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Facebook Blog 15.12.2020 proudly utilizes WordPress as our core hosting platform, which is why it pleases us greatly to introduce the latest update. This new update aims to close the gap between editing and publishing by bringing many improvements to the post/page editor, such as easier image editing and live gallery previews. It is now easier than ever to put your content online. Contact [email protected] to get started today! 27.11.2020

If a website (such as Facebook) posts a Terms of Service policy, it is a legally binding agreement between itself and its users. These texts detail how the users of its service (which they are participating in of their own volition) may use the services provided by the website. By choosing to use the service, you implicitly agree to abide by the ToS posted by the website, this is why when signing up for a website you are required to check a box that states you have read, und...erstood, and agree to the ToS. If you disagree with the ToS posted by a website, then you are free to discontinue your usage of the service (that, in the case of Facebook, is offered free of charge). You ARE NOT, however, able to post your own "disclaimer" modifying the ToS that you have implicitly agreed to by registering with and continuing to use the service. Posting such disclaimers DOES NOT legally bind Facebook or any other web service provider to comply with your modifications. This is simply not how the law(s) work. If you disagree with the ToS posted by a web service, you have four options: 1) Learn to accept the terms and continue using the service. 2) Discontinue your usage of the service and, if you wish, potentially find a similar service with a more agreeable ToS policy. 3) Develop or fund the development of a competing service (, now offering social network capable sites!). 4) Get your own site to post content on thereby actually allowing the Berne (not Berner) convention to apply to your content. (Try's netFORK hosting package, our ToS doesn't give us rights to YOUR content). 14.11.2020

This is like the PIPA and SOPA nonsense all over again. The problem with this and all previous attempts by government bodies to legislate the Internet is that the vast majority of the elected officials taking part in this have little to no understanding of how the Internet actually works. These groups do not speak for the majority of users on the Internet and rather have a vested interest in giving themselves a backdoor into our personal communications and restricting what ...content we are able to view. It IS NOT your responsibility to dictate what we should or should not be allowed to do online. Further, actions to restrict the flow of the Internet will fail anyway as it will just create a more extensive underground Darknet. Tired of being restricted by out-of-touch legislators, users and organizations with an actual vested interest in the free and open Internet will rapidly begin creating a new infrastructure free of governmental interference. As quoted by John Gilmore, "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." Kaleb J. Barker Web Developer & Designer 29.10.2020

Just released the RSS Display Widget being utilized in the sidebar of our newly designed site. The widget displays a customizable link to the main feed of the site as well as feeds for category/tag archives and post comments on their respective pages. Now available for download on BRAINfork Labs! 14.10.2020

Hey all! Just checking in to say that we just re-themed our site to accommodate a forthcoming company restructuring. Check out the new design by Smijess Design and Illustration and stay tuned for updates!