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Brian Keelan 22.09.2021

Somebody asked me this question on Quora. Thought you all might be interested.

Brian Keelan 05.09.2021

Where your success at quitting smoking begins.

Brian Keelan 27.08.2021

Somebody asked me this question on Quora. Thought you all might be interested.

Brian Keelan 17.08.2021

It's best to learn how to quit before you try to quit. Let me help you get your head to where it needs to be in order to succeed at quitting smoking forever.

Brian Keelan 16.08.2021

Where your success at quitting smoking begins.

Brian Keelan 01.08.2021

If you like what this poster says, I've got a book for you. Check it out at: http://amzn.to/20WyH8i

Brian Keelan 27.07.2021

It's best to learn how to quit before you try to quit. Let me help you get your head to where it needs to be in order to succeed at quitting smoking forever.

Brian Keelan 22.07.2021

Ready to quit? I can help you get ready - and February's a good month to begin! http://www.amazon.com/Quit-Smoking-Save-Your-//ref=sr_1_1

Brian Keelan 20.07.2021

Why smokers should not quit trying to quit! http://www.briankeelan.com/dont-quit-trying-to-quit-smoking/

Brian Keelan 15.07.2021

If you like what this poster says, I've got a book for you. Check it out at: http://amzn.to/20WyH8i

Brian Keelan 12.07.2021

Ready to quit? I can help you get ready - and February's a good month to begin! http://www.amazon.com/Quit-Smoking-Save-Your-//ref=sr_1_1

Brian Keelan 30.06.2021

Why smokers should not quit trying to quit! http://www.briankeelan.com/dont-quit-trying-to-quit-smoking/

Brian Keelan 18.06.2021

If your New Year's resolution was to quit smoking and you are still smoking, there is only one reason for that. Junkie thinking... the junkie-who-lives-inside-your-mind talked you into it. Junkie thinking is what keeps you smoking and it keeps the tobacco industry in business. What is junkie thinking? Junkie thinking occurs for smokers when an addicted smoker rationalizes one of two situations: [ 987 more words. ] http://www.briankeelan.com/junkie-thinking-a-smokers-worst/

Brian Keelan 19.05.2021

The QuitSmokingGuy's quote of the week. This is for all you people who "think" you can't quit smoking. Henry Ford said this... "If you think you can or you can't, you're probably right." Believing that you can't quit smoking because you are too "hooked" will make you the architect of your own defeat. Learn how to quit. I have good information that will help you do that.

Brian Keelan 02.04.2021

Quora question: What is smoking like after you quit? My Quora answer: Smoking a cigarette after you quit is considered to be a huge, No No. You should know that smoking even one cigarette after you have smoked your last cigarette ever is something you will always regret. Just ask anybody who has done it. You’ll never hear them say, Yeah smoking that cigarette was a great idea. I’m really glad I did that.... There’s an old saying that quitters carry with them after they smoke their last cigarette: I’m one puff away from a pack a day. In other words, you’re playing with fire making a bet you cannot afford to lose. What follows is a short excerpt from my book: How To Quit Smoking and Save Your Life The junkie and I part ways forever! A few months after I quit, I was in Las Vegas. After a good night at the tables, I got a real deep desire for a cigarette. The junkie in my head kept telling me, Come on man. It’s just one lousy cigarette. You can handle that. Let’s celebrate. You’re a winner. See if it still tastes as great as it used to. Besides, everybody here is smoking. You won’t tell anybody when you get back you’re a pro at this whole deception thing. And don’t forget pal what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Almost by instinct, I reached into my back pocket, pulled out my visualization rant and read it. I remember asking myself, Do you really want to go through all this time, money and effort and then wind up smoking again? With the thought of all those cockroaches at the tobacco company laughing at me, my mindset kicked in and stayed in. I believe that is the night the junkie-who-used-to-live-inside-my-mind died or at least said, Aw screw this! and left for good. Now then, what follows was really big for me. Keep this in mind: the next morning, I remember realizing; It was pretty smart of me not to have had a cigarette last night, because any of the endorphin-induced effects I might have enjoyed then, would be long gone by now. And I’d have a whole new set of problems to deal with this morning. Major Point: You’ll always regret the cigarettes you did smoke never the ones you didn’t smoke. Keep that in your mind. Remember that good feeling you had in the morning after you resisted the urge to smoke - that's endorphins honestly earned. Think about how lousy you would have felt if you had given in. I thought about that a lot. It kept me going when the going got tough. Good luck to you and if you want to know more, check me out at: www.thequitsmokingguy.com See more

Brian Keelan 23.03.2021

Quora question... How much weight will I gain after quitting smoking? My Quora answer... I would say that the answer to your question is totally up to you my friend. I approached quitting smoking from the point of view of making a major change in my life. I was going from doing something I had done a minimum of 240 times a day for 40 years (take a drag on a cigarette) to never, ever doing it again. I was well aware of the fact that people who had quit smoking tended to eat an...d drink and gain weight. I knew I needed to figure out ( i.e. have a plan for) how I was going to deal with that. I bought a good Trek hybrid bicycle with the money I saved by not smoking cigarettes. I stopped drinking alcohol for six months and started drinking green tea. I subscribed to Men’s Health Magazine and followed some of their lifestyle diets which I still do because let’s face it, everything gets to be routine and boring if you don’t mix things up a little. Before I quit I never bothered much with trying to get healthy because I figured, What’s the point? The cigarettes are probably going to kill me anyway? But after I smoked my last cigarette, I started to believe in myself again because I had done something I never really believed I would ever be able to do. I was also more than a little pissed off at the way various industries (food, fast food, pharmaceutical, media etc.) had lied to me and tried to get me to do things that were good for them but bad for me. Now I was in control just as you will be once you have put this terrible industry that blatantly exploits the addictive properties of the drug nicotine out of your life forever. So, you need to start by asking yourself, If I were actually in control of my life, what would I be doing and even more importantly, what would I not be doing? That will start you on the path to a wonderful self-fulfilling voyage a path that is unique for all of us since we get to determine for ourselves where it will lead us. That will have a lot to do with your age, your personality, your motivation and your ability to develop self-discipline. So keep asking, keep looking, enjoy your journey and - most important of all - take action! Best of luck to you my friend but keep in mind that the better prepared you are to deal with what will happen after you smoke your last cigarette, the less luck you will need. Even so. good luck.

Brian Keelan 09.03.2021

Quora Question: How long did you smoke for? How hard was it to quit? MY Quora Answer: I smoked my first cigarette when I was 13 years old. By age 16, I was smoking one full pack of 20 cigarettes every day and, for the next 40 years, I smoked at least 20 cigarettes every day and sometimes a lot more. In total I smoked over 300,000 cigarettes. During that period, I tried to quit at least 70 times and failed miserably on each and every occasion. I tried to quit most New Years, ...Continue reading

Brian Keelan 01.03.2021

Q: How do I get my boyfriend to quit smoking? A: Most people who smoke wish they didn’t smoke. They’ve tried to quit but they just cannot resist the urge to smoke as the nicotine withdrawal symptoms become too much for them to resist. They ultimately come to believe that they just can’t do it. So to my way way of thinking, your boyfriend doesn’t try to quit because he doesn’t think he can do it. He does not want to go through the nicotine withdrawal process because it will ul...timately prove to be too much for him just as it always has. I can sympathize with that because that is exactly what happened to me so many times during my 40 year effort to quit smoking. The best thing for you to do is to send him links to ideas and concepts that can help him get to believe that he can make it. Here is the address of my website - www.thequitsmokingguy and on that site you will find my blog with several articles that will get him started on getting himself ready to succeed at quitting smoking forever. There is also an audio interview on the opening page. Go there. Read some of the blogs and listen to the interview. Then send him the links and tell him something like, Here I heard this or I saw this and I thought of you. I thought you might be interested in this article or interview. You’ve heard the expression, You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink, right? Well, the idea here is to try and make him thirsty. You can’t make him quit despite the fact that he already wants to do that. He may tell he’s not ready and he’s right. Sadly, he has no idea how he is going to do that. He is just hoping that someday the magic bullet will come along. So, don’t focus on getting him to quit. Instead, focus on helping him learn how to get himself ready to quit. Once he gets his head into that space, quitting will be much easier to do. I know that for a fact because that is the only way I could eliminate my 40-year addiction to nicotine. So then what you should try to - in my opinion - is feed him information that will help him believe that he can do it - make him thirsty. The rest will be up to him. Good luck. See more

Brian Keelan 24.02.2021

Somebody asked me this question on Quora. Thought you all might be interested.