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Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 15.10.2021

I’m hearing so many people in Facebook-land complaining about sleep! It makes total sense, considering: stressful time + lack of routine. So happy my colleagues are putting out their expertise for free! Tune in for Dr. Meyer - she can also answer questions live! :)

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 05.10.2021

For anyone that requires medicinal marijuana, my colleague is offering compassionate pricing during this pandemic.

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 06.08.2021

My Amazing Colleague - explaining research headlines again - worth a look if you've read about milk and cancer!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 29.06.2021

Please share! My amazing colleague is running free virtual classes about healthy vegetarianism!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 19.06.2021

[Via @marieforleo.] My husband out-performed me this week. He’s really killing it - not only does he work a demanding job but he also hosts dinner parties and cleans and deals with bedtime toddler tantrums and packs school lunches. He’s F-ing Mary Poppins. Normal people would maybe react to this in a good way - ‘WOW, I’m SO lucky to have an exemplary human being as a partner to help me in life’ - but you may be surprised. My original reaction was to beat myself up! Al...l my negative self-talk would swim around me not being good enough or not accomplishing enough or failing as human or a mom or a doctor (depending on the day). NO MORE. My gratitude practice has grown. And I’m reaping the benefits. I have turned this into such love and appreciation for all that my partner does in my life that it’s spilling over into our relationship, family life, and we are now a stronger team when tough moments come up. Gratitude is an appreciation for what you have - no matter where you are on your journey. And last weekend’s #ImpactLives19 event solidified that you can’t create abundance out of FEAR. You can literally create good things in your life, from a place of #gratitude and #abundance. Playing with this concept is fun!! If you’ve always wanted to try practicing gratitude and #mindset shifting but don’t know where or how to start, DM me for some easy prompts and practices!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 15.06.2021

We're smack in the middle of Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month. Did you know Canada has one of the highest rates of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in the world? 1 in 150 Canadians has IBD and the number of new cases is rising every year - research predicts 1% of the population of Canada will be diagnosed by the year 2030. That's 400,000 people. [Fish Oil/Cod Liver Oil Tip below] Fecal Calprotectin is a great screening test to help diagnosis and monitor active flar...e ups. Not invasive, and you can collect the sample at home! We know inflammation and and immune dysregulation is involved, but did you know how important the microbiome and 'bad' bacteria can drive inflammatory processes? When I was in naturopathic school, there wasn't much info on the vast number of diets that have now been studied to help with IBD> there were a few new things I learned at #OANDCON19 last weekend and I'd love to share some tidbits: Mediterranean Diet and Low FODMAP diets can improve symptoms Any diet that feeds your microbiome and raises BUTYRATE in the colon can help reduce inflammation. Research supports Guar Gum to improve gut lining and wound healing! (who knew) Cod Liver Oil can clear out LPS - a bacterial trigger of inflammation in your intestines!! (I'm switching out fish oils for this for some of my IBD patients). It also contains fat soluble vitamins like A and D which are needed for wound healing and immune regulation... sleep is essential and lack of it has been associated with flares. The physiology of IBD is complex and there are many stages of naturopathic treatment. The goal is always to work with the patient and where they are at (including which medications/biologics they may be on), and try to make daily life easier, reduce stress, reduce risk of flare-ups and help safely lower acute bowel irritation. There is always something we can be doing to promote health in the bowels. DM me for more info! See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 24.09.2020

For anyone that requires medicinal marijuana, my colleague is offering compassionate pricing during this pandemic.

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 21.09.2020

Are we disappointed that we decided to cancel our March break plans? Yes. But did we feel the need to be prudent and help join the movement to #flattenthecurve? Yes. As my son and I were in the ER last night, My heart just went out to all the front line workers and how resources will continue to be stretched as more COVID cases are detected in Cananda. My heart goes out to Italy’s docs, nurses, and patients and I want us to listen to their warnings without panic but with prudence. Are we worried about our health and individual risk of catching this virus? No. But I am worried about contributing to its spread to vulnerable people.

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 03.09.2020

My dear colleague did a TedX talk - on a topic dear to her heart. A must watch for anyone touched by cancer. The power of INTEGRATIVE care. There is hope. We just need to work together, bringing together the best of both worlds. Please take 17 minutes of your day and listen to this powerful story and message.

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 18.08.2020

Instead of stockpiling goods from Costco, let’s review... also if you’re going to hang out in high-traffic areas like Costco... please do review this:

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 05.08.2020

My Amazing Colleague - explaining research headlines again - worth a look if you've read about milk and cancer!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 26.07.2020

From a colleague~ Dear Local friends: If you’ve received the alert on your phone about the Pickering Nuclear Plant, the alert was sent in error and there was no external leak at Pickering and no risk to the public. .... But did you know that if you live within 50km of the Pickering Power Plant, you are eligible to receive free potassium iodine tablets? . In the very unlikely event of a nuclear emergency and a release of radioactive iodine to the public, potassium iodine pills will help prevent the development of thyroid cancer, and are especially effective at safeguarding children's thyroid glands. It is important for each household to have a supply of these pills because they are most effective if taken just before or soon after exposure to radioactive iodine. . Order yours for free here: See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 13.07.2020

This doctor noticed high flu rates in her pediatric hospital. Then she went and got her masters in Architecture and studied how building environments affect health and infection! Talk about a bad ass. It takes an average of 17 years for medical research to be put into practice. She’s not waiting around for this one! Take away: ...one factor stood out above them all, and it shocked the research team. The one factor most associated with infection was (drum roll): dry air. At... low relative humidity, indoor air was strongly associated with higher infection rates. When we dry the air out, droplets and skin flakes carrying viruses and bacteria are launched into the air, traveling far and over long periods of time. The microbes that survive this launching tend to be the ones that cause healthcare-associated infections, said Taylor. Even worse, in addition to this increased exposure to infectious particles, the dry air also harms our natural immune barriers which protect us from infections." See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 01.07.2020

Please share! My amazing colleague is running free virtual classes about healthy vegetarianism!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 29.06.2020

[Via @marieforleo.] My husband out-performed me this week. He’s really killing it - not only does he work a demanding job but he also hosts dinner parties and cleans and deals with bedtime toddler tantrums and packs school lunches. He’s F-ing Mary Poppins. Normal people would maybe react to this in a good way - ‘WOW, I’m SO lucky to have an exemplary human being as a partner to help me in life’ - but you may be surprised. My original reaction was to beat myself up! Al...l my negative self-talk would swim around me not being good enough or not accomplishing enough or failing as human or a mom or a doctor (depending on the day). NO MORE. My gratitude practice has grown. And I’m reaping the benefits. I have turned this into such love and appreciation for all that my partner does in my life that it’s spilling over into our relationship, family life, and we are now a stronger team when tough moments come up. Gratitude is an appreciation for what you have - no matter where you are on your journey. And last weekend’s #ImpactLives19 event solidified that you can’t create abundance out of FEAR. You can literally create good things in your life, from a place of #gratitude and #abundance. Playing with this concept is fun!! If you’ve always wanted to try practicing gratitude and #mindset shifting but don’t know where or how to start, DM me for some easy prompts and practices!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 15.06.2020

We're smack in the middle of Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month. Did you know Canada has one of the highest rates of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in the world? 1 in 150 Canadians has IBD and the number of new cases is rising every year - research predicts 1% of the population of Canada will be diagnosed by the year 2030. That's 400,000 people. [Fish Oil/Cod Liver Oil Tip below] Fecal Calprotectin is a great screening test to help diagnosis and monitor active flar...e ups. Not invasive, and you can collect the sample at home! We know inflammation and and immune dysregulation is involved, but did you know how important the microbiome and 'bad' bacteria can drive inflammatory processes? When I was in naturopathic school, there wasn't much info on the vast number of diets that have now been studied to help with IBD> there were a few new things I learned at #OANDCON19 last weekend and I'd love to share some tidbits: Mediterranean Diet and Low FODMAP diets can improve symptoms Any diet that feeds your microbiome and raises BUTYRATE in the colon can help reduce inflammation. Research supports Guar Gum to improve gut lining and wound healing! (who knew) Cod Liver Oil can clear out LPS - a bacterial trigger of inflammation in your intestines!! (I'm switching out fish oils for this for some of my IBD patients). It also contains fat soluble vitamins like A and D which are needed for wound healing and immune regulation... sleep is essential and lack of it has been associated with flares. The physiology of IBD is complex and there are many stages of naturopathic treatment. The goal is always to work with the patient and where they are at (including which medications/biologics they may be on), and try to make daily life easier, reduce stress, reduce risk of flare-ups and help safely lower acute bowel irritation. There is always something we can be doing to promote health in the bowels. DM me for more info! See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 27.05.2020

This is a clip from one of our top professors and clinicians here in Ontario - she was featured in a documentary on PANDAS: infections/brain inflammation that causes neuropsychiatric symptoms in children - so scary for families to go through. I hope sharing this can help bring awareness!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 18.05.2020

Oh wow - microplastic is just pervasive. Here’s another source to watch out for my tea drinkers!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 05.05.2020

My amazing colleague, Dr. Jacobson ND and Lactation Consultant, is hosting a free online event for new mothers!! Pass it on to those who you think can use the support (I wish I had this when I became a parent!). Lots of valuable info with a number of experts!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 18.04.2020

I promised tips for bloating! But first: If you've tried EVERYTHING and SEEN EVERYONE about bloating and digestive issues - please go get evaluated by someone who focuses on gut health!! Knowing when to test for Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth, H. Pylori, food sensitivities, parasites, yeast overgrowth - it can be very overwhelming - not to mention EXPENSIVE (if you're in Ontario). Tools are available RIGHT NOW to rule out common causes of bloating and it's a huge re...lief to my patients to find out more info about their tummy troubles! Spread the word! Here are some basics: 1. Chew your food well, eat mindfully. 2. Take a few drops of bitters before meals. 3. Deal with constipation: drinking enough water and moving your body are the first steps here. Then you can always try magnesium supplementation and abdominal massage before investigating further. 4. Have a trial elimination of common food intolerances and sensitivities. The top ones are: legumes, eggs, wheat/gluten, lactose and fructose. Try eliminating fried or fatty foods as well if you eat these often. You can try one at a time to see if bloating goes away, or you can try a more comprehensive elimination diet - this is always best if you can plan ahead and do it thoughtfully and deliberately. 5. Try a Low FODMAP diet. Common FODMAP foods are onions, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, beans, apple, pear - they all contain fermentable fibers and sugars that bacteria will eat and make gas! #IBS #functionalmedicine #SIBO #SIBOSOS #lowFODMAP #lactoseintolerance #glutenfree #celiac #IBDawareness #IBSawareness #eggfree #herbalmedicine #holsiticnutrition #mindful #rootcause #naturopathicmedicine See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 09.04.2020

Bloating. Ugh. Where is it coming from? Sometimes all you'll need is a digestive tune-up with lifestyle changes but sometimes you need to investigate whether something bigger is going on. ... Here are the most common reasons for bloating that I see in my gut-focused practice (from a #functionalmedicine perspective): Constipation and bloating that comes along with it can be part of an #IBS pattern. Often, these people have increased pain perception in their gut (called visceral hypersensitivity). Excess gas and discomfort can be a sign that your body has been knocked out of 'rest and digest' mode. You're STRESSED, busy, can't shut off and relax, nor can you produce enough stomach acid or enzymes to break down your food, and it sits there and ferments. Bloating can be a sign that you have a FOOD SENSITIVITY or INTOLERANCE. Maybe certain foods or too much of one kind of fibre or protein makes you hurt. #lactoseintolerance #foodsensitivities #glutenfree #eggfree Bloating can be related to your HORMONES. Your pre-menstrual progesterone rise causes slow transit times (constipation and bloating), while 'too much' estrogen can cause water retention and bloating. #PMS #HormoneBalance Bloating may also be a sign of DYSBIOSIS - an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in your gut. These bacteria eat and ferment what you eat and produce gas that you can feel! #SIBO #LOWFODMAP #probiotics Constant bloating with no let up should be evaluated by your primary care provider. Stay tuned for tips you can try at home to beat the bloat. See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 02.04.2020

Have you been googling your tummy troubles? Chances are you've heard of #SIBO - small intestinal bowel overgrowth. It is a condition that is linked to #IBS, #Rosacea, #hypothyroidism and #fattyliver, #histamineintolerance and #foodpoisoning. If you have irregular bowel movements (#constipation OR #diarrhea), excessive burping and gas, progessive #bloating throughout the day, and suffer from regular heartburn and nausea - you may want to get tested. A breath test wil...l tell you if bacteria have set up shop in your small intestine - a place that is supposed to be relatively sterile, compared to your colon. These bacteria ferment all the healthy foods you've been eating - think #FODMAPs - fermentable fibers and sugars from veggies and fruits - and cause bloating and discomfort. The fist step is finding out if you have it. Then if you test positive: 1. prep your body for treatment 2. eliminate the bacterial overgrowth with herbs or antibiotics 3. heal the gut, starve out remaining bacteria with diet changes. 4. Prevent relapse. Any questions?? Ask away!! :) #gutdetective #gutguru #SIBOSOS #IBSAwareness #functionalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #lowfodmap #fermentedfoods #microbiome #GIsociety #badgut See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 24.03.2020

Does eating healthier make you feel worse? . . . Sometimes it's not a one-size-fit-all approach to gut health. Healthy foods are higher in fiber - which is a common aggravator of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth. Yeesh, no?... . . Often my patients will come in and say - "I feel the best eating white bread and potatoes. This can't be right!" And I agree - foods that are devoid of micro and macro nutrients may help you feel less bloated and keep washroom breaks in check - but NOT ideal for the long term. . . . If something's strange in your intestinal neighborhood, who you gonna call? A gut detective! Ask about the tests and diets that investigate the cause of your peculiar gut reactions. . #guthealth #IBS #SIBOSOS #SIBO #functionalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #lowFODMAP #functionalGI #healthyeating #gutdetective #nutrition #ghostbusters # See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 11.03.2020

July 24th is International Self-Care Day in Canada - symbolizing that the benefits of caring for yourself can be felt 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. Looking after yourself impacts your community, the people you interact with everyday. Caring for your own physical and emotional needs is a struggle for people grappling with their mental health - for obvious reasons - Depression and anxiety siphons off your energy, motivation, confidence, and the executive functioning part... of your brain (that is in control of your reasoning, judgment and problem-solving) is not working up to snuff. Here's a few things I'm working on for my self-care routine - and have seen a huge change in myself and my family over time: 1. Starting with small easy things - noticing things I like - either about myself or about where I am and what I'm doing - and focusing on it. 2. Watching what I say to myself - noticing any automatic thoughts that aren't helpful and what triggers them. 3. Using all 5 senses - to create a relaxing and grounding mini-break! Experts agree that this works, either in the moment or planned ahead of time. At bedtime I set up a sensory 'spa' so I look forward to getting to bed at a decent time - I use headphones and have a guided meditation I like, have an essential oil ready to sniff, the lighting is perfect with my new 'smart lamp' and finally have nice pillows that support my neck. This has helped me get some necessary extra ZZZs instead of blowing off an early bedtime for mindless reasons!. What have you found has made a big difference for you or your family? #selfcare #selflove #healthycommunities #Canada #mentalhealthawereness #youareworthy #depression #anxiety #psychology #allvibeswelcome #internationalselfcareday See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 09.03.2020

It's as hot as Delhi out there! My daughter literally cried when I said we had to walk home in the sun (she's two, but I totally got her mood). Whether it's homemade popsicles or electrolyte powders in your water - keep hydrated folks, and take care of your human children, your pet children and your vulnerable neighbours! #heatwave #humidity #electrolytes #heatstroke #Toronto #theSIx #petcare #selfcare

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 07.03.2020

Keep Calm and Have an Epic Bowel Movement You can't treat a digestive issue without dealing with stress. You CANNOT. Here is where the modern medical system fails us. When you go see a #gastroenterologist, there is no discussion of your nervous system, stress management or anxiety or depression. There's is not even any discussion of diet and nutrition. How do I know? I used to be a patient, and then I focused the last 8 years of my practice seeing patients with IBS-like... symptoms and have had all the tests and seen all the specialists. STRESS can negatively affect your gut by decreasing blood flow to the area and reducing stomach acid and enzymes that help break down your food, kill off bad germs, and signal your gut to move and function properly. Anxiety can tend to increase our intestinal motility (read, loose stool) and depression (generally) leads to constipation. These changes in stomach acid and motility can all lead to downstream issues of #leakygut, #SIBO, h. pylori infections...you name it. This is why I focus so much on #mindset, #adrenals, #mood and nervous system health if people come to me tummy troubles. How do you manage your stress and activate your 'rest and digest' system? Bonus points if you have incorporated some sort of daily management practice ;) #biofeedback #IBSawareness #guthealth #digestivehealth #naturopathicdoctor #gutdetective #naturopathicmedicine #functionalmedicine #anxiety #depression #SIBO #SIBOSOS #GIsociety #mindbodymedicine #mindfulness #microbiome #mentalhealth #wellpreneur #entrepology #vagusnerve See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 19.02.2020

Tip#6: Stay Boring, and Have a Hum-Drum ROUTINE. Ok, you don't have to be boring - but a regular schedule to wake, eat meals and sleep will have a powerful effect on your health. This is definitely a sticking point for a lot of my busy patients with lots of stuff going on. Fact: Your gut microbes and intestines run on their own circadian rhythm. Disrupting this rhythm can make our intestinal cells vulnerable to injury and increase our risk of #IBS and #ColorectalCan...cer :( Evidence points to 3 major ways we disrupt our gut rhythms: 1. Eating meals at erratic times or late at night. 2. Eating a SAD diet (processed foods, not a lot of veg/fruit/whole foods). 3. Disturbed sleep - waking up multiple times/shift work. The great news is that we have a certain amount of control over these factors. We can set our digestion (and so many other things) up for success: 1. Have regularly scheduled meals (whether your intermittent fasting or eating every 3-4 hours) and avoid eating past 8pm 2. Eat a #wholefoods diet (with a high variety of plant foods) 3. Practice good #sleephygeine and get to bed on time. Seriously, dude. Sleep. #IBSawareness #guthealth #shiftwork #sleephygeine #naturopathicdoctor #functionalmedicine #plantbased #lifestylemedicine #SADdiet #wholefoods #microbiome #circadianrhythm #hormonehealth #intermittentfasting See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 01.02.2020

I need your help! I'm drafting a super amazing talk I am going to take on tour to help people with Gastrointestinal issues to think about IBS differently and tell people about NEW strategies to address their discomfort and issues! What OPENING LINE HOOKS YOU in the best?? OPTION 1: Probiotics are not going to solve your problems.... OPTION 2: Your bowels don't have to control your life. See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 17.01.2020

Hello. I'd love to have a (free) 20 min sit-down with you to give you options for taking your health to the NEXT LEVEL. We have some NEXT LEVEL tests and programs rolling out soon! Don't hesitate to ask me any questions :)

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 06.01.2020

TBT: Becoming a mother was one of the most profound experiences in my life. It changed my psychology. The way I viewed myself. The way I viewed my role in the world and my role with others. The way I viewed my career paths and future goals. It's been a long 5 years of learning and evolving! But man, what I've gained is EXPONENTIAL love and growth. And 2 humans who love to dance and snuggle. My mindsets have slowly shifted to adapt to performing WHILE being a parent o...f young children. Here is what I'm working on to stay sane: 1. Tracking and celebrating "Wins". 2. Progress and growth is a win. 3. Perfection is not a goal. Growth is. 4. Where you are is not who your are. Solidifying who I *really* am, and what I *really* value. 5. I am good enough and have all that I need to deal with any S&%# that comes our way. Who are you? What do you value? #nayyirahwaheedquotes #quotesaboutlife #womenwhohustle #liveinspired #mindbodysoul #mommyblogger #growthmindset #winningmindset #progressnotperfection #functionalmedicine #healthandwellness #performancemedicine #mentalhealth #passionate See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 04.01.2020

Do you work...while you eat meals?? Back to Basics digestive health tip #5 is all about being in a zen state while you eat - it's a thing. How To guide for busy people is below - because you don't have 5 minutes to contemplate a banana. Stress impacts your digestion. Your body flips on your sympathetic nervous system, which essentially suppresses digestion and healing. Because you need to mobilize energy stores to run away from that bear - fight or flight mode, right? T...he PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM turns on your 'rest and digest' factors. The first stage of digestion is started BEFORE you put food in your mouth! It's called the CEPHALIC PHASE, and it is thought to account for 30-40% of your digestive response to food! It begins with the BRAIN anticipating food through your 5 senses. Saliva, enzymes and stomach acid start revving up, and your muscular tubes start grooving to a rhythm to help prepare for digestion and assimilation. We know, through research, that your body perceives DISTRACTIONS as stress. And we know that when we mindlessly eat at our desks or on the couch, that we can ignore important hunger/fullness signals or emotional cues that can lead to weight gain, bloating, or malnutrition. So here are 4 tips to eat more mindfully: 1. Eat with others, at set times and set places 2. Use all 5 senses (when possible) to savour your food 3. When eating, just eat - don't multitask 4. Consider where your food came from while eating it. #mindfuleating #gutdetective #guthealth #IBSawareness #nutrition #functionalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #functionalnutrition #wholisticnutrition #mindbodyconnection #mindfulness #wellpreneur #Torontoentrepreneur #ladyboss #wellness #entrepology See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 25.12.2019

Tip #4: Have an Epic Lemon Water for an Epic Bowel Movement. Everyone's doing it. Squeezing lemon in their water and drinking it. Do you know why? Are you doing it right? Oooooh I love telling people why! Recipe below! Firstly - it's good to just rehydrate after a long period of not drinking anything. You've just woken up from a (hopefully) restful sleep where your BRAIN has just shrunk and flushed out toxins (I'm not crazy - google that Scientific American article) a...nd your body's immune system and liver has been working hard to help you recover and clean shop. A few glasses of H2O can help flush the waste out from the night's cleaning session, and can boost your ALERTNESS, and fend of feeling SLUGGISH. Secondly - there is the GASTROCOLIC REFLEX which stimulates a mass movement of stool through your colon when water fills the stomach and activates stretch receptors! But the lemon twist is that BITTER essential oils from the lemon PEEL stimulates a cascade of events that improve your whole digestive functioning. It increases enzyme production and stomach acid - to help digest and absorb food while killing germs; it stimulates bile flow to help digest fats and lubricates the bowels; it also increases gastric emptying - making sure food doesn't sit in the stomach and ferment - causing tons of gas and bloating! RECIPE: To make sure you maximize these amazing bitter benefits - chop the lemon and soak it overnight in a jug - leave it at room temp and drink away first thing! Sip on it all day for continuing benefits! #lemonwater #bitters #guthealth #healthandwellness #functionalfoods #funtionalnutrition #IBSawareness #IBS #digestivehealth #gutdetective #mommyblogger #chickboss #naturopathicmedicine #digestion #functionalmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #wholisticnturition #herbalmedicine See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 07.12.2019

Back to Basics Tip#3: Drink water. This is one of those health tidbits that everyone and their grandmother knows - but can I ask you busy people: how much are you drinking? Water can get rid of waste products in your body through urination, perspiration and bowel movements. It helps normalize your temperature and lubricates your joints! ... There are all sorts of calculations and rules as to how much water you should drink. But if you rarely feel thirsty, plus your urine is pale yellow or colourless, you are probably getting enough! A general rule is DRINK 1/2 YOUR BODY WEIGHT IN OUNCES. Your needs will increase with exercise, hot/dry climates, or when you're pregnant/breastfeeding. Don't chug more than 2 glasses of water at a time - you'll end up just filling your bladder as your body can only process so much at a time. Consistency is key. And room temp to water is best (sorry to all my hot-blooded people!). #knowingdoinggap #drinkwater #functionalmedicine #entrepreneurlife #wellpreneur #hydration #healthbasics #healthtips #naturopathicdoctor #IBS #IBSawareness #IBD #Gutdetective #nutritionadvice See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 23.11.2019

Mental Health advocacy and stress support are a HUGE passion of mine - they align very closely with Digestive Health. It does seem we are in a mental health crisis as we read the news lately. A wholistic approach at mental health would be to support the body and brain's biochemistry through optimized and proper nutrition. We cannot afford to ignore nutrition in mental health. B vitamins are a common prescription in a naturopathic practice - whether to support the adrenals or to replenish the loss from oral contraceptive use or coffee drinking. They tend to boost the energy of people who are deficient and are necessary for producing chemical messengers in the brain. Have you ever grabbed B-vitamins off the shelf because they are good for 'stress'??

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 19.11.2019

My dear friend and colleague Dr. Yashar Khosroshahi, ND, ACC is a Mind Hacking Wizard. He works with our patients to ensure they don't stand in the way of their own health and performance! He was also featured in this ground-breaking docu-series {Broken Brain 2} with the amazing Mark Hyman, MD. :) Please share, friends, and sign up to watch - because it's only free for a limited time! You'll hear some pretty scary and amazing stories from functional medicine patients and how they overcame so much to get well.

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 02.11.2019

It’s IBS Awareness month! IBS patients reported that they would give up 25% of their remaining life to live symptom free (Gastro Society 2018). IBS sufferers take more time off work, spend more days in bed than non-sufferers. You may be diagnosed if you experience stomach pains that are associated with changes in bowel motility (ie. constipation or diarrhea) and the pain is relieved with a bowel movements. Bloating, fatigue and psychological symptoms are common. New Canadi...an Guidelines from the Association of Gastroenterology include trying psyllium supplements, peppermint oil capsules, antidepressants, a low FODMAP diet and ruling out celiac disease. But MY GOODNESS I would never leave you with just that. A functional approach would look for a history of gastro infection, stress and food triggers. It would test you for ‘leaky gut’. It would give you a strategy going forward to manage these symptoms so you can get back to life. Functional GI disorders need individual attention because there are so many contributing factors. Individualized medicine can be life changing . PM me if you want time to discuss the individual details of your case. See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 19.10.2019

This test is POSITIVE for dysbiosis, leaky gut and protein maldigestion. Are you curious about your gut symptoms?? Whats really going on inside there?? The Indican Test is one of the tests we use to assess the FUNCTIONING of the digestive system. It is inexpensive and simple and takes less than 10 min to see a colour change in your urine sample! A positive test tells you that you have a high likelihood of having high numbers of putrifying bacteria in you gut, poor digestion... of proteins, and hyperpermeable bowel walls (ie leaky gut). I screen everyone for digestive issues because I see it so commonly linked to the health of every other system of the body - immune, skin, brain/mood, hormonal - you name it. This test is also a great way to monitor if your gut treatments are doing their job - and when you can probably come off some of your vitamins or herbal supplements. #guthealth #digestiveenzymes #probiotics #microbiome #ibsawareness #functionaltesting #functionalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #gutdetective See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 02.10.2019

This post is going to make me unpopular with all my nutritionist friends... Some health trends are promoted for the wrong reasons - and I love getting to the bottom of the pickle barrel. To probiotic researchers, fermented foods are not classified as probiotic foods (they are technically: food sources of live and active cultures). What does this mean? The bacteria in these ‘wild ferments’ differ so much from batch to batch - depending on which city you are in, what temp...erature it is, and what ratio of cabbage you put in your kimchi! Wild strains of bacteria in these foods are not usually the medicinal strains that have specific medical actions and a lot of them can have genes turned on and off that make them not even survive past our stomach! Does this mean you need to ditch the kombucha? Noooooo. Fermented foods are delicious, have an elevated nutrient profile, and improve digestability. They do contribute diversity to our microbiome - and we generally regard that as good! Which fermented foods do you like to include in your week? #probiotics #fermentedfoods #guthealth #nutritionalmyths #digestivehealth #naturopathicmedicine #wellpreneur #functionalmedicine #bloatedbelly #sibosossummit #kimchi

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 29.09.2019

This is a common question I get in practice. Most studies use at least 1 billion CFUs per dose to see benefits. There are exceptions to this - L. Reuteri DSM17938 (aka Bio Gaia) has shown multiple beneficial outcomes with only 1 mill CFU/day - sooo much less - but this is rare to see! The key take home is that the specific strain of probiotic and dosage does matter when you want specific results! I’m going to blow your mind with probiotic and GI myth busting soon! stay tuned. SIBO SOS I loved brushing up on probio know-how with Dr. Hawrelak! #sibosossummit #digestivehealth #sibo #probiotics #microbiome #guthealth #bloatedbelly #ibs #probioticadvisor #functionalmedicine #naturopathicdoctor

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 14.09.2019

Just a reminder to myself . Does anyone else feel a tad ‘behind on life’? Between the snowstorms and flu bugs and the external circumstances that can slow my life down, I feel my momentum and mood just dipping below manageable sometimes. My constant life lesson is to be ok with slowing down and celebrate showing up to ever project, every meeting, every phone call - and life - in all its messiness and unpredictability. At the end of the day, month, year - it will all get done. #highperformancehabits #overwhelm #wellpreneur #brendonburchardquotes

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 01.09.2019

Back to Basics Tip # 2: Eat a f***’n vegetable. This seems pretty basic, right? Even so, I have friends from undergrad who grew up eating NO veg in their households - just meat and carbs. Every. Dinner. You are actually not what you eat - you are what your microbiome eats!! Newer research is telling us that we can get better health outcomes eating the widest variety of plant foods - because our gut bacteria are happy eating these foods and produce chemicals that ENHANCE ...our HEALTH - they are like sidekicks to your inner superhero! Increasing your plant intake can also directly give you fibre for enhancing digestion and balancing blood sugar, micronutrients like magnesium and vitamin K for heart health, phytochemicals that enhance your immunity and inflammatory response, antioxidants to fight DNA damage, B vitamins to help mood and stress - the list goes on. Just keep the veg WARM and COOKED if you don’t have strong digestive functioning. Xoxo See more

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 19.08.2019

True, no? I love helping people get to a new IMPROVED baseline of wellness so they can go back to their doctor (and pharmacist) to reduce their medications. I love love LOVE doing this. It really plays into my need for efficiency and only using what you absolutely need personality quirk. Did I mention how much I this part of my job? When was the last time you really felt AMAZING?... #polypharmacy #naturopathicmedicine #foodasmedicine #wellpreneur #beyondthelineoffine #clincodepod #entrepology

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 12.08.2019

I still don’t think enough people know this!! Thanks, Doctor Naturalista for the reminder!

Anita Davis, Naturopathic Doctor 10.08.2019

Back to Basics Tip #1: Cook more Cooking and eating meals at home (especially with others) is associated with better physical and mental health outcomes. One Harvard study showed a higher intake of nutrients and less calories and even better grades in kiddos who ate family dinners! This may not be easy for my busy peops. I know many patients and families who need to order in more that 3 days per week to feel organized and on top of things. I get it. Carving out time is an e...ffort. One thing my fam is trying to do this year is to spend time INTENTIONALLY. That means prioritizing things we value - like having a few nights per week when we can cook and eat all together. How many nights do you feel the need to order in or eat out? So far it’s once a week for us -but we don’t eat all together most weeknights! #nojudgement #wholefoods #healthifestyle #digestivehealth #healthygut #backtobasics #wellpreneur See more