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As the Planets Turn 20.10.2021

Is your communication with self and others a bit of a train wreck? Navigating all things communication can be a bit of a challenge right now. Mercury is still Retrograde, in Libra, the sign of relationships, until October 18. The New Moon on October 6 was also in the sign of Libra along with the very blunt and sometimes overly assertive planet of Mars.... Its no wonder that our communication (Mercury) is all over the place, not being able to get our thoughts straight (Mercury Retrograde), let alone trying to express them (Mars) so others (Libra) listen and understand. I’m even having trouble wording this post. LOL Advice from my mother many moons ago. When she would ask us a question and we responded with a negative or blunt reaction, she would give us a look and then calmly ask, And your second response is?. This helped us to stop and think instead of just reacting, which is what reactionary Mars likes to do. So before being quick to answer, pause, take a breath, listen and THEN respond. Need help navigating your inner dialogue? Book a 30 min complimentary Soul Inspiration Chat at booksoulchat.com/apply From Your Friendly Neighbourhood Astrologer JoAnn Stoneberg, Intuitive Soul Investigator

As the Planets Turn 17.10.2021

Today, I will try to refrain myself from going on and on about the who, what, where and why of any study or project I choose to dive into. Why? Because the inquisitive and curious nature of the planet Mercury is entering the need to be perfect sign of Virgo starting today August 11 until August 30th.... Please also know that fact finding Mercury is very comfortable being in the analytical sign of Virgo. Discernment is key when figuring out the nature of who’s who’s and what’s what! Where to look for facts and information to further your pursuit of perfection is also going to take time and maybe even a few late nights. Knowing when to ‘stop’ overdoing and over perfecting is the key to realizing that the imperfection is perfection. If on the other hand you actually need to do some detailed work, now is a great time to take advantage of fact finding Mercury in analytical Virgo. Enjoy From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Need more facts and information about your personal birth chart? Go to booksoulchat.com/apply for a 30 min free consultation.

As the Planets Turn 12.10.2021

Is your communication with self and others a bit of a train wreck? Navigating all things communication can be a bit of a challenge right now. Mercury is still Retrograde, in Libra, the sign of relationships, until October 18. The New Moon on October 6 was also in the sign of Libra along with the very blunt and sometimes overly assertive planet of Mars.... Its no wonder that our communication (Mercury) is all over the place, not being able to get our thoughts straight (Mercury Retrograde), let alone trying to express them (Mars) so others (Libra) listen and understand. I’m even having trouble wording this post. LOL Advice from my mother many moons ago. When she would ask us a question and we responded with a negative or blunt reaction, she would give us a look and then calmly ask, And your second response is?. This helped us to stop and think instead of just reacting, which is what reactionary Mars likes to do. So before being quick to answer, pause, take a breath, listen and THEN respond. Need help navigating your inner dialogue? Book a 30 min complimentary Soul Inspiration Chat at booksoulchat.com/apply From Your Friendly Neighbourhood Astrologer JoAnn Stoneberg, Intuitive Soul Investigator

As the Planets Turn 30.09.2021

This morning the Moon was in the fact finding and information gathering sign of Gemini, the twins, or shall I say triplets in this case. Anyway, Gemini always has a story to tell or something to share. Here is my share... On my travels today, I needed gas. So off to the gas station I go. I was at pump number 9, gas was 133.9 and my total was 66.60. A very interesting set of numbers, don’t you think? Then later on this afternoon, the Moon moved into the nurturing emotional sign of Cancer. In my continued travels, I went to a thrift store looking for zodiac mugs and, you guessed it, I found a Cancer coffee mug. Perfect for that nurturing cup of joe in the am. What interesting Gemini story do you have to share from your morning adventures and what was something nurturing for you in the afternoon? Enquiring Gemini minds need to know! From you Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg

As the Planets Turn 23.09.2021

Today, I will try to refrain myself from going on and on about the who, what, where and why of any study or project I choose to dive into. Why? Because the inquisitive and curious nature of the planet Mercury is entering the need to be perfect sign of Virgo starting today August 11 until August 30th.... Please also know that fact finding Mercury is very comfortable being in the analytical sign of Virgo. Discernment is key when figuring out the nature of who’s who’s and what’s what! Where to look for facts and information to further your pursuit of perfection is also going to take time and maybe even a few late nights. Knowing when to ‘stop’ overdoing and over perfecting is the key to realizing that the imperfection is perfection. If on the other hand you actually need to do some detailed work, now is a great time to take advantage of fact finding Mercury in analytical Virgo. Enjoy From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Need more facts and information about your personal birth chart? Go to booksoulchat.com/apply for a 30 min free consultation.

As the Planets Turn 17.09.2021

This morning the Moon was in the fact finding and information gathering sign of Gemini, the twins, or shall I say triplets in this case. Anyway, Gemini always has a story to tell or something to share. Here is my share... On my travels today, I needed gas. So off to the gas station I go. I was at pump number 9, gas was 133.9 and my total was 66.60. A very interesting set of numbers, don’t you think? Then later on this afternoon, the Moon moved into the nurturing emotional sign of Cancer. In my continued travels, I went to a thrift store looking for zodiac mugs and, you guessed it, I found a Cancer coffee mug. Perfect for that nurturing cup of joe in the am. What interesting Gemini story do you have to share from your morning adventures and what was something nurturing for you in the afternoon? Enquiring Gemini minds need to know! From you Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg

As the Planets Turn 11.09.2021

JoAnn Stoneberg here from As The Planets Turn, back by popular demand. Let’s continue then shall we Today July 29 until September 15, 2021, Mars, the planet of action and get things done is transgressing into the patient, analytical, perfectionist sign of Virgo.... This combination will be asking us to find a balance between moving very fast, like Mars wants to do and slowing down enough to analyze all the details that Virgo likes to do. Soif you are wanting to cleanse, clean, purge, and reorganize those rooms that have been a catchall for everything including the kitchen sink, now is the time to take advantage of this planetary energy and get things done. Practicing Patience with self is the name of the game here. Slow and Steady wins the race From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Need help in navigating these planetary energiesbook a 30-minute complimentary soul chat at booksoulchat.com/apply

As the Planets Turn 10.09.2021

JoAnn Stoneberg here from As The Planets Turn, back by popular demand. Let’s continue then shall we Today July 29 until September 15, 2021, Mars, the planet of action and get things done is transgressing into the patient, analytical, perfectionist sign of Virgo.... This combination will be asking us to find a balance between moving very fast, like Mars wants to do and slowing down enough to analyze all the details that Virgo likes to do. Soif you are wanting to cleanse, clean, purge, and reorganize those rooms that have been a catchall for everything including the kitchen sink, now is the time to take advantage of this planetary energy and get things done. Practicing Patience with self is the name of the game here. Slow and Steady wins the race From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Need help in navigating these planetary energiesbook a 30-minute complimentary soul chat at booksoulchat.com/apply

As the Planets Turn 27.08.2021

Road Trip... If out on the road today, head on down to Tribal Connection in Okotoks I will be there giving 30 and 60 minute Tarot and Astrology sessions. Walk-...Ins are now Welcome. Have an Awesome Sunday. www.astheplanetsturn.com

As the Planets Turn 08.08.2021

Road Trip... If out on the road today, head on down to Tribal Connection in Okotoks I will be there giving 30 and 60 minute Tarot and Astrology sessions. Walk-...Ins are now Welcome. Have an Awesome Sunday. www.astheplanetsturn.com

As the Planets Turn 03.08.2021

I will be doing Astrology and Tarot readings at Tribal Connection in Okotoks Thurs 4 - 8 and Sun 11 - 5. Call Tribal Connection (403) 995-1898 to book your session.

As the Planets Turn 28.07.2021

After last weeks emotional rollercoaster with the Moon in Pisces and then in the intense action oriented sign of Aries, the Moon is now in the slow, plodding along sign of Taurus. Or so one would think! Even though the Moon will be in the Patient sign of Taurus, starting today April 12 at 11:43 MST until 6 pm MST on April 14, it will still pack a punch.... Let me explain. The Moon in Taurus likes to be the stabilizer. The one who is hardworking, loving, affectionate a good provider and sometimes stubborn. However, the Moon will be coming up to meet with the electric and exciting planet Uranus early tomorrow morning April 13. We may wake up wanting to work outside of our normal routine, and our comfort zone that we have worked so hard to achieve. Uranus is an unconventional planet that likes to initiate change and help us break free from our normal hum drum routines. What will you be doing to break out of your routine? From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Book a complimentary 30-minute conversation at booksoulchat.com/apply to find out how best to maneuver change in your life.

As the Planets Turn 21.07.2021

OMG! I honestly thought mermaids were supposed to be these beautiful creatures of the sea. Was I ever wrong! With the Moon in the magical and mystical sign of Pisces, from April 7 at 2:30 pm MST to March 9 at 5:48 pm MST, where all creatures such as dragons and fairies and gnomes and dare I say trolls exist. This taxidermy Merman can be seen in the Luxton Museum in Banff, Alberta Canada and what makes it even more interesting is its history is a mystery!... The owner Norman Luxton is said to have acquired or maybe even created this mythical Merman back in 1915. I have seen this with my own eyes and am still in disbelief. Mermaids or Merman are said to be irresistibly attractive and will make ships crash onto the shore. They are also very seductive and will seduce men with their beautiful songs only to mercilessly kill them for the sheer joy of it. Wow! Maybe the beauty we see in the Merpeople is to seduce you into only seeing what they want you to see and not their true menacing nature. A Lesson from the Merpeople Be Wise to the Ways of the Seductions in Life and Question Everything! From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Want to learn the wisdom of the stars? Astrology classes start May 4. Go to https://astheplanetsturn.com/classes for more info

As the Planets Turn 11.07.2021

Our favorite planet Mercury, the one that likes to go Retrograde from time to time and wreck havoc on thingsdon’t worry Mercury is not going Retrograde just yetBut what Mercury is doing is shifting from being on vacation in the sign of Pisces where we went to our treehouse to reflect on the many things going on in our life, into the action oriented sign of Aries on April 3. All those thoughts ideas and creations we came up with during that time, now gives us the opportunity... to ask ourselvesWhat Action do we want to take? Mercury is all about our thoughts and communication, while Aries is about our desires, action and determination. While Mercury is in Aries only until April 18, we will have the opportunity to trip over our words for speaking to fast, saying things we don’t mean, being up all night because our brains won’t turn off and having a very active imagination. Being clear with our thoughts and communication, doing a brain dump (that means actually taking pen to paper) of all the things in our head, will help to sort out what we need to focus on first. Pause, Take a Deep Breath, Write, Create, THEN Take Action From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Need help with that brain dump? Book a 30-minute complimentary Soul Inspiration Call at booksoulchat.com/apply

As the Planets Turn 03.07.2021

I will be doing Astrology and Tarot readings at Tribal Connection in Okotoks Thurs 4 - 8 and Sun 11 - 5. Call Tribal Connection (403) 995-1898 to book your session.

As the Planets Turn 24.06.2021

Do I dare talk about the fear of the darkness we may be feeling with the Moon in the Intense, Moody sign of Scorpio, which occurred starting yesterday March 29 at midnight and will depart at midnight tonight March 31. We can feel very vulnerable during this time as we take a deep dive into the hidden recesses of our psyche. Maybe a poem by Edgar Allan Poe will fit the mood here.... The Haunted Palace In the greenest of our valleys By good angels tenanted, Once a fair and stately palace- Radiant palace- reared its head. In the monarch Thought's dominion- It stood there! Never seraph spread a pinion Over fabric half so fair! Banners yellow, glorious, golden, On its roof did float and flow, (This- all this- was in the olden Time long ago,) And every gentle air that dallied, In that sweet day, Along the ramparts plumed and pallid, A winged odor went away. Wanderers in that happy valley, Through two luminous windows, saw Spirits moving musically, To a lute's well-tuned law, Round about a throne where, sitting (Porphyrogene!) In state his glory well-befitting, The ruler of the realm was seen. And all with pearl and ruby glowing Was the fair palace door, Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing, And sparkling evermore, A troop of Echoes, whose sweet duty Was but to sing, In voices of surpassing beauty, The wit and wisdom of their king. But evil things, in robes of sorrow, Assailed the monarch's high estate. (Ah, let us mourn!- for never morrow Shall dawn upon him desolate!) And round about his home the glory That blushed and bloomed, Is but a dim-remembered story Of the old time entombed. And travellers, now, within that valley, Through the red-litten windows see Vast forms, that move fantastically To a discordant melody, While, like a ghastly rapid river, Through the pale door A hideous throng rush out forever And laugh- but smile no more. From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg

As the Planets Turn 17.06.2021

After last weeks emotional rollercoaster with the Moon in Pisces and then in the intense action oriented sign of Aries, the Moon is now in the slow, plodding along sign of Taurus. Or so one would think! Even though the Moon will be in the Patient sign of Taurus, starting today April 12 at 11:43 MST until 6 pm MST on April 14, it will still pack a punch.... Let me explain. The Moon in Taurus likes to be the stabilizer. The one who is hardworking, loving, affectionate a good provider and sometimes stubborn. However, the Moon will be coming up to meet with the electric and exciting planet Uranus early tomorrow morning April 13. We may wake up wanting to work outside of our normal routine, and our comfort zone that we have worked so hard to achieve. Uranus is an unconventional planet that likes to initiate change and help us break free from our normal hum drum routines. What will you be doing to break out of your routine? From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Book a complimentary 30-minute conversation at booksoulchat.com/apply to find out how best to maneuver change in your life.

As the Planets Turn 28.05.2021

OMG! I honestly thought mermaids were supposed to be these beautiful creatures of the sea. Was I ever wrong! With the Moon in the magical and mystical sign of Pisces, from April 7 at 2:30 pm MST to March 9 at 5:48 pm MST, where all creatures such as dragons and fairies and gnomes and dare I say trolls exist. This taxidermy Merman can be seen in the Luxton Museum in Banff, Alberta Canada and what makes it even more interesting is its history is a mystery!... The owner Norman Luxton is said to have acquired or maybe even created this mythical Merman back in 1915. I have seen this with my own eyes and am still in disbelief. Mermaids or Merman are said to be irresistibly attractive and will make ships crash onto the shore. They are also very seductive and will seduce men with their beautiful songs only to mercilessly kill them for the sheer joy of it. Wow! Maybe the beauty we see in the Merpeople is to seduce you into only seeing what they want you to see and not their true menacing nature. A Lesson from the Merpeople Be Wise to the Ways of the Seductions in Life and Question Everything! From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Want to learn the wisdom of the stars? Astrology classes start May 4. Go to https://astheplanetsturn.com/classes for more info

As the Planets Turn 24.05.2021

Our favorite planet Mercury, the one that likes to go Retrograde from time to time and wreck havoc on thingsdon’t worry Mercury is not going Retrograde just yetBut what Mercury is doing is shifting from being on vacation in the sign of Pisces where we went to our treehouse to reflect on the many things going on in our life, into the action oriented sign of Aries on April 3. All those thoughts ideas and creations we came up with during that time, now gives us the opportunity... to ask ourselvesWhat Action do we want to take? Mercury is all about our thoughts and communication, while Aries is about our desires, action and determination. While Mercury is in Aries only until April 18, we will have the opportunity to trip over our words for speaking to fast, saying things we don’t mean, being up all night because our brains won’t turn off and having a very active imagination. Being clear with our thoughts and communication, doing a brain dump (that means actually taking pen to paper) of all the things in our head, will help to sort out what we need to focus on first. Pause, Take a Deep Breath, Write, Create, THEN Take Action From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg Need help with that brain dump? Book a 30-minute complimentary Soul Inspiration Call at booksoulchat.com/apply

As the Planets Turn 14.05.2021

Do I dare talk about the fear of the darkness we may be feeling with the Moon in the Intense, Moody sign of Scorpio, which occurred starting yesterday March 29 at midnight and will depart at midnight tonight March 31. We can feel very vulnerable during this time as we take a deep dive into the hidden recesses of our psyche. Maybe a poem by Edgar Allan Poe will fit the mood here.... The Haunted Palace In the greenest of our valleys By good angels tenanted, Once a fair and stately palace- Radiant palace- reared its head. In the monarch Thought's dominion- It stood there! Never seraph spread a pinion Over fabric half so fair! Banners yellow, glorious, golden, On its roof did float and flow, (This- all this- was in the olden Time long ago,) And every gentle air that dallied, In that sweet day, Along the ramparts plumed and pallid, A winged odor went away. Wanderers in that happy valley, Through two luminous windows, saw Spirits moving musically, To a lute's well-tuned law, Round about a throne where, sitting (Porphyrogene!) In state his glory well-befitting, The ruler of the realm was seen. And all with pearl and ruby glowing Was the fair palace door, Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing, And sparkling evermore, A troop of Echoes, whose sweet duty Was but to sing, In voices of surpassing beauty, The wit and wisdom of their king. But evil things, in robes of sorrow, Assailed the monarch's high estate. (Ah, let us mourn!- for never morrow Shall dawn upon him desolate!) And round about his home the glory That blushed and bloomed, Is but a dim-remembered story Of the old time entombed. And travellers, now, within that valley, Through the red-litten windows see Vast forms, that move fantastically To a discordant melody, While, like a ghastly rapid river, Through the pale door A hideous throng rush out forever And laugh- but smile no more. From Your Friendly Neighborhood Astrologer, JoAnn Stoneberg