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BPMG 12.11.2020

The video, with its 'take' on the English language, sounds progressively funnier the longer it goes. I predict you WILL LOL! Premise: Its CRUCIAL *applicable here* point actually isn't about language phonetics, though, but rather the standardized conventions-of-use we ALL have to 1) know, and 2) abide-by for it to work. IF everyone knew and used 'Englsih' according to the video, *it* would sound perfectly normal and we would all understand what was said. And our current usage...Continue reading

BPMG 07.11.2020

It never fails; businesses pursue clients by investing time, resources and intellectual capital in prospective and current clients by building relationships, providing information and useful materials only to be deflected with many kinds of reasons. THEN a new party enters and, on short order, ALL sorts of initiatives are undertaken and activities happen, often the very same, or similar, ones previously rejected. Lesson #1: Familiarity creates a "same-old, same-old" feeling ...and environment that lulls BOTH - seller and propect - into a routine and the sense of being stuck in doldrums, of not going anywhere. The "new" party provides a fresh sense of energy, initiative and direction; of possible progress, and it is often seized as THE "now-or-never" opportunity to move-on from the 'old.' Lesson #2: The early bird may only have dug out a hole - i.e. laid the proverbial groundwork - from which the 2nd bird can - now - MUCH more easily pluck the MUCH more accessible worm with, perhaps, a slightly more effective approach. How this bodes for busiensses from Retail to Consulting varies, depending on too many variables and unique factors. However, the most common business malaise, "we're stuck 'somehow,' don't know why and have no idea how to fix" is TOO often rooted in either of these scenarios. Engage BPMG to help identify and remedy it. We're 'ready' to work for You and help Make YOUR Business even More Successful. Call, Message, eMail or Meet ... either way, Let's Talk!

BPMG 05.11.2020

Sometimes we just need to take a look back in time to realize & understand the importance of rules, regulations and restrictions EVEN WHEN qualifiers like (this ad's ridiculously bogus) "Laboratory tests" statement are invoked. Of course, the ad likely DID drive sales on this basis, because the era in which it ran was characterized by 1) an unfounded über-exaggerated belief in the goodness of American-ness and that businesses operate for the benefit and well-being of their c...ustomers, 2) a society that suppressed the notion that anyone within it would exploit, harm or take advantage of anyone, 3) a generally gullible nature of people in small cities and towns on the rural fringe, probably more based in a carefree, good-natured structure of the American way of life than Truth - in ALL we say and do, 'not just' in advertising - is the foundation of trust on which all relationships and interactions are built. It's a fragile thing easily damaged, eroded or destroyed and ads like this one will 'eventually' do more damage to their purveyors once the 'jig is up' than they likely ever yielded desired results. And only very recently (post-2010) did facts surface about how America's Sugar industry (much like their 'Tobacco' colleagues) not only lobbied for its position in the (American) dietary structure, but how vigorously, actively, completely and effectively it rigged, influenced, and falsified so-called 'research' and 'laboratory testing' (at all levels, whether industry-based or academic) to strongly support its position. Good thing that 'Research' has become a MUCH more rigorously vetted, repeat & duplicate, and reviewed process, and that era of "THIS" advert's approach has been regulated well behind us into the history books ... though it's been replaced with many more "New and Improved" ones ... (no they aren't; improved, at least). [and, yes, the jury's still out on whether 'drug & medicines' reseach & testing has improved to the same degree, despite strict regulations and processes.] Food for thought ... but let's drink 'just about anything else' with it instead; leave the cola & soda pop on the shelf. Always interested in your thoughts, so comment below or messge us. Let's make Your Business even more Successful.

BPMG 17.10.2020

when a Tech #Startup says they need a BIG #Marketing firm to do a never-discussed and unnecessary "full revamp of our branding from nose to tail," ... THAT'S rich. Irony at its finest.

BPMG 08.10.2020

Pretty much speaks for itself ... But let's clarify nonetheless. A new counter-argument is that, "in today's era of near-zero profit margins, über-competitive pricing from Online giants AND customers who ONLY care about low price (but not service) there is no reason or margin for (i.e. to afford) the Extra Mile."... This is just a poor excuse to justify laziness, apathy toward #Customers & #CustomerService, and an unwillingness to appropriate even a fraction of time/money to invest in one's #Brand via #CustomerGoodwill. It is BECAUSE traditional 'Stores' (and other businesses) have consistently & drastically reduced - even eliminated - ANY semblance of "extra effort and care" over the years (or decades) that has driven #Shoppers (prospective) and #Buyers (actual) customers AWAY and to Online sellers. Further, "Discount" and "BigBox" Stores/Sellers have reduced the level of consumer expectations to (near-) "Zero" while STILL delivering good VALUE via low pricing, to the point where CUSTOMERS now no longer actively seek out or expect 'Added Value' in the channel and process. BUT, when presented (dare we say 'confronted?') by it, they WILL appreciate, remember and (most importantly) give preference to THIS factor in future purchase decisions as well as in recommendations to others. To (re-)gain, or at least 'entice,' shoppers and buyers - ESPECIALLY where a noticeable price-gap exists vs. other sellers or providers, the *PROMISE of MORE* MUST anchor the service experience. Often even at higher price-points. Crucially, the assurance of Service MUST be integral to & synonymous with one's #BRAND, which is ONLY achievable through a long track record of such user experiences, AND the resulting #WordOfMouth reputation from willing & eager #Apostles. Ergo a long history of even small #ExtraMile efforts with many customers over a long period of time becomes a notable investment of Goodwill that often pays sizeable dividends in the form of Top Consumer Mindshare, increased traffic/inquiries, ease of sale, reduced 'need' for expensive high-visibility advertising, and higher demand - even at a higher selling price. So, the next time you ask yourself: "why even bother; what's the pay-back here?" in a low-profit, high-effort transaction will be: They WILL tell 2 friends and those 2 will also tell 2 friends ... Heed, Practice & Pass it on; after you return from that 2-mile trip! DO the "carry-out, the price-match, that little 'Extra Bonus' ... and do it with a friendly smile and only a factual mention of "here's what ELSE we'll do / have done:__" Let us know how WE can help YOU plan & practice it. DHK