the air as we move away from the scorching summer heat into the cooler evenings as we approach fall. The truth is that we are always changing. Everything around is in a constant state of flux, but we are usually caught up in our day to day lives to notice it. As we make the shift from the more active fiery summer, we are invited to slow down, to live in the present moment. As we set our intentions this week, we must remember to pay attention. To not fear change but to savour this time of transition and maybe, just maybe we will catch a glimpse of who we are meant to be. Join us this week for Yin. Message me for details on how to join online. #yinbliss #findyourbliss #yinspiredchange

Ananda Glo Yoga 05.07.2020

HalfMoon Deluxe Yoga mats are back in stock! If youre looking for a new mat, this is a great one to add to your practice. Its thick enough to provide comfort without compromising stability. Hurry and grab yours before they sell out again! For a list of yoga props available, please see www.anandagloyoga.ca

Ananda Glo Yoga 21.06.2020

Happy National Dog Day from our girl Frankie!

Ananda Glo Yoga 02.06.2020

In Buddhism, a metaphor of two arrows is used to teach us how to deal with the obstacles that cause us suffering. The first arrow is the actual event that causes us pain, which could be illness, loss or conflict. The second is the fear, confusion, sorrow, anger that we add to it. We humans have this innate ability to get in our own way. When things are going great, we cling to the feelings of joy and happiness and when we experience a bump or a mountain in our path, we creat...e more suffering by constructing stories of how our lives are meant to be different. When we learn to face the whole of life ~ the good, then painful, the losses and the gains, we receive clarity. What if instead of running from pain or clinging to joy, we simply sat with our experiences. Joy is just that. This is pain. Can we experience without needing to fix or change it? What if we let go of the perception of perfection. (The media makes this very difficult to do). Perfection is merely an illusion. Every human being is experiencing their own joys and sorrows. That is the rhythm of life. Our thoughts and attachments may indeed be our greatest obstacle on the path to peace and enlightenment. So just for today, see if you can observe your thoughts, sit with your joy, your pain ~ let them wash over you ~ breathe deeply and just allow them to be. Join us this week for online sessions that will invite you look closely at what is holding you back both on and of the mat. See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 27.05.2020

Why do you do yoga? How do you want to feel while practicing and after? Does your yoga practice exhaust or enliven you? Do you feel peace or frustration? This week we work on balancing effort and ease. Sthira and Sukha. This practice will invite you to observe your patterns, and really learn from them. Are you rushing mindlessly from pose to pose or do you give your body time to ease in and open? We spend so much of our lives rushing, thinking about what needs to happen next.... These past few months have been a blur for most of us. Its time to slow down. Its time to pay attention to how we move both on and off the mat. How you do anything is how you do everything. close your eyes or soften your gaze. Imagine now if you will, bringing what you cultivate on your mat, to your life outside of yoga.Please message needs for details on how to join us this week online. Om shanti, shanti, shanti. See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 24.05.2020

The middle of the week is a perfect time to take care of you! With 2 blissful online classes to choose from, you can start and end your day with some much needed self-care. Meet us on the mat at 8:30am for a yin practice that focuses on your spine and/or 7pm for Yoga Nidra that will leave you ready for a deep nights sleep. Message to reserve your spot.

Ananda Glo Yoga 08.05.2020

Exciting news! More yoga props coming soon! I have placed another order for bolsters (colour Ink), the Deluxe mats and blocks. Props can be used for all types of yoga to enhance your practice. They are perfect to bring with you when we practice in person again The covers on the bolsters are removable and can be thrown in the wash. They will sell quickly! Message me to reserve yours today.

Ananda Glo Yoga 21.04.2020

In person classes are set to resume on Tuesday Sept.15th, with many safety protocols in place, including shortened class times and smaller class sizes, disinfecting before and after sessions. The health and wellbeing of both students and instructor is of the utmost importance. For a more detailed list of the measures being taken, please refer to www.anandagloyoga.ca I am looking forward to practicing safely with you person. I will continue to offer online sessions on Monday a...nd Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings for those who wish to continue with virtual sessions. Your class packages will continue to be honoured and new students are always welcome. Please message me to reserve your spot. No drop-ins at this time. Namaste

Ananda Glo Yoga 18.04.2020

This weeks Yin practice is about letting the pose do the work. We spend so much of our life applying effort in order to achieve results. The practice of yin gives us space to exist in stillness and work with gravity, to let the magic happen. Instead of focusing on the aesthetics of the pose, what it looks like, we shift our mindset and look through the lens of sensation. We ask ourselves , What am I feeling? Join us on the mat for a virtual session this week. Please message us for details.

Ananda Glo Yoga 29.03.2020

Shes so cuddly in the morning. She makes it hard to get moving. Do puppy snuggles count as meditation? #puppylove #namastayhomewithmydog #frankielove

Ananda Glo Yoga 27.03.2020

How do you relax and unwind? Do you curl up with a book or mindlessly watch TV? What does it feel like to completely let go and be and utterly free from stress? Yoga Nidra gives us space to withdraw the senses from our outer experience and invites us to move deeply into our inner self. Join us tomorrow night for an online session at 7pm. Yoga Nidra, bliss for you brain, bliss for your body. Please message to ask how to sign up.

Ananda Glo Yoga 22.03.2020

Last week we focused on bringing balance and equanimity to our lives. In order to be balanced we have to be grounded. Plant your feet, feel the connection to the earth, (if you can walk outside barefoot, even better!). Feel the sensation that rises from the soles of your feet, fills your body. Walk with presence. Stress less and breathe more. Let go of fear and trust that you are safe and on the right path. #startwhereyouare #peaceofyoga #peaceinpresence #justbreathe

Ananda Glo Yoga 20.03.2020

****1 SPOT LEFT!!**** First outdoor yoga session will be this Monday at 9am. Space is limited. Physical distancing and safety guidelines must be followed to ensure safety of participants and instructor. Message for details.

Ananda Glo Yoga 07.03.2020

So far, 2020 has taught me many things. The most profound lesson is that life is all about balance. Before Covid-19 our familys schedule was nothing short of chaotic between work and school, sports, yoga classes, meetings, (and the list goes on). We were on the go 5-6 days a week, with a quick catch-up, as we passed each other on our way in or out the door. In the early spring, as we watched the world quickly come to a halt, I myself felt frozen with fear. I watched the n...ews constantly, slept in late and went to bed even later. I was completely ignoring my body telling me to get back into a routine. The stress was wreaking havoc on my body and mind as I submersed myself into the uncertainty of the times. Now as we watch the world slowly reopen, I see the need for balance in our lives. Dont get me wrong, I miss our social evenings and chatting on the sidelines at soccer games, but I am SO grateful for the quiet times spent with my loved ones. I know how quickly time goes as I have watched my almost 20 year old son and 17 year old daughter become closer these past few months. This is precious time that I know we wont get back. I should note that we have been blessed with good health throughout this challenging time, and this post is not intended to minimize the pain that this time has caused many ). Life is a balance. A balance between effort and effortless, busyness and quiet, community and solitude, of chaos and peace. As we slowly return to a busier world I hope that we dont get caught up in the hamster wheel of life, the constant need to be doing. I truly hope that we continue to make time for just be-ing. To relax not out of sheer exhaustion, but to sit in the pause before we get to that point. I hope that we remember the need for balance in order to live our best life. This week we practice balancing postures, we witness the delicate nature between power and peace. Join us online to bring equanimity into your life. #lifeisabalance #yogabliss #equanimity #yogaforlife See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 05.02.2020

Join us for a virtual Yoga Nidra that will leave you feeling rested and renewed.

Ananda Glo Yoga 16.01.2020

Virtual Yin yoga class tonight at 6pm. Join us to experience wu wei. #be. here.now

Ananda Glo Yoga 30.12.2019

In Taoism there is a a principle called wu wei, which means effortless action. It is about working with the natural order of things. Consider water. As the river flows and happens upon a rock, the water flows around the rock. If placed in a glass, the water takes the shape of that which tries to contain it. Water does not resist and yet can be be very powerful. This week we practice Yin while seeking the path of least resistance. Riding the waves that life offers us both on... and off the mat. Surrendering to the ebb and flow of our natural cycles, giving up the desire to be in control. Stillness makes space for us to practice non-reactivity and presence. The body and mind need not change. The practice of yin really embodies effortless action. We sit in stillness yet the body is changing, the mind shifting. Relinquish effort. Practice being, rather than doing. Soften in both body and mind. See where life will take you. #peaceofyoga #yogabliss #yinbliss See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 26.12.2019

In need of a reset? Yoga Nidra balances both body and mind. It relieves muscle and mental tension and it can help to improve your memory. Studies have shown that 1 hour of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent to 4 hours of deep sleep. Join us tonight at 7pm for a live, virtual session. Message me to find out how. #yogaforlife #yogabliss #selfcarenotselfish

Ananda Glo Yoga 23.12.2019

With the full moon energy still upon us, lets take time to turn inward, to reflect on the feminine energy of the lunar cycle. Listen to your heart. What needs to change in your life? Where can you add some creativity? What is no longer serving your highest interest? The energy of the full moon affects us for 3 days preceding, the day of and 3 days after it has waned. Take time to be gentle with yourself. Sit quietly in meditation and slow down your practice, allow space to ...observe your innermost needs. It is a time for release, renewal and to make a heart-felt resolve. What do you wish to manifest in your life? This week we incorporate grounding asanas into the practice. Chandra Namaskar in Hatha and in Yin we focus on the lunar qualities, using the wall for support. Message me to receive the link to join our online sessions. #fullmoonenergy #yogabliss #sankalpa #surrender See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 07.12.2019

So excited to get these props up on our website! If you are in need of some yoga props to support your home practice, we now have some blocks, yoga straps, bolsters, eye pillows and mats for sale!#blisswithbolstersandblock #yogaprops #supportyourpractice

Ananda Glo Yoga 24.11.2019

Our body, mind and breath are intricately interconnected. Our breath can be a reflection of how we are feeling, and it can also be the origin of our feelings. When we are experiencing feelings of distress, our breath tends to be more shallow or whats know as chest breathing. When we are calm our natural breath is longer and deeper. When we breathe into the chest we are in fact causing more stress on the body. The Sympathetic Nervous system kicks in, readying us to fight, fle...e or freeze. We produce more stress hormones and our immune system weakens, we often feel more fatigued and lethargic. Our bodies experience more tension, particularly in the neck and shoulders and we may find ourselves with frequent headaches. When we breathe deeply, (diaphragmatic breath), we are drawing more oxygen into the body, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, its activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System allowing us to rest and digest, reversing the ill effects of stress. Deep breathing can also improve flexibility by softening the releasing tension. A deep breath oxygenates every cell in our body. When we bring awareness to our breath, we are living fully in the present moment. In yoga we practice pranayama, prana ~ life force ayama~ extending or freeing. Join us this week for online sessions that will invigorate your body and mind, as we incorporate breath and movement. #justbreathe #peaceofyoga #yogabliss #breatheinpeacebreatheoutstress See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 15.11.2019

Wednesday July 1st, there will not be any classes. I hope you find time to celebrate our beautiful country. It will be a very different celebration for sure, so get creative and find ways to show the world that you are a proud Canadian! All other classes will run as scheduled.

Ananda Glo Yoga 09.11.2019

If you are finding yourself in need of a deeply relaxing yoga practice, Yoga Nidra is for you. This meditative practice invites you to place deep within you, to the space between wakefulness and sleep. In this blissful space you discover that you are not your thoughts, not your body. Here, you reset your nervous system, allowing the body to function in a completely relaxed state, bringing you back into balance. Info available for tonights online session upon request.

Ananda Glo Yoga 27.10.2019

Our yoga mats are the place for us to observe and explore our samskaras, the habits that shape our thoughts and reactions about ourselves, others, places or things. With our habits we develop thoughts which shape the very way that we move, breathe act and think both on and off the mat. Yoga teaches us to become aware of own patterns of behaviour, our own biases. What happens when we judge ourselves or someone else? Where do these judgements stem from? Feelings of not being en...ough, lack, insecurities fear. When we judge someone or something, it is not a reflection of them but of ourselves. This week observe your judgemental thoughts as you sink into a yoga pose. What stories do you create about your body and its limitations? Off the mat, be aware as judgemental thoughts about others creep into your mind. Pause, reflect. See if you can adopt a sense of neutrality, by staying in the present moment. Releasing judgement opens our hearts and brings us to a peaceful state of being, open to more joy. We are not here to judge ourselves or others. We are here to be kind, show compassion, to love. Find comfort in your imperfections and the imperfections of others. See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 30.09.2019

Yoga Nidra tonight at 7pm. Take care of your body and mind.

Ananda Glo Yoga 25.09.2019

We experience our world through our senses. From a very young age we develop habits or patterns in our thoughts and behaviours. Every experience or situation that we encounter cause the mind to produce thoughts, with thoughts, feelings arise and where there is feeling, emotions are born. Depending on what the experience is we may feel joy, sorrow, pain, anger or happiness. As we move through life we cling or attach ourselves to these emotions and feelings, essentially creatin...g our own reality. Every human being brings their own baggage to every situation or interchange. These patterns can cause many misconceptions or what is called viparyaya, ~ incorrect knowledge. Think of a time when someone has said something to you that you misinterpreted, or perhaps a time when you have said something that was misconstrued. Think of the suffering that arose. Freeing ourselves from the klesha Avidya, the root of all suffering, takes deep self-reflection. It takes questioning your own ideas, motives, your own beliefs about who you truly are. Become aware of the patterns in your thoughts and reactions to things that disturb you. Notice your feelings and thoughts and how they shape your reality. Pay attention to your inner dialogue and how you identify with it. Notice how you may judge others based on your own perceptions. Every human is on their own journey trying to co-exist in this world. This week we practice bringing awareness to our own perceptions without the veil of ego. Message me for class details . #selfreflection, #wearenotourthoughts #allinthistogether #peaceofyoga See more

Ananda Glo Yoga 10.09.2019

In yogic philosophy, Patanjali gave us some guidelines on how to live our yoga off the mat with the Niyamas. Tapas is loosely defined as having the courage to change what you can, having the discipline to take action. In a world that is in desperate need of change, can you tap into your very own fire of transformation? Youre taking this first step just by showing up. Join us this week on the mat and see how it can change your life off the mat.