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Journey To Soul 31.03.2021

If you haven’t picked a card yet, head back to Saturday’s post under announcements. - - My husband invited divine wisdom through my original oracle deck, The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid to guide us through where we find ourselves at in our now moments. -... - If you were drawn to card/crystal #3, you are required to come to a decision now. YOU must make the choice, this is not the time for fear or to waiver responsibility for your life. - - You are being asked to remember that you always have choice. Can you trust in your ability to make another choice and then another choice if the path gets difficult? Can you trust that any choice you make will serve your higher good? Can you believe that there is a process of life that will lead you to the challenges that will uniquely foster your growth? - - Letting others choose for you will never make things easier. There is so much power in taking back your ability to choose, stepping into your sovereignty. No one can actually take away your choice, they can only use fear to encourage you to give your power away. - - Forgive yourself for not doing it sooner, there is no shame to be had here. Forgive those that have used fear and have your power, they project unconsciously what they know. - - This is an opportunity to get really honest within yourself and look at the motives behind waiving your responsibility. Is there fear there? You will begin to see how this is not serving you. In any now moment you can change course by choosing and witnessing a new experience unfold. You are being encouraged to do this now so you can move forward in leaps. It might be uncomfortable, it might be rocky, but Spirit brings this to you because you are ready. - - Rhodochrosite, a stone of unconditional love, opens the heart and lifts the heaviness of depression from it. As it opens this space, you can begin to see a more positive outlook. Working with this stone will soothe emotions in your body and improve your self worth. - - - See more

Journey To Soul 17.03.2021

If you haven’t picked a card yet, head back to the previous post. - - If you were drawn to card/crystal #2, Magic Stream reminds you that EVERYTHING is connected through the universal flow of consciousness and has a protection message for you right now about swimming against a current. -... - You have experienced, through sheer will, action and determination you can get what you want. This does not mean that this is how you get all the things you want. Right now you are being called to only follow inspired action in your days. Yes, you are a creator being but you don’t manufacture creativity nor do you orchestrate events to get yourself into favourable positions. This is not your path. - - In what ways are you trying too hard right now? - - This message is the notice to stop trying and just jump into the Magic Stream and float. Your only job is to get present as you float, notice what is true in the now moments. Accept it, learn from it, immerse yourself in all the sensations of it, let it be both this and that. You will never step in the same stream twice. The stream is taking you to a destination, and if you just float, be present with the experiences along the way, allow the current to take you with ease around the rocks, it can be a pleasant ride. - - Snowflake obsidian provides balance for the body, mind and spirit. It empowers our ability to get silent with ourselves and notice what arises, not in fear, but in curiosity. It will help you to recognize stressful mental patterns, spiritual blocks, and thoughts that are not serving you. - - - #hamont #hamonthealer #journeytosoul #journey2soul #angiemallory #lightworker #wayshower #shineyourlight #energy #everythingisenergy #ascension #3dto5d #liveyourbestlife #vibehigh #learntogether #healtogether #risetogether #oraclewisdom #colettebaronreid #jenadellagrottaglia #theenchantedmap #magicstream #protection #crystals #crystalhealing #snowflakeobsidian See more

Journey To Soul 14.03.2021

If you haven’t picked a card yet, head back to Saturday’s post under announcements. - - If you were drawn to card/crystal #1, you received one of my favourite abundance messages, Field of Dreams, which tells the story of how your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are always engaging the vast field of pure potential. -... - Now is the time my friend! In this now moment you are creating your future reality. When you understand this, you harness the unlimited possibility that is with you right now, just not yet realized in your life. Abundance IS your birthright. I used to hear this all the time and never really understood why people were so sure about that statement. And here I am telling you that you have access right now to great abundance, however, you must abandon what you think you know and be willing to work alongside with Spirit. - - No matter what is going on outside and around you, remember that it is always temporary. This is your opportunity to get clear on your thoughts, feelings and beliefs and focus them on your best life. - - You may have forgotten but I am here to remind you, you are powerful and divinely inspired in this world. You are holding a basket full of seeds now. Dream big, dream beautiful, take action, plant those seeds now with clarity and tend to your garden in the Field of Dreams with Spirit. Give yourself permission to experience the extraordinary. - - What will you claim? A new experience of wealth and abundance? The new experience of a healthy love relationship? A new experience of receiving and loving yourself deeply? Whatever it is, it is already yours, you need only claim it to begin bringing it into reality. - - Lapis lazuli is connected to the spirit realms, a stone of wisdom, intuition and truth, working with your eye of consciousness (third eye chakra). Work with this to let truth flow and get clear with all the layers of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. - - - See more

Journey To Soul 05.03.2021

Good morning bright beings of light! This morning my husband selected our card deck and crystals for today’s reading! I loved witnessing him take on this role for us and embrace his intuition with all the confidence. He picked the crystals and when he gave me the reasons that he selected these crystals, my heart burst because each was an intentional sentiment for our greatest joy together, where he is at in his journey in this now moment, and for our children. #wheredidhec...omefrom The deck he chose was my original deck, the one that has seen me through my darkest days in this life that I chose to live as a wife and mom. And guys, if you know me, you know that THIS was the FARTHEST fate from my mind going late into my 20s. I couldn’t be here today serving, without him by my side mirroring and supporting me. #thankyouuniverse The Enchanted Map. We walk this life, this human experience seeking to understand ourselves and our purpose because we’ve forgotten. We’ve forgotten the sacred contract our soul made when we chose to take this human form. We come together now to remember. May these cards serve you as they have served me. May they be your sacred helper, bridging the physical plane with the unseen planes. Whatever you are facing in your now moment along this journey, set your intention now to receive clarity and/or guidance on a specific question or ask spirit, how can I best serve the highest good in this situation? I invite you to close your eyes, settle into your physical body by putting your attention on your breath, drawing it deeper and deeper down with each inhale and slowing down each exhale. And as you breathe, appreciate your body and the senses that you get to experience life through. Call to your heart now your question and when you feel ready, open your eyes and select the card/crystal 1, 2, or 3. I love you, I wish you a day of synchronicities reminding you of your magic. I will return with our readings tomorrow. - - -

Journey To Soul 14.02.2021

Yesterday in 21 Days of Tapping & Affirmations, Jackie guided us through I am becoming a millionaire. Ooph, enter the body resistance and negative chatter. ALL the reasons why that is not true rose to the surface pretty damn quick! - - During the conversation on all that resistance, she posed this question, which I loved! And so I ask you... -... - Who do you believe you ARE becoming? - - I am becoming the person I wished I knew when I was a lost teenager trying to understand how to become an adult and feel great about it. - - Share yours below so we can all hold space for you as you become - - - #Hamont #hamonthealer #journeytosoul #journey2soul #angiemallory #lightworker #wayshower #shineyourlight #energy #everythingisenergy #ascension #3dto5d #liveyourbestlife #vibehigh #learntogether #healtogether #risetogether #becoming #tunein See more

Journey To Soul 31.01.2021

Yesterday we pulled cards for guidance on our unique path of light and free will. If you haven’t yet selected a card, head back to yesterday’s post. If you selected card/crystal #3, Talisman, informs you that a lesson truly learned is crystallized as earned wisdom. You have all you need for the success you seek! Wisdom allows you to recognize traps on the road and familiar patterns that you want to avoid. It also enables you to quickly gather information about where you are ...on your journey. It helps you recognize your allies and know how to find the best routes along the way. Now you’re at a place where you know the right things to do and the best choices to make. You really can’t commit a mistake. Whatever your current situation, great fortune awaits you, for you have the wisdom to arrive at the right decision. You can trust yourself now. You’ve learned your lessons and earned your right to your success. Move forward with your talisman in heart. I felt called to pull a Keeper of the Light for each of us with the readings. Hilarion arrived sharing his message of divine healing. He appears to help spiritual people who feel overly sensitive, overwhelmed by the world, to overcome their challenges. He’s letting you know it’s ok to retreat, to cleanse and recharge your energy. When you are called to serve others or share your healing, please ensure you are filled up with light, love and energy first. Never sacrifice your own development for others. You are surrounded now with that light. Shiva Lingams awaken the Kundalini energy at the base of your spine and have the potential to foster a powerful awakening experience as the energy travels up each Chakra and out through the Crown. They boost vitality and provide courage and strength to overcome your deepest fears. - - - #hamont #hamonthealer #journeytosoul #journey2soul #angiemallory #lightworker #wayshower #shineyourlight #energy #everythingisenergy #ascension #3dto5d #liveyourbestlife #learntogether #healtogether #risetogether #oraclewisdom #colettebaronreid #jenadellagrottaglia #theenchantedmap #talisman #kylegray #lilymoses #keepersofthelightoracle #hilarion #divinehealing #crystals #crystalhealing

Journey To Soul 19.12.2020

Why oracle cards? I fell in love with them in some of my hardest moments as a new mom suffering from PTSD. Every day, when I felt lost and trapped in my mind, unable to see perspective beyond fear & old stories that paralyzed me, pulling a card would offer me the hope I desperately craved. A higher perspective is so helpful, and for me, getting this wisdom from cards felt much gentler than reaching to another human. When we are in a dark place, our tendency is to shut out the... world and its humans, it doesn’t feel safe. I started to notice that the cards just always offered the right words at the right time. Even when I didn’t understand the message, it would eventually click and become clear soon after. I sought to understand how that was even possible. This led me to understanding that everything is energy. This opens up a whole new world and it’s not scary like we may have thought, in fact, it’s empowering. My energy informs what I need in a moment, I set the intention for the higher perspective I can’t yet see and the card that can serve will make its way to me, ALWAYS. It’s truly fascinating to experience this truth over and over. I have come to love sharing this divine wisdom so you can find your way out of your dark. There is unconditional love felt through these divine messages. Click link in the comments below to check out our great offers. There is a valuable package that includes one full year of monthly support with the cards and tapping! - - - #hamont #hamonthealer #journeytosoul #journey2soul #angiemallory #eft #efttapping #nlp #intuitivecoach #spiritualteacher #oraclereader #divinewisdom #wellnessadvocate #lightworker #wayshower #doingthework #shineyourlight #energy #everythingisenergy #ascension #3dto5d #liveyourbestlife #vibehigh #learntogether #healtogether #risetogether

Journey To Soul 02.12.2020

Anyone else feeling super sensitive to these energies right now? The exhaustion is so real for me this weekend! How are you faring my friends? Yesterday, we chose cards from the Kyle Gray Keepers of the Light oracle deck to receive energies & wisdom from our divine masters so that we can stay on our path and in our light, as we navigate this week moment to moment, each moment an opportunity to choose love over fear and/or centre with our breath. Head back to yesterday’...s post if you didn’t pick a card. If you chose card/crystal #3, Mercury is here to help you heal miscommunications that have caused distress. Mercury is the Roman god of messages and communication, also known as Hermes in Greek mythology. We call on Mercury for help with loving, honest and open conversations, divination and any form of expressive art like writing, poetry and journalism. Important messages, information and insights are being shared. You may hear from an old friend or family member, or have an opportunity to finally understand a loved one you’ve not had an easy time with. You may be able to clarify situations where you feel you weren’t heard or were misunderstood. Get things off your chest in a loving way, so that you clear all roads to love in your life. Listen too communication is a two-way street. Mercury is here now to allow you to hear clearly and be heard. Call on him before any form of communication to help align with your heart for the highest outcome. Lapis Lazuli is another perfect match! It allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Reach for this stone to confront and speak your truth and inspire confidence. #hamont #hamonthealer #journeytosoul #journey2soul #angiemallory #lightworker #wayshower #shineyourlight #energy #everythingisenergy #ascension #3dto5d #liveyourbestlife #vibehigh #learntogether #healtogether #risetogether #oraclewisdom #kylegray #lilymoses #keepersofthelightoracle #mercury #opencommunication #crystals #crystalhealing #lapislazuli