
General Information

Locality: Vaudreuil-Dorion

Phone: +1 450-455-2500

Address: 980 avenue St-Charles J7V 8P5 Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC, Canada


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Facebook Blog 25.10.2021

Vous commencez à soulever des poids? Assurez-vous de commencer avec un poids que vous pouvez soulever 10 à 15 fois avec une bonne forme. Habitué de soulever? Dites-nous en commentaires le poids le plus lourd que vous avez été capable de soulever et qui vous a rendu fier ---... New at lifting weights? Make sure to start with a weight that you can lift 10 to 15 times with proper form. Already lifting? Tell us in the comments your personal best that made you feel proud 11.10.2021

Joyeuse Halloween à tous! En cette journée particulièrement sinistre, nous voulons que vous répondiez à cette question: y a-t-il déjà eu une machine de gym que vous aviez peur d'utiliser? ---... Happy Halloween everyone! On this particularly spooky day, we want you to answer this question: Was there ever a machine you were afraid to use? 26.09.2021

Le stress du quotidien vous mène à bout? Quand tout va mal, le gym est toujours là pour vous. ---... Do you sometimes get overwhelmed by your everyday life? When things get hard, the gym is always there for you. 10.09.2021

Les bienfaits d'intégrer le cardio dans votre routine sont multiples: renforcement du coeur, prévention des maladies cardio-vasculaires, fortifications des artères, bonne santé mentale, et plus encore! Heureusement que Buzzfit a une énorme section cardio! ;) Utilisez les réactions pour nous partager votre machine cardio préférée! ... --- There are many benefits of integrating cardio into your routine: it strenghtens your heart, prevents cardiovascular diseases, makes your arteries stronger, helps with mental health, and more! Lucky that Buzzfit has a huge cardio section! ;) Use the reactions to share your favorite cardio machine! 04.09.2021

Nos 13 succursales sont toujours prêtes à vous accueillir 24h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7! Entraînez-vous dans un environnement sécuritaire muni d'installations de haute qualité à un prix exceptionnellement bas! Où se trouve votre succursale Buzzfit sur la map? ---... Our 13 clubs are always ready to welcome you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Train in a safe environment with high quality facilities at an exceptionally low price! Where is your Buzzfit gym located on the map? 15.08.2021

Les températures chaudes d'été vous manquent? Pourquoi ne pas venir vous réchauffer dans notre Zone Spa? Nos cabines de bronzage et nos saunas ramèneront sûrement cette ambiance d'été. ---... Missing the the hot summer weather? Why not come and warm up in our Spa Zone? Our tanning booths and saunas will surely bring back that summer vibe. 27.01.2021

It’s Leg Day today! What are you training first? Share your answer in the comments! 17.01.2021

What is your source of motivation these days? #Motivationdaily 14.01.2021

Ready to crush your goals? Join us on Instagram Live for fun and challenging classes! Watch all workout classes on Instagram Live : Join all Zumba classes on Facebook : 03.01.2021

Put your shoes on and get ready to sweat! Watch all workout classes on Instagram Live : Join all Zumba classes on Facebook : 02.01.2021

When you want to start eating well again after the holidays... It's not always easy... 14.12.2020

Vous voulez prendre de l'avance sur vos résolutions du Nouvel An ? Téléchargez notre application et sélectionner le plan d'entrainement qui vous convient! . Want to get a head start on your New Year's resolutions? ... Dowload our mobile app and select the workout plan that's right for you! 14.12.2020

Envie de bouger? Visitez notre chaîne IGTV et sélectionnez la vidéo d'entraînement de votre choix. Enfilez vos chaussures d'entraînement et amusez-vous ! ... *** Feel like working out? Visit our IGTV channel and select the workout video of your choice. Put on your training shoes and have fun! 02.12.2020

New year, new goals! Join us on Instagram to attend livestream classes with coach Dana! Watch all workout classes on Instagram Live : Join all Zumba classes on Facebook :""" 30.11.2020

Do you want to stay active during the lockdown? Begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle with the Buzzfit App! (Btw, it’s free for our members!) Select workouts online and synchronize them with your app to workout at home while keeping track of your progress. From strength to weight lifting, this app acts as your own personal trainer guiding and giving you the motivation you need. ... Download the app NOW! Apple store : Google Play : 27.11.2020

What would you choose? Write your answer in the comments. 26.11.2020

Happy New Year to all our members! We hope to see you back at the gym very soon. 16.11.2020

You miss the gym? You don't know how to stay motivated? Never forget that we are here for you! Join us for free live workouts all week long! Watch all workout classes on Instagram Live : Join all Zumba classes on Facebook : 11.11.2020

A lot can be said about 2020. For many of us, this has been an incredibly challenging, transformative, and life-changing year. And now, looking back, there is definitely a lot of things that we've learned this year. What is the best lesson 2020 has taught you? *Positive only 03.11.2020

Do you know which city this Buzzfit gym is located? Write your answer in the comments! 15.10.2020

You don’t have fitness equipment at home? No problem! Consult the "Workout" section of our mobile app and select one of our workout plans that do not require any equipment. Simply choose the level of difficulty you want and that's it! Have fun! 07.10.2020

My laundry basket : My workout clothes > everything else Workout clothes are simply the comfiest. 28.09.2020

Will you be working out today? 1. Absolutely 2. A 3. B... What’s your answer? 16.09.2020

Don’t miss our FREE workouts on Instagram live. Tune in all week long for fun and challenging classes that will help you build strength, burn calories and feel AMAZING . Watch all workout classes on Instagram Live : Join all Zumba classes on Facebook :