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BC ADHD 21.11.2020

Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fib? What if your child’s lying is not evidence of a character flaw or disrespect? What if his fibs are actually a self-preservation strategy rooted in poor inhibition, emotional regulation, working memory, and attention all hallmarks of ADHD? This is the premise behind a new theory that is giving caregivers and educators a new, neurological lens through which to view lies. The Fib mechanism protects its maker 4 ways:... Protection (temporary) from the feeling of having disappointed someone Deflection (temporary) of parental/ significant other anger and the anticipated consequence. Extension: This may be caused by a desire to buy some time Self-preservation: Preserving self-esteem, avoiding shame and embarrassment. In the now vs getting it later, later doesn't exist for us. #ADHD

BC ADHD 13.11.2020

#ADHDMyth Everyone has a little ADHD. No. Does everyone have a little psychosis? ... No. #ADHDAwarenessMonth

BC ADHD 24.10.2020

ADHD people in BC. Idea for #WorldMentalHealthDay today. Find BC politicians, bcndp, bcliberals and bcgreens who are Pretending To Care about #WorldMentalHealthDay Ask them why they won't stop discriminating against our human rights and why don't they demand ALL family doctor and psychiatrists be properly trained on ADHD in adults and kids?... NONE of their plans help adults and kids with ADHD. Ask them why won't they demand bcndp education minister Rob Fleming fulfill his promise to add ADHD as a category in special education so they get accommodations and #IEPsForADHD? Esp when 28.14% of 5-20 year olds with ADHD have covid19 This study of 14k showing higher rates of covid19 for ADHD adults and kids if not treated with ADHD meds but lower rates than non adders if we are treated with ADHD meds. Because the inattentive and hyperactive and impulsive symptoms of ADHD make it harder for us to follow the public health guidelines "The COVID-19 infection rate is nearly 50% higher among individuals with unmedicated ADHD compared to individuals without ADHD, according to a new study of 14,022 patients in Israel. The study found that ADHD treatment with stimulant medication significantly reduces the risk of virus exposure among individuals with ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsivity." Full study #ADHDAwarenessMonth

BC ADHD 06.10.2020

Have a child with ADHD in BC's schools? Has the school talked to them and you about the higher risk of ADHD and covid19? 28% of 5-20 year olds had Covid19 IF unmedicated because the symptoms of ADHD make it harder for many of us to follow the health guidelines to stay safe from Covid19 a study of 14,002 showed.... Lower rates than non ADHD IF medicated. Higher rates for ADHD adults too.

BC ADHD 04.10.2020

October is International Dyslexia Awareness Month. many peopel with ADHD also have Learning Disabilities like Dyslexia. They're having a contest to help spread Dyslexia Awareness 1. You must live in BC... 2. You must be dyslexic (adult or child) (or suspected of having a reading disability); or a parent of a dyslexic 3. Your submission can be a poem, picture, photograph, picture of a display you inspired at school, a family picture with everyone wearing read ....a piece of art work, a video, a song, horse back ride, play an instrument. Be as creative as you like!!

BC ADHD 21.09.2020

Has a doctor told you "I don't know ADHD"? And have you asked them why don't you get properly trained on #ADHD? There are Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses approved by doctors medical governing bodies that will train them on how to diagnose & treat ADHD in adults and kids.... Doctors have to take a certain amount of CME's every year. Politicians of all parties don't care about us adults & kids with ADHD enough to demand ALL family doctors & psychiatrists take mandatory CME's on ADHD vs current malpractice by many, and so far people with ADHD are not, yet, asking them to. So what reasons have doctors told you for not being properly trained on ADHD?

BC ADHD 12.09.2020

Language Matters: Words which Connect, Soothe & Nurture. Good for all kids during #covid19 but arguably more important for ADHD kids. "In times of stress and uncertainty, our choice of language matters. Thinking beyond how we deliver instructions or provide information, our words can, first and foremost: ... Connect with a young person, establishing a sense of safety and trust. Soothe the young person’s inner thoughts and feelings through a curious and empathetic approach. Nurture the young person’s skills and strengthen their resilience. Here are eight different aspects of language to consider, with some examples provided for each, as we consider the kinds of messages some young people may need to hear as they return to education during the COVID-19 pandemic"

BC ADHD 24.08.2020

It is NOT safe to have BC students in "learning circles" of 60-120 students with NO masks and NO social distancing. #CovidClassrooms Taiwan Primary students were wearing masks at least 6 months ago. Pop. 23 million only 7 CV deaths. Unchanged in MONTHS. BC is not a leader in CV in Asia. 120+ countries have lower CV deaths per million than BC Especially with people with ADHD at higher risk of covid19 research shows. ... Check this rally going on today at 2 pm

BC ADHD 09.08.2020

ADHD as a Risk Factor for Infection With Covid-19. Journal of Attention Disorders. Published July 22 2020 Study of 14,022 people who had at least one #Covid19 test. Untreated with medication #ADHD puts you at a higher risk of infection. 13.21% had #Covid19... Treated with medication ADHD puts you at a lower risk of infection. Only 3.04% had #Covid19 Lower rate than Non-ADDers! Please ask your MLA to demand Judy Darcy and Adrian Dix make it mandatory that ALL doctors in BC have proper training on ADHD by making it mandatory that all take Continuing Medical Education courses on ADHD in adults and kids I was mentioning that students with ADHD will likely be at higher risk for covid19 by the nature of the condition yesterday on the radio on CKNW call-in show yesterday + online. In relation to BCNDP education minister Rob Fleming disgracefully not fulfilling his 2017 promise to add ADHD as a category in special education so we'd get Accommodations and #IEPsForADHD We're more forgetful, disorganized, easily distracted, impulsive, problems planning things, problems sticking with habits and routines, problems with attention etc. Good to see published research backing me up:) Please ask your MLA to demand Judy Darcy and Adrian Dix make it mandatory that ALL doctors in BC have proper training on ADHD by making it mandatory that all take Continuing Medical Education courses on ADHD in adults and kids. Please also ask your MLA to demand Education minister Rob Fleming stop discriminating against the human rights of ADHD students, the biggest group of special needs students in BC and fulfil his 2017 promise to ADHD students. To add ADHD as a category in special education so they get accommodations and #IEPsForADHD Here's how To find your MLA

BC ADHD 22.07.2020

Please ask media outlets & blogs who profited from Kanye West tweets seemingly made during a manic episode this question. Will you interview #Bipolar support group leaders & families of those living with Bipolar to help people understand it better and destigmatize it so more get diagnosed & treated earlier? Then please do the same for ADHD too. ... I'm not a fan of the Kardashians but this is a good statement by Kim Kardashian on instagram. "As many of you know, Kanye has bi-polar disorder, anyone who has this or has a loved one in their life who does, knows how incredibly complicated and painful it is to understand. I've never spoken publicly about how this has affected us at home because I am very protective of our children and Kanye's right to privacy when it comes to his health. But today, I feel like I should comment on it because of the stigma and misconceptions about mental health. Those that understand mental illness or even compulsive behavior know that the family is powerless unless the member is a minor. People who are unaware or far removed from this experience can be judgmental and not understand that the individual themselves have to engage in the process of getting help no matter how hard family and friends try. I understand Kanye is subject to criticism because he is a public figure and his actions at time can cause strong opinions and emotions He is a brilliant but complicated person who on top of being an artist and a black man, who experienced the painful loss of his mother, and has to deal with the pressure and isolation that is heightened by his bi-polar disorder. Those who are close with Kanye know his heart and understand his words sometimes do not align with his intentions. Living with bi-polar disorder does not diminish or invalidate his dreams and his creative ideas, no matter how big or unobtainable they may feel to some. That is part of his genius and as we have all witnessed, many of his dreams have come true. We as a society talk about giving grace to the issue of mental health as a whole, however we should also give it to the individuals who are living with it in times when they need it the most. I kindly ask that the media and public give us the compassion and empathy that is needed so that we can get through this. Thank you for those who have expressed concern for Kanye's well-being and for your understanding.

BC ADHD 07.07.2020

Presentations that should trigger screening for ADHD

BC ADHD 22.06.2020

The Truth About Your ADHD Child’s Lying Everyone tells a fib now and then. But children with ADD are actually predisposed to tell habitual lies. Why? ... Learn about ADHD and lying, and more importantly what you can do to stop it.

BC ADHD 10.06.2020

What It's Like to Be ADHD and Black. How To ADHD's Jessica interviewed 13 people from 4 countries on their experience about being Black and ADHD.

BC ADHD 24.05.2020

Live in BC and have depression, anxiety, stress or worry? Free online program BounceBack to help you deal with it. NOT ADHD. ... Just the conditions where more people with it have cared enough about other with it and have gone public and demanded services and resources and eventually got them, depression and anxiety. Maybe one day if people with ADHD start caring enough about others who have ADHD outside their family, they well demand services and get something like this for ADHD too. "Feeling low, stressed or anxious? BounceBack is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.

BC ADHD 09.05.2020

Some people with ADHD in BC are also on #Disability. Did you know the shelter allowance in BC for people with disabilities is only $375 a month? That number has not changed since 2007. BCNDP MLA's have refused to change it. ... Where in BC could you find an apartment to rent for $375? In Vancouver an average one-bedroom apt is about $2,000. Please check out the #300ToLive campaign. 3 simple demands. I think they should ask for more but given that whether BCLiberals or BCNDP govt is in power none have raised that $375 shelter rate so I understand why they're shooting for a target that small, more doable when both parties don't care about you. Our Demands 1. Maintain the $300/month increase to income and disability assistance rates 2. Permanently raise income assistance rates further to at least the poverty line, indexed to inflation 3. Ensure that increases to income assistance and disability assistance include a clear, earmarked increase to the shelter portion.

BC ADHD 23.04.2020

Hey people who work with or have #LearningDisabilities I know about 30% of people with #ADHD have LD too, do anyone you know of any published research that lists what percentage of people with LD have ADHD & URL of that research? vs I think it's x %?

BC ADHD 05.04.2020

3,800 Free Coursera courses for university and college students. Get ahead of the curve eh? Have a difficult course coming up? See if you can find a similar one to get started on, or find a course that interests you.... "At a time when millions of university students are feeling uncertain about their futures, we want to help. Now, college and university students have free access to 3,800 courses, Guided Projects, Specializations, and Professional Certificates so they can: Learn from world-class universities and companies Gain career skills through hands-on learning Earn and share valued certificates Students who enroll by July 31, 2020, will have free access through September 30, 2020."

BC ADHD 16.03.2020

Class Of Covid Canada We want to hear from you! We are sharing your stories about mental health during Covid to inform real policy change in Canada... We are a group of students in the Simon Fraser University Semester in Dialogue program. We are conducting a survey as part of our program’s major project. The purpose of this survey is to understand the attitudes of youth in BC, ages 16-25, towards online learning, especially during the current pandemic.