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Busy Mommy Body 25.03.2021

Family Day! Here in Ontario, today is a Statutory Holiday. Similar in a way to Valentine's Day, in the sense that you shouldn't need a day to value your loved ones. ... This is a throw back photo from our last family vacation, back in the Summer of 2019, in Virginia Beach! Not being able to get away as a family has been a change for us for sure. I am so grateful for all the family time we have had since 2020 during lockdown, but I feel as though we actually spend less quality time together. What about you and your family? What have you been doing to still have together time? Please share ideas! Looking to bring back my family together! Thanks! xoxoxo

Busy Mommy Body 07.03.2021

Saturday Cuteness - and what a perfect photo for LOVE WEEKEND! When these two first met, they were at each other all the time... well maybe more Rocky after Mittens ... and she would run. This moment captured my heart! They were actually having a sleep together!!! ... They were my audience today for my workout! And I just love it! If I were at the gym, this moment would never have happned! Enjoy every moment! Also, what are you doing for Valentine's Day? Do you celebrate, or are you anti-Valentine's?

Busy Mommy Body 22.02.2021

Transformation Tuesday! (Is it even Tuesday?) For real though, working from home, home schooling, being home ALL THE TIME, has me kind of forgetting the days of the week! I have been working on creating consistent habits for myself since January 2021. ... How am I creating habits? For starters, #75hardchallenge has me doing several things each and every day, I have also been following my home workout program, which includes 5 workouts a week, nightsly stretches, and a meal plan! All of these tools, have me feeling really successful in achieving consistency in my life. Being so consistent has helped me in my health journey. Starting Picture taken January 01, 2021 Second Picture taken February 02, 2021 Down 5.5lbs and 8.5 inches. No matter what you are working towards, you can do it! A little dedication and consistency and you can make it happen! What are you going to achieve in February?

Busy Mommy Body 01.02.2021

#75hard has surprised me in so many ways. Part of the daily challenge is getting outside, regardless of the weather, for 45 minutes of exercise. For me that has pretty typically been a walk. ... The most wonderful part about it is Liam and Rocky joining me every day! Rocky is a no brainer, but Liam is a surprise. Lately he has been really into video games, so getting him off them, and outside for some movement has been great! At first, he resisted occasionally, now, 24 days in and he comes willingly, and I call that a huge success!

Busy Mommy Body 22.01.2021

I LOVE cake! In fact, I love sugar! In pretty much any form. Drink it, eat it, lick it, smell it... (you get the point.) Sadly, refined sugar is not super great for your health, especially in the quantities I would like to have it. ... At the beginning of this year, I embarked on the #75hardchallenge You can look it up, but long story short, for 75 days I am not able to have refined sugar. So this cake here, has the ability to really mess up my goals! How do I continue to stay away from refined sugar, even when it is in the house? Drinking lots of water and tracking my intake (tracking ensures I am drinking enough - often dehydration presents itself as hunger) Eating every 2 hours throughout the day (this keeps my belly full, and also keeps my blood sugar levels stable) Having healthy snacks readily available (cut up fruit and vegetables) Remembering my WHY, my goal (if you don't have a strong enough why, it will be easy to give into cravings when they hit) Support (having a group of like minded friends to help keep me accountable) Yes it can be a struggle, but I know that at the end of 75 days, I am going to feel so proud of myself, and I just may have a better handle on my sugar addiction! You can do anything you out your mind to!

Busy Mommy Body 16.01.2021

Food for thought... I have to admit, I have had a food obsession for most of my life. It usually comes in two forms for me.... 1. Counting calories obsessively 2. Throwing caution to the wind, and eating everything in sight, in massive quantities Most of the time, I stay safely in my counting calorie bubble, tracking every thing in My Fitness Pal BEFORE it goes into my mouth. Lately, I have been following a container system. It allows me to track my food quantities, and ensure I am eating the right foods, instead of having to track my calories. It has only been a few days, but I had a realization yesterday. Food should be simple! There are a few major food groups, and those are the foods we should try to consume, most of the time in their whole form. Often, when you are craving processed, sugary foods, you are either thirsty, or actually hungry for real food. This is where food prep comes in, at least in the form of having healthy food around and available. As I said, this is a newer journey for me. Hopeful that I 2021, I will finally free myself from me constant food obsession.

Busy Mommy Body 13.01.2021

My walking buddies! As Liam gets older, he is getting more into "big boy" things. (Video games, TV Shows, talking to friends... pretty much anything mom isn't involved in...) So if him being able to drive around while I walk, means he gets off the electronics, and spends a bit of time with me, I am all for it! ... I am slightly nervous for him to grow up. I am worried for the day he no longer wants to spend time with me. I am trying to make all the memories along the way! What are things you enjoy doing with your kiddos?

Busy Mommy Body 10.01.2021

Happy 2021! There is something magical about the start of a new year. Whether you make resolutions, set goals, or none of the above... it somehow feels new! ... Cheers to 2021! Here is to the first day of the year! I am embarking on a new challenge, inspired by some pretty wonderful women in my life, who have completed this journey before me, as well as some women who are taking this journey with me! #75hard - if you have never heard of it, it is a challenge that is designed to build mental toughness. 75 days, each day you must: Follow a diet (no cheats, no alcohol) Complete two 45 minute workouts (one must be done outside) Read 10 pages Drink a gallon of water Take a progress picture Any deviation, and you have to start back at day 1. Will I see a physical transformation? Most likely... but the goal is to develop self esteem, confidence, self belief... Cheers to ME! Feel free to follow along!

Busy Mommy Body 02.01.2021

Happy New Year!!! 2020 has been an adventure... and honestly, we are not out of the woods yet. But I wouldn't want to go through all the craziness with anyone else. ... I love all my boys! Milton, Liam and Rocky! Here is to an amazing 2021!!! Cheers!