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Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 02.12.2020

BLACK FRIDAY PROGRAM SALE What if you didn’t have to spend $300 on supplements a month to metabolize better, to stop hunger queues, to burn off fat? What if you didn’t have to cook weird vegan meals for yourself and another ‘normal’ meal for your family? ... What if you didn't have to put every morsel of food on the scale before you eat it? Sounds crazy, but my clients who achieve their weight loss goals aren’t doing any of these things. Because I show them a better and easier way. Join my 30 day program, Hot For The Holidays and start those 2021 goals now! Full program details https://bit.ly/2HI3o2w

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 26.11.2020

There’s a strong connection between our gut and our brain, so if you're feeling stressed you may notice your digestion being off. If your body is in "fight-or-flight or freeze" mode, the first and top priority it has is to fight back, run, and do everything it can to be in survival mode. It's not going to put much energy or blood flow into taking care of digestive processes properly, which can show up as diarrhea or constipation. Have you noticed that your digestion changes w...hen you’re stressed? If you have ongoing digestion issues, we can support you through balancing your gut. Book your consultation now 905-516-2060

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 11.11.2020

The health of your gut determines what nutrients are absorbed and what toxins, allergens and microbes are kept out, and therefore it is directly linked to the health of the total body. Intestinal health could be defined as the optimal digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. But that is a big job that depends on many other factors. For example, the bugs in your gut are like a rainforest a diverse and interdependent ecosystem. They must be in balance for you to be... healthy. There are five hundred species and 3 pounds of bacteria in your gut; it’s a huge chemical factory that helps you digest your food, produces vitamins, helps regulate hormones, excrete toxins and produce healing compounds that keep your gut healthy. Too many of the wrong ones like parasites, yeasts or bad bacteria, or not enough of the good ones like lactobacillus or bifidobacteria can lead to serious damage to your health. So how do you keep your gut healthy? Eat whole unprocessed foods with plenty of fiber: vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Eat real food, mostly plants. Get food intolerances testing done. Treat any infections or overgrowth of bugs like parasites, small bowel bacteria, or yeasts. Take digestive enzymes with your food. Take probiotics, healthy bacteria for your ecosystem. Take extra omega 3 fat supplements which help cool inflammation in the gut. Use gut-healing nutrients such as glutamine and zinc. See more

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 07.11.2020

All I want is for you to win. You have been beaten down enough. If there is ONE thing I could warn you about when it comes to your journey, is this: Overcommitting is the NUMBER ONE threat to your transformation! "I just can't stay motivated"... "I keep failing over and over again" "Why can't I do this?" I have heard these cries for help hundreds of times. If you find yourself overcome with feelings of self-doubt and loathing and frustration because you feel like you've let yourself down (for the millionth time) it's because you keep falling into the trap of taking on too much. End of story. I do not doubt your drive and your motivation one bit. I know your desire for change is there. Most of my clients need an entire lifestyle overhaul before they can keep the weight off. Short term results don't cut it. Let me show you a better way. I am hosting a FREE MASTERCLASS for ambitious and driven women who are on the struggle bus with their weight, energy levels, and food cravings. I'm confident you're going to watch this and think "where has this been all my life" Be warned, when you show up to this training it may totally change the way you think about your weight, and your life. Click here to register https://bit.ly/38gigA4 See more

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 21.10.2020

You hate dieting culture but are you the one perpetuating it? Beach trip- gotta lose 10 lbs by next week. No, not fat. I just need to see the scale move! Holidays are coming- gonna have fun! I’ll start in January...just like every year since 1998. Hit a goal weight- screw it, I deserve to have fun again. #dietcocky I eat 1200 calories a day, I swear- as long as you don’t watch me on weekends, after 8pm, when I get my sugary coffee, or when I order out. Also wine. ... These bodies aren’t realistic- but I’ll follow 53 perfect men/women on Instagram. Had a cupcake on Tuesday at 3pm- ah I blew it. Diet starts Monday. Just bought a second home- lol it’s my treadmill. I’ll work it off and live on this. Stop the madness. Learn a better way. Join my online Masterclass on 3 Ways to Lose Weight and Keep it Off (without strict food rules, endless exercise or diet shakes) Nov 19 at 6:30pm EST and learn key ways to lose weight without hating the rest of your life Join here ---> https://bit.ly/38gigA4 See more

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 20.10.2020

EXCITING NEWS I am now offering hair mineral analysis testing to further help you with getting to the bottom of your health concerns! With a hair analysis test, we can create a tailored guideline for you to improve your health, increase your energy levels and ensure that your body utilizes its resources correctly. My goal is to get your body in the healthiest state possible by using this specific personal testing. Here’s how it works:... Hair Mineral Analysis is a screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals. With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body. As hair grows it forms a permanent record of the body’s nutritional deficiencies or excesses. This information will provide the basis for a nutritional balancing program to establish and maintain optimal levels of wellness. By correcting mineral levels and ratios with proper diet, supplementary nutrients and lifestyle modifications, many physical and behavioral health conditions can be prevented or reversed. Minerals screened include electrolytes - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus and trace minerals - copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, iron, molybdenum, lithium, cobalt,and zinc. Toxic metal screening includes lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and aluminum. To book call 905-516-2060 $200 including 30minute consultation and hair analysis test

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 15.10.2020

Savoury fall meal plan Message below to grab your FREE copy!

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 30.09.2020

While psoriasis often becomes linked with gluten intolerances, that isn’t always the case. To address psoriasis, I look at several possibilities for food intolerances, gut imbalance or a yeast overgrowth in the gut called Candida. I help you restore the body’s natural balance and identify any food sensitivities. It really becomes that simple. ... By doing a hair mineral analysis we can check for any heavy metal toxicity. Mercury and other metals trigger or exacerbate psoriasis. I help you heal your gut. Your gut plays a significant role in skin health. One study found intestinal permeability (or leaky gut) can contribute to psoriasis. Yeast overgrowth, abnormal gut flora and other gut issues can also trigger or exacerbate psoriasis. If you suspect these or other issues, book in with me for an assessment and heal your skin from the inside out. 905-516-2060

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 10.09.2020

Tired of Allergies bringing you down?? . BIE offers a Natural Way to alleviate allergy symptoms. . Don’t wait any longer - BOOK your treatment today and enjoy an allergy free summer! ... . APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK! . Contact us at [email protected] or (905) 516-2060 with any questions or to book! See more

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 03.09.2020

Fabulous FALL MEAL PLAN now available! Tasty warming breakfasts, light lunches and savoury hearty dinners Just what Fall ordered! ... Comment below if you want a copy!

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 22.08.2020

Living with chronic digestive issues may be common, but it doesn't have to be your norm. All day I see clients with digestive issues like gas/bloating/diarrhea/cramps/constipation. This can then lead to headache, brain fog, eczema..... I see babies who suffer, kids who are on laxaday, and adults who fear simply driving to work because they may not be able to get there in time before an accident erupts. ... If you live in fear of going out and calculating where the closest washroom is, if your older child has bed wetting problems, behaviour problems, or skin issues, or if your baby is colic and crying ALL the time, we are likely looking at food sensitivities. Book in for food intolerance testing and stop living in fear and in pain. Find the answers to your problems. Here is what my clients say: "Belinda really helped my daughter with BIE! Prior to seeing Belinda, she had fairly constant stomach pain. Happy to say after completing BIE that she is now pain free and enjoying the foods she loves most. We highly recommend Belinda - she is very knowledgeable in her areas of expertise" -Melanie, Caledonia

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 07.08.2020

4 reasons why you're never able to keep the weight off You look in the mirror every day and you begin to hate yourself. How did you get this way? How did you slowly let go of yourself.... You go to buy some new fall clothes and nothing fits. You refuse to go up another size so you leave. Defeated. ... As you climb into your car with nothing in hand, you google how to lose weight and FAST. Your clothing no longer fits You stopped being intimate with your partner The weight gain The brain bog The exhaustion The food cravings But you didn't notice these changes happening. The stress of the last 6 months is weighing on you and it's showing. Google tells you everything you want to hear: drop 30lbs in 30 days. Keto Fasting Juicing No sugar/carbs/processed foods You can do it you say! You are determined! You try keto: fail. You try cutting all sugars: fail. Finally you're convinced you can live off just juice: but you can't. You feel like a failure. You feel like you have no self control which now makes you eat even more for the next 2 weeks in your own misery. Why can't you just do it? Why can't you just stop eating? Why can't you ignore your cravings? Everyone on Instagram sure makes it look easy. No google system or fad diet gives you the tools you need to succeed. Sheer willpower fades. What if there is a better way? What if there is a system that teaches you about better quality foods..... About how to get proper sleep to PREVENT your food cravings...about how to add movement into your life WITHOUT living at the gym....about how to create day to day habits that lead to weight loss that STAYS lost. Fad diets fix your symptom of weight gain, but never address the underlying cause. Your day to day habits. And THAT is why you never succeed. Not because you can't but because you were set up to fail from the beginning. Here are some of the underlying problems. 1. Fad diets don't teach you healthy habits 2. Fad diets don't help you with proper sleep when fatigue can be a #1 cause of food cravings 3. You have no clue what foods to actually eat without cutting out entire food groups 4. You are so tired from an extremely low caloric intake you have no desire to do anything My coaching program addresses ALL of these things, all the reasons why you have failed before are addressed and accounted for so you will NOT fail again. Ready? Send me a hell yes and we will chat

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 19.07.2020

Screw the 10k steps. Focus on your active minutes to get real results. Heart rate needs to increase to get into our fat burning mode. Without any active minutes you won’t hit your weight loss goals. Do you focus on steps or activity minutes? Comment below

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 02.07.2020

Weight loss is hard. We live in a world where food is abundant, fast food is everywhere, and our culture is built around feeding one another as a way to show love. When women come to me because they are at their wits end, I ask them 'why'. Why now?... Why do you want to make changes? Why do you not want to stay in your tired and overweight state anymore? Why do you want to change your body? Your answer matters. Your 'why' needs to be greater than the moment of satisfaction you get from your binging sessions. It needs to be more important then the moment of happiness that sugar rush gives you. We want to spend a little more attention focusing on your passion, meaning, or purpose. You could carve out deliberate time to ask yourself questions and reflect. Or, you could pause in certain moments throughout the day to ask yourself the challenging questions, "why am I doing this, really?" When you get to an answer that feels so obvious that you could express it impulsively in any moment, that's a promising sign that you're finding what's deeply true to you. It's a promising sign that you're finding the meaning that will pull you through the most demanding tests of life. If you want to live a long, healthy, and productive life, find your passion. This personal "reason for being" will support you through good times and bad. Do you want to have more energy to play with your kids? Do you want to get control of your food cravings? Do you want to feel more motivated to exercise? Do you want to feel sexy again to be intimate with your partner? Do you simply want to put on some jeans and not 'feel like a whale' Whatever your desire for change, let's talk about it. Let's make a plan on how to get you there. You can over come any food obstacle in your way when your desire to change is greater. Book a call with me and let's start the change TODAY

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 29.06.2020

Let’s talk about ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS! If you use them because you crave sweets, you might be setting yourself up for even MORE SUGAR CRAVINGS. I know it seems weird but ... Scientists say non-caloric sweeteners can change how sensitive your taste buds are to sweetness. Some of them are 200 to 20,000 times sweetener than actual sugar!!! Over time, this can cause you to crave even MORE sugar. The Takeaway: be mindful when it comes to your intake of artificial sweeteners and your cravings! When was the last time you had a diet soda???

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 15.06.2020

Fall is here and so are the high calorie sugar filled lattes Try this protein packed alternative instead! Drop a GIF below if you’re gonna give it a try!

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 12.06.2020

I DARE YOU TO TRY THIS AT ALL OF YOUR MEALS TODAY . it’s a lot harder than you might think!!! It’s to SLOW DOWN when you’re eating by at least 50%. Take your time and really CHEW your food. You get extra credit for turning off all distractions when you’re eating, too no TV and no phone!... Studies show that people who say they eat fast gain weight over time and are more than 115% (!!!!) likely to become obese. This is a KEY focus in my Ditch the Diet Weight Loss System. Overconsumption at meals is a key factor that needs to be addressed when it comes to weight loss. Plus when you take your time to actually TASTE what you’re eating, you get to enjoy it more, and your digestive system has a much easier time doing its job! Bonus, over time it can help you overcome cravings. Are you going to take me up on the challenge? Let me know in the comments!

Belinda Rodgers Nutrition and Wellness 09.06.2020

"What foods should I eat?" It's a question I hear often. Sometimes in desperation. Not because of the easy choicesspinach, duh!but because of the not-so-obvious ones that cause confusion.... Foods that have been demonized then celebrated. Or celebrated then demonized. Or that come in so many forms it feels impossible to know the best choice. Over and over, we're asked: Are potatoes good or bad? What about eggs? Can I eat pasta? Is cheese okay? Do I have to live without bacon? To add to the confusion, it's not always obvious how to classify a food. Is it mostly protein? A carbohydrate? A fat? Many people know to eat a mix of these macronutrients, yet aren't sure how that looks in "real food". The result: more questions. But don't expect a list of "approved" and "off-limits" foods. Instead, I like to think of foods on a spectrum from "eat more" to "eat some" to "eat less". This approach promotes one of the most crucial philosophies that runs through my Ditch the Diet Weight Loss System: Progress, not perfection. Use continuums to make choices that are "just a little bit better", whether you're eating at home, dining out with friends, or dealing with banquet buffets on a work trip. Plus, learn how to: Incorporate a mix of proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, and fat. Strategically improve your food choices to feel, move, and look better. This is my swap for milk and has been for years. Dairy causes mucous buildup in the body, is inflammatory, and has MANY hormones that can alter our own hormones as women- it IS from a lactating animal after all.