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Health is Wealth 06.01.2021

It's been quite the year ..but I am still here giving my body the best nutrients to keep as healthy as possible. I switched to working out at home this year in April and collected enough stuff this year to make a home gym . 6 years in ...many of you know me from past posts and still going strong .... The best things I have learned is make this a lifestyle , set short and long term goals ( always be reaching for something new ) , be consistent and create habits . Habits keep you going as motivation doesn't always show up . This was me the other day vs I believe 7 years ago right before I started the system. Grateful for health especially this year.

Health is Wealth 23.12.2020

Please join us in welcoming our newest Isagenix millionaires #334 Gregory & Jessica Sable! Achieving the status of an Isagenix Legacy Club member is such a huge accomplishment.

Health is Wealth 18.12.2020

Jodi celebrating her 80 lb lose mark Congratulations!! Jodi looks amazing! Make the decision today and get ready to start January 1, 2021 to change your life fuelling your body with super nutrition Isagenix foods!... Let’s chat! I want to help you start your journey to a new lifestyle.

Health is Wealth 05.12.2020

I am absolutely thrilled! Almost every day during the month of January we will have FREE zoom fitness classes offered to everyone who is a part of our 30 day challenge! 4 different Professional trainers are offering their expertise and skills for FREEE to help people keep moving all next month while at home. Yoga... Zumba HIIT Boxing Bootcamps We will provide all of your food; meals, snacks, performance, collagen, and supplements* for a month (minus 1 meal) the fitness to keep your body, mind and spirit in synch and the community to support, encourage, keep you engaged and love on you! We just need you! Join the other 330 people who have already committed to making January the best month ever! *dependent on package purchased ARE YOU IN??!!!!

Health is Wealth 25.11.2020

Congrats Heather Jo Heather Jo shares: Christmas last yr vs Christmas this yr! Only been on isagenix since middle July but I am loving my results! Not ashamed of this yrs Christmas pic!

Health is Wealth 07.09.2020

Krystal had too many excuses why she couldnt. Then she decided she couldnt afford to be sick and tired anymore! Sick days, lost pay, feeling miserable and exhausted, who has time for that??? ... Congrats for taking a chance on YOU, Krystal, and seeing you are worth every penny!! Are you ready? Its time to afford your health. Message me today to start your healthier lifestyle journey.

Health is Wealth 04.09.2020

Steve is a personal friend who I met him and his wife Lori at a Isagenix Celebration in 2017! Check out Steve! Steve made a healthy change. Steve aged backwards.... Steve found the fountain of youth. Steve knows it is not really a fountain. Steve knows its all about nutrition. Be like Steve! Contact me today to get started on changing your health.

Health is Wealth 20.08.2020

Monday inspired by Theresa! Her Story, My story:... On the left is me on diets. On the right is me on our nutritional system. My facts: Past I yo yo dieted on and off all the time. I would lose 10 to 20 pounds sure the "quick fix" of being hungry all the time. I used to count calories non stop. There was no system. Next the pounds lost came back with adding even more pounds of fat. I would then try less calories and walking miles, yes miles every night after dinner just to try to get rid of the bloating in my stomach. I gave this nutritional system a try the last week in January 2018. The box came filled. I was nervous. Why, because we all get that "OLD HABIT IN OUR MIND THAT THIS WILL NOT WORK". I started the system. Wow within the first week I knew this was meant for me! I had the energy back. I was able to think clear and focus. My cravings for junk was gone finally! I felt so good inside. I did it! I am doing this lifestyle. I live it, I eat it, I love it, I share it! I am so grateful for Isagenix coming into my life. Contact me to get started on your journey to a healthy lifestyle today!

Health is Wealth 08.08.2020

Eight Reasons to Start Your Day With a Protein-Dense Shake *Improved concentration and memory *Improved nutritional status *Improved energy expenditure ... *Improved metabolism (with more protein) *Improved control of hunger *Normal blood sugar balance *Improved muscle maintenance *Improved sleep See more

Health is Wealth 06.08.2020

What it is? A Health Transformation System It is a nutritional cleanse and detox system that helps to fix nutritional deficiencies and purges toxins from the body. It is a full macro nutrient meal replacement shake. It has all of your vitamins, organic minerals, amino acids (which are a precursor to happy brain chemicals), and pre and probiotics. It has over 242 different WHOLE FOOD nutrients, with vitamins and minerals called Vitamers from Whole Foods making them highl...Continue reading

Health is Wealth 27.07.2020

Healthy Coffee Hacks Just when you thought coffee couldnt get better! Here are some tricks on how to mix up your morning brew and get some added health benefits too! Inulin Coffee: Add 1 scoop FiberPro straight into black coffee and mix ... Health Perk: Helps you feel fuller and promotes healthy digestion and regularity with 5 grams of prebiotic fiber per serving Mushroom Coffee: Add 4 scoops Immune Shake Booster to your choice of 1/2 cup milk and mix in a mason jar or closed container. Leave in fridge as a coffee creamer that you can add to coffee throughout the week! Health Perk: This flavorless powder includes Wellmune beta-glucan as well as reishi, poria, and maitake mushrooms to prime, balance, and strengthen the immune system Protein Coffee: Add 1 scoop vanilla IsaPro with 6-8oz of milk of choice and blend until frothy. Pour into coffee (add cinnamon for extra flavor!) Health Perk: Adds 18 grams of undentatured whey protein concentrate to your coffee to support muscle mass and bust through weight loss plateaus Adaptogen-Rich Spiced Coffee: Add 1 scoop (or 1 oz liquid) Ionix Supreme to iced coffee and mix. Add lots of ice cubes! Health Perk: Ionix includes a proprietary blend of adaptogens to help your body better deal with the effects of stress and support mental clarity and focus Need to stock up on the products outlined above? Weve got ya covered Order in your back office today! Dont yet have an account? Reachout to me FiberPro Immune Shake Booster Vanilla IsaPro Ionix Supreme Contact me today to get started on your healthier lifestyle journey. Carol L Whitfield

Health is Wealth 18.07.2020

When Kesha speaks we listen up!! She seriously is one of my favorite stories... Check it out. When you realize your no longer a passenger in the car to your 85inch waistline. I cant believe it yall. I fit!! I really fit in a car! ... I was always frightened to get in the any vehicle when I was morbidly obese, at one point 592.00 pounds! I mean deep rooted fear and hidden tears with the thought of dying in that car! Getting into a wreck would be horrific, humiliating and degrading beyond repair of any human spirit. The girth of my Big ass Gut made it almost impossible to get in and out much less get trapped!!!! I mean real and raw fear. My trapped body would require hundreds of people to get me out of the !!! It was a deep, dark, and lonely fear. I mean a fear that some people cant relate to but at the rate of obesity in America, I know I am not alone, and if Im being vulnerable with you, some days the image in my head is still the Big Fat Girl, squeezing into her death trap. Yes, at any point on your journey the enemy-will try to come knocking and pounding on your MINDs door! YOUR mind is a BAD neighborhood dont Go there alone!!! Overcoming this fear has taken hard work, dedication, faith, strength and consistency. Today I live free of this fear and so many other fears because I started somewhere with a desire to be more than I had ever been!!!! You see even after releasing over 400 pounds using nutritional Cleansing, my mind was still trapped, thus the mental transformation!! I put in the work and wake up daily seeking forgiveness, abundantly giving love, aggressively inspiring, openly grateful, urgently pressing and focused on Triumph: Not just for me but for you too!! You can be trapped in your mind and/ or trapped in your body!!! Will you let the fear drive you to overcome or drive you to suffocation!! If you weight 1 pound or 1000 there is HOPE! They cant judge you, they dont know your life. If you live in FEAR and FEEL LOST there is PEACE! The silent suffering can END... If you feel DAZED and CONFUSED there is CLARITY! You mind is a powerful place use it. If you feel TIRED and LONELY there is HOPE! Believe If you feel WEAK & BROKEN there is STRENGTH! No matter the state you can Contact me to get started today!

Health is Wealth 13.07.2020

Why American Women Are Dying Younger I read a report from the Center of Retirement Research, CCR at Boston College, that the woman are dying younger. * United States, Women used to live 10 years longer than men, its now 4 to 5 years, in this generation. This was surprising given that we spend more money on health care than any other nation in the world. * US fails in obesity, which cause strokes, lung cancer and heart disease.... *US is now a plus-size nation. In 2005, the gap between the US and nine other developing countries, Germany, Spain and Italy, was 21 percentage points, suggesting that obesity reduce womens lives by more than a year. * A study by National Center of Health Statistics at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that nearly 40 percent of US adults age 20 and older are no considered obese, with 41 percent woman and 38 percent men. *The CRRs conclusion said Today being overweight is the greatest enemy, especially for woman. Im so thankful for my lifestyle change and it truly is a gift of healthier life and a better quality of life. Do yourself a favor take care of yourself so that you can live a life that is worth living. Its the greatest investment for you and your family! Contact me to get started today!

Health is Wealth 24.06.2020

HISTORY OF ISAGENIX This is such a great read! Informational and gave me a few laughs! Its the HISTORY of how and why isagenix started, whats in the product and even a few tips from John Anderson, the creator of it all! Great info on the history of Isagenix...Continue reading

Health is Wealth 19.06.2020

Its time to congratulate our 2020 U.S. IsaBody Finalist, Christine Kuhlman, for her incredible story! Does any of what she says ring true for you? For years I would avoid walking up or down the stairs at any opportunity and would send my children to fetch things for me to avoid doing so.... But once I applied my two simple life changes which stopped me from avoiding exercise and eating leftovers, my weight began to fall off. I feel like I have dropped 10 years off of my appearance and love what I see in the mirror and all of my friends and family cant believe how young I look now! Wow wow, Christine! So proud of you and your husband Bruce! Contact me today to get started on your new lifestyle journey

Health is Wealth 15.06.2020

Sally did a second round of our 16 week body challenge using this simple wellness system & her results are nothing short of amazing! Sally says: "I started my 1st successfully completed Challenge on the 9th of April 2018 after realizing I had become a serial yo-yo dieter. I had a failed attempt at an Challenge a couple of years ago during one spin of my yo-yo. I would want to change, started something, slipped up and gave in, then Id try and start over again when I felt even... worse about myself. It was a vicious cycle over the last few years. I got to the point where I was embarrassed and ashamed of my body. I was tired, lacking energy and run down. I was so unhappy. My full time role is as a state based Learning and Development Specialist for large National Tech Company in which I need to get up in front of large audiences regularly. Feeling the way I did about myself in front of so many people was such a hard thing for me especially because I am so passionate about my job and the information I am presenting to people. Breaking point for me was when it started to affect my relationship with my fiance and he thought it was him. I was also working so so hard on everything I wanted from my life and for us. Then he said to me "I dont understand how you can work so hard to make everything happen that you want like your dream job, this house we built and going back to tattooing part time. The only thing you cant seem to do is lose the weight. You give it like 2 weeks and then you give up again" This was the harsh but much needed reality slap that become the catalyst to a massive reaction that has truly changed my life physically, mentally and emotionally. I am so much fitter, healthier and more energetic. I am also now the happiest, most confident and self-loving version of me possible!!! I had a burning need to prove to my fiance and myself that I actually could do it this and made a commitment to the to the Isabody Challenge as another way to motivate myself and have something with an end date and incentive to finish! I also developed a massive want to be a finalist. That want has grown over my two challenges and I want it so bad!!! I achieved a loss of 18.4 kg in the first challenge and have gone on to lose another 4.6 kg while trimming and toning. This has been a total of 23 kg released across the back to back challenges!!! I have found that my success has come from being fully committed to seeing these challenges through with dedication to the system, challenges and exercise has played a role as well. I persevered through the urges to give up and used my support networks (my fiance, family, friends and Isabody community) to motivate and drive me. I am so proud of what I have achieved and the fact that I have helped inspire so many people by showing just what is possible when you commit, work hard, never give up and believe in yourself to be able to achieve your dreams and goals!!! Finals here I come "

Health is Wealth 29.05.2020

Life can begin after 40! Age is just a number! Laurens story is one of many amazing testimonials why isagenix works: Pic on left: 37... Pic on right: 43 Results dont lie. Consistency pays off. This system is everything!! Went from a size 12 to a 5, stronger than ever and energy out the roof!! My kids cant keep up. Contact me to get started today!

Health is Wealth 12.05.2020

Love this transformation! I was scrolling through my old photos and I came across the picture on the left. It was taken last November one of 9,452 before photos. I was so sick during that time in my life. I was battling an undiagnosed autoimmune illness and felt awful. I struggled so hard just to get through my days. I remember crying to Sean that I just wanted to have one day when my body wasnt in constant pain.... This past year has been an incredible journey of healing for me not just my body, but also my mind. I used to think that my age was stopping me. My health was stopping me. The fact that I had six kids was stopping me. Time was stopping me. Everything you could imagine seemed to be piled high in front of me on the road from where I was to where I wanted to be. In February of this year, I made a commitment to regain my health. At the time, it wasnt really a commitment more like a wish. It wasnt until August that I truly decided that enough was enough. It has been quite a journey, one that has been filled with lots of ups and downs but every day I am improving. And Im here as proof and want you to know that so can YOU!!! You just have to believe in your success with all your heart. Today, I am the healthiest I have ever been. Im happy, Im strong, and I feel like Im just getting started!! So excited for 2020!! Best year ever, coming right up!

Health is Wealth 25.04.2020

Natural Accelerator FIRES up a sluggish metabolism - no harmful stimulants - natural thermogenic ingredients - excellent for Cleanse Days... - helps reduce appetite - helps boost metabolism - effectively burns fat green tea apple cider vinegar cayenne ginseng cocoa seed cinnamon It supports your bodys ability to efficiently metabolize fat. It uses natural thermogenic ingredients including green tea, cayenne, ginseng and cinnamon. Its NOT a stimulant and will Not leave your heart racing. It contains apple cider vinegar (ACV), which can act as a powerful anti-fungal? ACV, when taken internally, aids your bodys detoxification and elimination channels thus easing the burden on your skin, and improves skin tone and complexion. One of the many reasons why we recommend Isagenix as a SYSTEM is because all of the products work together to give you awesome results........in the most convenient way!! Take 1 capsule twice a day morning and at lunch!

Health is Wealth 15.04.2020

Isagenix has COFFEE!!!! Why try our organic coffee? why is it better than other organic coffees? - NO carcinogens are used in the manufacturing process to ensure purity! Did you know that all coffee unless organic uses carcinogens?... - Beans are organically grown and never touched by human hands - Coffee has trace minerals which counter the natural acidity naturally found in coffee. We lowered the acidity of the coffee to make it healthier! - Green tea extract infused - Coconut oil infused providing rich amounts of MCT oil, so good for you! - We monitor to ensure our beans contain no mold or fungus to maintain a GREAT and HEALTHY cup of coffee! - Its very affordable and not more than regular gourmet coffee! I have been drinking isagenix coffee for 4 years. Best flavour and I am grateful there are no toxins.

Health is Wealth 09.04.2020

You look wonderful Jan! Keep up the great job! Jan shares DAY 37 UPDATE: Feeling better in my clothes ... Skipped a week of exercise while on vacation. Gotta get moving again Reading and learning more about the foods & supplements in my program, HOW they work, and WHY they work well together Thankful Same favorite gray Nike shirt, new smile!! Are you ready? Pm me and say YES See more

Health is Wealth 05.04.2020

I absolutely love Carolyns testimonial... Carolyn shares: A little more than 3 years ago my future self said to my current self Carolyn, something has to change! I had recently retired and was determined to regain a healthy body weight. I was a stress and emotional eaterfood was my comfort. Although I spent a lot of time trying to source food for clean eating, the woman that looked back at me in the mirror was tired and 50 pounds overweight. ... I was very determined to find a way to get my health back. Thankfully, I was introduced to Steve and Lori Carmichael. They shared some healthy nutritional solutions with me that would help me lose weight and remove toxins by simply giving my body the nutrients that it so badly needed. Im a serious label reader when it comes to ingredients and I was very pleased with what I found. After hearing Loris transformation story, I decided to commit 4 months to her system for weight loss. To say the results were amazing would be an understatement! I found myself feeling better than I had in years and that included having much greater levels of energy. I have released/lost 50 pounds of toxic fat35 in the first 4 months, 15 during the past year. I had many reasons to continue the program way beyond my original 4 month commitment. I no longer consider myself Retired, more like Just Getting Started! And I do not take any meds! My kids actually call me the energizer bunny which I consider a great compliment at 70 years old! Steve and Lori have always been very supportive and I see them doing this for many others as well. I am so thankful for their care and friendship and of course nutritional solutions that have helped me to get and stay healthy. I love the taste and convenience of my nutritional program. Bonus: I was able to simply redirect some of my existing food budget in exchange for these nutritional benefits. Its never to late to take back your health! #Healthyaging Contact me to get started today!

Health is Wealth 25.03.2020

Here are 9 signs you need our nutritional cleansing system as part of your lifestyle: 1) You cant button your favorite pants 2) You cant control your cravings 3) You eat a full meal and still feel hungry... 4) You arent regular 5) You dont want to try ANOTHER diet 6) You want real results, not a quick fix 7) You live to eat food instead of eat food to live You HAVE to take naps everyday to function 9) You survive off several cups of coffee, bottles of soft drinks, or handfuls of candy or chocolate throughout your day Stop trying quick fixes, starvation diets, unhealthy restrictive habits, and decide to embrace a healthy lifestyle now! Get your healthy and sexy back or get your money back!! Cant beat that! Do you have 30 days?? I can help! Put an emoticon or sticker in the comment field- I can get you some info and inspiration to your inbox! Contact me by commenting below or message me to get started today!

Health is Wealth 13.03.2020

Toxins are all around us. They are in our food, in the products we use around the house, the products we use to wash our clothes, our hair, and so many toxins we have around us environmentally. Hence why cellular rebalancing through nutritional cleansing is so important for everyone young and old. ... Our program purges 46% of the toxins from your body and fixes nutritional deficiencies which we all have due to the toxins in our food, preservatives (chemicals), and soil depletion. Are you tired of feeling run down? Health problems? Do you wanna have more energy and zest for life? We got you covered. Give it a try you will never know if you dont try! Get your healthy on or get your money back! Contact me to get started today!

Health is Wealth 29.02.2020

Nutrients explained by Dr Plant Are you supplementing to ensure you are absorbing all your daily nutrition requirements? I am grateful I changed my nutrition lifestyle 5 years ago! ... Healthy aging is having the proper nutrition! Check out what you are missing in your daily regimen. You will be shocked. #healthyaging #nutrition #liveliferenewed #healthiswealth

Health is Wealth 13.02.2020

Simply, better, together! #healthyliving #lifestyle #notoxins... #eatnutrition #weightlossjourney #healthyeating #mindset #supplements See more

Health is Wealth 29.01.2020

Lets celebrate Diana!!! I LOVE celebrating people. And I LOVE what Diana says about how she felt from the INSIDE out. its such a good reminder that its not always about the number on the scale...and way more about confidence and wellness. ... Although these results came within months, I have always been timid of showing my before picture. Not that I am ashamed of my post baby body as I made two humans in two years! I am proud of what I have accomplished. However after I had my daughter I knew I needed to be healthy. I knew I wanted to feel better about myself and that I needed to be healthy for them. I did think about the physical transformation first. It was immediate. Weight fell off and I was happy. But what was much more important is that I developed a happiness inside myself, a calming and sense of peace. What happened inside is so much more important than the physical change. This is our one life. A life to do everything we possibly can with no regrets. I refused to let myself sit in a body and mind that I did not like. I ultimately changed because my desire to do so was that strong. This nutrition is for weight loss, is for energy, is to enhance performance, is for healthy aging and financial freedom. GROWTH is what keeps me going. Continued growth in personal development and my ability to help others find confidence and peace the way I did. And lets be honest this is the easiest lifestyle in the world! No brainer! Diana was brave enough to share her story knowing it may impact one lifeand give someone that confidence and health that theyre searching to find...for that Im forever grateful

Health is Wealth 14.01.2020

Vincetta shares her health and wellness: 3 years ago I couldnt workout, and I suffered from severe migraines all my life. Lupus had taken my ability to be in shape away. I gave up. In December I started using Isagenix. After 4 days the fog and tireness left. I had energy and felt awake, and alive. (I thought lupus and working night shift was the cause of my never ending tiredness) I attempted to work out slow at first, then I was able to do 5 days a week with no flare ups!... Then I stopped having the migraines that I had been on medication for and was in the process of finding a new neurologist to find some relief. I am SOOOO happy to say that I am halfway through my 2nd Isabody challenge! No flare-ups, no migraines since December 2017 and I still have tons of energy, and a body that I never thought I could have again! BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE! Contact me to get your new lifestyle started today!

Health is Wealth 11.01.2020

1 in 6 people are estimated to suffer from Autoimmune Disorders. This article is so worth reading. Especially if you are one of those 1 in 6. I am SO thankful for our superfood nutrition which Dr. Angela references in a copy of her article below. ...Continue reading

Health is Wealth 07.01.2020

BENEFITS OF SUPERMIX Delivers anti-inflammatory support Heightens mental clarity Increases energy... Nourishes bodys immune system Provides nutrition thats easily absorbed in the body Helps promote healthy blood sugar levels Promotes healthy circulation Promotes healthy digestion Provides natural anti-aging benefits DID YOU KNOW? SUPERMIX is designed to give more of the unique phytocompounds associated with moringa. These compounds have numerous wellness benefits and moringa has been studied in over 500peer review scientific journals. SUPERMIX is shade dried to include the leaves, fruit and seeds of moringa in a highly concentrated formula, while yet preserving the natural unique wellness properties of moringa. Use in the morning on empty stomach for best results. Contact me to order yours.

Health is Wealth 21.12.2019

This took almost 1 year!! Melanie says: "80% of weight loss happens in the kitchen. Its all about what you eat......I also exercise regularly. When I first started I could hardly walk more then 15-30 minutes on a treadmill. I now run 3x a week."... It is what YOU set your mind to accomplish. You must keep your goals at the forefront of your mind and do something EVERY DAY to accomplish them. It is NOT hard but it IS consistency. " Huge congrats Melanie

Health is Wealth 14.12.2019

When they say changing your body shape is 80% nutrition 20% exercise.....Karen is absolutely demonstrating this This is 5 week progress ZERO EXERCISE...... Just phenomenal

Health is Wealth 10.12.2019

Check out Ashley Pederson Just completed my 4th ISABODY Challenge (IBC) today Im so grateful I didnt give up on myself when I felt moments of defeat!... Im so grateful I gave this amazing nutrition we have a real chance and never stopped! Im so grateful for the IBC community, the positivity, and encouragement from everyone! Its helped keep me going, setting and reaching new goals! If you feel moments of struggle, moments of I cant do this, let me just tell you, YOU absolutely CAN do this!!!

Health is Wealth 25.11.2019

Monday Motivation There are few things in life that can put a major damper on our personal growth, my advice is learn to walk away from negativity, learn to stand firm in your mindset! Mindset growth is one of the most underrated and underutilized parts of transformation! Anyone can lose weight, but maintaining that weight loss usually doesnt last because the mindset isnt healthy and then the body fails as well. When the mindset is right, everything else follows! Here a...re some helpful tips: Stop being your own worse enemy. Learn to say No more often. Schedule in down time. Hit the gym at least three times a week. Kick toxic people and things out of your life. Stop suffering in silence. #mindset #thoughtsbecomethings #notoxins #notonegativity #lifestyle

Health is Wealth 15.11.2019

Congratulations Suzanne!!!!!! "The picture on the left is of me from the end of April, one month before I started my journey. I decided to start on a 30-day program because I was actively working out by hitting the gym 4-5 days every week to strength train and do cardio and was running as well but I wasnt leaning out and seeing the results I had been hoping for. While studying for my personal training certification, I realized that I was sabotaging myself because while I was... putting all the right work in at the gym, I wasnt paying enough attention to my nutrition and thats what was hurting me. The picture on the right was taken today, 12 pounds and 30+ inches lighter. I love being able to share this amazing program with my family and friends and watch them take their health to new levels. Everything about this program is truly rewarding!" See more

Health is Wealth 13.11.2019

Its testimonials like Ambers that really make a difference in others lives: Learning how to manage my weight has taken a long time. These photos are about 8 years apart. The middle is my start of my 1st IBC. On the left I was learning to love a body I didnt like. I had already lost over 20lbs in the photo on the left. I was in Brazil, self conscious, but not willing to let how I felt about my body hold me back from having fun. ... This was one of the first times I realized that despite what thought of my body, when I acted confident people were drawn to me. To my surprise I was asked on dates, people wanted to spend time with me, and I had a blast. The more I learned to accept the body and just live the happier I became. It wasnt a straight line to get to where I am today. There has been times where I have grown to dislike my body again and struggled with food and eating. I just didnt give up on my goals. Today I can say, I have a healthy relationship with my body and my goals. It didnt happen over night, nor did it happen in a few months. Its a slow process. Keep going. Give me a if youre going to keep going. Contact me to get started on your new lifestyle.

Health is Wealth 24.10.2019

2 years back (pics above)... Today (pics below) Im fitter than ever before! Consistency, focus, daily exercise, proper nutrition, healthy attitude and impro...vement in those areas let not only your body, but also your mind and soul develop - in any area of your life Never ever let outer circumstances define what you can, what to do,... who you are! Today could be DAY 1 of the LIFE you want to live Today could be DAY 1 of the HEALTH you want to have Today could be DAY 1 of the MUSCLES you want to build Today could be DAY 1 of the SERVICE you want to give TODAY COULD BE DAY 1 FOR YOU Its Your Life, Your Journey, Your Story. Make it a Bestseller. #yourlife #yourjourney #yourstory #bestseller #dayone #consistency #focus #health #improvement #gettingbettereveryday #livelaughlove #runfarrunfree

Health is Wealth 06.10.2019

The Isa Three Its exciting, how many ancient wellness secrets are becoming mainstream in the modern wellness world intermittent fasting, adaptogens, herbs based on eastern philosophy. Many wouldnt know from the look and feel of our products, but these have been at the center of our wellness system since 2002. People are often surprised when they flip the bottle to see burdock root, bentonite clay, shilajit, aloe Vera leaf gel.... its about time we re-message so more o...f the world knows. The truth is, with all of the fast-moving trends and discoveries, many people are without a system a foundation they can rely upon no matter what the news says about whats hot and no matter what new buzz hits the market. This is what the Isa three has been for almost two decades. Its based on a deep knowledge of the human body, and an understanding that our body is the miracle. There is no magic pill, but the closest thing weve found for long term health is a solid system. Thats what we do, thats who we are. Solid, proven, time tested not trendy. Contact me today to get started

Health is Wealth 26.09.2019

Thursday Testimonial shout out: My name is Kimberly Pennie and I started Transform Wellness 5 years ago to help not just me but a lot of Isagenix coaches help people feel better, lose weight, gain muscle mass and explode with amazing energy using and sharing our nutrition. We are stronger than ever and our nutrition keeps evolving and gets better and better as time goes on! See about 30 years ago our food was good... now through chemicals, GMO and not replenishin...g the soils or proper crop rotation our food has become void of minerals. Without these minerals your body can not absorb all the nutrition and vitamins in the foods we are eating. Sadly ... people are getting sick.... real sick.... The other serious issue is the fact that in no time in history have we had more chemicals and toxins in our environment. If our body is depleted it doesnt stand a chance and as our chemical load increases so does our weight. So dont fret this is where Isagenix comes in... you see I have battled my weight for years. I was sick, heart failure, auto immune and just utterly exhausted. I was forced to sell my company of 20 years due to ill health and to me my life was over. Then in walked in something called cellular cleansing. My first week there was an initial toxin dump into the blood stream, I didnt feel very well, most people dont experience any symptoms but I wasnt one of them. It only lasted a couple of days and then I started feeling better than I had in a long time. Since I have gotten my life back! I lost 50lbs, tons of energy and feel passionate about life again. Now we built an army of those to help others through this same journey.... if you or if you know of anyone who needs help please feel free to invite them to our group. For every life we help there is a better future and many others who can be saved. Take care and God bless Ready to enroll? Please contact me, Carol! This is the cheapest and best way to get started as if you buy anywhere else you will pay more $$!. Join us! It was the best decision I ever made!

Health is Wealth 16.09.2019

USA ONLY - 5 new packs (combo Zija/Isagenix) Available NOW... **Preferred Customer Price below... 1) Builder Value Pack 361 BV - $504.74 2) Wellbeing Pack 180 BV - $264.47 3) Daily Moringa Pack 135 BV - $198.81 4) Everyday Wellness Pack 141 BV - $207.01 5) Dynamic Hydration Pack 102 BV - $150.04 #valuepacks #healthylifestyle #healthy #healthyeating #weightlossjourney #weightloss #lifestyle #eatnutrition