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Cameron's Canadian Cache 30.03.2021

DEMOCRACY OR TECHNOCRACY? INTRODUCTION Have we evolved from a democracy to a technocracy? We live in a world in which: a) Technical rules and regulations continuously cramp and confine our individual liberty; b) Follow the science is now the slogan to deal with complex problems;...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 24.03.2021

DEFEATING GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM INTRODUCTION We have been hearing about catastrophic global cooling / global warming / climate change since the 1970’s and their repeated end-of-the-world predictions have amounted to nothing. In fact, despite the propaganda to the contrary, the global mean temperature has not changed beyond the natural variations which have occurred since the beginning of time. Despite the obvious fact that manmade global warming is not a problem, the Alar...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 22.03.2021

O'Toole's Nothing-Burger It was with complete exhilaration that we watched O'Toole's speech in which he confirmed we have a choice between Trudeau's superficial slogans and his pious platitudes. And it will be a relief to Central Canada, who get to chose our government, that no matter which one they choose we will be the grateful recipients of more left-of centre lunacy and socialism. In the West, we were thrilled that in his entire speech he devoted one sentence to the West...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 18.03.2021

THE SEISMIC SHIFT IN POLITICS INTRODUCTION We are in an era in which politics is taking a seismic shift so that many of the issues of the day no longer fit nicely on a Left-Right Spectrum. As a consequence, long-time students of politics become dis-oriented and become tempted to abandon their lifelong attempts to pursue their political goals. A RANDOM SAMPLE OF CURRENT EVENTS --- North America has to import pain killers and masks from China to deal with Covid....Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 12.03.2021

THE PPC MOVING FORWARD INTRODUCTION Max Bernier’s speech to the Freedom Talks 2021 provided an absolutely fundamental lesson for the People’s Party of Canada for the future. Max did not undertake a top down discussion in which he attempted to persuade the people to accept and adopt his particular ideology and economic theories --- Max spoke to the matter which Western Canadians indicated was a major concern namely Western Alienation and proposed a practical solution. In ...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 25.02.2021

BERNIER’S PIVOTAL SPEECH AT THE FREEDOM TALKS INTRODUCTION The leader of the People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, may have given one of the most pivotal speeches delivered by a Canadian Politician in the last decade. Unlike Trudeau, who speaks endlessly and mindlessly about diversity and inclusion, and unlike O’Toole who is confined to focused group tested pious platitudes, Bernier decided to be a leader and enunciate a clear position and policy to deal with Western Ali...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 14.02.2021

DEFEATING CULTURAL MARXISM PART III INTRODUCTION In their effort to destroy our customs, traditions, and beliefs so that a confused and dispirited population will turn to socialism, the Cultural Marxists have conducted a blanket assault on the national community. Their chief weapon in this assault on the national community is multi-culturalism. MULTICULTURALISM EXAMINED...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 28.01.2021

DEFEATING CULTURAL MARXISM PART II SUMMARY OF PART I Cultural Marxism is intent on destroying our existing customs, traditions, and beliefs so that a confused and dispirited population will turn to Socialism as the solution. To counter Cultural Marxism, conservatives must promote itself as the true builders of society and proceed to reclaim the culture forming institutions from the hands of the Cultural Marxists. THE MOST IMPORTANT CULTURE FORMING INSTITUTION...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 19.01.2021

DEFEATING CULTURAL MARXISM - PART I INTRODUCTION Confronted by a never ending assault on our customs, traditions, and beliefs by Cultural Marxists, the central issue for conservatives is: how do we defeat the forces of Cultural Marxism? PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 14.01.2021

UNDERSTANDING THE ABSURDITIES INTRODUCTION For reasonable people, the most recurring question is this: why are we continuously being confronted with all this madness wrapped in the mantle of stupidity??? We live in a society which is probably the least racist in history and yet we have a crowd incessantly talking about systemic racism. We live in a society in which biology has conclusively proven that gender is binary and yet we have a crowd trying to sell the nonsense th...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 31.12.2020

FROM COMMONWEALTH TO COMMUNISM INTRODUCTION As Trump leaves the White House, CIA’s former boss John Brennan states that the CIA need to start a domestic program to spy on Trump Supporters. TV personality, Katie Couric, promotes the idea of re-education camps for the Political Right. Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon partake in censorship of conservatives on an industrial scale. The owner of My Pillows is cancelled because he supports Trump and believes in God. Harvard stude...Continue reading

Cameron's Canadian Cache 23.12.2020

WHY CONSERVATIVES LOSE INTRODUCTION Conservatives are often on the losing side of the equation because defeatism seems to be part of their DNA. Among conservative intellectuals they seem to love fighting the battles which can’t be won. ...Continue reading