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Blast Fitness with Lana 15.02.2021

Hi, hello there! It's been awhile since I've officially introduced myself on this page, and there are definitely a few updates to share My name is Lana and I'm an Exercise Physiologist by trade. I've worked as a personal trainer and fitness instructor for the past 15 years, and I spend my work days leading online fitness and nutrition programs here at Blast Fitness. My goal is always to make exercise and eating well more accessible and more enjoyable to those who do my pro...grams. I've got your WHOLEhearted health in mind when I craft workouts and recipes. I live in Invermere, British Columbia, Canada with my husband and our two kids. We love our little mountain town, and it has been a really special place to hunker down during the pandemic. The ways in which I work with womxn include: Through my best-selling home strength training program, the 8 Week Muscle Makeover. This is a resistance training program designed to build muscle mass, improve strength, and change the way you exercise. The workouts are 20-30 minutes in length and can be completed with limited equipment. Details here: https://blastfitness.co/step/mm/ I lead a monthly workout + nutrition membership program that's been my primary program for the past 7 years called the Blast Fitness Coaching Club. The program delivers a new workout plan every 30 days. We workout together live on zoom multiple times a month, do fun challenges, work on reducing stress and much, much more. You can join the waitlist here: https://blastfitness.co/step/cc/ If you're not sure where to start, you can sign up for my free 7 Day Glutes + Core Challenge program. It comes with a full program guide, workouts with minimal equipment, videos of every exercise and daily emails to guide you along. Join here: https://blastfitness.co/7-day-glutes-core/ Or come visit over on my blog at www.blastfitness.ca You'll find tons of recipes, free resources and information about all our programs. This has been a busy year for our family. We welcomed our son on day 1 of the pandemic , my husband retired from competition as a ski racer, and we've been doing the work-from-home-online-school-childcare shuffle too. What a time Thank you for being here, and tell me, where in the world are you located, and how did you first hear about us?

Blast Fitness with Lana 13.02.2021

I’m very much a feeling person. This means my true nature is waiting until I ‘feel like it’ to do pretty much anything. Welp, if I have learned anything about myself in my 35.5 years on the planet it’s that I NEED structure for the things that make me feel really good. Sleep, exercise, good food, time with friends (whenever we’re allowed to do that again ). Waiting until I ‘feel like’ doing things that make me feel really good isn’t a good strategy for me. It means I’m not ...consistent and then feel less energetic, less optimistic, and less curious about life. Doing feel good behaviours even when I don’t feel like it has been one of my mindset mantras for the past five or so years. And in the past year I’ve created even more structure around exercise, eating well and sleep than I have in a long time. For a feelings person (enneagram 4 ) structure can feel restrictive, but it is very helpful for the behaviors that help us to feel good more consistently. My structure includes: * Making a yearly workout goal and breaking that down into monthly workout goals. Using a sticker chart to track my completed workouts. Sharing my goals with my workout partners and #coachingclubcrew for external accountability. * Getting in to bed before 10pm. CANNOT BELIEVE I’ve stuck to this one for more than 2 days. Must be the children running me into the ground each day . * Eating three protein + fiber packed meals each day. Seems like this is simple, but it’s not. It makes a huge difference in my energy. * Having at least one afternoon/morning/evening per week where I do whatever I feel like (I’m still a feelings person so I neeeeed some of this freedom) I usually read or sleep or lie on the couch or go for a walk outside or watch a training webinar Do you wait until you ‘feel like it’ for things you know will make you feel really good? Or do you get ‘er done?

Blast Fitness with Lana 03.02.2021

Tell me your wins! And definitely tell me about your small wins! What have you been crushing in the realm of self-care, exercise and eating well over the past 6 weeks?! I’m not looking for massive transformation here, I want to know about the tiny shifts and efforts you’ve been making. Me? I have been nailing the sleep so far in 2021. I know getting enough sleep is a huge factor in my energy, mood and overall ability to be well, and I have to say, getting to bed just a tiny ...bit earlier every night has been a big win for me, as usually I’m team night . Tell me what you’ve been winning at in the comments below When we’re working on prioritizing our own needs and desires among the sea of what everyone else in our circle is requiring minute to minute, it can feel silly to say ‘yay me! I got to bed at a reasonable hour last night!’. Or saying, ‘I’m so proud of myself for getting two workouts in this past week!’ doesn’t seem like ‘enough’ to be proud of when we’re steeped in shoulda/woulda/coulda hustle culture. So let’s stop that nonsense. YOUR SMALL WINS MATTER! Why? Well let me tell you: 1 You need to feel some amount of success in order to keep your efforts up. Consistency in anything over the long term (exercise, eating well, sleeping better) only happens when we feel as though our efforts are contributing to some type of success. We are more likely to feel successful when we pay attention to our small wins. 2 We often undervalue our small wins. We live in a society that is obsessed with huge transformations and makeovers, so celebrating something as small as getting to bed earlier a few nights a week doesn’t feel like it’s worthy of positive attention. 3 Celebrating small wins helps you to tune in to the gradual changes and shifts you’ve failed to see in yourself in the past. When we’re only interested in celebrating the big transformations, we fail to notice the tiny shifts. The way a certain exercise is feeling easier, how a couple days of food prep helps us to feel less stressed... So tell me your wins, no matter how small

Blast Fitness with Lana 28.01.2021

During our January check-in for our monthly goals with the #coachingclubcrew (my online fitness + nutrition membership program), one of our members mentioned her workouts this past month were a ‘sanity break’ for her. I could not agree more. January felt like the toughest pandemic month for me thus far (with a big dose of perspective - my family is healthy). It has felt like we are far away from getting back to normal, but also like we have been living this weird life for so... long (I have tons of close friends who haven’t met my 10 month old son). My workouts and time outside have been the things that have kept me plugging along. And I’m continuing to validate my own feelings of ‘this is such a weird time’ with telling myself YES, this IS such a weird time. Want to break up the weirdness with me? Join me on zoom for a sweaty strength workout this week Sign up link here: https://blastfitness.co/step/live-classes/

Blast Fitness with Lana 26.01.2021

I originally wrote this post in 2018 after coming through a number of challenging years both mentally and physically. Those years were a struggle mentally for a variety of reasons, but the skills I gained have helped me immensely over this past year of navigating the postpartum time during a pandemic. Remember that your mental health is important, it is the foundation of your whole system. If you are struggling and you’re not sure why, do not be afraid to reach out to a prof...essional. Talking to the right person helps. Find a counsellor in your area, talk to your doctor, or call a close and trusted friend and ask them to help you get help. Do not wait! There is nothing wrong with you, and you are so loved. #bellletstalkday https://blastfitness.ca//how-i-learned-to-care-for-my-men/

Blast Fitness with Lana 18.01.2021

This one's on the list for dinners this week! Perfect for those times when my kid asks for bacon for dinner and I want a salad (and bacon!). https://blastfitness.ca/blog/2020/10/10/big-crunch-salad/

Blast Fitness with Lana 04.01.2021

Our goal is to have a pelvic floor that functions well in an unconscious manner. This means we don’t have to think about contracting our pelvic floor every time we want it to support our core, hips and pelvic organs. The goal is NOT to walk around clenching our pelvic floor muscles all day long . But howwww do we do this?! ... *We optimize unconscious functioning of the pelvic floor with great mobility and stability at the feet, hips and thoracic spine. (Check my previous posts for tons of tutorials on foot and hip exercises). *Add in great alignment and target breathing strategies for your unique body and you’re well on your way. Is there ever a time when we should consciously contract our pelvic floor? *Practicing kegels a few times a week, in a variety of positions can be helpful in improving the strength and awareness of our pelvic floor contraction. BUT!!! We must understand that a kegel will only be a helpful strategy if we are able to relax the pelvic floor first. *Practice full relaxation (on your inhale), then contraction of your pelvic floor muscles (on your exhale). *Watch the Side Lying Pelvic Floor Breathing Video (link in my @blastgirl profile) and I’ll show you how. *Even better? Make an appointment with a pelvic health physiotherapist

Blast Fitness with Lana 22.12.2020

We’re in the festive spirit over here! Wishing you all a happy (albeit very different) holiday this year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here, supporting Blast Fitness and coming along for the ride with my family and me. We’ve got one verrrrrry excited 4 year old bouncing around the house today, and a 9 month old that couldn’t care less ... And a big thank you to our new neighbor @my_artful_lens for taking this amazing photo (one pandemic silver lining was all the new families who moved into our hood ).

Blast Fitness with Lana 09.12.2020

When you feel your quads from yesterday’s workout, and you’re leading another workout tonight but it snows 30cm #maybelesssquatstonight

Blast Fitness with Lana 01.12.2020

Over the past few years in the fitness industry there has been a big pushback against eating and exercising rules, and for good reason. Rules are restrictive, and they often attempt to teach healthy habits from a shame-based perspective. If we’re not able to follow a prescribed list of rules and thus experience more stress and shame, are those rules actually healthy? The research is clear that shaming people into eating well and exercising regularly is not effective, it’s da...maging. We have to consider the whole person when we prescribe health improving habits. What brings them joy? What reduces their stress load? Which tools can we give them to help them interpret their body’s hunger cues and emotional signals? What is truly best for their health? It’s definitely not a strict set of rules. But it’s also not throwing them to the wolves and saying ‘good luck, you’ll figure it out!’ Coaches exist to help our clients walk the path to better wellbeing by laying out a step by step plan. This is the science of coaching. Life ensures this plan will not actually be executed in a linear fashion, but that’s part of the art of coaching. What do we replace strict rules with in the Coaching Club? We have pillars we call our ‘big rocks’. You learn about those in Month 1, as they are the foundation of our entire eating and exercising strategy. The only ‘rules’ we follow in the club? * Meet your body where it’s at, not where you think it should be. * Eat with satisfaction and enjoyment top of mind. * Do something today with tomorrow’s well-being in mind. All of this is here to support you in how you want to feel. Strong. Powerful. Energized. Supported. Proud. To join us as a monthly or yearly member in the club, get all the details here: https://blastfitness.co/step/cc Registration closes at 10pm MST on Wednesday December 23rd

Blast Fitness with Lana 27.11.2020

When my clients tell me they aren't motivated to exercise, my first thoughts always go to 'what is draining your energy? what is costing you mental bandwidth'?'. And if you're currently working from home, parenting children, and/or also trying to exercise at home, you know that THE MESS is freaking draining. It's laundry, it's toys, it's unanswered emails, it's the half-written Christmas cards, the dishes... Being at home can be distraction central. So what do we do about it?... WE PUT ON OUR BLINDERS. Ignore the mess. When I go to workout I literally step over piles of dirty laundry. I push toys to the side. Why? Because exercise is the thing that gives me staying power mentally and physically. I prioritize exercise above tidying. Tidying can wait until the workout is done. Sometimes in an effort to avoid exercise, we clean, tidy and putz around the house. For years I would put tidying in front of exercising on my priority list. Until I had a second child and realized nothing would be tidy again... https://blastfitness.ca//5-motivational-tools-use-constan/

Blast Fitness with Lana 24.11.2020

Working out from home isn’t easy. There are one million distractions, and if your house is anything like mine, there are piles of laundry and toys, emails waiting to be replied to, and children needing things every 2.7 seconds. But at this point, exercising from home is the only option for many of us. It’s entirely possible to create a consistent workout-at-home habit, but we need to think differently about how we approach getting our movement in. Here are 4 tips for buildi...ng consistent home exercise habits that you truly enjoy: 1 Implement some accountability. Make a workout goal or bet with a friend. This is something I never thought I would enjoy, but my brother and I are on our third year of making yearly workout goals together. This is really helpful if you’re struggling to get into the groove of a regular sweat habit at home. 2 Have low activation energy options. Have workouts on which you can just press play and follow along (we have an extensive library of these in the Coaching Club). Less thinking = lower energy required to get started. 3 Ignore the mess. It’s so common to feel like you need to ‘get things done’ before you can have time to do a workout. Let’s flip this line of thinking on its head. DO THE WORKOUT FIRST. The mess can wait until later. Put on your blinders and walk by the mess. 4 Make it simple. Basic exercise is effective exercise. Short workouts 15-30 minutes) and sessions with 3-6 exercises max bring great results. If it feels easy to get started, you’re more likely to do it again and again. These mindset style thinking shifts are exactly what we can talk about during the free 45 minute 1 on 1 coaching call you’ll get with a yearly membership to the Coaching Club. All details and sign-up here: https://blastfitness.co/step/cc/ Which of these tips is most helpful for you?! Tell me

Blast Fitness with Lana 07.11.2020

[Join me for a FREE live workout!] I’m hosting two live workouts on zoom this coming week. The sessions are 45 minute full body strength exercises, with basic and progressive options. Sign up here and I’ll email you the zoom class links: https:// blastfitness.activehosted.com/f/74 I’ll be coaching, sweating and huffing and puffing alongside you You can join us at the following times:... * Monday December 21st at 6:30am MST * Tuesday December 22nd at 5:30pm MST The classes will include different exercises, so feel free to join us for both! You’ll get a chance to see what our Coaching Club members do multiple times a month (we do 6-8 live workouts together each month), and I’ll be giving you cues and coaching from minute 1 through 45. Cueing is what instructors do to lead you through a class. But even more than ‘lift right leg, reach left arm’ directions, cues help you to: Feel where your body is in space and feel purposeful in each movement. Get more connected with how each exercise could feel in your body. Breathe and position your body optimally for better strength/alignment outcomes. Have options for turning up or down the intensity in each move. Every instructor cues a bit differently. But the feeling when those cues just *click* and you feel connection where you once felt disconnected? Sign up for a free zoom class with me this week here: https://blastfitness.activehosted.com/f/74

Blast Fitness with Lana 01.10.2020

Back in the old days, I used to get a few girlfriends together from time to time to batch cook a bunch of protein power ball recipes. We'd either divvy them up between us, or send the whole lot to a new mama friend. Now that we're not really having parties, how about making a bunch of protein balls with friends on zoom? Or making a batch for a family in isolation? Or leaving these porch side for a friend who is struggling? This post has a spreadsheet with 4 power ball recip...es to make the prep go super smoothly. Enjoy xox http://blastfitness.ca//how-to-host-a-protein-power-ball-/

Blast Fitness with Lana 24.09.2020

When I was growing up, my Dad and I were attached at the hip. As a commercial salmon fisherman on the West Coast of British Columbia he was gone (along with my mom) all summer, but more than available to spend all his time with me when it wasnt fishing season. We went skating, we listened to music, we sang in the car, we laughed, we played violin and the piano. It was my Dads idea to get chickens as backyard pets. Which also lead to his idea for my first job to be canvassin...g the neighbours to buy chicken eggs from me. Free range, grass and veggie fed chicken eggs, sold for $1.50 a dozen (cash only). I was five years old. Its no doubt my love affair with eggs started early. Todays recipe is a new one from my lovely clients Nora & Pete. The hosts with the most is how I would describe them. This is a fabulous recipe that cooks up well every time. Easy to make breakfast for 20 people at the same time too!

Blast Fitness with Lana 09.09.2020

Next up on the baking list....these Flourless Zucchini Blueberry Muffins! A great way to boost the fibre at snack time http://blastfitness.ca//flourless-zucchini-blueberry-muff/

Blast Fitness with Lana 01.09.2020

Happy 6 years @manny_ski // Wouldnt want to be on this ride called life with anyone but you. To many more adventures, laughs and lessons. xox

Blast Fitness with Lana 28.08.2020

I've never been a huge food prepper. I don't think I ever needed to be as I've always had an unconventional schedule with blocks of time off during the day. But since the pandemic began and we added a new baby into our lives around the same time, my grocery shopping and cooking habits have changed a lot. I shop less often now, and am more busy during the day. So now I find myself doing more food prep because it really, really helps the days to go much more smoothly. I come ...up with a basic menu of what we'll eat, go to the store, and prep a couple things to make the week of cooking and lunch packing much easier and less on my overall mental energy requirements. One of the things I always do is to prep some veggies. I usually do at least one of the following: - Prep a big veggie tray. I get my chop on and fill a huge tupperware with carrots, celery, broccoli and cucumbers. This goes on the table for meals sometimes, I reach into it while packing my daughter's lunch, and I use it for ready-made snacks. - Make a few salad bowls. I'll get all the greens and veggies chopped and assembled with a protein and fat source (like chickpeas or chicken or pumpkin seeds) and cover the bowls and place in the fridge. All they need is dressing and they're good to go. - Do a double batch of roasted veggies. Usually I just use a combination of whatever I have leftover in the fridge, or a mix of the veggies I've purchased for the week ahead. Toss 'em in a little olive oil, and salt and pepper and roast for about 30-40 minutes (depending on the veg) at 375F. Here's a recipe for my classic roasted veggie tray: http://blastfitness.ca/recipe/rainbow-roasted-veggie-tray/

Blast Fitness with Lana 25.08.2020

Sign-up is open! Join me for live drop-in classes from the comfort of your own home. Head on over to the sign-up page to get all the details and the equipment list https://blastfitness.co/live-drop-in-classes/

Blast Fitness with Lana 18.08.2020

While on a Coaching Call with a client yesterday, she mentioned how her world had been turned upside down since COVID. Shes working from home, kids are at home, her gym closed. I was on such a roll going to the gym, she said. And now that Im working from home, all I see are piles of laundry, dishes to do, emails to respond to, and stuff everywhere. Its impossible to workout when there is so much to do at home. Uhhhh, YES. It is hard! I replied back. I feel you. Ive... been working and working out from home, with kids, since 2016. It is not easy, as there is always something grabbing for your attention. I shared that my number one tool for getting my workouts in while at home is to PUT MY BLINDERS ON. It is hard to walk through the pile of toys, to bypass the clean, unfolded laundry, to press pause on your inbox for 30 minutes, and to say I know you want to go to the park, Mama is going to do her exercises first, then we can go. It takes effort to ignore the mess and to-do list, but it is worth it. Its worth it because a workout does more than just build strength and muscle definition. It improves our sleep, increases our energy, adds miles to our patience and mental bandwidth, and helps us to make great food choices too. Which brings me to todays announcement: sign-up for my live drop-in classes on zoom is open! (Toddlers not included FYI). This week weve got an Upper Body Strength Workout and a Core, Glutes + Low Back Release Class. Get all the details + sign-up here: https://blastfitness.co/live-drop-in-classes/

Blast Fitness with Lana 14.08.2020

Thats a wrap on our coastal trip! Three weeks of visiting home and family. Three weeks of adventures, social distance visits, date nights and reliving our childhoods through our kids eyes. Cant remember a trip home that was more joyous, adventurous or soul-filling as this one. And while on the road we had our most successful Coaching Club launch yet!!! Must have been all the helping hands...

Blast Fitness with Lana 02.08.2020

Swipe to read what our members have to say about their experiences in the my monthly, online workout program, the Blast Fitness Coaching Club Coaching this program for the last 7 (!!!) years has been so powerful for me. Yes Ive been able to share my knowledge about exercise and food, and I get to program new workouts every month, but most importantly Ive been able to lead our crew in becoming more self-compassionate. They are caring for themselves in nurturing and ...enjoyable ways. They are putting themselves, their health, their enjoyment and their goals on the priority list. Here are the hopes I have for you as a member of the Club: You learn more about your one and only unique self. This is about determining and embracing which exercise and eating habits are helpful, enjoyable and sustainable for you. Rather than trying to fit yourself into another program, find yourself at home with a program that fits itself to what works for you. You challenge your beliefs of what you think is possible for your mental and physical strength. You gain heaps of pride in yourself for learning how to listen to your body, how to push when its right, and rest when its needed. You learn how to eat in a way that supports your physical and mental energy. Yes, food should taste good. Yes, food is more than fuel. You receive programming that supports the belief that your mental health is just as important (or more?!) as your physical health. You feel encouraged and supported in your efforts to put your self-care at the top of the priority list. You build some epic muscles and strength while improving your overall fitness level. . We start our next month of workouts tomorrow, September 1st. This is the last time Ill be offering the club at these prices. Prices will go up for our next opening in 2021. Hit up the link in my @blastgirl profile to join us!!!

Blast Fitness with Lana 23.07.2020

Frittatas are a breakfast staple in our house. We eat them so often that my daughter calls a frittata eggs-tata. This mexican version of a frittata has become our new family favourite. It is packed full of flavour and pairs perfectly with avocado toast Feel free to add canned corn, or black beans to add a bit more fibre and fullness to this recipe. ... http://blastfitness.ca/recipe/one-pan-mexican-frittata/

Blast Fitness with Lana 13.07.2020

I use mantras ALL the time. Rather than using them while sitting cross-legged and meditating, I use them as little motivation assistants when Im at work and talking myself out of a workout, or when Im on the couch feeling low energy. They interrupt my thoughts and get me re-focused on what I know makes me feel really good. A mantra is like a mini focus phrase. Its a helpful tool to have in our back pockets for those moments when our mind needs convincing and our to do list... is piling up all over the place. You know, the times when we feel like we just dont have time for a workout, or we just dont feel like exercising. Those are the times when mantras are super effective. Here are some of the mantras I use to help me get my workouts in more consistently. http://blastfitness.ca//4-essential-mantras-help-you-do-y/

Blast Fitness with Lana 09.07.2020

One of my favourite tools for quick and versatile strength workouts is the super band. Its a big loop shaped piece of exercise tubing which comes in varying levels of tension. I love the 1/2 inch bands because they are super easy to pack while traveling, great for a home gym (or easy to take to the park with my little ones) and I can get a full body workout in using this single tool. The super band is an incredibly cost effective addition to any home gym, and even doubles as... a great dynamic stretching assistant during warm-ups and cool downs. Here are 5 of my favourite muscle building super band exercises: http://blastfitness.ca//5-muscle-building-super-band-exer/

Blast Fitness with Lana 06.07.2020

Made it up Mt. Gardner with my brother and @manny_ski yesterday! That view tho... Watching Sloane and Toby interact is like having a glimpse into what Dylan and my relationship was like 30+ years ago. When Sloane walks in the room, Tobys eyes light up and he watches her wherever she goes. He laughs and giggles when she jumps and twirls or gives him a sliver of attention.... Its looking like the relationships may be similar to Dylan and mine...shes gonna boss him around every minute of the day until he fights back at approximately 13 years old

Blast Fitness with Lana 21.06.2020

Yesterday I received a number of questions about what the structure of the coaching club is like. One person asked is the workout schedule prescribed? I need structure! And an hour later, another query came through asking Im a busy mom of a toddler who works full time, I want a program that is flexible in my life so I dont feel like Im failing if I cant stick to the schedule. Will the club be a good fit for me? First of all, YES to this . It makes me so happy to rece...ive questions from you when youre telling me you know what you need. You want to know if you will be a good fit. You know you need structure. Or you know you need flexibility. This is great, because trying to force yourself into a program that doesnt jive with your vibe is never going to be enjoyable or successful. So heres what you can expect for your workout set up each month: There is a set calendar with which workouts to do on each day of the week. This is used by our members who need and love structure. There is a blank calendar for folks who want to set their OWN workout goals based on the suggested program, and based on what they can realistically commit to. As a group we share our monthly workout goals at the beginning of the month. Some members are aiming for 10 strength workouts a month because that is what fits in their lives. Other members are aiming for 25 workouts a month because that fits with their life, energy and time. Neither of these are better or worse. We celebrate self-knowledge and holding boundaries for ourselves. We embrace knowing what is motivating or de-motivating for each of us. We dont do a million mountain climbers or burpees. Our workouts change monthly, and are expertly programmed to help you build muscle, get stronger, prevent injuries and function with more ease in your daily life. If youve got any other questions, send me a DM

Blast Fitness with Lana 19.06.2020

[The Club is open!] My online, monthly workout program, the Blast Fitness Coaching Club, is open for registration until 10pm MDT on September 1st Sign up here: https://blastfitness.co/step/cc/... This is the final time I'll be opening the club for sign-ups at our current pricing, and doors won't open again until 2021. The Coaching Club is a supportive space to guide you in making your whole-hearted health a priority. Yes we have expertly programmed workout plans released every 30 days including new printable workout sheets, a calendar to follow and videos of every exercise in the program, BUT we've also got: Live Virtual Workouts EVERY week. These workouts are recorded and posted on our membership site so you can join in after the fact. Mindset coaching for better emotional health. This is a huge priority in the club. Learning how to deal with stress more powerfully is one of our main areas of focus. A Recipe Hub full of protein and fibre packed recipes. Eating for enjoyment and satisfaction is paramount, and our recipes are based around great taste and energy support. Monthly challenges + prizes. Our community rallies around each other, and we partake in fun challenges to improve our exercise consistency. In the words of our participants this is 'more than a fitness community' Come and join us, our next group of participants begin on September 1st! Sign-up here: https://blastfitness.co/step/cc/

Blast Fitness with Lana 04.06.2020

The first fitness class I ever taught took place in an old portable classroom at Bowen Island Community school. I was 16 years old. The class was Step + Strength and my playlist came in the form of a mix tape played on a boom box. The floor was uneven and there were posts that you had to avoid while doing grapevines. A lot has changed in the last 19 years . Ive taught thousands of hours of exercise sessions in community centres, boutique studios, high rise buildings, empl...oyee fitness centres, parks, peoples basements and in the last few years, from my own home gym. My online fitness, nutrition and mindset program, the Blast Fitness Coaching Club, is now open for registration through September 1st: Sign-up here: https://blastfitness.co/step/cc/ Starting this fall we are doing weekly live workouts on zoom for members only!

Blast Fitness with Lana 23.05.2020

Feeling good in my body (less achy, more powerful, more energy, stronger) is one is my primary motivations for moving regularly. I talk about strength training all the time because I it and all the benefits it brings, but a big part of my training and coaching strategy is the restorative/preventative side of exercise. Moves like the one in the video below play a huge part in us feeling better in our bodies. My online monthly exercise program, the Blast Fitness Coaching Cl...ub, opens for registration from Thursday August 27th through Tuesday September 1st. And starting this fall we are going to have weekly live virtual workouts! There will be full body strength workouts, metabolic workouts and core + glutes workouts, but what Im most excited to share with our members is my brand new Low Back Release Class! Its a blend of restorative moves like this paired with breathing, core engagement and full body moves to leave us feeling less achy, more connected and strong. If you want to join us, our fall monthly workout schedule begins on September 1st! Sign-up: https://blastfitness.co/step/cc/

Blast Fitness with Lana 07.05.2020

Reminding ourselves of what our workouts ADD to our lives is key if we are looking to be more consistent with exercise. Some examples of what exercise adds to my life: Greater capacity to deal with life stress (uhhhh, could there be a time where this was any more important than during a pandemic?!)... Better quality sleep. This is probably my favorite exercise benefit since having kids More Energy. Regular sweat = more energy. I dont know about you, but getting through one day in my life takes a lot of energy gimme. Time for myself. Sometimes I workout with the kids around, but Ill often set aside time to sweat ON MY OWN. Heavenly. Being stronger. Carrying kids, powering up mountains, hauling boxes of cat litter effortlessly (you know those things are freakin heavy ), lifting the heavy dumbbells. Feels so good. Its like that old saying it doesnt take time, it gives time. If we only think about what it takes to get a workout in, not what it gives, then we are less likely to reap all the life-giving non-aesthetic benefits. What are your fave non-aesthetic benefits from exercise? What does regular sweat time ADD to your life? Tell me below!

Blast Fitness with Lana 21.04.2020

Friends! I highly recommend working with Felicia Chanell of Swanked Creative. She has been helping me with a variety of online projects, branding, funnel building and more since June 2018 and these have been my most profitable and organized years of online business yet! I value her expertise, industry knowledge, eye for design and ability to get stuff DONE. Check her out and tell her I sent you

Blast Fitness with Lana 14.04.2020

Once upon a time I believed that my relationship with my body was only a good relationship if I loved every inch of the skin Im in, all the time. . But heres the thing - its a relationship. Do you have any relationships that are all love, all the time? I dont . . Yes I think it is powerful to accept my body for all it is and all that it has been through. Also, how much more accessible is this for me being in a body that is white, cis, able-bodied?... . Yes I think we need to support people by removing the barriers to loving their bodies especially because there are systems in place that have prejudice against bodies that dont fit into societys ideals of size, colour and ability. . And I also wish we talked more about respect for our bodies. Respect for all they go through. Respect for all types of shapes. Respect for our bodies even when they dont work the way wed like. . Now I consider my relationship with my body as a more multi dimensional experience where all my feelings about it are valid, but the foundation is respect. . When there is greater respect, there is better listening. When there is better listening, there are more caring responses. When there are more caring responses, there is better quality self-care. . . Art by @stephaniechinnart See more

Blast Fitness with Lana 29.03.2020

I love simple, effective workouts. Perhaps its the fact that I want my workouts to be an opportunity to rest my mind and get more in tune with my body. The less equipment, the better. Easier set up? Im in! A super effective, challenging total body workout with a single dumbbell? Yessss, please. But, I still want my workouts to help me build muscle. If youre like me and more likely to get into your workout gear when you know your workout will be quick, effective and easy in... terms of set up and execution, then the following exercises are for you. Here are 4 of my favourite muscle building exercises using only one single dumbbell: http://blastfitness.ca//4-muscle-building-exercises-singl/

Blast Fitness with Lana 18.03.2020

What does the postpartum time feel like when youre NOT recovering from birth trauma or dealing with postpartum anxiety/depression? Thats what my reality has been for the past 4.5 months. Its been full of joy and love. Yes its had exhaustion, confusion, breast feeding struggles, a tongue tie diagnosis, lots of communicating with my husband about my needs and trying to juggle kids/work/pandemic things. But the biggest difference between my first birth/postpartum experience ...and this one is that Ive got much more mental space to enjoy the love and fun-filled aspects of this sweet boys early life because Im not having to navigate the challenging thoughts and constant hyper-vigilance like I did the first go round. After Sloane was born, EVERYTHING seemed hard. Just existing through the day was tough, and I didnt realize at the time how much my sick pregnancy, challenging birth, blood loss and major life change from working to mothering was affecting me. I thought that the postpartum time was just the worst and I could not understand how anyone could think otherwise. I loved Sloane deeply, but those feelings were often overtaken by feeling extremely overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted and grieving my old life. Its been an incredibly eye-opening and healing experience to have a baby without as much pain and struggle. And if you are in that place of challenge, Im not making this post to exacerbate your experience, Im making it to show there is hope. The biggest change this go round has been in accepting more help, not trying to do everything myself, creating wayyy better boundaries and just letting myself be postpartum. My planned c-section was smooth and my energy levels have been so much better due to not dealing with as much blood loss, Im also no longer breastfeeding or pumping which is different than last time. My privilege has afforded me great care and access to help, and that must be highlighted in this conversation about postpartum mental health. If you are struggling at any point postpartum, there is nothing wrong with you. Even if your birth and pregnancy went smoothly, struggling with challenging thoughts is not your fault. You are so loved. Call a mental health professional (I know its hard to do so) because getting support can make a huge difference.

Blast Fitness with Lana 03.03.2020

When it's zucchini season and you also need to make endless amounts of snacks to keep your toddler from getting hangry... Enter: These Flourless Zucchini Blueberry Muffins! http://blastfitness.ca//flourless-zucchini-blueberry-muff/

Blast Fitness with Lana 24.02.2020

The frittata has been a weekend breakfast staple in our house for years. It is so easy. You can put anything in it. It even works great as lunch or dinner leftovers. ... But this version which is a twist on one of my favourite dishes ever, the caprese salad, has been my frittata go-to as of late. Enjoy! http://blastfitness.ca/recipe/easy-caprese-frittata/

Blast Fitness with Lana 04.02.2020

I wouldnt classify myself as a smoothie person. Its not my every day breakfast, nor is it even a typical weekly snack. So you wont find a plethora of smoothie recipes on this site. But. BUT! When I find a good smoothie recipe it kinda becomes my jam for awhile, and lately this one has been on repeat. I dont know if its the creaminess, or the chai-esque flavours that make it so damn delicious, but Im going to go out on a limb and say this one might just be here to stay... http://blastfitness.ca//nourishing-cashew-collagen-smooth/

Blast Fitness with Lana 28.01.2020

As part of IMPACT Magazines Sweat Across Canada, I taught a 30 minute Core + Glutes workout. Heres the full recording. You'll need a mini band, a mat and a bench or step/stair/coffee table. Enjoy!

Blast Fitness with Lana 08.01.2020

Wanna workout with me in real time?! Im taking over the @impactmagcanada Instagram page for a 30 minute core + glutes workout this Thursday August 6th at 12pm MDT (11am PST/2pm EST) as part of their Sweat Across Canada series sponsored by @lebertfitness . To join, simply head over to the @impactmagcanada Instagram page and click on their profile picture at 12pm MDT. The 30 minute workout will have:... challenging and safe exercises to strengthen our core and hips. tons of exercise modifications to make our moves easier or harder (Im 4 months postpartum so come and join me mamas!) all the coaching cues to help you get the most out of each exercise. Will I see you there this Thursday?! Give me a below

Blast Fitness with Lana 27.12.2019

The #onebowlmeal is a staple in our home as it is one of the easiest ways to clean out the fridge, feed my husband quickly after he comes home from his morning training session and get all the tenets of a supremely nutritious meal in one dish. This variation is a less common occurrence in our home, meaning that it contains only plant-based protein. I have friends and clients that are vegetarian and vegan, and I obviously cook a ton of veggies on a daily basis, but I am happily and healthfully an omnivore. That doesnt mean that a little meatless monday recipe doesnt happen from time to time, and these crispy chickpeas? They are an every day staple for us. http://blastfitness.ca/recipe/recipeprotein-power-bowl/

Blast Fitness with Lana 07.12.2019

I was at a dinner party a couple years ago and a salad similar to this was served. It was so delicious I snapped a quick photo and put it on my list to re-create at home. And now this Roasted Vegetable Salad is a favourite in our home. It's versatile, so you can change up the veggies and greens based on what you have on hand. Enjoy!... http://blastfitness.ca//long-weekend-roasted-vegetable-bo/

Blast Fitness with Lana 25.11.2019

I'm frequently asked what type of exercise program I have followed after the birth of both my children. While both of my birth experiences were wildly different, I have completed this program after each. It is simple to do (under 10 minutes a day!) and a gentle way to ease tension and gain core awareness. There are options for vaginal or c-section delivery. It was created by my friend Jessie Mundell and I highly recommend it. ... https://programs.jessiemundell.com/core-floor-restore-ser/

Blast Fitness with Lana 14.11.2019

Searched up an old favourite for dinner this week http://blastfitness.ca/recipe/greek-steak-tacos/

Blast Fitness with Lana 08.11.2019

Sweat with me this summer! My home-based strength training program, the 8 Week Muscle Makeover is going LIVE . We start Monday July 6th through Sunday August 30th. The program includes: a safe and effective 8 week full body strength training plan designed for home.... 26 different workouts (18-30 minutes in length) using dumbbells, a bench and a mini band. 8 live zoom workouts. Yes, they will be recorded so you can use them again and again. Ill be coaching you along, giving modifications and cues. an interactive online tracker to chart workouts, watch the videos, and earn points to win prizes! Sign up closes on Sunday night, so grab your spot and youll get your program right away Details here: https://blastfitness.co/8week-muscle-makeover/ Already in? Give me a below. Got questions? Send me a DM or ask

Blast Fitness with Lana 22.10.2019

Today was finally the day where Manny, Toby and Sloane all napped at the same time. This meant I had a quiet, peaceful household for 90 minutes! . A sweet girlfriend dropped off a marinated pork tenderloin for our dinner. . It rained (my favourite) and was sunny too.... . And last night I got a wee bit more sleep than I have been getting (which has pretty much been the square root of nothing, so it was glorious). . Thankful for today, it was just what I needed. See more

Blast Fitness with Lana 19.10.2019

Making the shift from self-criticism to self-compassion is tough. My journey to a healthier and less stressful relationship with food and exercise in my twenties forced me to shift from 'is what I'm doing good enough?' to 'what's good for me?'. I had to admit that trying to keep up with my unrealistic standards was actually causing me more stress than it was creating wellness. ... And the same thing goes for my journey in parenting. It's a constant correction from 'am I good enough' to 'what's good for me (and my kids)'. If we come out of this quarantine with even an ounce more of self-compassion over self-criticism, that's a win in my books. #selfcompassion

Blast Fitness with Lana 11.10.2019

Its a bit surreal to be living the early postpartum/newborn life during a pandemic. Like normal postpartum life, I dont know what day it is, am in my pajamas most of the time, and am exhausted from the constant feeding and lack of sleep. But when I talk with friends it seems like everyone is living a new version of reality right now, and in many ways it feels less like Im an anomaly. . I have had a ton of help from my husband, mom and mother in law which has made the last... few weeks so full of joy (and of course some frustration!) . . Reflecting back on my early postpartum experience with Sloane, this go round has been much, much easier in many ways. I am so much less anxious, am way less sore (I had a planned c-section this time which was not even comparable to my induction/long labour/emergency c-section and artery tear last time) and I know that this phase is so short in the grand scheme of things. . I am definitely more tired this time (hello toddler at home and newborn who loves eating and not sleeping ), but Ive been able to have a much bigger perspective on everything. . When I was pregnant I toyed around with the idea of doing a postpartum confinement as practiced in many cultures around the world. The idea is that you stay mostly indoors and spend lots of time in bed for 40 days after birth as you recover, sleep, rest, eat and get to know your new baby. I didnt know if it would be realistic with a toddler or if I would be able to uphold that level of boundary. Well, this has been pretty much our reality for the past 3 weeks! Im definitely taking things slower this go round and trying to care for my mental and physical health as one of my top priorities. . See more

Blast Fitness with Lana 22.09.2019

I posted up these words on our letter board as I was nearing the end of my third trimester a month ago. . I had no way of knowing that by the time our sweet Toby was born the whole world would be dealing with an unprecedented global pandemic. I had no way of knowing that my carefully created postpartum plan with daycare, gymnastics and play dates for my 3 year old, family traveling to help, meals from my favourite restaurants, and home visits from our midwives would be dras...tically different. I had no way of knowing my mom and daughter wouldnt be allowed to visit us in the hospital. . I had no idea the Lynn Valley Care Home, where my Gran lives, would become the epicenter of the Canadian outbreak of the coronavirus. . And none of my friends or community members had any idea what March 2020 would hold for them, either. And here we are, wading through new territory. . I often have little mantras I repeat in my head for use in daily life. They are little sayings I find helpful when worry, anxiety, overwhelm or fear creeps in. My everyday mantras are: stop and smell the roses and one day at a time. . But right now Im still feeling this one: Its not going to be easy, its going to be worth it. None of what we are called to do right now is easy. For some people it is downright impossible. But us staying home will be worth it for our most vulnerable, for our front line workers, for our elders, for the health care system. . Thank you for thinking of people like my Gran. Sending love to everyone who feels stuck in impossible situations right now See more

Blast Fitness with Lana 08.09.2019

Hes here!!! Toby James Osborne-Paradis made his arrival yesterday weighing 8lbs, 5oz. . We are all over the moon and doing really well. Toby is so cute . Manny and I both cried so hard in the OR when he was born we had the rest of the delivery team blubbering alongside us! Sloane hasnt taken her big sister t-shirt off in 3 days and the grandmas are doing an amazing job of holding down the social distancing fort at home. . Were feeling well taken care of here in the h...ospital as they prepare for our current global pandemic, and we are off in baby land for now . Thank you again to our doctors and nurses and midwives, especially @sweetpeamidwife for holding my hand . . The biggest thank you goes to my husband, @manny_ski for truly being my rock these past 10 months. I didnt realize I could love you more, and am so lucky to be raising a family with you. Your humor, loyalty, steadfastness, strength and yes even your sensitive side (he was squeezing my hand so hard during birth I had to ask him to lighten up his grip ) have made this journey a very special one I will remember forever. . Thank you so much for all your well wishes!! See more