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Be Healthy 18.10.2021

TOXIC TUESDAY Ever really paid attention to that news reel playing in your head? I’m betting a lot of your thoughts are negative, filled with self doubt, insecurities, criticism, ...it’s a natural part of being human....but guess what? ITS FAKE NEWS ! ... And it’s TOXIC ! you can’t heal a body you hate( Thanks Dr Will Cole for making this statement !) and likewise if you are listening to that endless fake news reel ...you are hindering your healing...you are believing these limiting beliefs, and dropping a big ole roadblock right smack on your journey to success ...success in health, wellness, relationships, business, career, financial ...every aspect of your life. Your SOUL knows the truth...stop...listen...get in touch with yourself and listen for your truths. They are there, buried beneath all the endless negative chatter . You CAN be your best self ...you just need to believe

Be Healthy 16.10.2021

Are you SKIN HUNGRY ? Do you get enough touch in your life? As humans, we NEED physical touch...I’m not talking sexy time here folks....that’s a whole different category, (although often confused and sought for the simple need of touch.) If a baby were to never feel the touch of it’s mother / caregiver..the baby would DIE....or at the very least, certainly not grow, develop and thrive. ... Loneliness and lack of touch in adults has proven to increase your chances of developing illness and a 50% higher risk of early death. Our ability now to so swiftly communicate through technology has actually decreased our human interactions and touch...a handshake, hand resting on your arm, pat on the back, elbow nudge, pat on the hand, warm embracing hug....( and let’s add the last two challenging years that have limited touch greatly ) Essentially we are starving for touch, and we don’t even know it This lack of touch is leading to increased anxiety, depression, loneliness, and illness A hug from a close friend isn’t only comforting, it also produces feelgood hormones in the brain like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin all of which help boost the immune system and ward off illness. Mother Teresa once said that there is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread and she’s not wrong. Hands on therapies are a great way to help increase touch in your life....massage therapy, reflexology, chiropractor, physical therapy to name a few. Think about your connections day to day, reach out for a hug to your close, trusted peopleor consider hands on touch therapies ...you are human....you NEED touch to survive and thrive! What can you do today, to work on alleviating your skin hunger ?

Be Healthy 29.03.2021

Re think the typical meat and potatoes meals and swap out starch for non starchy veggies Tonight we had Asian beef meatballs over top of steamed broccoli! There’s so many alternatives to your typical potato, rice or pasta side dishes...consider zoodles, spaghetti squash, beets, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli etc! The options are endless !

Be Healthy 22.03.2021

BRAZIL NUTS ...an excellent source of selenium, zinc, copper, magnesium and healthy fats! Personally, I eat 1-2 in lieu of selenium and zinc supplements. It’s like my dose of vitamin , without swallowing a pill that could also have crappy fillers. Selenium and zinc are particularly important for immune and thyroid function, as well as cell growth. ... With respect to the thyroid...this is where you will find your highest concentration of selenium in the body. It is essential for the production of T3 and protecting your thyroid gland from damage and disease such as graves, hashimotos, thyroid cancer and thyroiditis. For those already struggling with a hashimotos or graves diagnosis, reviews have shown that supplementing with selenium may Improve immune function and mood, as well as delay progression of some symptoms. (*source healthline) Brazil nuts are an excellent anti-inflammatory. Besides the antioxidants, selenium also increases the enzyme glutathione peroxidase which protects you from oxidative stress and reduces inflammation. One must consistently consume Brazil nuts to realize this benefit. Brazil nuts are beneficial to your heart health by lowering bad LDL cholesterol and raising good HDL cholesterol. Of course the anti inflammatory properties are also excellent for heart health. Besides thyroid disease, low selenium has also been linked to neuro degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, as well as fertility , pregnancy issues, cancer, infections and mood disorders. Too much selenium can be DANGEROUS! So please don’t chow down on handfuls of this amazing nut because selenium toxicity is a real and possibly serious thing! But don’t let this scare you...minimal to moderate consumption (1-6 nuts daily) is A ok ! And in fact may be of tremendous benefit! I keep my raw Brazil nuts in a mason jar in the fridge to prevent them going rancid.

Be Healthy 03.03.2021

Tough love Wednesday So often in my dual professions as a Paramedic and a Holistic Nutrition and Life Coach, I hear people bemoaning their symptoms ...they are fed up, tired, in pain and living a less than quality of life. These symptoms often disrupt their daily living, sleep and work and definitely suck the joy out of their lives....Continue reading

Be Healthy 01.03.2021

Mild Italian sausage stir fry This super fast and easy meal was full of flavor and right colored veggies ! In my cast iron pan I sautéed two gluten free mild Italian sausages (removed from casings). Once brown, I added half a red onion sliced, 1 orange bell pepper and sautéed until onion started to soften. I then added three garlic cloves chopped, a handful each of chopped asparagus, Brussels sprouts and some broccolini . A pinch of pink Himalayan salt and Italian seasoning! Yum

Be Healthy 12.02.2021

TOXIC TUESDAY Things that are toxic or a sensitivity to you will be variable and different from others. Some things to consider ...... Mold Heavy metals Parasites Chemicals Food additives Medications Oxalates Lectins Sugar Artificial sweeteners Gluten Other grains Dairy Eggs Soy Salicylates Amines Meat Dust Perfumes Environmental allergens People Relationships ( love, friendship, family) Work environment ( physically and socially) Non stick cookware VOC’s inside your home (paint, carpet, vinyl flooring etc) Being sedentary Alcohol Coffee Soda Plastics ( food storage / cooking ) High mercury containing fish Pesticides Herbicides Flame retardants This is definitely not an all inclusive list ....but certainly things to consider .

Be Healthy 08.11.2020

MINDSET MONDAY While a lot of focus has been on the trials and tribulations of 2020, instead let’s focus on the GOOD ... When we focus on good things, being grateful , celebrating the little wins...we are less stressed , more peaceful and enjoy better health!... So let’s focus on the positive !

Be Healthy 01.11.2020

Stir frys are so quick and simple ! I had some left over chicken breast from last nights supper - so I sliced it up and sautéed it in a little coconut Aminos! I chopped up broccoli, carrot , red cabbage, mushrooms, red onion, and red pepper and sautéed them in a little avocado oil . I served this stir fry over top of tri coloured quinoa and sprinkled some sesame seeds , chopped green onion and broccoli shoots on top! ... Fast - colorful- easy - delicious - healthy

Be Healthy 28.10.2020

SELF CARE SUNDAY Taking some time for YOU is so important. Just like we always make sure to charge our phone batteries, we MUST take time to recharge ourselves. Self care comes in many different forms, and looks different for everyone...what will you do for self care today ?... Here are some suggestions ! go for a walk...bonus if it’s in nature spend 5-20 minutes in silent reflection play an instrument enjoy a steamy cup of your favorite herbal tea go for a bike ride listen to your favorite music sit in the sunshine cuddle with your pet take a nap have a relaxing bath read a good book journal watch a funny show colour, paint or draw forest bathe make yourself a nourishing meal knit or do needle work connect with a friend do some yoga, tai chi, Qi gong, or simple stretches buy yourself some flowers work on a puzzle diffuse your favorite essential oils ask your partner for a foot massage go to a park and swing order your favorite take out meal (healthy, of course ) say NO to things that don’t bring you joy take a break from social media take a drive in the country have a dance party in your livingroom have a zoom meeting with your friends and family give yourself a facial watch the sunset have your partner brush your hair or give you a scalp massage cuddle on the couch with someone you love listen to the rain watch cute animal videos or bloopers watch your favorite sport bake sit at the ocean and listen to the waves enjoy a cozy fire get your hair done go for a massage build a snowman with your kids play your favorite video game write out your worries hydrate well with water listen to your favorite podcast give yourself a glamorous makeover stargaze do some deep breathing write a letter to someone that hurt you, then burn it spend time on a hobby / craft rest I could go on forever....

Be Healthy 17.10.2020

Removing toxins from our personal care and cleaning products is a goal of mine. Part of healthy living, is also reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals which can cause a multitude of health issues from asthma exacerbation to rashes, and endocrine disruption . With the heightened awareness of cleaning and combatting germs, finding new , non toxic options is important . My Husband and his partner (after a ton of research) invested in a high caliber machine that makes a ...cleaning agent from two simple , natural ingredients...salt and water , which is then electrolyzed to be a powerful cleaner known as Hypochlorous acid, or EO water. This is safe to use around children and pets . It’s atomizing feature makes it quick and easy to spray down any surface . Check out this article in the star Phoenix ! https://thestarphoenix.com//this-next-generation-handheld-

Be Healthy 30.09.2020

I am SO blessed to have the space to have basically a whole gym in my house . This space has grown and developed over the years - every year adding something new. To me - some gym equipment is a much better use of my hard earned dollars than an expensive designer purse ! You don’t need a huge income or lots of equipment to have a good work out at home .... If I didn’t have this equipment - I’d still invest in some simple and inexpensive things such as resistance bands, a kettle bell or two , a yoga mat and maybe an exercise ball ! If you can’t manage to purchase these items - body weight exercise is also very effective - or look around your home for things that add weight - a jug of milk - soup cans - paint cans - bag of flour etc. And let’s not forget just some simple stretching or a yoga routine! There is no end to available work out ideas on google, Instagram and YouTube. Working out is incredibly important to my physical and mental health ! It provides me exercise , energy , and a boost to my feel good hormones. It keeps my joints lubricated and my muscles toned and stretched ! It helps me to have a better sleep, and helps to detox through activity and sweating ! There are so many benefits to exercise ! Exercise routines and modalities are available for all skill and mobility levels! And after exercise - let’s not forget recovery - stretch - use a foam roller to loosen up tight muscles - a back knobber for those tight knots - and lots of water to hydrate well and push those toxins out ! The BEST part about working out at home is that I can dance between sets !!!