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Audrey Veal Life Coach 29.03.2021

Spring Cleaning That Lasts a Lifetime Moving from Stinking Thinking to Beautiful Belief Another way to rewire our brains to move ahead is by becoming a person who has a positive attitude, who views problems from a hopeful and optimistic viewpoint. People who are like this usually have positive self-talk.1 As we’ve learned in earlier posts, consistent, positive self talk is a great way to rewire our brains for positive life change. Unfortunately, many of us have brains t...hat are wired to focus on the negative. I once had a client, that when I asked for them to share some positive things from their week, they really had to look hard to find even one positive thing. One way we can begin to form a more positive outlook in life is to begin to focus on good things. One ancient writing says, Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, graciousthe best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.2 I would suggest you focus on one thing from the verse, such as truth and see how many ways you can find it in that day. Pause at the end of your day and review the many ways you experienced truth that day and be thankful that truth was a part your life that day. The more we practice focusing on the positive the more we build strong positive neuro patterns in our brain, that positively affects our moods, our outlook on life and even out health. Focusing on the positive results in a more positive life. Wishing you a great adventure as you exchange your Stinking Thinking for Beautiful Belief 1. Butler, Alia. The Importance of Positive Attitude to Health, Healthfully, June 13,2017, https://healthfully.com/126155-importance-attitude-health.h 2. Phillippians 4:8. The Message Bible

Audrey Veal Life Coach 12.03.2021

Can You Imagine How Powerful Your Imagination Is? Another way of building positive neuro patterns is by engaging our imagination. Our imaginations are more powerful that we can imagine. Einstein was quoted as saying, Imagination is more powerful than knowledge. This is because knowledge is finite while there are no limitations to our imagination. A good example of this is former Olympic springboard diving champion, Sylvie Berner who would user her imagination to ‘practi...ce’ her dives before she went to sleep. This is how she described the nightly exercise, As I continued to work at it, I got to the point where I could feel myself on the board doing a perfect dive and hear the crowd yelling at the Olympics, she said. I worked at it so much, I got to the point that I could do all my dives easily.1 By using her imagination, her physical ability to dive increased. Set aside some time daily to dream to envision to imagine moving from where you currently are, to where you desire to be. Like Sylvie Berner regularly imagine your future, use all your senses, and keep honing your vision. Start by asking yourself, If nothing was standing in my way, who would I be, what would I be doing, what would my life be like and how can I leave a positive legacy? 1. Mikkelson, David. Inner Golf. Snopes, www.snopes.com/fact-check/legend-in-his-own-mind/ (accessed Mar. 5, 2021).

Audrey Veal Life Coach 26.02.2021

Spring Cleaning That Lasts a Lifetime When Your Forward Momentum Hits the Wall Yesterday turned out to be much busier than I anticipated, so my time to write the post was used for other essentials. I thank all of you for your grace and patience with my late post.... In our last posts we first talked about brain wiring and secondly how to identify and begin rewiring your brain for the positive. Today we’re going to briefly look at one reason why we make great forward movement for the first couple of weeks and then it feels like an internal war has broken out. Let’s find out why. Every feeling we have is created by a thought. We have a thought and that thought produces brain chemicals (neuropeptides) that our brain interprets as a feeling. So, feelings are neither true or false, they are simply indicators of our thoughts. The chemical signature of the thought is then passed onto our heart that imprints it onto every cell that passes through the heart. Through the blood stream this chemical signature is passed onto the memory receptors in every cell in our body. Our cells get accustomed (addicted) to these negative chemicals. When you shift your thought patterns from negative to positive for several days, our cells crave the negative chemicals and we experience a nicotine fit like someone quitting smoking. This often pushes us back to our old, negative thought patterns, which in turn releases the negative chemicals, our cells have their fix and when it’s over we feel good. Just like having a smoke extinguishes nicotine cravings. All this is part of the detox process. When it happens to you, don’t beat yourself up, but tell yourself the truth. My cells are just craving those old negative chemicals. When my body detoxes the chemicals, I will feel just fine. When you respond in this way, you’re actually building the new neuro pattern and shrinking the old ones, producing more forward momentum.

Audrey Veal Life Coach 18.02.2021

Hacking the Brain Blocks that Hold You Back In our last post we discovered that our current brain wiring makes lasting change difficult to maintain. And using our will to change often fails because our powerful subconscious brain doesn’t like change. The mantra of our subconscious brain is, Same is Safe! Even if it’s killing me, Same is Safe! So how can we hack our brain so we can move forward in life? One powerful way is becoming aware of your internal dialogue (those ...automatic statements you make to yourself). Are these statements positive or negative? If they’re negative, ask yourself: 1. Is this statement 100% true 100% of the time? 2. Would other people say this statement is 100% true 100% of the time? 3. If it’s not true, ask yourself what is really true? If you have trouble finding the answer, ask a trusted friend or two what is really true? Don’t follow your feelings. These negative feelings come from the negative automatic thoughts. 4. Move forward based on what is actually true. 5. Find ways to celebrate this new truth. Write it on a note card, It’s wonderful that I am , or repeat it every morning and night while smiling at yourself in the mirror, or Every time you move forward with what is true and celebrate this positive truth, you shrink the old pattern and begin building a new pattern. See more