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Carli Jeffrey 14.02.2021

You can never hear this enough

Carli Jeffrey 08.02.2021

Awareness, reset! Whatever you answered, it was meant to draw awareness to how much time and energy you spend on the things that matter most to your heart. If you’re willing to share, please do! ... #awareness #awakening #important #whatisimportant #payattention #payattentiontothesigns #payattentiontoyourbody #awarenesstraining #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualguidance #lovematters #wheredoyouspendyourenergy #maketimeforwhatmatters #maketimeforwhatyoulove #maketimeforwhatyouwant #raiseyourvibration #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibrations #raiseyourvibe #yourbrilliantmind

Carli Jeffrey 01.02.2021

See it as a test you just can’t fail. Makes it so much easier! Oh! Another opportunity. I am winning!

Carli Jeffrey 27.01.2021

Snow day assistant. He thinks he’s helping but.... Anyone else have this kind of help? I wanna see!!! So cute you just can’t fire them. ... #ineedanewassistant #doghelp #doghelper #dogstagram #dogsofinstagram #bostonterrier #bostonterriersofinstagram #onlinecourse #keeplearning #keeplearningkeepgrowing #fortheloveofdogs #fortheloveofpets #fortheloveofdog #yourbrilliantmind

Carli Jeffrey 22.01.2021

Everything starts with a thought. Whatever you see in front of you, started with only a thought. If thoughts are the beginning, and we look at moods, feelings and energy... what thoughts can you use today to create a great mood? A happy feeling, higher energy? I have a mental stash of JOY THOUGHTS. I use them throughout the day. They bring me back to a good feeling. My goal is to feel good. Makes sense right? If I feel frustrated, I recognize it and go to the joy thoughts I FEEL BETTER. Stay there a few moments and continue on. Training my mind and body to be more used to feeling good than anything else! This is my goal. So I take actions towards that goal often. Start by thinking of things or people that instantly make you feel better, or joyful. (My pooch and my niece work for me, and fast!) Any time you’re feeling something unpleasant, take a moment to think about your joy things. Choose a better feeling, and watch and see what happens when you practice this regularly, everything seems easier! Even if just for a few moments. To quote one of my besties IN-JOY FOLKS #choosehappiness #choosejoy #choosebetter #choosebeautiful #joy #stressrelief #stressmanagement #stressfree #stressreliever #positivevibes #positivity #positivemindset #higherconsciousness #highvibration #highvibes #higherconsciousness #higherself #higherawakening #highfrequency #frequency #joyfrequency #raiseyourvibration #raiseyourfrequency #raiseawareness #raiseyourvibration #raiseyourfrequency #yourbrilliantmind

Carli Jeffrey 07.01.2021

You know I will too...

Carli Jeffrey 05.12.2020

Monday morning vibes. Hang in there, the days will start to get longer again so soon! 2 weeks to be exact Fact: he could not be cuter. Fact: sometimes chilly mondays are hard, enjoy the extra few minutes!... Fact: he stole that ugly pink robe from me years ago and won’t give it back. I’m fine with it. Lessons from Riggins. Be cute, stay warm, hide under the stolen covers? He would also like you to have an excellent day. Stay present folks. Dogs know best! #dogsknow #dogsknowbest #dogsknoweverything #bostonterrier #bostonterriersofinstagram #bostonterrierlove #dogsofinstagram #dogs #dogstagram #presentmoment #inthemoment #inthenow #nowisgood #beinspired #beinthemoment #snuggles #snuggleseason #yourbrilliantmind

Carli Jeffrey 15.11.2020

This sunrise was the same color as that morning on Mount Batur. Pictures never do justice. It only lasted a few minutes but it was worth standing outside in my robe looking like the weird neighbor. ... Sending love to my Bali peeps! #mountbaturbali #mountbatur #sunrise #peacefulmoments #takeatimeout #breathe #breatheinbreatheout #presentmoment #now #iclimbedthat #iclimbedamountain #memoriesforlife #achieveyourgoals #youcandoanything #yourbrilliantmind

Carli Jeffrey 29.10.2020

There’s so much here. The power of a choir, of multiple voices coming together... you can FEEL. Kids close together, no distance (obviously pre-Covid) makes my heart happy. All the cuteness! And a great message.

Carli Jeffrey 15.10.2020

Some days are easy. Some days really aren’t. One of my favorite practices on those harder days is to take MULTIPLE moments to stop, be intentional, and look for something I wouldn’t necessarily normally be grateful for. See the beauty in something I normally wouldn’t. (Like frost... BRRR )... Slow down and remind myself there’s so much good, even when it’s easy to get swept up in the not-so-good. Your mind will be so happy you did, your body so grateful to you. No part of you likes to be stuck in stress. Take a big deep breath now. And have a better day. #frostymorning #deepbreaths #deepbreathing #healthylifestyle #healthyreminder #mindfulness #mindful #walkingmeditation #grateful #gratefulheart #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #gratitudepractice #pause #pauseandreflect #pausewithplants #gratefuleveryday #gratefulforlife #gratefulforthelittlethings

Carli Jeffrey 27.09.2020

Sound on... I mean I know I’m biased as her auntie but COME ON. Sloth jacket Adorable blue eyed baby ... The way she says please That kiss at the end just to seal the deal Right in the heart folks. Daily dose of cute, complete! You’re welcome! Lol #auntielife #auntie #auntielove #auntielove #sloth #slothlove #slothsofinstagram #babysloth #heartopener #heartopening #elevatedemotion #yourbrilliantmind