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Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 11.11.2020

Hi Beautiful souls! Tomorrow's 11:11 energy portal is a potent and powerful one! I am so excited to hold space for Radiant Soul Nicole's Meditation in our Radiant Evolution Collective! We'll also be making an exciting announcement at the end, so catch us live on on the replay in the group. Check out the event for more details!

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 24.10.2020

I'm celebrating a brand new page for my Next F*cking Level Manifestation E-course! If you are already familiar with the Law of Attraction and Manifestation and feel like you are ready to go WAY BEYOND that to Alchemical Creation WITH the universe, take a peek... This is a self study course with 6 magical modules chock full of meditations, activations, belief re-patterning, theory and practical action steps designed to help you go beyond manifestation into literally co-creati...ng with the universe!!! There are also 2 bonus Q & A calls happening tonight, Wed, Nov 4th and Next Wed, Nov 11th at 6:00 PM MST, so you can get in on some group coaching and live activations if you join us soon! The link is in the comments, check it out, if only to see how pretty it is. I'm so in love with this design. I have the most amazing, patient team <3

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 04.10.2020

Manifesting and surrender

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 17.09.2020

Whooohooo! We are going deep today in the Wealth conciousness retreat, way beyond manifestation, into Alchemical Creation. We are going to connect with our highest self and shift some of the limiting belief programs holding us back from actually embodying this energy of infinite abunDANCE! ... I'm so excited!!!! All the other presentations have been incredibly high vibrational so far. Catch me live today at 12:11 MST and also you can check out all of the other amazing speakers in the days to come and days previous too on the replays. Link to register in the comments!!!

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 29.08.2020

My November 2020 energy interpretation Is up now! Illumination, Preparation, Shedding, Expansion! Link in comments!My November 2020 energy interpretation Is up now! Illumination, Preparation, Shedding, Expansion! Link in comments!

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 09.08.2020

Moving from hateful to Kind!

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 26.07.2020

I know 2020 has felt like several years in one, and it's not over yet, folks. Amazing, divine light from the cosmos is streaming in right now, and it's just going to highlight the mess, if that's all we are looking at. ... There is a TON of shit that is going to come up for people and the collective over the next while since this light is illuminating what is ready to be shifted and transformed. So, it's going to look a bit chaotic. The light is kind of an asshole sometimes, blinding those who have been hanging out in the darkness... You know that awful sensation of your pupils slamming shut after someone turns the lights on at the end of a party? It's not going to feel good at first, but we need the light to see so we can clean up the mess we made while we were fumbling around in the dark. We always have two choices. We can focus on the shit, or we can focus on the clean up. The best part???? We don't have to do it alone. It's a team effort, just like it was last night as my husband and I cleaned doogie doo off our child's shoes. It was stinky. I gagged a few times, did my part and then handed them off for my partner to do his. We thought we might just throw them out (I mean, she was gonna outgrow them soon anyway right?) But with enough effort, they came clean. Same thing is going to happen on Earth. Shit will hit the fan. It's gonna look stinky. But we'll clean it up together.

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 20.07.2020

Have you been feeling ascension symptoms? The Veil is thinning and a lot of people are talking about ascension symptoms they have been experiencing the past few days. As we elevate our consciousness as well as our physical bodies throughout our evolution, it's gonna get uncomfortable at times... Any kind of growth, transformation and birth gets a bit messy. Think of the stage halfway between caterpillar and butterfly. You wouldn't see a caterpillar growing wings in the coc...oon. you would see a pile of goo.. I wanted to open a discussion up about these to offer support with a few caveats: 1- My experience is that what we focus on expands. We don't want to give these "symptoms" too much power, however, awareness that others might be experiencing the same thing can be supportive. Let's share what tips and tricks have supported us! 2- Ascension symptoms or symptoms from energy influxes are often experienced without a medical professional finding a cause. They are energetic. That being said, energetics CAN physicalize. Please listen to your intuition and get professional support if necessary. Just tune into yourself, and you will often find the answer to whether it will pass or if you need to seek help! So let us know. How are you feeling lately? Have you been feeling any ascension symptoms? Join the conversation in our Radiant Evolution Facebook group (link in comments) and we can all elevate together! See more

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 07.07.2020

Story time: Growing up I prided myself on doing things on my own. (Looking back, this hyper-independence was probably a trauma response and coping mechanism rather than healthy habit). ... I didn't like NEEDING anything, or asking for help. I've mentioned before about how breaking my ankle in 2009 was a catalyst for transformation and healing more than just my bones... There were so many important lessons that came out of that experience, including not having to do EVERYTHING myself. Imagine me, on a low dose of morphine, trying to balance on one leg to do the dishes.... It was not going super well, and I was in tears from the pain. My fiancé at the time walked in on me and told me to cut it out, and let him take care of it. I remember bursting into tears, not wanting to depend on ANYONE to take care of me. It was MY turn to do the dishes, dammit! I COULD DO IT, I defiantly declared! My lovely friends and fiancé reminded me that just because you CAN do something all alone, doesn't mean you SHOULD! Surrendering and allowing myself to be supported in my healing was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. I had to wade through decades of old programming telling me that in order to survive, I should do it myself! Thankfully I've had a ton of practice and re-patterning since then, and I am celebrating how different things are now!!! In fact, when I turned my ankle on Saturday I had zero issues delegating EVERY task to my husband (Thanks Jeremy!) These days, I'm all about the teamwork AND I'm open to receiving support. Since deciding to pivot my business, rebrand and bring it all online I've invested in sh*t tons of support, from so many amazing coaches, from my tech team, my VA and the Belief Re-patterning community. I've accepted way more support from friends and my husband too. Today I am so excited to welcome another beautiful soul onto my team to support the creation of my empire of light! We don't have to do it alone! We were created to explore and support each other, and the more we open to receive support the more we can level up our service to the world to accomplish our divine mission of lighting this place UP! The energies on the planet right now support Co-creation over anything else. Working together makes us better. Are you open to receive the support that you need to do the things you came here to do? The load is lighter when we lift together!

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 03.07.2020

Celebrating 777 souls in the Radiant Evolution Group. Are you one of them??? If so, thank you for being part of the movement! ... If not, What are you waiting for??? We are a collective of souls dedicated to embodying the most mystical, magical and badass versions of ourselves. This group is for visionary leaders who are ready to become conscious co-creators of our reality, in service to humanity, and have some f*cking fun while we light up the world! Link to join us in the comments!

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 13.06.2020

Are you ready? This is the work/play we are in right now: Just to show up and Dissolve the shit that isn't really us. ... The old programs, the doubts, the fears, the things we borrowed from others that don't really fit.... Anything that doesn't feel authentic and true. It's time to let it go with love and gratitude for the lessons, and simply be YOU! It sounds simple, but DAMN, it's not that easy, is it? When you're feeling lost Where do you even start? As always, the answers lie inside of YOU! Take a few deep breaths, & drop into your heart. That's it. That's all you have to do, at least to begin. It's take practice, of course. You f*ck it up over and over again. It's all good though. We're all learning, failing, and growing together. Me too! Every damn day. Good thing we have each other to light the way.

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 26.05.2020

Ever heard the phrase "What we resist persists?" I have found that to be true for myself. Resistance is the opposite of acceptance. I can't do both at the same time. ... I know which one feels better in my body. I know which one supports my heart and soul. I don't get there immediately. Sometimes I don't even notice that I am in resistance to what is. My first clue is that something doesn't feel good and I am not fully present. I can typically feel it in my body with tension. I can feel it in my stomach with churning, or in my heart with an aching for something to be different. It comes with a desire for things to be different that how they are right now. When I bring my conscious awareness to this, I can shift it, by remembering that the fastest way to effect any change is to first fully accept what is, as a necessary part of life that is here to bring me the lessons I need. I can use it to point me to where I want to go. I can take aligned action to shift and change whatever it is that doesn't feel good. First though, coming into acceptance that it IS includes letting go of that resistance and allowing it to be what it is. Then I can thank it, love it and accept it for being there to guide me. I'm getting better at noticing. It's a practice though. Not a perfect ;)

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 09.05.2020

The first round of the Alchemical Creation Academy got together for a reunion call yesterday and the light was blinding!!!!

Aurora Light- Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide 07.05.2020

Do you ever give yourself a chance to just be "lazy?" In the past, it's been a struggle for me, there is so much I want to DO! (Fire sign with HUGE mission and vision). So, instead of thinking of doing nothing, or at least nothing productive as "Lazy", I think of it as just BEING. It's a spiritual practice to just BE. It's definitely not a perfect for me. ... I realize that I am far more effective when I take time to rest, integrate and recharge. I actually get my work done faster and more efficiently when I am ready to start again. "Sometimes you need to do nothing, to be able to do everything". So, how about we retire the word lazy. Can you give yourself the gift of simply BEING for at least a little while today? See more