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Bodycomp Imaging 17.09.2020

Another reason for High Intensity Physical Activity Stronger Bones in Adulthood! https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas/2020//200818103810.htm

Bodycomp Imaging 05.09.2020

At home workouts! During these times, many have found it hard to workout as some gyms have closed and/or find it difficult to feel comfortable in public spaces. But you shouldn’t let that stop you from getting your blood pumping from a good, solid workout and getting closer towards your goals of a healthier YOU! It is time to get creative, think outside the box, make no excuses, and find a way to still get that workout in, from home! ... First, find a nice space for yourself to be able to move your body. Whether that’s your backyard, or in front of the TV, make some room to move around in. Maybe try moving a chair or two around to find that space. No equipment? No problem! Many workouts require no equipment. Or again, get creative and think outside the box. Many fitness trainers have been recorded using everyday household items in order to get the same results as they would from real gym equipment. Perhaps that means using a gallon of water for weights, or even filling a backpack full of books as a weighted vest. Or using a chair for triceps dips and/or step ups. There are many possibilities. Check out the link below for more ideas. And if you’d like, maybe invest in a yoga mat, resistance bands, and/or a set of dumbbells. At home workouts can be just as effective as your gym workouts would be, as long as you can make the space, time, and effort for it, you’ll be sure to reap the benefits of a good workout. And lucky for us, there is an abundance of resources online to help guide you on how to workout at home. There is a full range of options, from articles on what exercises you can perform, to actual videos showing you exactly how it is done. The content is endless, and most of it being free! See some example links below! https://www.irontribefitness.com/common-household-items-yo/ https://www.active.com//a/the-benefits-of-at-home-workouts https://www.self.com/galle/best-at-home-workouts-bodyweight

Bodycomp Imaging 22.08.2020

Ways to energize yourself in the mornings! If you wake up feeling tired in the mornings, you are not alone! But to help with that, let's explore ways to energize your body and feel more lively in the AM. First and foremost, drink water! Hydrate your body for the day it has ahead. (Common symptom of dehydration includes fatigue). ... Try some stretches--warm up your muscles and help promote circulation in your body! Don’t hit the snooze button! I know it’s tempting, but you likely won’t get the extra rest you’re desiring from those 5 extra minutes. Get some exercise in before you start the day! Although it may be hard to get those gym clothes on in the morning, once your done the workout, your blood will be flowing and you’ll be sure to feel more alert. The intensity of the exercise is up to you! Even a simple activity like a brisk walk will make a difference. Breathe! Raising oxygen within your circulation will help you to feel more awake and alert. Give it a try. Some long deep breathes. Or step it up by trying a guided breathing mediation (you can find tons on different podcast channels or YouTube). How about a cold shower? I know this may not sound completely appealing BUT, cold showers in the morning could help energize and invigorate you! Meanwhile, a warm shower, as we might all know, will help relax the body and mind. And if this sounds like a bit much, try maybe a cold splash of water on your face instead. A study was done in 2016 to differentiate between cold and hot showers and how it relates to work productivity. And it suggested that an increased norepineprhine concentration occurs from having a cold shower. [Moreover], a study in North American Journal of Medical Sciences notes that cold water causes the deeper tissue blood vessels to dilate, which increases heart rate, blood flow, and circulation. Therefore, cold showers may stimulate the body to wake up and be more alert, causing a person to feel energized There are a few more tips you can try, keep reading at the article link below and help yourself get a good head start in the mornings for a productive and powerful day! https://www.medicalnewstoday.com//how-to-get-energy-in-the

Bodycomp Imaging 15.08.2020

The size of an animal determines many other physiological traits, such as speed, metabolism, and food intake. In short, yes, we can most likely outrun a T-rex, but other dinosaurs? That's a different story.

Bodycomp Imaging 11.08.2020

Our body fat and fuel source changes depending on the intensity of our exercise. In our cells, fatty acid transport is limited at high exercise intensity, and fat loss is best achieved between 45%~60% of our VO2max. To add to the nuance, training status, duration, and nutrition (macros) all play a role in our fat burn. There's no one-size-fit-all solution to body composition, but understanding the science can help us become more efficient and goal-directed in our lifestyle.

Bodycomp Imaging 04.08.2020

As we have officially hit the summer season, I am sure many of us are excited about the SUNSHINE that follows! So, why not take a moment to read about how vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin, can help our bodies in multiple forms. Vitamin D , also referred to as the sunshine vitamin, is produced by the skin naturally when it is exposed to sunlight. However, another way to get it is through certain foods (salmon, sardines, egg yolks, shrimp, milk, etc) and also supplements. I...t is important to get an optimal level of this vitamin within your blood as it serves multiple purposes in the body. This includes -regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body -facilitating normal immune system function (ex: reducing likelihood of developing the flu) -facilitating normal growth and development of bones and teeth (bone mineral densitypreventing osteoporosis) -improve resistance against certain diseases (ex: reduces risks to MS, heart disease) The lack of vitamin D can be detrimental to the development of bone health and cause many to have low BMD (osteoporosis). Check out the link below to find out more information on why you should go out and enjoy the sunshine, along with other sources of Vitamin D!! https://www.healthline.com//food-nutrit/benefits-vitamin-d

Bodycomp Imaging 18.07.2020

Healthy bones vs Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. This develops over time and is often diagnosed only after a fall or when sudden impact is placed on the bone, which forces it to break. For example, falling and breaking a hip or ankle. Bones can weaken so much so, that even small stresses or spontaneity can cause a bone break. It is one of the most common reasons for broken bones among the elderly p...opulation. However, it can affect the young as well. Bones that are common to break include the vertebrae in your spine, the bones in your forearm, and the hip. One way to detect where your bone health is at, is to get a bone density scan; a BMD test. The technologist will scan 2 of 3 body parts-- your lumbar spine and your hip, or your forearm. (Again, the more susceptible areas in the body). "Regardless of your current bone health, making healthy lifestyle and diet choices can give you the greatest advantage of preventing future bone density loss." It is important to first identify where you are with your BMD, and then, implement changes to improve upon it. Read more on how to improve your bone health at this link: https://msfocus.org//Prevent-Osteoporosis-with-6-Bone-Heal

Bodycomp Imaging 01.07.2020

Bodycomp will be open as of May 25th. Taking all safety measures and precautions, we will be able to safely continue scanning our patients!

Bodycomp Imaging 21.06.2020

Hi. How are you all holding out? I've been avoiding posting anything since we closed last week. I was falsely hoping to be able to have some sort of reopening date that I'd be able to post. The truth is, it could be a long wait until Bodycomp can reopen while ensuring the health of our staff and clients. Please keep an eye on this space or our main site for updates. I'll still be monitoring emails and social media for the duration of the closure. Hope you're all staying healthy and are finding good ways to make use of some solitary time for contemplation and growth. -peter

Bodycomp Imaging 18.06.2020

How Long Can You Hold A Plank? An ex-marine, aged 62, held a plank for more than 8 hours, leading to a new Guinness World Record! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George Hood is an ex-marine and DEA special agent who is now 62 years old. He recently held a plank for 8 hours, 15 minutes, and 15 seconds. Even more, he was able to use his phone, have full conversations, and much more during this planking time. Talk about a stro...ng core! He had been training for a long time and had a strict fitness routine. A plank requires an individual to use there forearms to rest on, and hold there bodies up on there toes. This will require a lot of core strength. Link to full article, https://globalnews.ca//65/ex-marine-planking-world-record/

Bodycomp Imaging 06.06.2020

Turn back time (in vascular age) by running a marathon For a new marathon runner, enlisting will have a variety of benefitsincluding (vascular) time travel! Aterial stiffening is a normal part of aging, which unfortunately comes with cardiovascular risks increased pulse pressure and ventricular overload. However, it is possible to reverse these consequences that are associated with our blood vessels aging. A study was performed on individuals with a broad age range who were... overall healthy and participated in training/completing a marathon. The results showed these participants to have reduced blood pressure, and arterial stiffness equivalent to a 4-year reduction in vascular age. Read the full article here, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas/2020//200107081241.htm

Bodycomp Imaging 30.05.2020

Bodycomp Imaging community partner: Fawcus Fitness https://fawcusfitness.com I have known John for almost 5 years and have seen him transform his body composition using science and discipline. I was excited when he told me that he was going to be setting up a coaching and nutrition company for athletes and regular people alike. His program will give you quality guidance with your training, nutrition and personalized accountability with email and phone call support. He’s a se...rious guy but also understands the challenges of modern life and how to work around them with a smile on your face. If you’re looking for some one on one quality guidance, consider hiring this hard-working man. Peter Schwagly

Bodycomp Imaging 18.05.2020

A powerlifter from Surrey won Gold in the North American Powerlifting Championship, and he's inspiring the community to be healthy and active.

Bodycomp Imaging 01.05.2020

Food! Fiber: Beans, Peas, Lentils, Berries, Apples, Pears, Avocados, Beets, Broccoli, Chickpeas, Oats, Popcorn, Nuts, Seeds, Brussels Sprouts, Potatoes, Whole Grains Potassium: Potatoes, Milk, Yogurt, Avocados, Spinach, Melon, Coconut Water, Beans, Edamame, Squash, Dried Fruit, Beets, Pomegranate... Calcium: Sesame seeds, Bok Choy, Chia Seeds, Beans, Salmon, Almonds, Dairy Products, Tofu, Sardines, Kale, Figs Vitamin C: Oranges, Berries, Grapefruits, Potatoes, Peppers, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Guava, Kiwi, Lime, Lemon Iron: Beef, Eggs, Spinach, Tofu, Beans, Kale, Seeds, Dark Chocolate, Lentils, Chickpeas, Liver, Quinoa, Soy Beans, Broccoli I hate liver but I tell lots of people to eat it... Shhhhh!

Bodycomp Imaging 26.04.2020

Happy Friday! Apres ski massage, anyone?

Bodycomp Imaging 19.04.2020

Protein intake with respect to exercise is a complex science with many variables, but a few simple facts hold: 1. We need 0.8g protein x kg body weight (56g in a 70kg person) for normal metabolism. 2. Having more protein than the basic requirement can stimulate and help muscle building; 1.6g x kg body weight is a good rule of thumb (different sports or types of program can suggest different numbers, but most scientific recommendations fall into a range of 1.2 - 2.0). 3. The a...mount of protein matters more than the source of protein, though there is much nuance in the latter. In the end, having good protein intake complements exercise in effecting body composition changes. And come in to Bodycomp for a scan to measure your changes!

Bodycomp Imaging 11.04.2020

Fitness: Tips on how to stay motivated! The new year comes with eager resolutions that you wish to make. Typically, fitness and taking care of one’s health is usually on the top of the list, which is super great! However, have you ever started this journey and then quit? Well you’re not alone, that’s forsure! Many people get bored, don’t see any or much improvement and lack the motivation to stick with it. A great way to help you stay motivated is tracking your progress and...Continue reading

Bodycomp Imaging 03.04.2020

Physical Activity & Prostate Cancer Yes, the two are linked. Prostate cancer is one of the more common cancers in males. And although we don’t know everything about it, one thing that has been revealed is how physical activity can have a positive impact. ... A study involving over 140,000 men (of which 80,000) had prostate cancer was performed. It is the largest study in relation to prostate cancer that has been done thus far. It looked at the effect of 22 risk factors on prostate cancer. However, physical activity was the most striking. The results suggested that being more active reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Yet another reason to get out there and sweat it out! Click on the link below and have a read at the full article. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas/2019//191204201019.htm

Bodycomp Imaging 16.03.2020

It has already been proven, through many studies, that aerobic exercise strengthens the brain. But what about yoga?..... Recently published in the journal, Brain Plasticity, is evidence linked to yoga enhancing many of the same brain structures and functions that benefit from aerobic exercise. The evidence revolves around 11 studies which investigate the relationship between practicing yoga and brain health. It took place over several months and a comparison (through funct...ional MRI of the brain) was made from before the studies started yoga, and at the end. *The type of yoga performed in these particular studies was Hatha yoga (involves body movements, meditation, and breathing exercises)*. [ "From these 11 studies, we identified some brain regions that consistently come up, and they are surprisingly not very different from what we see with exercise research," said University of Illinois kinesiology and community health professor Neha Gothe. ] One of the areas that continued to enhance was the hippocampus. With yoga practice, it was seen that the hippocampus, involved in memory processing, increased in volume. Similar to aerobic exercise. Other areas that were also affected include the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, etc. Furthermore, the study also suggests that the brain changes seen in yoga practicing participants, associate with better performance on cognitive tests or measures of emotional regulation. The regulation of emotions is a key aspect of how yoga positively affects the brain. Because things like anxiety or stress can cause shrinkage of the hippocampus, as well as worse performances on tests of memory. Professor Gothe believes that the practice of yoga helps improve emotional regulation to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and that seems to improve brain functioning." Although studies are still limited, the science thus far, definitely suggests that yoga can help with anxiety disorders/managing stress and therefore befitting in healthy brain function. So grab a mat, and try it out! Here is the link, enjoy the read, and hopefully a yoga session! https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas/2019//191212105851.htm

Bodycomp Imaging 04.03.2020

New year = New you & Better Health! It is a fresh start in 2020! This is a moment to reflect on what you can change and how you can be even better going into this new year. One of the more popular new years resolutions include people setting new health goals for themselves. This includes the desire to lose weight, follow a better diet, and start an exercise regime. This is all awesome stuff. However, often times these goals are set with parameters that are super restrictive...Continue reading

Bodycomp Imaging 15.02.2020

Our partner the Wellness Garage have a new S3 Weight Management Program, a stratified, systematic & sustainable approach to weight management led by Dr. Brendan Byrne and his multidisciplinary team. The program is free with MSP coverage for those who meet certain health criteria. For more information, please see... https://www.wellnessgarage.ca/group_weight_management.html ; or contact Michelle at the Wellness Garage (literally [email protected]). See more

Bodycomp Imaging 01.02.2020

Bodycomp wishes everybody a safe and happy holiday! Have a Happy New Year!Bodycomp wishes everybody a safe and happy holiday! Have a Happy New Year!