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A State of Bliss 31.01.2021

Looking to jumpstart your February? We now have affordable audio virtual practices available in our e-shop. Subscribe and stay up-to-date with new releases. Find out more at www.astateofbliss.com.

A State of Bliss 14.01.2021

Allow....It's a choice. It's our freedom.

A State of Bliss 10.01.2021

Photo credit to Michael Mazzone I can't seem to sleep tonight; perhaps its the power and light I am feeling from this upcoming Wolf moon or its the unsettled th...oughts in my mind. Or perhaps it's a bit of both. This full moon is a powerful one, again speaking from the perspective of the alignment of planets, it brings even greater light onto the dark places. Instead of labelling something as dark though, if we approached it from a space of being denser it doesn't have as much of the negative connotations attached to it. And so I am contemplating what is feeling dense within. I have always been intrigued with the potency of the moon. It is in alignment with a woman's menstrual cycle, the cycle or potential for creation of a new being. Within that cycle there is the time to plant the seed for fertilization, a time to tend the garden per say to keep the soil healthy to optimize the outcome and a time to tend and trust that all will be beautiful or as it was meant to be in that outcome. I have also witnessed the impact of the potency it can have on behaviours having been in the health care environment for a large portion of my working career. The power within the cycle of the moon is so incredible. At its peak it becomes a beacon onto the instability or incoherence of the mind and extreme behaviours can result. The same can be said for the solar impact in a daily cycle; an example being the behaviours changing in late afternoon with someone suffering with neurological diseases or under heavy medications. (sundown syndrome) The same cycles and changes can be witnessed with the seasons. We are in a time of extreme uncertainty, one that has not been experienced in our lifetime, or in many previous lifetimes. This wolf moon has special meaning for me personally. I had the greatest gift of being in a very close proximity with a wolf this year. His presence is something I will not forget. His coat was thick and healthy, his eyes sharp but not aggressive to me. I witnessed his strength in a way that perhaps words cannot articulate. He was standing in his sovereignty. His power. His truth. As these two aspects come together with this wolf moon as it has been called by our indigenous earth keepers of the past, I consider where I stand within my own truth. I am trying to embrace the light of the moon and allow it to shine onto the things that feel wobbly within. To be able to go within and witness that which is feeling out of alignment is a healthy state to enter into. The willingness to soften around a belief or an understanding and be available for a new thought, form or creation to emerge. I aspire to forever move towards that state as I know we will never know everything and everything is in a constant state of change. What I have always trusted is my moral compass and intuition. There were many years of my life that it had heaps of dust piled onto of it and entangled in cobwebs, however I have learned to blow that dust off and trust it more and more. It is an embodied state of knowing. It can also be a challenge as more often than not I have found myself outside of mainstream in my ways of thinking. It can be lonely and come with adversity, but like the wolf, I have to stand in what I believe to be true. It's not ego, it's not the need to be right because that will always change as greater discoveries are realized. The full moon is the guidepost for that time/behaviour/belief to come to light and to see if it can stand in its truth much like the beauty of the wolf did with me. He was so fully aware of his power and did not need to demonstrate it. What I have always believed in is the power of love. That is my unshakeable truth. The acts of kindness, of true compassion without agendas, of holding space for humanity, of a love for nature and the earth. What I also believe in is freedom, true freedom. The entanglement we are currently experiencing is so far from both of those states in this moment. The denser energies cannot thrive when we are experiencing these 2 states. Everything holds a vibration. It is all energy. Love is the highest frequency we can exist in and our planet and humanity are in deep need for that now. As uncomfortable as this past year and the time we are moving through now are for us, it is also an opportunity to let the wolf moon shine onto ourselves and see where perhaps we are out of alignment in thought, behaviour or truest nature. Love is not rigid, it has very soft borders that allow one to permeate into other thought forms, actions and existences. It is not grinding the teeth, pointing a finger or standing in militance. So I end this with where I can be of more love and greater service. Where can I best express and experience my freedom. I am aching for immense changes to occur on our planet and within our social structures. I don't quite know how to begin that process of contributing to the greater outcome other than within me. See more

A State of Bliss 03.01.2021

Let’s make the last day of 2020 a peaceful one. Meditation with a beacon of breath assists during challenging times. It allows one to return to the present moment and shift perception, moving oneself to a higher vibration. Subscribe to our free podcast to enjoy easily-accessible meditation sessions remotely or in the comfort of your own home. Available now on all major streaming services.... To listen to our second episode, visit: https://soundcloud.com/astateofbliss #destress #presentmoment #peace #perception #breathwork #highvibration #astateofbliss #innerjourney

A State of Bliss 26.12.2020

Be the calm amidst the storm. Breath will take you there....explore our FREE meditation and breath work practices to assist you in the process.

A State of Bliss 23.12.2020

Update: Bookings for services will (potentially) resume on Sunday, February 14th, 2021. Online booking is available at www.astateofbliss.com In the interim ,please feel free to visit website and search under PODCASTS tab for 5 free meditation/breathing sequences. Breath is a powerful way to bring you out the mind and emotions and back into this moment. We are in extreme times of uncertainty, know that the events occurring affect us ALL to some capacity - be kind, show compas...sion. No one knows the full spectrum of what is occurring now, do what you can to support yourself through these tremendous transitions. Be in nature, drink lots of water, and get lots of rest. Together we will create the life we love.

A State of Bliss 13.12.2020

On this full moon you may have the opportunity to create a fire, or find the time to sit quietly and allow to arise the lessons, the gifts and the challenges that arose in this past year....we have had many. Come to a place of grace, of no resistance, and breathe away the year. Perhaps writing down or exhaling the energies of that which you are ready to release. Begin this year with power, clarity, intention and truth. Your personal truth.

A State of Bliss 09.12.2020

A new year for new beginnings. Learn meditative breathwork to re-introduce ourselves to ourselves. A journey within to explore the body and its language or communication... Subscribe to our podcast to enjoy easily-accessible meditation sessions, any time anywhere. Streaming on all major podcast streaming services. And keep checking back to www.astateofbliss.com for more exciting news and content! Fall in love with feeling good.... #embodiment #astateofbliss #mindfulness #awareness #destress #peace #podcast #meditation

A State of Bliss 29.11.2020

Some friends and clients have asked me what I am doing for this years solstice and I thought I would share in this space some ideas and the potency of this time... with you. Scroll on by if its too 'woo-woo' for you. Also, its a lengthy post.... Astrology is an interpretation of the celestial bodies most prevalent and influencing earth and has been revered for many of the ages; it serves as a guidepost in creating change in our lives and also being ahead of the curve in how we can best manage the timelines of the changes. Most indigenous traditions honour this and if you can step away from the smallness of this planet for a moment and consider what is in the neighbourhood surrounding our planet, it's a fairly powerful presence. Consider just the impact that the full moon can make on a woman's cycle, on the mind and our emotions. There are many more influences beyond that. This particular solstice, landing on December 21st, is one of the greatest points in change we have ever lived through for several reasons. Saturn and Jupiter are at an exact 0 degrees which has occurred since 1623 which are both huge change agents. I am not an astrologer but have followed many great ones for several years and this time has been spoken of since my journey began. We are leaving an age...the age of Pisces, which I personally can't wait for that door to close behind it. It has been about consuming, manipulation, density and control in its shadow sides to name a few. And as we are currently witnessing it has gone rogue; perhaps an attempt to cling upon the shores with its final breaths of fire. The doorway we are entering is the Age of Aquarius which lasts approx 2000 years. A time of collaboration, of love from a different place than that we have known, not at all about the external but of the heart, a depth that most have not truly experienced. It is not of ego/mind but of the soul. It brings so many shifts in our consciousness and surrounds us like the waters of the womb which we feed from. I personally am doing a private ceremony, connecting with my breath and lighting a candle or fire if that is available and sitting with my desires. I will thank these past years for all the difficult spaces I have moved through, digest the pain and suffering I have witnessed or experienced and make way for the new. I will also hold gratitude for the lessons, and the gifts which sometimes show up as the other side of trauma or drama. It is the process of moving through to the other side of it that we begin to see them. The breath is the weaver of consciousness to a deeper more embodied place within. This solstice is like the changing of a radio station - turning that knob to a different frequency which in the change sounds like scrambled chaos but eventually settles into the channel of choice. What is also profound around this particular solstice is that the lay lines upon the earth all close over, the Schumann resonance (earth's heartbeat) has risen which tunes us without effort to a higher frequency, and that we cannot avoid or exist beyond it. Imagine a massive bandwidth of energy sweeping over the earth and holding presence because that is pretty much what is occurring. Breath will weave it in deeper and deeper and permeate those denser spaces in our bodies. You may not feel a thing, or you may feel many things but eventually as your density releases (thought, belief and physical) you will notice. It's a process, not like a magic pill where all the darkness dissolves. We are shifting from the tipping point of a culmination of 2000 years of Pisces into a new way of being so it will take time for these structures, systems and beliefs to diminish and dissolve. The more open we are, the easier the transition becomes. I will be taking time this Monday, perhaps several times during the day, to light a candle or fire, gently close my eyes and hold presence in the moment. Simply be with the now and witness. I will also go into a prayer state for humanity and also for myself to be the greatest version I can be in going forward. This doesn't mean we all have to run out and buy a Volkswagen van and get peel and stick daisies for it, or have 30 ropes of beads around our necks. This is an inside job of connecting the mind to the heart and creating a coherence where we begin to establish a new operating system of one with right relationship with ourselves first, and with those around us, AND with the planet that has supported us entirely through our lives. Living from the heart and dropping the denser energies of consuming, greed, control, anger, hatred, division and all the other rogue and disturbing qualities we have witnessed and are witnessing. I wish you all a wonderful Solstice if you choose to celebrate and embrace it or not. I am excited for the good that is on its way, we are in the last stages of moving through the birth canal to a new age and it is often the darkest and most painful but there is a beautiful new dawn awaiting. Much love See more

A State of Bliss 28.11.2020

Breath of Fire is a cleansing breath intended to open up potentials for the inner intelligence of ‘gut’ wisdom. It also has profound effects of releasing old holding patterns, residue that may have become energetically or physically entangled in our core and strengths the capacity to breathe deep. Our fourth FREE episode is now live on all major podcast streaming services. Subscribe and enjoy easily-accessible meditation sessions in the comfort of your own home! Listen here: ...https://www.astateofbliss.com/podcast #breathoffire #kria #cleansing #breathwork #mindfulness #astateofbliss #corestrength #yoga

A State of Bliss 16.11.2020

The new website is now LIVE!!! I appreciate the support in sharing and viewing...small businesses need it! Online store is now open with virtual classes for purchase, free breath and meditative practices and more. Lots more to come! Grateful for any likes, shares etc. www.astateofbliss.com

A State of Bliss 09.11.2020

Making mandalas has become a nourishing and inspiring practice for me these past few months. The word Mandala means 'circle' from Sanskrit. And that is essentially all that is required to begin. It is a portable practice, inexpensive and so rewarding. My experience is I lose all thought and drop into the image; excellent for balancing the mind, bringing peace and also opening to creative expression. As I journey along in through these creations I realize it often expresses my mood or thought. Sacred geometry is often inserted, as well as whatever flows from you. It is your own unique design. Highly encourage you to try it for the winter!

A State of Bliss 21.10.2020

Making space for something new...stay focused on the desire from a felt space, an embodied place.