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Balancing Life with Intuition 03.11.2021

Wednesday’s Wisdom Today is already the 41st Wednesday of the year. Our Canadian Thanksgiving was just this past weekend! I hope that everyone enjoyed it each in their own way! It seems that the time is just flying by. For today I chose Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose Oracle Cards, and the card with today’s message is called Flowers.... In this part of the world we are winding down towards winter even if we don’t quite want that to be true! Flowers are not really blooming anymore, but unexpectedly I saw some wild Chamomile flowers this past weekend! I have one more that blooms in my garden in late September and throughout October. This one is a Stonecrop which looks like little plates with many little flowers on it. Mine is a dark pink and it’s so pretty to see it blooming when everything else is done! Flowers are used in so many ways to communicate thoughts to people on so may and various occasions from happy to sad, for big and little milestones Flowers are a great communicating tool. Those that know even more about flowers will tell you what the different coloured ones mean too! That is one talent I don’t really have I just love flowers in general! The words on the card are: Working with flowers opens your heart and brings blessings to others through your life purpose All I know is that flowers can lift a person’s mood, lend some joy and support, and bring in some healing and blessings. I don’t work with flowers but I do have many different ones in my garden and it always makes me feel good to look at them, or smell and admire them! Maybe you will want to get a bouquet of flowers or an indoor plant in order to enjoy them! Feel free to like, comment or share Love and Light!

Balancing Life with Intuition 19.10.2021

Wednesday’s Wisdom Today is already the 40th Wednesday of this year. Weather is definitely a whole lot cooler For today I chose Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose Oracle Cards, and the card with today’s message is called Strength.... I look at the picture and I feel that St. Joan of Arc is on that horse So if life is our horse, then we are in for the ride of our lives. Life has been our teacher and we have learnt from our trials, tribulations, our ups as well as our downs. Having gone through all of that has made us into who we are and hopefully we through some of those challenges we have gained that Strength that we are being reminded of today We all have this strength within us we just need to tap into it, believe and know that we have it and move forward in our lives. I believe we all have a bit of Joan of Arc in us it is time to reveal it and step forward, with some of that confidence and The words on the card are: Everything you’ve experienced in your life has made you strong and courageous What is it that you are going to be able to bring forth now? What is your new project going to look like? There could be some new and exciting times that are coming up!!! Does this project seem too big? Then tackle it in bite-sized bits you will get results too! Feel free to like, comment or share Love and Light!

Balancing Life with Intuition 29.09.2021

Wednesday’s Wisdom Today is already the 39th Wednesday of this year. Currently we are having some absolutely gorgeous Fall / Autumn weather! For today I chose Denise Linn’s Native Spirit Oracle Cards, and the card with today’s message is called Wounded Healer.... How VERY appropriate that this card came forward. In the aftermath of finding so many children’s bodies that were buried in mass graves in various residential schools’ grounds We now have a New Federally appointed day to remember those who died in those times and the Horror of those crimes. Tomorrow, September 30th will be that day. It is called National Day for Truth & Reconciliation So looking at the card, as if we were situated behind a waterfall and looking into a beautiful sunrise, or maybe sunset, I feel that this water is there to help with the cleansing away of all those other horrors. This does not make it right, or go away, but rather to help us be able to move forward remembering the ones lost, grieving for the lives they could or should have had, but were cut down way too soon. I believe that the water could also represent the tears that were cried, or maybe those not yet cried, but may be allowed to flow out now. I see an eagle or hawk flying over the pool of water and imagine that he will help lift our hearts and hopefully carry those souls whose lives were lost to the Higher Realms! I sincerely hope to see some hawks in the skies tomorrow, this will be a physical sign that I will treasure greatly!!! We have so many different peoples in our world. can we just aim to be less judgmental, and also remember that no matter what skin colour, we all have red blood, and we all have tears that are salty We are often more alike than different. Let there be healing for all concerned, and let us send out some prayers and blessings to help heal everyone globally who was jolted when the news was brought to light. Feel free to like, comment or share Love and Light!

Balancing Life with Intuition 10.09.2021

Wednesday’s Wisdom Today is the 38th Wednesday of this year. The nights are now cool, but the days have been quite lovely! For today I chose James Van Praagh’s The Power of Love Activation Cards, and the card with today’s message is called Respect.... I look at this word and it makes me think of the many ways one can have Respect for another person or groups of people. Yet so often it seems to be sadly lacking in general. Feelings are hurt, and quite frankly, sometimes see that it is done deliberately! So maybe this week we could take a moment to think, before one says things see if we can catch ourselves from being hurtful. I try to be respectful, so by the same token it is wonderful to be respected in return. The words on the card are: You value everyone’s unique perspective on the path to love’. Can we aim to be less judgmental? Can we encourage another person on their Life’s Journey? Giving respect will earn us the respect right back this should make life a whole lot easier! Let’s enjoy this wee challenge that the Universe has given us for this week! Feel free to like, comment or share Love and Light!

Balancing Life with Intuition 05.09.2021

Wednesday’s Wisdom It is the 37th Wednesday of the year. Harvesting in the gardens and fields is in full swing! Until very late at night I hear the neighbours combining. Mornings are cool but it has been mostly sunny!... For today I chose Barbara Moore’s Earth Wisdom Oracle Cards, and the card with today’s message is called 22-Relief. I get the impression that this Goddess releasing some sort of burden or responsibility. The castle or mansion in the background looks dark, somber and sad. She is releasing that which no longer serves her. She appears to be holding lemon balm in her hands, yet so much of it is floating away on the breeze! Lemon balm tea is also very soothing. Her face appears to be peaceful, so whatever decision she has come to is actually giving her the Relief We are invited by her and her actions to let it go, to no longer carry it and get some Relief and in turn some Inner Peace. Since she appears to be in the middle of a field, I think that she had to do the releasing out in nature. In order to get away from the problem or stuck Energy seek Nature, trees, or a park they are ready and willing to help us release things too. Sometimes we just can’t change something. Often the hard part is to let it go so maybe we can do it in bite-sized bits and pieces?! If necessary ask a friend or family member to hear you out and give you some support. Feel free to like, comment or share Love and Light!