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Blaine Calkins 01.02.2021

Because of Justin Trudeau's failure to negotiate agreements to procure vaccines in a timely manner, Canada is at the back of the line. CFIB reports that there could be as many as 181,000 small business closures across Canada. This falls squarely at the feet of Justin Trudeau who failed to put the needs of Canadians and our economy first. It's time to start looking forward. We need a plan to safely open our businesses and get back to work.... My focus as your Member of Parliament is to get as many people back to work in every part of Canada, in every sector as quickly as possible. Job number one is jobs.

Blaine Calkins 23.01.2021

Free trade and free market economies are proven to be the best system for growing economies, driving innovation through competition, creating wealth and prosperity for all to share in, and ensuring freedom of choice for consumers. I support my colleague in her call on the government to stand up to the damaging socialist policies of the new American administration.

Blaine Calkins 19.01.2021

The ink wasn’t even dry on President Biden’s inauguration when he revoked the Presidential Permit on Keystone XL. Thousands of Canadian jobs are on the line and Justin Trudeau responds with: Earlier today, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America. While we welcome the President's commitment to fight climate change, we are disappointed but acknowledge the President’s decision to fulfil his election campaign promise on Keystone XL.... Make no mistake. Justin Trudeau doesn’t care about Canadian energy or the Canadians employed in the energy industry. Conveniently, Trudeau can shift the blame to the new US President. https://globalnews.ca/ne/7588853/biden-cancels-keystone-xl/

Blaine Calkins 14.01.2021

It may be worth mentioning to the Minister that Canada’s Conservatives didn’t cancel a single kilometer of pipeline. - Conservatives didn’t cancel Energy East. - Conservatives didn’t cancel Northern Gateway - Conservatives didn’t cancel Pacific Northwest LNG... - Conservatives didn’t cancel Aurora LNG - Conservative didn’t cancel Grassy Point LNG - Conservatives didn’t force the government purchase of TMX - Conservatives didn’t cancel KXL Only left-wing Prime Minister’s kissing up to left-wing Presidents, think that killing these projects are in the best interest of the people they represent. TC Energy announced plans that would make Keystone XL a net-zero pipeline. Why is it so hard for the Prime Minister and the President to say yes, when these companies are doing exactly what they asked? The irony is that these decisions will do nothing in the long-term to improve the lives of any of us. No one will be healthier, no one will be wealthier. But there are some real implications to the Liberals failed energy policies that affect Canadians TODAY. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians are out of work, families have been destroyed, local businesses are in ruins, and now we have a debt that exceeds more than 1.2 trillion dollars debt that will take generations to repay, if ever. The Prime Minister needs to stop pretending that he is disappointed over the cancellation of Keystone XL pipeline. Canadians aren’t buying his government's lies anymore.

Blaine Calkins 06.01.2021

Parliament resumed today. I am honoured to be joining my Conservative colleagues in the House of Commons to stand up for Alberta, for investment in our country and for the good paying jobs that come with it. We need to get back to work as soon as possible. Our families, businesses and economy need to get back on track. This is a priority for the people of Red Deer - Lacombe. ... This is my priority.

Blaine Calkins 06.01.2021

Canada’s Conservatives want the government to succeedfor the sake of every Canadian. We cannot secure jobs, we cannot secure our economic recovery, we cannot s...ecure the future without vaccines. I am deeply frustrated by the government’s on-going failure to procure and deliver vaccines for Canadians. A bad situation is made worse by the devastating news that Canada won’t receive any Pfizer vaccines next week. Canada’s Conservatives call on the Liberal government to: 1. Tell Canadians what specific steps they are taking to make up this shortfall; 2. Tell Canadians honestly when they can reasonably expect to be vaccinated; 3. Disclose Canada’s precedence against other countries in the vaccine delivery schedules for the contracts they’ve signed; and 4. Deliver an emergency plan that gets vaccines to Canadians. Canada sits at just 1.44% of its population vaccinated, well behind the pace of other nations. Canada is a proud, strong G7 nation. We cannot accept this kind of failure not with so much at stake.

Blaine Calkins 13.12.2020

I like these daily history reflections! Happy Anniversary Stephen and Laureen! Thank you to my spouse, Barbara, for your love and support!... Happy Statute of Westminster day Canada! If you see any union jacks flying today, snap a pic and post here! https://www.nationalnewswatch.com//on-this-day-in-canada/

Blaine Calkins 07.12.2020

Today marks two years since the arbitrary detention of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor by the Communist Chinese Regime. Over these two years we have constantly seen the Trudeau Liberals naively court China at the expense of Canadian interests. China has kidnapped our citizens, blocked the CanSino vaccine from coming to Canada, punished our farmers, threatened Canadians in Hong Kong, and harassed Chinese Canadians here at home. Despite this the Trudeau Liberals won’t rule Hu...awei out of Canada’s 5G network, despite the urging of our Five Eyes intelligence allies. It’s hard to imagine how they could mishandle our relationship with China any worse than they already had, but just yesterday documents were revealed showing that the Liberals balked when the head of Canada’s Armed Forces cancelled joint exercises with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army right here in Canada. The Trudeau Liberals have become so timid that don’t even want to say no to Chinese soldiers arriving on our territory. Enough is enough. Canada needs a government that is willing to stand up to China and for our values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Instead of spurning the advice of our allies, it is time to listen, and ensure that Canada stands on the right side of history. https://nationalpost.com//secret-documents-reveal-liberals

Blaine Calkins 05.12.2020

Cancelling Keystone XL will devastate thousands of Canadian families. We need to standup for working Canadians. My full statement:

Blaine Calkins 01.12.2020

The Liberal government continues to use lies and misinformation to support their "gun grab." Yet the Liberal government in the Yukon purchased AR-10s for the conservation officers for wildlife management. If it's good for COs, why are they not good for hunters who also participate in wildlife management?

Blaine Calkins 26.11.2020

What a wonderful afternoon with the students at Maryview School in Red Deer today. Thank you for inviting me to read and for great class participation and questions.

Blaine Calkins 14.11.2020

It’s worth mentioning that the NDP, both provincially and federally, share the same values, the same membership lists and sing from the same songbook - they are the only party in Canada to do so. This is why legislation like Bill C-231 is so potentially dangerous for Albertans. This Bill, if passed, would prohibit Canadian Pension Plan Fund managers from investing in the oil and gas sector. It would prevent investment in Alberta. The provincial NDP sacrificed our energy se...ctor in the name of social license that achieved nothing for the hundreds of thousands of energy sector workers that are still out of work today. Now, the NDP want to stifle growth and innovation by legislating pension fund managers from investing in our future. Thank you to my colleague, Pierre Poilievre for standing up for Albertans and the energy sector in the House of Commons today.

Blaine Calkins 11.11.2020

Justin Trudeau just kicked sand in our face again. Today, I called for an emergency debate in the House of Commons regarding the Keystone XL pipeline project. S...adly, the Liberals rejected the request. The incoming American administration indicated during the campaign their intent to cancel this important pipeline. Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau has never cared about the Keystone XL project. When it was taken off the table in 2015, he did nothing. When it was put back on the table, he was apathetic. Now that the project’s survival is once again in jeopardy, Canada needs a strong voice in fighting for its approval. The well-being of Alberta and all of Canada’s economy depends on getting our oil to market. With so many Canadians out of work right now due to the pandemic, it is vital that this project go ahead. Alberta is hurting. Thousands of Albertans are out of work, and the pandemic has only worsened our economic situation. If the government cared about this dire situation, they would have allowed this emergency debate, and supported Keystone XL’s approval. Do you think Canada should fight for the survival of the Keystone XL project? Add your name to the following petition to tell the government that this project must go forward: http://www.blakerichards.ca/keystone-xl/

Blaine Calkins 03.11.2020

MP Report: Canada's Veterans November 16, 2020 Just a few days ago, our nation mourned the service and sacrifice of Canada’s Armed Forces, just as we do every year on November 11th. It is an incredibly emotional day and yet incredibly patriotic. Canadian service men and women are honoured around the world for their heroic efforts in battle.... This year marked the 75th anniversary since V-J Day, and the end of the Second World War. The men and women that went overseas to fight tyranny and preserve our shared values of freedom and democracy in the face of fascism are often referred to as the greatest generation. Sadly, each year there are fewer of them left to regale us with their stories and share their firsthand accounts with us. It makes the act of remembering and honouring these incredible Canadians all the more important. Due to COVID-19 this year and the general uncertainty surrounding Remembrance Day services, I made the decision to visit every community and lay a wreath at every cenotaph. It mattered to me that no cenotaph be unadorned on Remembrance Day. Every community stepped up and made each act of remembrance their own. Whether I was accompanied by an RCMP Member in red serge or was met by a Veteran and a young piper, every community, every short ceremony to pay respect and honour those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. Every year, the Legions in our communities volunteer their time to make sure that this simple act of Remembrance is carried out. Every year, Legions also spend countless hours serving and supporting our veterans whether it’s providing an opportunity for engagement and socialization with others or helping advocate for a veteran, the Legion members go above and beyond to help. Legions are struggling. COVID-19 has all but closed their doors, revenue generating activities like hall rentals and catering have ceased. This year’s Poppy Campaign was also in jeopardy. The most generous volunteer organizations in Canada are our Legions and right now 120 of them across Canada may be forced to close their doors permanently. It is incredibly frustrating that the Prime Minister would make an opportunistic funding announcement the day before Remembrance Day, offering only a fraction of what was requested to support our Legions. It is really a shame that this announcement comes nine months into the pandemic when earlier support may have made the difference. The Prime Minister clearly has his priorities all wrong. While he has millions for Liberal insiders and his well-connected friends, he claims that Canada’s Veterans and Legions are asking for more than he is able to give right now. How different our country and the world would be if instead of answering the call bravely, our Veterans said the cost was too great? #LestWeForget

Blaine Calkins 26.10.2020

For your information...

Blaine Calkins 20.10.2020

The Trudeau Liberals have made a mockery out of Canada’s foreign affairs. In the last 5 years we have gone from a well-respected nation to a global laughing stock. The Chinese campaign of influence and intimidation of Canadians is real. Make no mistake, China is expanding its influence right here in Canada and is using very troubling means to do so. We need to be vigilant, principled and prepared to stand up to the Chinese government. This is why Canada’s Conservatives, ...under the leadership of Erin O’Toole will be tabling a motion calling on the federal Liberal government to take a harder stance on China Communist Party government and Huawei technologies We all know Justin admires the Chinese government; can we expect him to fumble this too? https://globalnews.ca/news/7463113/otoole-huawei-china/

Blaine Calkins 15.10.2020

On May 1, the Liberal government initiated the largest and broadest property grab in modern history, without any evidence that it would acheive their stated goal. While I have heard from Canadians all across the country since May 1, there is now an opportunity for Albertans to talk to their provincial government about provincial firearms policy and the federal gun grab. The Alberta Firearms Advisory Committee will be holding virtual town halls on November 17 and November 23. ... Additionally there is an online survey that can be completed. Find all the details at: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-firearms-advisory-committee.

Blaine Calkins 14.10.2020

Justin Trudeau used a national tragedy to lie to Canadians and steal from legal, law-abiding gun owners. I am disgusted at the lengths Trudeau will go to push his agenda. The OIC issued on May 1 was based on lies and should be rescinded. ... More shameful behavior by the Liberal government. https://torontosun.com//lilley-memo-shows-trudeau-knew-nov

Blaine Calkins 06.10.2020

The Prime Minister has flip-flopped his stance on free speech. You may remember that last week the Prime Minister did not stand with Canada's ally, France, in defence of free speech. It appears now, after some pressure, he's changed his tune. I believe that freedom of speech and expression are fundamental to democracy and are core Canadian values. It's shameful that the Prime Minister does not feel the same way.... https://www.communitypress.ca//f2871706-29f1-4685-a012-f35

Blaine Calkins 04.10.2020

Canada added by far the most debt this year, equal to almost 80% of GDP and far more than the other 14 countries including U.S., Japan & even Greece. We are headed off a cliff. https://financialpost.com//posthaste-canada-is-leading-the

Blaine Calkins 20.09.2020

It was such a honour to participate in this campaign. This year more than 10,000 cookies were sold in support of the Sylvan Lake & Area Urgent Care Centre. Thank you to the local Tim Hortons, all of the volunteers for your efforts and for every person that bought a cookie. Because of your support, the entire community benefits! #community #Alberta #neighbourshelpingneighbours