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Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 11.11.2020

Lest we not forget... #remember #canada

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 02.11.2020

Atlantic Online will be closed on 11 Nov 2020. In this country, in the days leading up to and including the 11th of November, we take time to remember and honour the sacrifices made by those who gave their lives during the war-time conflict. One such individual, of many, was an Uncle I did not have the good fortune to meet - Oswald Bellefontaine of West Chezzetcook, brother to my Father, Stephen. ... After serving only 423 days, Oswald was declared "missing in action" and subsequently declared "killed in action" during the WWII conflict. It is sadly ironic that as a French descendant, and Acadian from West Chezzetcook, that his life succumbed in France on French soil. Lest we not forget, and not repeat the horrors of the past. #remember #November11 #acadie

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 14.10.2020

Do you "know" your competition? This is a step that many new companies fail to do before they start. Unfortunately, it’s also a vital one because it can help dictate how you proceed and avoid failure. Overall, your first step should not only be figuring out what kind of business you want to have but how you can make it work against fierce competition.... When looking at your competitors, you want to pay attention to both the influencers and the little guys. Although you won’t be competing directly with the large companies, it’s always good to see what makes them rise above everyone else. How does their website look? Are they interactive or overbearing? Do they have pop-ups and calls to action? What kind of copy do they use to entice new visitors? Is the layout clean and professional or cluttered and amateurish? If possible, try to interact with them as a consumer. You don’t want to necessarily let anyone know that you’re trying to compete with them, but it’s helpful to see how they respond to their customers. For example, if they take a long time to respond to a query, then you can make a note that that’s something you should improve upon with your company. Or, another pet peeve of mine that I've just experienced: they set you up for a webinar but fail to deliver the correct link in the generic, cookie-cutter email invite. #argh. Know Your Competition. Do Better. #businessadvice #business #entrepreneur #businesstips #businessmindset #entrepreneurship #businessgoals #businessgrowth #businessstrategy #businessideas #businessowner #businessmentor #businessquotes #smallbusiness #businessquote #success #motivation #businessmotivation #businessmind #entrepreneurgoals #successmindset #businesstip #entrepreneurcoach #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurquotes #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurmind #marketing #businessinsider Shelley B. Digital Advocate | AtlanticOnline.ca >>>book time to talk: https://shelleybellefont.kartra.com/calen/TmfJw4IMxZYf/pL4p

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 01.10.2020

How to View Someone’s Facebook Story without them Knowing Facebook is a platform that allows you to share your thoughts, other people’s content, and photos and video. When you share content on Facebook, people can like, comment, and share the content you’ve uploaded. Scrolling through your Facebook feed can be a good or bad experience for you depending on the type of things your friends are down. On Facebook, you could only post statuses, share posts, and upload photos and vi...Continue reading

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 20.09.2020

#COVID19 - Things You Can Do For Your Business And Peace Of Mind During The #COVID19 Crisis

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 10.09.2020

How to Know Who Unliked Your Instagram Post Instagram is a social media platform that allows you to share your favorite content with your followers. Your followers can then interact with your post by liking, commenting, and sharing the post. Before you upload a photo or video, you have a lot of options to edit it and this can increase your engagement depending on what your followers like. Your Instagram feed consists of all the posts that the people you follow have uploaded. ...Depending on the type of people you follow that the type of content they post, then scrolling through your feed can leave your addicted or just bored. Usually when you see a post once on your feed, depending on the account and how many people you follow, chances are that you are not going to see that post again. If you’ve looked at the posts on your profile and noticed that the likes have gone down, chances are that you want to find out who’s unliked it. How to Know Who Unliked Your Instagram Post When your post has fewer likes than usual, chances are that no one has visited your profile to go and unlike your picture. If there are fewer likes, then it’s usually because they have disabled their account which means their footprint has been deleted until they reactivate it again. Once they activate their account again, you’ll see that the likes on your post will go back up. If you don’t suspect that they have disabled their account and that you’ve lost likes because people went on your profile and unliked your posts, then you can find out using third-party apps. There are a ton of Instagram unfollower apps that allow you to see various metrics from your Instagram profile. This can include people who have unfollowed you, new followers, lost followers, stalkers, people who’ve blocked you, and people who have removed their likes or comments on your post. This list will also include people who have disabled their account or blocked you, so you’ll have to find out who has actually unliked your post from this list. To access some of the premium features such as who blocked you, unliked and deleted comments from your posts, and stalkers, then you’ll have to move to the upgraded version of the app which can cost a few dollars. Seas the day! Shelley B +1 902 717-8496 | www.AtlanticOnline.ca Serving Atlantic Canada from SW Nova Scotia

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 28.08.2020

Well now, the new LinkedIn interface was released today, and I rather like it! Nice improvement #linkedin - I can navigate between my profile & company page with ease. Yes, #welldone More importantly - what do you think of it? LinkedIn is theeee platform for B2B - let me know if you need advice or guidance to set it up for your business.

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 24.08.2020

Listen to the #FishOnline digital + social media marketing podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs living, working & playing in Atlantic Canada ~~ #FishOnline to #GrowOnline ~~ www.AtlanticOnline.ca ~~

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 09.08.2020

#COVID19 PODCAST Things You Can Do For Your Business & Peace Of Mind During The Covid-19 Crisis Time will pass, people will move on and life will continue. This is the constant evolution of life that has remained unbroken since the beginning of time.... But what's important, is what you do with that time; and even more so - what you do during the tough times, that makes for the best success stories. While some businesses may be facing financial challenges as certain revenues begin to decline due to the recent events of COVID-19; the reality is that some of your competitors will see this as an opportunity to push ahead while other businesses begin to pull-back. In times of uncertainty, there are steps and measures we need to take. We need to understand our businesses better than ever and we have to monitor our businesses better than ever while positioning our businesses for growth when we come out of this black cloud. Today I've put together a very important PODCAST Episode that may just save or indeed help you position your business to come out a winner on the other end of this crisis. It's less than 20 minutes - have a listen: https://atlanticonline.podbean.com/e/covid19-things-you-ca/ Best Regards, Shelley Bellefontaine AtlanticOnline.ca

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 28.07.2020

For those of you who did not enjoy the snow we were "blessed" with yesterday (and there are many of you out there!!) please allow me to share these lovely flowers with you. They were a gift from a client last week, and they are still going strong.

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 18.07.2020

B2B Email Marketing: The New Rules Emails that are part of a larger campaign have the advantage of sparking customers’ curiosity and, hopefully, leading them further down the funnel. Take Welcome or Intro campaigns, for example. These are emails sent to customers right after they sign up for your emailideally, immediately after, as they can be triggered to send as soon as a customer enters their email on your site....Continue reading

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 11.07.2020

2020 was a blessing & a curse. We know it's been a year of many challenges but I have hope! We're in the downward slope for 2020 and I personally feel very hopeful for 2021. Here at AtlanticOnline.ca, we are always seeking to push boundaries and create pivotal results for our clients. That's why we're fully booked for the remainder of 2020. We are now accepting clients for January, with a limit of 6 opportunities available for Winter 2021.... Ready? Come work in our sandbox. Book a 30-Minute - Let's talk to see if I can help grow your business. https://shelleybellefont.kartra.com/calen/TmfJw4IMxZYf/pL4p

Atlantic Online Shelley Bellefontaine Digital Architect 28.06.2020

I had a conversation with a potential client this morning, who was feeling very down in the dumps after having spent considerable "effort" in building a social media following yet not experiencing 1 conversion from page-liker to customer. I explained that vanity likes only go so far and that when building outreach via social media, you have to be careful to not be preachy, and more importantly, have a nice landing page for people to go to from your post where they can learn more, and get something / info / valuable tips that will help build a relationship. Social broadcasting just to get likes is never enough.