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Book of Events 31.10.2021

Today, October 27, 2021, the Waning Gibbous Moon is travelling through the Cancer energetic realm until 11:02 pm PST when it will go void-of-course. On October 28, 2021 at 2:07 am PST, the Moon will enter the Leo energetic realm and then at 1:05 pm PST, the Leo Moon will enter a Square aspect - 90 degrees - with the Sun in its Scorpio Season which is called the Moon’s 4th Quarter. Although some call the 4th Quarter Moon different Quarters, I will try to stick to 4th Quarter,... but will always try to mention the Moon’s Aspect with the Sun. I don’t have an opinion on what Quarters the Moon should be called, but I personally would prefer a consensus because it can be confusing. Today, October 27, 2021, the Moon mood is mostly grumpy and tomorrow will be the same until 8:42 pm PST when the Moon will enter a Trine Aspect - 120 degrees - with Chiron travelling through the Aries energetic realm. As well, at 12:15 pm PST on October 28, 2021, Venus in the Sagittarius energetic realm will enter a Sextile Aspect - 60 degrees - with Jupiter in the Aquarius energetic realm. So expect big ideas and visions tomorrow, but if you like those big ideas and visions, keep in mind, having them come to fruition is another thing altogether. So keep track of the ones you like to think of the concrete measures that can bring them about. It is usually a good idea to press for a somewhat firm connection and a less vague promise if only to just gain a verbal support for the work you yourself will have to do to bring about those big ideas and visions about.

Book of Events 19.10.2021

Today, October 26, 2021, the Waning Gibbous Moon is travelling through the Cancer energetic realm. Remember that Cancer is a Cardinal sign and so likes to initiate and lead. As well, Cancer usually requires newness to feed and nurture its Spirit. We often think of the caregivers as passive, but this is not the case with Cancer. Often our homes, refuge, sanctuary, too, require some dynamics and energy surges to keep our personal space fresh and nurturing. Creating our own per...sonal traditions to tackle those boring and mundane can generate a sense of fun and excitement without giving up the safety and security that our homes, sanctuaries need. Today, October 26, 2021 at 6:06 pm PST, Venus travelling through the Sagittarius energetic realm will Square off to Neptune Retrograde travelling through the Pisces energetic realm. So things may be a little confusing with respect to relationships, but some say that insights to recent events and or relationships may be forthcoming from this Square. I often see confusion like an actual fog that eventually lifts, but, like in real fog, it is best to move slowly and cautiously until the fog lifts.

Book of Events 06.10.2021

Today, October 25, 2021, the Waning Gibbous Moon is void-of-course and will enter the Cancer energetic realm at 2:00 pm PST. The Moon is in its Domicile, its comfortable home, when it is in the Cancer energetic realm. While this can be a cosy, cuddly time; it can also be emotional. So let your focus be on domestic and or home and or family affairs. We can often take our home, our Domicile for granted and neglect the kinds of maintenance and or chores and or attention it does... require. Everyone should have a Domicile, a place of sanctuary, refuge, or comfort which is a key component in your resilience and fortitude. Now on October 28, 2021, the Moon enters its 4th Quarter which is a Square aspect - 90 degrees - with the Sun. The Moon will be in the Leo energetic realm, so while this 4th Quarter is said to be about disintegration and drawing back, the Leo energetic realm is about attention and theatrics. Also on October 30, 2021, the Planet Mars moves into the Scorpio energetic realm which is one of the Planet Mars’ Domicile energetic realm. So there may be some effects from that shift. Remember the Planet Mars is currently in its Detriment sign Libra. Remember the Cancer Moon is mostly nurturing, so use this time to nurture yourself and the people around you. Our Domicile, our home, should be our rooting place, our grounding center, our refuge for regenerating, our nurturing niche, so it deserves our attention and our care.

Book of Events 29.09.2021

Today, October 23, 2021, the Waning Gibbous Moon is travelling under the Gemini energetic realm. And we are in the Scorpio Sun Season with the Planet Mercury leaving its Storm period. While the Gemini Moon might make some of you more restless, the switch from the Libra Sun Season to the Scorpio Sun Season may slow some people down for a bit. Some of us do feel these shifts and adapting to this particular profound change may require some time. While Libra is about balance and ...civility and diplomacy, Scorpio is a darker, more passionate and demanding energetic realm. We may become more critical and focused. Scorpio is about finding a deeper meaning and that usually means a sense of dissatisfaction for the status quo. But we can perceive or channel this energy into a more positive perception so it doesn’t have to be negative, dissatisfying or frustrating. Instead, we can view that Scorpio attitude as a tool to refine or to add on or to shift stronger in particular direction. Asking why am I doing this can be a form of deepening your commitment or adding colour and depth to the tedious portions of your plans, projects or visions. We all have our tendencies, our own personal domiciles and exaltations, much like those ‘Wandering Stars,’ the Planets, but remember the lessons of the Libra energetic realm, those civilized pleasantries and diplomacy and beautiful Arts attract people and cooperation. So if you do find yourself sinking into the fierce scrutiny of Scorpio, take time to appreciate the other meanings of life, like cooperation, balance, civility and diplomacy without that intense scrutiny and fierce measuring eye.

Book of Events 30.03.2021

Tomorrow, March 20, 2021, the Sun enters the Aries Sun Season which is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Globally, tomorrow is the Vernal Equinox which is one of the two days throughout the year where the daytime is equal to the nighttime. All over the world, we will all experience the first day of the year where light and darkness are equal. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days will begin to keep getting longer. In the Southern Hemisphere, the days will begin to... get shorter. We can say that our experiences are determined by the play of sunlight upon the Earth. And we each have our very own relationship with sunlight and absent sunlight. The Earth rotates around the Sun and spins around on its own as well. Both these movements create one of the fundamental relationships we all have. We all have a fundamental relationship with Sunlight and the absence of Sunlight. Even though the days in the Southern Hemisphere are getting shorter; all of us in the Northern Hemisphere understand and share this experience because we are now moving away from that experience of shorter days to experiencing longer days, the experience the Southern Hemisphere is now moving away from. We share this relationship with all the species on this planet. All of us arrange our lives around thIs relationship in our very own way. So celebrate tomorrow in your own way knowing that every species on Earth is experiencing the Vernal Equinox with you. As well, tomorrow is the Persian New Year, Nowruz, which begins on the Vernal Equinox. It is said they celebrate their New Year over 13 days. Happy Vernal Equinox! The Moon will be going Void-of-Course on Sunday, March 21, 2021, at 5:04 am PST and then enter the Cancer constellation at 5:18 am PST, so some of you may want to avoid that time for making plans or starting something you want to happen. If you are obligated to make plans or start something that you don’t want to have happen, the Void-of-Course Moon might be the ideal time for you.

Book of Events 26.03.2021

Today, March 18, 2021, the Moon will enter the Gemini constellation at 4:47 pm PST. Venus, still travelling through the Pisces constellation will enter into a sextile relationship with Pluto travelling through the Capricorn constellation. We all just recently experiencing the Sun in Pisces in a sextile relationship with Pluto in Capricorn, so this experience should be somewhat similar but our musing attention will be directed most probably to love. Venus is in the musing drea...ming state of Pisces and Pluto is in the practical but ambitious state of Capricorn. Tomorrow, Friday, March 19, 2021, will be reasonably quiet with only the Moon travelling in and out of planetary relationships, but on Saturday at 2:37 am PST, the Sun will leave the Pisces constellation and enter into the Aries constellation bringing in the Spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere. On Sunday, March 21, 2021, at 7:16 am PST, Venus will also move out of the Pisces constellation and into the Aries constellation. Many of us will be infused with energy and ripe for action in matters of love as well. Sunday, March 21, 2021 will be a very busy day with both Mercury and Mars moving into relationships and the Moon moving from Void-of-course and into Cancer and into its 2nd Quarter. So prepare for Spring and realize that on Saturday, many of us will feel that infusion of energy and on Sunday, more energy will be added. Our mindsets will change from musing and daydreaming to wanting to act and or take take care of number one and or to more direct and forceful activity.

Book of Events 11.03.2021

This Saturday, March 20, 2021, the Sun enters the Aries constellation on the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere heralds the first day of Spring and the first day of the Aries Sun Season. The Moon will be in Gemini and Mars, the planet that epitomizes Aries, will be in Gemini as well. Springs represents the burgeoning of new life and Aries starts or is the first sign of the Western Astrology Zodiac. The element of Aries is fire and the Totem of Aries is the Ram. In the ...Chinese Zodiac, Aries is correlated with the sign of the Dragon. The fixed element of the Dragon is Wood and the Dragon is considered a Yang sign. The Dragon is 5th in the Chinese Horoscope line up. As humans, we all have time and within our experience of time, we create meaning. From our meaning, we create structures. We, ourselves, are structures. We are a physical entity with a psychology or personality constellation that inhabits our physical entity and we are a spirituality that exists within that core which many say is immortal. Spring ushers in that new beginning wherever you are in your life. Spring symbolizes hope, new life and or an infusion of strong energy into where we are now. As we move towards the Aries Sun Season, the Spring Equinox, plan your new wishes, your new dreams, your new beginnings. Give yourself the flexibility to chose the type of energy that represents Spring for you and your situation: the Ram, the Dragon, the lamb, the green shoots and the early Spring flowers. They all represent Spring and are as diverse as we all are and the situations we find ourselves in. There are no doubt many more as well. Take the time to think about you and you existing within the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the kind of energetic meaning you want to experience on the first day of the Aries Sun Season and or the Spring Equinox.

Book of Events 22.02.2021

Today the Moon is in Taurus, so many of us will have slowed down and become somewhat indolent. It is a time for ease and enjoying a nourishing meal and spending time outside. Organizational activities, like bill paying, arranging or tidying messes, are recommended as well. The Taurus Moon will last until Thursday, March 18, 2021 when it will go void-of-course at 1:40 pm PST and then enter Gemini at 4:47 pm PST. Remember the Sun and Pluto will offer a brief opportunity today ...where it is said you will be able to wield your influence and, for some of you, your charm. Tomorrow Wednesday, March 17, 2021, Mars in Gemini will sextile Chiron in Aries at 8:35 pm PST. Chiron represents our core wound and or wounded healer. If we choose and or accept our wounded healer mien; it’s possible many of us will gain more insight into our core wounds or how our childhood or inner child impacts our outer adult. Or we can allow our core wounds to motivate our behaviour by reacting or acting instinctively. Chiron orbits between the planets, Saturn and Uranus. Chiron has a minor planet status and is usually considered a comet. Chiron travelling in Aries, can infuses our core wounds with more energy and vitality, and adding the energetic influence of the Planet Mars travelling through the Gemini constellation into the picture can move more information and or reminders into the forefront. We can suddenly become aware of our core wound and take charge of consciously deciding what our emotions and or attitude and or behaviour will be or be triggered into repeating the very karmic imprint we are trying to escape.

Book of Events 12.02.2021

Today, March 15, 2021, Mercury moves into Pisces at 3:26 pm PST and will be travelling through Pisces until April 3, 2021. The planet Mercury represents close relatives, like siblings, communications and messaging, and trade and commerce. In the Pisces constellation, our emotions can get in the way. We may hear and see only what we want to hear and see, and not what maybe more necessary and beneficial for us. It will be important to vet all information for any emotional or w...ishful interpretations. On the other hand, new ideas and inspirations will be more available to most of us. This is an auspicious time to begin a dream journal, if you are interested in your subconscious realm or the other unworldly realms. This is also a good time for any creative artistic endeavours. But also be aware that all your fears and insecurities could feel more real to you now. And some of us may experience a stronger urge to escape the unpleasant realities we maybe facing by daydreaming or using mind or mood altering substances. The Sun is in the Pisces constellation, as well, so accept that this maybe a more watery and murky time for you and or for the people around you. The Spring Equinox and the Aries Sun Season begins on March 20, 2021; so some of you more fiery direct types may be chomping at the bit this week and raring to go. Accept the delays and meanderings of others and make sure your fiery nature is not ignited by incomplete or just wrong information. Try to burn off that excess energy by using it for those difficult physical chores. The Moon will go void-of-course at 8:40 pm PST today and will enter the Taurus constellation tomorrow, March 16, 2021 at 3:56 am PST. On March 16, 2021 at 11:26 am PST, the Sun in Pisces will sextile Pluto in Capricorn. It is said that we may feel more purposeful and determined during this time. As well, some of us may also feel or be perceived as more compelling and attractive. This will be a fleeting opportunity or experience.