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Canadians For Legal Equality 25.11.2020

More 'do-gooder' racism, enabled by the Trojan Horse in the Charter - Section 15(2): On applications for fall 2021, students who identify as ‘Black’ {How ‘Black’ do they have to be?} or ‘Indigenous’ {sic, they mean ‘Aboriginal’} and meet admission criteria, will bypass the regular selection lottery to enrol in the specialty program of their choice, according to a report released by the Peel school board... --‘Peel board to ensure Black students have a route into elite acad...emic programs’, Michele Henry, Toronto Star, Nov. 10, 2020 https://www.thestar.com//peel-board-to-ensure-black-studen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See also: ‘Playing Racial Favourites’ (Black Entrepreneurship Program) {Oct. 5, 2020}: If a nation is an extended family, then any programs initiated by the government should unite the family, not divide it. "The ‘Liberal’ {Party} government has announced plans for a ‘Black Entrepreneurship Program’ that will work with banks and other lending agencies to provide loans and other support for {only} ‘Black’ business people... https://canadiansforlegalequalityblog.wordpress.com//play/ ‘Social Justice’ Killing Education’ (OISE/TDSB) {December 27, 2017}: Every school board, school and classroom will be re-engineered to root out {only ‘white’} ‘racism’ and ‘discrimination’. School boards will collect data on race and ethnicity to ensure that ‘equity’ {‘race’} is reflected in everything from staff hires to student suspensions. Teaching materials will be revised to be less ‘Eurocentric’ {‘intellectual’}. Children will be taught the {one-sided, Leftist} history of ‘colonialism’, residential schools and ‘oppression’. Kids in the applied stream will be placed in the academic stream, because streaming is ‘discriminatory’... https://hectorheisler.wordpress.com//social-justice-killi/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Post also at: https://canadiansforlegalequalityblog.wordpress.com//raci/

Canadians For Legal Equality 06.11.2020

The Quebec government is ‘legally’ extending the repression of the English language, once again demonstrating the divisive weaknesses in our Constitution... The change would see French become the mandatory language for all businesses in Quebec with more than 50 employees. Canada's Commissioner of Official Languages expressed reservations about the desire of the Quebec government to extend the ‘Charter of the French Language’ to businesses that are under federal jurisdic...Continue reading

Canadians For Legal Equality 30.10.2020

This is divisive, offensive and racist. Soldiers fought AS ONE for Canada and should be remembered that way! November 8 is #IndigenousVeteransDay. Today, alon...g with every day, we celebrate and remember ‘Indigenous’ veterans and all they have done. Thank you for your service and the impact you have made. https://twitter.com/APTNNews/status/1325437921474719748?s=20 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of National Defence Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of Crown-‘Indigenous’ Relations Carolyn Bennett, and Minister of ‘Indigenous’ Services Seamus O’Regan today issued the following joint statement to mark {segregated} ‘Aboriginal Veterans Day’: On Aboriginal Veterans Day, we pay tribute to the ‘First Nations’, Inuit and Métis peoples who have served our country bravely and with dedication, so that all Canadians might know peace and inherit freedom. As we mark the 75th anniversary of Canada’s participation in the Italian Campaign, we remember ‘Indigenous’ {sic} service members who served in Sicily and mainland Italy during the Second World War... Today, we remember the ‘Indigenous’ peoples who have served our country with courage and valour, and we are grateful to all of the ‘Indigenous’ members in the Canadian Armed Forces who selflessly help preserve our freedom today. For more information, visit: --‘Indigenous’ Veterans (VAC): http://www.veterans.gc.ca//those-who-s/aboriginal-veterans --Programs for ‘Indigenous’ peoples in the Canadian Armed Forces (DND): https://forces.ca/en/programs-for-indigenous-peoples/ --National Aboriginal Veterans Monument (VAC): https://www.veterans.gc.ca//national-aboriginal-veterans-m --‘Veterans Affairs Canada’, https://www.canada.ca//government-of-canada-marks-aborigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From 2015: "Three people, who say they are 'First Nations' veterans, were arrested at a Toronto Remembrance Day ceremony... Most of the confrontation was captured on the cellphone of one of the people arrested and was quickly posted to ‘YouTube’ when they were released. The three men apparently showed up to be part of the Remembrance Day ceremony in front of Old City Hall, in downtown Toronto, but brought their own 'Iroquois flag', since it was not represented with those of other ‘nations’ that served in combat. {Because the Iroquois 'nation' was not part of combat. These are veterans who served Canada...} The main person in the video is Davyn Calfchild, who {claims to have} served in the former Yugoslavia from 1992 to 1997... Their flags are all there but ours are not {You're a Canadian -- THAT’S your flag!}. I go down there to show solidarity and let people know that we were in those wars and that our flags should be there {No, they shouldn't...}. What crime did I commit showing up with that flag? he asked. {If you have to ask...} ...They were removed from the ceremony for disturbing the peace just before 11:00 A.M... A video taken by one of the men, ‘activist’ Miguel Avila-Velarde, shows Calfchild face-to-face with a police officer. The officer warns Calfchild that he will be removed if he continues to breach the peace; Calfchild repeatedly interrupts him, swearing. He then yells at the crowd, This guy says that our flags aren’t welcomed here on Iroquois land. {The Iroquois stole most of their former so-called ‘land’ from other tribes...} That’s when the officer tells Calfchild he’s under arrest, and he and his friends are marched to a police wagon.. After the ceremony, they were released without charges or fines. {Why?} A City of Toronto spokeswoman said that any organization or individual who wants to be involved in the Remembrance Day ceremonies or lay a wreath after the ceremony can apply to the city’s protocol services office in writing or by email. Calfchild said he didn’t apply to take part in the ceremony. I find that very insulting, he said. {Racism and arrogance seem to go hand in hand...} He and Walker say they plan to return next Remembrance Day, and they’re calling for more supporters with 'First Nations' flags to join them." {So much for respecting the ceremony...} --'First Nations' veteran arrested at Toronto Remembrance Day service', William Wolfe-Wylie, Canada.com, November 12, 2013 http://o.canada.com//first-nations-veteran-arrested-at-to/ http://www.thestar.com//first_nations_veteran_arrested_at_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Davyn Calfchild, a native protester...(who also claims to be a hereditary chief), walked to a bench beside a children’s playground and lit up a cigarette (beside some children). The police made their way over and told him that it’s against city bylaws to smoke next to a playground. "In response, Calfchild started to hurl abuse at the cops, saying stuff like I’ll tell you what’s ironic -- that an immigrant is trying to tell me -- in my own country -- what he thinks that I can do. One of the cops commented that Calfchild was being racist... --report from Toronto GE-Hitachi anti-nuclear protest, Mar.11, 2013 http://www.genuinewitty.com//ndp-mp-cheri-dinovo-delivers/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Yesterday, a group of self promoting professional activists intentionally caused a disturbance at Toronto’s Remembrance Day ceremonies. The pack was led by Davyn Calfchild/Ouimet, an ‘indigenous’/Yemeni protester who has been tried the same trick for three years in a row now -- march into the ceremonies wearing fatigues (with a Bob Marley ‘Lion of Zion’ patch sewed on) and battle for his right to fly an ‘indigenous’ flag. {Aboriginals didn’t have flags. A clear example of ‘cultural appropriation’...} It’s a Quixotic battle, and Ouimet knows that. Last year, he admitted that he’s never reached out to ask organizers if he can bring his flag. It was a staged incident; they wanted to create a media event and they succeeded. One day later, the protester’s story is continuing to unravel, and people are beginning to see through the deception. Many have realized the distastefulness of Ouimet’s protest, including a well-known elder ‘indigenous’ activist. Criticism of their protest has come from people of all races and backgrounds, but some of the most hard-hitting comments have come from ‘indigenous’ people. One 'First Nations' {‘Aboriginal’} veteran wrote on Facebook that their actions were ‘shameful’ and that he was proud of how the military treats natives. Closer to home, Ontario, John Fox Sr. tore the protest apart. Fox expressed two key thoughts about what he saw in the video of the arrests. First, he embarrassingly exposes Ouimet’s ignorance about ‘indigenous’ land claims -- explaining how Toronto isn’t Iroquois land (as Ouimet had explained to the police), and that it was originally the territory of the Mississauga of New Credit. Oops. Next he questioned whether Ouimet was a veteran, claiming that Canada was never at war with the former Yugoslavia. The latter statement was true, but Ouimet claims to have been on UN Peacekeeper duty (he’s also claimed to be a hereditary chief and a reverend), so it’s still possible he’s telling the truth. Some veterans have commented that it seems unlikely a Canadian soldier could earn three medals in the short five-year time period Ouimet claims to have spent in the military. More importantly, Fox points out his thoughts on how 'First Nations' veterans are treated in this country: native veterans are honored in each 'FN’s community and are certainly not forgotten and our flags are respected... http://www.genuinewitty.com//remembrance-day-update-elder/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Post also at: https://saynotosegregation.wordpress.com//segregating-rem/

Canadians For Legal Equality 20.10.2020

Canada’s most prolific living historian, on the falsification of Canadian history: "...to anyone with eyes to see, Canada is not a failure, but an overwhelming success. What is happening in our schools is political indoctrination, grounded in unbalanced historical nonsense. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Political correctness carried to ludicrous extremeswould be and is history that teaches Canadians, native-born and recent arrivals, that their country is an abominati...on. Unfortunately, that is the history that is today being taught to Canadian children. Yet, to anyone with eyes to see, Canada is not a failure, but an overwhelming success. What is happening in our schools is political indoctrination, grounded in unbalanced historical nonsense"

Canadians For Legal Equality 15.10.2020

‘Independent’ Senators are renewing their calls for the ‘Liberal’ {Party} government to move forward with legislation to officially change how the Senate functions. The majority of Senators are no longer affiliated with a political party, but the law governing the Senate was written for a time where there was clearly a Government and Opposition side in the chamber, said Sen. Tony Dean. Dean and other members of the ‘Independent Senators Group’ have been driving the demand f...Continue reading

Canadians For Legal Equality 27.09.2020

When a country starts dividing people into categories, and instituting quotas rather than merit for government appointments, it can definitely be said that they are guilty of ‘systemic discrimination’. It is both offensive and unjust and, in the case of judges, brings the judicial system into question... The number of ‘racialized’ appointees {‘Racialized’ is the trendy, racist term for ‘non-‘White’} to the bench actually dipped slightly for a couple of years before rising ag...ain over the past year. Since the ‘Liberal’ {Party} government started its second mandate last November, it says 19% of new judges self-identified as being from visible minority groups and 3% were ‘Indigenous’ {sic, ‘Aboriginal’}. Taken together, that’s a total of 22% of appointments not far shy of the 27% of Canadians who come from these communities. Justice Minister David Lametti deserves credit for picking up the pace, but those numbers cover just less than one full year. At this rate, it will be many long years before the Canadian judiciary starts to look like the population as a whole. It’s time to pick up the pace, and a group of bar associations and legal groups this week identified one good place to start. It’s the Federal Court of Canada... --‘Federal Court urgently needs a fix on diversity’, Toronto Star Editorial Board, Sept.20, 2020 https://www.thestar.com//federal-court-urgently-needs-a-fi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See also: ‘Pro-Quebec Bias on Canada’s Political Court’ (New Chief Justice) {January 2, 2018}: Relying on a discriminatory tradition that favours Quebec, the Prime Minister has appointed another Quebecker as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada... https://canadiansforlegalequality.wordpress.com//pro-queb/ https://www.facebook.com//a.95783078095/1526855437383048/ ‘Training Legal Warriors To Undermine Canada’: Courts and academics are transforming the Charter of Rights and Freedoms from a roster of fundamental liberties, into a ‘social-justice’ {‘communist’} charter that justifies curbing individual freedoms instead of protecting them... Individual liberties are no longer fundamental. Everyone is not subject to the same rules. The legal ground is shifting. https://canadiansforlegalequality.wordpress.com//training/ https://www.facebook.com//a.95783078095/1627401607328430/ ‘More overt government discrimination...’ (Hiring CBC President) {Aug.28, 2017}: Preference may be given to candidates who are members of one or more of the following groups: women, ‘indigenous’ peoples {descendants of Siberian settlers}, persons with disabilities, and members of ‘visible’ minorities {What about invisible minorities?} https://canadiansforlegalequalityblog.wordpress.com//more/ https://www.facebook.com//a.95783078095/1412060402195886/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Post also at: https://canadiansforlegalequalityblog.wordpress.com//quot/