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Building Better Brains 01.11.2021

Many people are under the assumption that a child will outgrow reading difficulties. When the reading difficulty is rooted in weak visual or auditory processing, poor phonemic awareness or underdeveloped working memory - the reading disorder remains until those weak areas of the brain are strengthened. Just as a muscle that is weak will cause other muscles to compensate, the same is true for brain organization. ... When one area of the brain lacks sufficient connections, the brain compensates by having another area of the brain 'pick up the slack'. This is not an efficient or optimal use of the brain. It is akin to using one's foot to do tasks that one's hands are meant to do. This results in reading that will always be laborious until those weak areas are strengthened. Learn more by clicking on the link in my bio. . . . . . #dyslexiaproblems #dyslexiaisreal #buildingbetterbrains #dyslexiaawareness #readingteacher #iep #iepseason #iepmeeting#dyslexiasupport #dyslexiamemes #dyslexiatutor #literacymatters #dyslexiapower #dyslexiaassociation #learningdisabilitiesawareness #dyslexiateacher #dyslexiaadvocate #dyslexiamemes #dyslexiahelp #dyslexiaismysuperpower #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #decodingdyslexia #dyslexiafriendly #literacy #earlychildhood #earlylearning

Building Better Brains 16.10.2021

Does your child get thrown off by the time change? Start this now!

Building Better Brains 07.10.2021

Is your child irritating? Or irritated? Most nutritionists hate Halloween. I love it. It reminds me every year the power that food has on the brain. ... I'm not saying candy is the cause of all your child's problems. BUT overdosing on candy provides an incredible insight into how just one irritant in your child's environment can impair their ability to learn, focus, manage emotions and even read. It weakens their resilience. and a lot of kids with learning and behaviour difficulties are more sensitive to everything. This means environmental irritants like candy (and so many other things) affects their brain's ability to function optimally compared to a neurotypical child. When kids get a solid overdose of candy, chocolate and chips, it's pretty hard to deny the impact that all that 'harmless junk food' has on our kids brains. Clients call me saying they 'slipped' and overindulged and how their child's behaviour is off-the-wall. and their focus has gone down the drain. and they even noticed their reading and spelling has been affected. the sensory issues are worse. the insomnia is back. and the meltdowns, attitudes and tantrums. When kids struggle with learning, reading and emotional regulation, we don't consider the impact of everyday environmental irritants and how much it can be driving our kids difficulties. Instead we do the merry-go-round of: IEP's Tutoring Meds Parenting strategies We circle around the root cause. Which leaves you barely managing and feeling like your child will never get focused, calm or learning at grade level. And yet all it takes is something as simple as food colouring or a preservative to throw your child off. Let's take Red Dye 40 for an example since so many people have heard of this one. Red Dye 40 dramatically alters brain function as seen on brain imaging scans. It decreases focus, cognition and increases hostility and aggression. and that's just one ingredient. Imagine what 10 or 15 synthetic ingredients can do over time. This is why removing irritants from your child's environment as much as possible (in a sane way) is so important. Irritants that could be messing with your kid's brain's biochemistry are things like: Food colouring and preservatives Bathroom products and cleaning supplies Screen time Lack of quality sleep Sugar Mold/allergens Undetected food sensitivities Stress The more irritants that throw off your child's biochemistry, the less resilient they will be and the harder they will have to work in order to learn, focus, read and manage their emotions. The secret to better learning and behaviour is reducing their exposure to irritants to help your child have a happier brain. What irritants do you notice affect your child's behaviour or learning the most? Comment below

Building Better Brains 02.10.2021

I know what it's like to feel like a crappy mom - and STUCK. To feel so completely alone and misunderstood at parent-teaching meetings It feels like no one gets how much your child is really struggling.... I know that feeling of failure that no matter what you do, all of it feels pointless. It's like a wall that you can’t climb over. And inside you are screaming a thousand desperate prayers and no one can ever help. You're up all hours of the night researching joining Facebook groups. scouring YouTube for answers. You feel like you are running in a hundred directions. and still - no results. It leaves you defeated. But here's the thing. You feel burnt out because nothing is working. The reason nothing is working is because you think that since your child's problems started at school that they should be resolved at school. This is where you get tunnel vision. You think: Problems learning at school = school should fix lproblems learning. Wrong. The school can't solve learning difficulties because: #1 Teachers aren't trained in overcoming learning difficulties. #2 The weak connections that cause learning disabilities cannot be corrected with more academics or practice. Your child needs brain building exercises and that is something most schools aren't equipped for. More strategies, facts or practice won't change weak connections. Your child needs outside the box solutions if you want an approach that goes beyond management (like IEPs, meds, tutoring). So when you feel like you have hit the wall, expand the horizon of options. It's not that you or your child are stuck. It’s that your vision or knowledge of possibilities are limited. You see what you know. Think outside the school system, meds and even tutoring. Think about root causes and weak connections .... and decades of research has shown the brain can change and build new neurons and connections with the right stimulation. and brain training exercises is where you will find better grades and a happier, more confident kid. What 'solutions' has left you feeling disappointed or stuck? Let me know in the comments below.

Building Better Brains 22.09.2021

How to avoid post-Halloween behaviour and learning difficulties!

Building Better Brains 15.09.2021

I have an eye for BS. It's why I have never bought a lottery ticket. and also why I don't believe in magic solutions or magic pills....Continue reading

Building Better Brains 25.12.2020

Early life exposure to infection, anti-infectives and altered immune activity have been associated with elevated risk of some psychiatric disorders. However, the risk from exposure in fetal life has been proposed to be confounded by familial factors. The hypothesis of this study is that antibiotic drug exposure during the fetal period and the first two postnatal years is associated with risk for later development of psychiatric disorders in children. (2019)

Building Better Brains 24.12.2020

The vestibular system has a major influence on overall brain function and helps to process and organize the sensory information coming through the various senses. . It is the foundation of learning and your child's built-in compass that links all the other senses together. . It coordinates and manages incoming information that is received from the other senses like a doorman who determines what or who is waiting, coming in or going.... If you want to understand how critical the role of the vestibular system is think of the telephone game. If the vestibular system is weak then the correct message will not be delivered to the right areas of the brain. It receives all the information like a doorman that directs. Now imagine that doorman is lazy or sleeping or just not cut out for the job. This is why optimal development of the vestibular system plays such an imperative role in reading, learning and behaviour. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. . . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #vestibularsystemtraining #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #vestibularsystemworkout #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #vestibularfunction #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment See more

Building Better Brains 16.12.2020

Do you blame yourself for your child’s struggles?

Building Better Brains 10.12.2020

"In my quest to give our daughter the opportunities, things, and experiences that I didn't have growing up, I realized that my daughter seemed to lack gratitude... for all that she has. This book is great for helping to develop and attitude of gratitude in your kids, rather than entitlement. I love Amy's parenting advice and clear, easy to understand style." -Angela R. The seeds of entitlement are sown over the years in a million little parenting decisions all made in the name of love. Sometimes a few tweaks in parenting style can make all the difference. Want to learn how to CURB that entitlement? Read on for tips and strategies: The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World https://amymccready.com/books/

Building Better Brains 08.12.2020

Primitive Reflexes have two purposes: 1) They assist with survival since a baby's central nervous system is immature. 2) They assist with movement since early infant movements are what develops the lower brain levels.... When children have a weak foundation and those lower brain levels are not well developed, they will without a doubt suffer from poor higher order brain skills like reasoning, planning, organizing, processing speed, cognition, focus and emotional regulation. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #musictherapy #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #tomatis #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment See more

Building Better Brains 03.12.2020

The important highlight of this study is that it demystifies learning and behavioural difficulties. They are no longer the mysterious 'boogey-man' or 'stroke of bad luck' that we think they are. This is not the first study to illustrate the connection between retained reflexes and learning and behaviour difficulties. Many have come before it but never before on such a large group of children. There are clear biological and structural differences in the brains and bodies o...f these children which can lead to learning and behaviour challenges - and let's not forget - talents and giftedness as well. The body's incredible resilience and ability to heal and the brain's promise of neuroplasticity shows only one thing- that when it comes to addressing learning and behavioural difficulties - the traditional education system has some serious catching up to do so that we do not continue to fail our children with compensations that are based on past scientific beliefs that the brain is unchangeable. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. . . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #dyslexiaisagift #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #giftednessinchildren #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment See more

Building Better Brains 03.12.2020

Claire used to struggle with helping her son, Kolby. She felt so hopeless and was always worried about how much further Kolby would fall behind in school. It felt like every year Kolby was struggling more. Sure he would make gains in some ways, but Kolby couldn’t sit still to save his life and he was not reading or able to learn the material the way the other kids did. Kolby's teachers were great at following the IEP but it was making little difference. ... He struggled with everything from focus, to handwriting, to reading to learning. Kolby hated school. He said the teachers didn’t like him and now that he was eleven, and was falling further and further behind, he felt like the ‘class idiot’. When Claire reached out to me she was desperate to find something that would calm him down and she wanted tutoring. When we did the screening, what was apparent was that Kolby had a seriously underdeveloped vestibular system. Mom agreed that he always had poor balance, had never learned to ride a bicycle but that had nothing to do with his school problems. Several years ago I would have said the same thing. It’s still shocking to me that I was a teacher for fifteen years and new so little about what primes the brain for good learning, reading and attention. We cannot talk about fluent reading and optimal learning and behaviour without addressing the very first system to develop in utero. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #earlychildhooddevelopment #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #vestibularfunction #vestibularsystem #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment See more

Building Better Brains 20.11.2020

Dr. Melillo's recent study on children with learning and behaviour challenges confirmed two important findings: 1) All the children with behaviour and learning difficulties in the study group had retained primitive reflexes. 2) The more reflexes that are retained, the more severe the behaviour and learning difficulties since more areas of the brain are affected.... None of this should come as a surprise when we consider that the same has been found to be true with children's gut health and levels of toxicity. Whether it is weak connections in the brain, overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut or high levels of pesticides, heavy metals or chemicals - the severity of the cognitive and physical breakdown is correlated with the degree of imbalance in the brain and body. What is so hopeful about even the most severe cases of learning and behaviour issues is that the study reported after a 12-week program that incorporated primitive reflex integration, hemispheric brain balancing and the use of technology like interactive metronome not only were the retained primitive reflexes significantly reduced or completely integrated, performance in cognition, language, mathematical abilities, behaviour and motor skills also significantly improved. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. . . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #musictherapy #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #tomatis #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment See more

Building Better Brains 19.11.2020

Is virtual learning helping or hindering your child’s learning ability? Comment below.

Building Better Brains 18.11.2020

What the largest study found ALL kids with learning and behaviour had in common.

Building Better Brains 15.11.2020

The exercise that helps with reading, writing and coordination difficulties!

Building Better Brains 11.11.2020

I think of retained primitive reflexes like an instrument that holds a tune too long and drowns out the rest of the band or one of those pop ups that appear when you're trying to look at a website. You know how some of the ads or pop-ups are so difficult and won’t go away? That's a retained reflex. It prevents your child from easily accessing or optimally using the part of their brain that they need in order to optimally perform.... When these reflexes don't disappear (AKA integrate into the nervous system) it impedes the development of higher brain levels and ultimately affects the organization of your child's brain. When primitive reflexes don't disappear, your child might have issues with balance, coordination of fine and gross motor skills, poor eye tracking, poor impulse control, difficulty regulating emotions, sitting still and even problems with aggression. All of these challenges indicate a child is operating from their lower brain levels. What it boils down to is that certain areas of their brain are not fully developed and that other areas are not well connected with one another, so they are not communicating well. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #musictherapy #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #tomatis #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment See more

Building Better Brains 08.11.2020

Besides ear infections, sensitivities to foods can cause inflammation in the body, brain and in localised areas like the ear. An allergy or sensitivity to dairy is notorious for causing a build-up of mucus in the ears. These are the kids who may need tubes in their ears to drain mucus when in fact removing dairy can in many cases avoid the need for the surgery at all. Auditory processing problems can occur due to a build up of mucus which can result in poor delivery a...nd processing of the correct message to the brain. We see such situations with dyslexia where a child has a harder time distinguishing subtle sound differences such 'p' and 'b'. To learn more about root causes of why children are struggling with learning and behaviour, join my free LIVE training so you can truly help your child reach their full potential in school and at home. In this free class, you'll discover: How to move past band-aid solutions so your child can learn, focus and be a calmer happier kid and you can have peace of mind. A simple way to get your child learning at grade level and being able to manage their behaviour, without having to do hours of homework, tutoring or doing restrictive diets. Did you know once the brain is bio-chemically balanced and weak and underdeveloped connections are strengthened then your child doesn’t need to rely on ongoing tutoring or IEP medications? This means your child can overcome their challenges with learning and behaviour without hours or years of tutoring or even relying solely on medication. Link in bio. . . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #momlife #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #ortongillingham #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #rightbrainlearner See more

Building Better Brains 07.11.2020

Simple, yet effective..

Building Better Brains 05.11.2020

My Big Mistake Understanding How 'Genetics' Impact Learning & Behaviour Difficulties Too many times kids are struggling with learning and behaviour disorders from poor brain function, but the solution continues to be band-aid approaches like tutoring, meds and IEPs because parents are told it's genetic and nothing can be done. In reality this is only partially true. So if you’re still relying on compensations because you've been lead to believe that brains can't c...Continue reading

Building Better Brains 03.11.2020

Are current reading practices in schools failing your child and contributing to reading difficulties? Extra practice does not work for so many kids and neither do completely unscientific approaches to reading. Like teaching children to guess the word or use the picture as a cue. It is a long read but explains in detail how reading is taught with different strategies. The Three Cueing method which is widely used for decades is one of them. The name comes from the notion th...at readers use three different kinds of information or "cues" to identify words as they are reading. This sets kids up to become poor readers, they hit the wall by 3rd grade because the cues (pictures and context, two of the cues) are not there anymore. Do you recognize that? It also explains why systematic phonics instruction is the only right way to go and why. And also tries to find out why so many schools still use the three cueing system, and it has to do with lack of knowledge and fear of teacher and administrators of the ‘difficult’ phonics instruction, ignoring the science, we’ve always done it this way and plain old $. The publishing companies who sell the three cueing teaching method books sold $500 million in 2018! Do these scenario’s sound familiar? It’s mind boggling to me that the phonics teaching method is not used everywhere. The method that will help ALL kids to read, not just the dyslexic ones. https://www.apmreports.org//whats-wrong-how-schools-teach- #scientificlearning #scienceofreading #dyslexia #teachers #readingisfundamental

Building Better Brains 31.10.2020

The largest study ever done on children with behavioural and learning difficulties (over 2000 kids) under the direction of Dr. Robert Melillo found that ALL of the kids had retained primitive reflexes. If you're not familiar with retained primitive reflexes - let me give you the quick and fast explanation. Primitive reflexes are one of the most overlooked causes of Learning Disabilities and ADHD - even more so than the role of nutrition.... They develop in the brain stem before birth. They require no thought. They are not taught. They are instinctual. They are a group of nerve connections linked to the nervous system and they are an involuntary response to a stimulus. You might remember when your child was a baby, and you would place your finger in the palm of their hand and they would wrap all their tiny fingers around your finger. It's heart melting. That is a primitive reflex. Your infant has many primitive reflexes. Another example is when you stroke your baby's cheek, and they turn their head and 'root' in search of a nipple in order to feed. This is called the rooting reflex. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. Study >>> https://www.frontiersin.org//10.33/fpubh.2020.431835/full . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #musictherapy #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #tomatis #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment See more

Building Better Brains 29.10.2020

Tracy felt so relieved that she got a diagnosis but quickly felt discouraged with how little her child was actually improving. Her son was in tutoring and a program at school and it made little difference. The battle to get him to do his reading at home was so frustrating. Every time he read he said, 'See? I'm dumb."... Then one day Tracy stumbled across one of my Facebook Lives and she felt like I was talking about her own son. She never considered that her son being an early walker, that him having poor coordination or that his poor hand-writing had any connection to dyslexia or that it was the indication that her son had a disorganized and disconnected brain. Until that day she felt like her son had just been dealt the worst hand. What we learned was that her son had a retained ATNR reflex (among other things). When the ATNR reflex is retained, it affects motor movements like: Eye-tracking Hand-eye coordination Fine and gross motor skills Studies found that 50% of children with reading disorders, including dyslexia had a retained ATNR. Signs your child might have a retained ATNR are difficulty with: Eye-tracking, reading and writing Hand-writing Kicking their leg or a ball to the opposite side of their body Crossing their arms and hands to the opposite side of their body As a teacher and nutritionist I used to be so FRUSTRATED that there were never really any real answers as to why a child was struggling. But when my daughter and clients kept getting nowhere - it got personal and I started to dig deep and learn about the real reasons kids struggle with learning and behaviour. ... and it goes so much deeper than too much sugar, not enough exercise or extra practice. In my free LIVE training November 21st at 10am EST, I will be sharing the 3 simple secrets I use to help children overcome learning and behaviour disorders. In this training you will discover: How to move past band-aid solutions so your child can learn, focus and be a calmer happier kid and you can have peace of mind. A simple way to get your child learning at grade level and being able to manage their behaviour, without having to do hours of homework, tutoring or doing restrictive diets. Did you know once the brain is bio-chemically balanced and weak connections are strengthened then your child doesn't need to rely on accommodation and band-aids? This means your child can overcome their challenges with learning and behaviour without hours or years of tutoring or even relying solely on medication. Plus a whole lot more. Click HERE to sign up >> https://lorrainedriscoll.click/live-training There are a limited number of spots available, so be sure to secure yours today!

Building Better Brains 20.10.2020

How Sound Therapy headphones improve learning and behaviour

Building Better Brains 09.10.2020

One of the biggest causes of poor auditory processing is underdevelopment of the left brain hemisphere which is where the auditory cortex is located. This can result because of poor connectivity between the left and right hemisphere as well as retained primitive reflexes. Poor connectivity between the two brain hemispheres can result when children skip milestones like crawling, or do not do enough of these early movements which stimulate and develop both sides of the b...rain. This is becoming more common because our children are not getting enough tummy time and are in baby carriers all the time swings, saucers, strollers, slings, car seats etc. To learn more about root causes of why children are struggling with learning and behaviour, join my free LIVE training so you can truly help your child reach their full potential in school and at home. In this free class, you'll discover: How to move past band-aid solutions so your child can learn, focus and be a calmer happier kid and you can have peace of mind. A simple way to get your child learning at grade level and being able to manage their behaviour, without having to do hours of homework, tutoring or doing restrictive diets. Did you know once the brain is bio-chemically balanced and weak and underdeveloped connections are strengthened then your child doesn’t need to rely on ongoing tutoring or IEP medications? This means your child can overcome their challenges with learning and behaviour without hours or years of tutoring or even relying solely on medication. Link in bio. . . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #momlife #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #ortongillingham #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #rightbrainlearner See more

Building Better Brains 03.10.2020

Low frequencies create pathways that promote a sense of calm and increase focus. High frequency sounds charge the brain and increase brain energy which results in improved cognition and processing speed as well as better memory. A brain that receives more stimulation develops more neurons, more pathways and has better organization. This means the higher order skills improve such as learning, reading, memory, communication, speech, processing, memory as well as attention etc.... Sound frequency therapy involves a strategic blend of high and low frequency sounds to help focus, promote calm and improve the brain's ability to learn while also stimulating the brain with energy to improve learning ability and memory. Children wear special headphones with filtered music and sound that stimulate the brain and nervous system. Different frequencies affect different regions of the brain. Low sounds (1000Hz) affect lower brain levels like the vestibular and postural system which is the foundation of higher learning. If this is weak, optimal brain function is impossible. Mid-range sounds (1000-4000Hz) are connected to speech and language. When kids are exposed to these frequencies improvements with speech disorders as well as dyslexia and dyspraxia occur. High sounds (4000Hz and more) influence attention, discrimination and emotional regulation. This improves behaviour, emotional regulation and resilience. Want to learn more about how learning interventions used in private schools without the private school price tag? Grab the free starter kit. Link in bio. . . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #multiplediagnoses #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #musictherapy #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #tomatis #homeschoolmom #learningdisability #braindevelopment

Building Better Brains 30.09.2020

What if you didn't have to do homework battles every night? What if your child didn't have to do tutoring, extra-practice and all that paperwork to get better at learning? In many private schools as well as educational therapy clinics, listening therapies use sound frequencies to improve brain function. Listening therapy combines both low and high frequencies to stimulate and charge different areas of the brain which produces growth in underdeveloped areas of the brain and b...etter brain organization. The area of the ear where high frequencies are processed have more of the tiny hairs called cilia compared to the area of the ear where the low frequencies are processed. (if you remember I talked before how many kids with learning and behaviour issues have damaged cilia because of ear infections or other assaults - but remember this can be healed) The increase in cilia in that region results in increased stimulation from high frequency sounds which also results in more stimulation and energy to the brain. If you want to learn more about how you can help your child move beyond management approaches and snail paced progress, DM me to schedule a free Clarity Call. . . . . . . . . #readingdisability #readingdisorders #workingmemory #dyslexiaassociation #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #auditoryprocessing #soundsory #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #auditoryprocessingdisorder #learningdisabilities #learningdifferences #learningdisabilitiesawareness #learningdisorders #dyslexiamemes #readingcomprehension #phonemicdeficit #phonemicawareness #adhdmemes #homeschoollife #memory #primitivereflexes #brainbalance #musictherapy #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #tomatis #musictherapy #learningdisability #braindevelopment

Building Better Brains 27.09.2020

How sound therapy can improve auditory processing disorder, dyslexia and LDs.